Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 180 Liability.

Chapter 180 Liability.

"How is Mrs. Sun?"

This time it was Wang Chengen who came to announce the decree. Sun Chengzong saw him for the first time, but he immediately recognized him as the current palm-print eunuch by looking at his clothes, and who could become the palm-print eunuch after the new emperor ascended the throne?

There is no doubt that there is only the eunuch who was the confidant of the new emperor when he hid in the mansion, so Wang Chengen was immediately identified as Zhu Youjian's confidant.

Listening to Wang Chengen greeting him, Sun Chengzong didn't dare to neglect him, he hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "My health is good, and it's easy to eat three buckets of food during a solar eclipse! Didn't you ask your father-in-law's name?"

Wang Chengen smiled and waved the floating dust in his hands and replied: "Our family name is Wang, and our first name is Chengen. Mrs. Sun calls us Wang Chengen!"

Sun Chengzong cupped his hands and said: "It turns out to be the prince! Sun is so polite!"

As he spoke, he saluted Wang Chengen again.

Wang Chengen also cupped his hands in return and said, "Just kidding! Just kidding!"

Immediately afterward, Wang Chengen said directly without being too polite to Sun Chengzong: "Master Sun, shall we accept the order now?"

Sun Chengzong nodded, and after tidying up his clothes, he bowed his hands and waited for the announcement.

After Wang Chengen also coughed, he wanted to signal to the people behind him, and they immediately put on a guard of honor to declare the decree, and then Wang Chengen respectfully picked up the imperial decree from the tray held by the little eunuch beside him and unfolded it.

"Fengtian Chengyun Emperor

Sun Chengzong, the former emperor's teacher...Zi ordered you to temporarily take the post of governor of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan...and other four provinces, and give Shang Fang a sword, and promise to do things cheaply!

Appreciate this! "

"Minister! Sun Chengzong accepts the order! Long live my emperor! Long live! Long live!"

Sun Chengzong straightened up and took the imperial edict with both hands, gently stroking the cold and smooth imperial edict with both hands, he was filled with emotion for a moment.

Two years!
From Tianqi's return home for five years until today, two years later, he has finally stepped into the officialdom again, and can once again use his half-hundred body to shine for Daming!

For the past two years, even in his dreams, he has been looking forward to today's scene!
finally!finally!Finally the day has come!
Sun Chengzong bent his knees fiercely, and knelt down in the direction of the capital!

"Holy Majesty! My grandson Chengzong will live up to the entrustment, even if he gives up this crippled body, he will be the Holy Majesty! For Daming! For the people of the entire Daming, he will die and die!!!
This oath, the world can learn from it!The sun and the moon can be shown, if there is even the slightest repentance, thunder will be punished on the same day, and five thunders will strike the top and die! "

Looking at Sun Chengen kneeling and swearing, Wang Chengen was moved, and all the members of the guard of honor who followed him were also moved. Everyone could see that the kneeling old man in front of him was serious. He is so deep that he doesn't care even if he sacrifices his life!

Perhaps, it is precisely because there are many people like Sun Chengzong who love Daming deeply that Daming can continue to this day!Only then can we continue to practice the ancestral precepts set by the ancestors, no marriage, no compensation, no cession of land, no tribute, the emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the country, so that Daming can look down on the previous dynasties and coerce the Quartet!
In front of the gate of the Sun Mansion, Mrs. Wang, who had just arrived just now, was stunned seeing this scene, with a face that seemed to be crying but also smiling, she just quietly leaned against the door and looked at the kneeling Sun Chengzong in silence. .

Sun Chengzong's second son hesitated, turned his head to look at Wang and said, "Mother, don't persuade father. Once he takes office, my entire Sun family will be in danger!"

But Wang's complexion changed, and he slapped his son's face heavily with an angry face!
A loud slap echoed, and Sun covered his face in disbelief, looking at his mother in astonishment, wondering why he would suddenly hit him.

But Wang looked at him with a sullen face and said: "My son, don't say such words that insult my Sun family's style, my Sun family has never had anyone who is greedy for life and afraid of death!

Before, I didn't let your father take the exam because he was not an official, he was just a life, he had no need or obligation to worry about these things, which put our Sun family in danger.

But it’s different now, your father has put on the official robe again, to you, it may be just a suit of clothes, but to your father, it is his battle robe!He threw his head and blood for Daming!
This government body not only represents power, but also represents responsibility!Since he puts it on, even if he has to take on this responsibility!Take up Daming, take up the responsibilities entrusted to him by His Majesty and the people!

Therefore, now he has the obligation and the responsibility to fight for his ideals, his responsibilities, and his burdens!Go to fight!Go fight to the death!

As the saying goes, if you are not in your position, you will not seek your own government!
But now that he is in his place, we can only silently support him behind your father, help him, and prevent him from worrying about the future! "

Sun hesitated and said, "But... mother, are you worried about father?"

Tears welled up in the corners of Wang's eyes, and she smiled: "I have argued and quarreled with your father in my life! No matter what happens, your father will take a step back in the end and spoil me for the rest of my life.

So... this time, even if my heart hurts, even if I'm scared, scared, afraid of losing him, I decided to let go!Let him sway his blood to his heart's content, and don't let him leave regrets in this life!

The worst outcome would be to walk with him, and the old man had already been prepared for this. "

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Wang reached out and wiped the corners of her eyes, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, turned around and staggered back to the mansion.

Sun stayed in the same place and stared blankly at his mother's back, and then turned his head to look at his father. He suddenly became angry, and his back became taller, as if... suddenly understood something...


Helping Sun Chengzong up, Wang Chengen smiled and said with emotion: "If your majesty knows that the old man has acted like this, he will be very touched. The old man still needs to take care of his health. The burden of the next few provinces will fall on the old man. , if you don't have a good body, you can't support it!"

Sun Chengzong smiled happily: "Don't worry, my lord, I feel strong enough to kill a cow now! I am in good health!"

"That's fine, that's fine."

Wang Chengen nodded with a smile, and then said to Sun Chengzong: "By the way, Lord Sun, the Holy Majesty also asked me to give you this. With this, it will be much more convenient for you. As for how to use it, you will naturally understand it after I leave." Someone will come to you and tell you how to use it."

As he spoke, Wang Chengen took out a golden token from his bosom, with a protective character written on one side, and a strange and lifelike pattern engraved on the back, a long sword, but the fringe of the sword turned into a pattern of rice ears.

After giving the token to Sun Chengzong, Wang Chengen gave a few more instructions and left with others.

And Sun Chengzong stood alone at the door of the house, rubbing the token in his hand, thinking about the last few words Wang Chengen said just now, and fell into deep thought...

ps. The manuscript fee bill came out, and the full attendance was gone. I don’t know what happened, and my heart hurts!Alas... In the future, everyone, don't use your brains to read.

My heart hurts!
(End of this chapter)

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