Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 306 The Way Is Different

Chapter 306 The Way Is Different

step, step, step
A slight sound of footsteps came, and Ichiro woke up from his thoughts, and looked up, and it was none other than Old Liu who was holding a cigarette.

"Ah! The ether is falling! (Ah! It hurts!)"

Old man Liu's cigarette stick knocked on Ichiro's head lightly, and Ichiro cried out in pain, looking at old man Liu with a look of astonishment and disapproval, not understanding why he suddenly hit himself with a cigarette stick.

Old man Liu ignored his questioning expression, he laughed twice, showing two rows of big yellow teeth, then put the cigarette holder back into his mouth and took a deep breath.

After he leisurely exhaled a puff of smoke ring, he leaned towards Ichiro and asked in broken Japanese: "You bastard, have you decided what kind of surname you want to give yourself?"

Seeing that he didn't explain the reason for beating him at all, Ichiro sighed helplessly, he could only admit that he was unlucky, and after listening to the culture, he shook his head and replied: "I haven't thought about it yet."

Old man Liu nodded and said: "Well, you have to think about it carefully. After all, what kind of surname you took, your descendants will do the same in the future. You have to think about it carefully!"

Ichiro nodded in agreement, and fell into deep thought again...

Time is slowly passing by, and after a while, a stick of incense has been burned out. Many people have already thought of their names and went to line up in front of the table over there, but more are still thinking about it with a sad face. What kind of surname should I take.

Ichiro is one of them.

After a while, nearly half of the second stick of incense burned, until these people who couldn't think of a better surname randomly chose a surname and said it out loud, the surrounding Ming people burst into laughter.

Don't blame them for laughing too lowly, it's really that the surnames these Japanese slaves gave themselves are too...too...too!It's hard to believe. "

For example, because the one born under a pine tree has the surname Songxia, the one born next to the well has the surname Jingbian, the one born under a willow tree has the surname Yiliu, and the one born in the Meichuan forest has the surname Meichuan. The problem is that his name is Neiku, that is, his full name is Meichuan Neiku!

The names these Japanese slaves gave themselves really stunned the person in charge of the registration, but they could only be recorded.

The registrar who was in charge of the registration at the time of recording found that most of them took plural names, so he asked curiously, "Why do you all take two-character surnames?"

Old man Liu translated the registrar's doubts, and he himself pricked up his ears curiously.

After a while, he learned the reason from the babbling answers of the Japanese slaves. It turned out that the big names in Dongying all had two-letter surnames, so they all named themselves according to this format. .

After figuring out the reason, the registrar let go of his curiosity and turned into a ruthless recording machine and began to work.

Although the number of slaves is large, there will always be an end, and soon most of the slaves have registered their surnames, and Ichiro has no time to continue procrastinating.

After clenching his fists and pumping himself up in his heart, Ichiro walked slowly towards the registration office with some nervousness.


"Second party!"

As the voices of the registrar and Lao Liu's translator sounded one by one, it was finally Ichiro's turn to come to the stage.

The registrar looked up at Ichiro, seeing that he was a short and ordinary Japanese young man, he didn't say much, and then asked, "What's your surname?"

After the old man Liu translated, Ichiro immediately showed a little nervousness, paused, closed his eyes and gritted his teeth to make up his mind, and said loudly: "Ming dog! Ming dog Ichiro!"

The registrar was taken aback by his willingness to go all out. After looking at him in surprise, he turned his head and asked the old man Liu beside him, "Old Liu, what is this bastard talking about? Why does he look like this?"

Old man Liu was also shocked by the surname that Ichiro said, but he quickly reacted, looked at Ichiro with serious eyes, and asked in Japanese: "Ghost boy, have you thought about it, do you really want to take this surname?" ?”

Ichiro, oh, it shouldn't be Ichiro Akira who immediately replied firmly after hearing the words: "My lord! I have made a decision. From now on, I will be Ichiro Akira. My surname is Akiken. In our Dongying dog is The animal is the most loyal to its master, and I am the most loyal dog to the great Ming, so I will be named Ming Dog from now on.

In the future, I will be the most loyal hound of the great Ming, the benevolent and holy emperor of His Majesty the Ming!
My Mingquan family will also be loyal to His Majesty the Great Emperor from generation to generation! "

With a crisp sound, Ming Quan Ichiro's head was hit hard by the old man Liu with a cigarette stick, and Ichiro stopped his middle school speech with a groan.

Facing Yilang's puzzled gaze, old man Liu slowly retracted the cigarette stick, and then said: "Okay, since you've made up your mind, then I won't persuade you, you can do it yourself, it's always good to have this heart .”

After saying that, old man Liu immediately turned his head and said to the registrar, "His name is Ming Quan, Ming Quan Ichiro!"

"Ming dog?"

The registrar was stunned for a while when he heard this, then he raised his head and looked at Ming Inu Ichiro carefully again, then nodded with a smile on his face and said: "Yes! Okay, Ming Dog, right? The full name is Ming Inu Ichiro. wrong?"

"That's right, my lord!"

"Okay, then this will be your full name from now on!"


In this way, Ichiro has his own surname. From now on, he is not Ichiro without a surname, but Ichiro Akira with a surname belonging to his own family!
In the middle of the night, lying in the cave that belonged to him and a few roommates, Ming Inuichiro tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. It was not insomnia, but too excited, which caused the insomnia.

Just when Ming Inuichiro was trying his best to calm down his agitated emotions and wanted to fall asleep as soon as possible, suddenly, there was movement on another wooden bed not far away!

Ming Inuichiro held his breath for an instant, and soon after a rustling sound, Ming Inuichiro quietly opened a slit in his eyes, and looked towards the final whereabouts of the rising star.

In the dim night, only a few strands of cold moonlight hung down, bringing a little brightness, and two dark shadows were discussing something in a low voice at the entrance of the cave.

The figure of one of the black shadows made Ming Quanichiro feel familiar. It was none other than A Tian's figure.

Akira Inuichiro noticed that it was Atian and immediately began to eavesdrop.

"How many people have you contacted over there, and how many people are willing to work with us?"

"Ah Tian, ​​the action is not going well. These bastards are actually immersed in the dream that the people of the Ming Dynasty wove for them. They didn't even think about resisting, and they were willing to be slaves of the people of the Ming Dynasty. We found three normal people who are willing to do everything with us!"

"Is that so? This was expected a long time ago. After all, there are only a few smart people who can see the truth clearly. How about this? Since there are only three of us, let's change the plan. When you see it, we are like this... ...and then that...and finally this..."

Due to the low voice, the conversation in the back could not be heard clearly, but what he heard earlier made Aki Ichiro understand that Atian, who was not reconciled, was probably secretly planning a rebellion.

And I don't want to change my current life, so I can only say sorry for Atian's behavior that is very likely to affect him in the end.

Different road non-phase plan!

Ah Tian, ​​don't blame me, whoever made you stand in the way of everyone wanting to live a better life, then we can only feel sorry for you!
Ming Quanichiro made a decision in his heart, and only waited for the next morning to start action.

(End of this chapter)

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