Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 307 Whistleblowing

Chapter 307 Whistleblowing
The next day, when the genius was bright, Ming Inuichiro got up and came outside the cave before the others woke up.

Probably because it was still early, there was no one outside, only a few guards who patrolled at night passed by from time to time.

Looking left and right, Ming Inuichiro made sure of his location and that no one was paying attention, then quickly ran towards the steward's residence he had seen before.

After a while, he arrived at the destination, looked around carefully again, and after confirming that no one was nearby, Ming Inuichiro simply straightened his clothes and knocked lightly on the door.

Benedict!Benedict!Benedict! ...

Perhaps the people inside hadn't woken up yet, and Ming Inuichiro knocked on it for a long time, but nothing happened.

Seeing that it was getting late, it would be dawn soon, and there was no time to delay, Akira Inuichiro gritted his teeth, increased the strength in his hand again, and knocked on the door forcefully.

Tuk tuk tuk!Tuk tuk tuk! ...

After a strong knock on the door, there was finally movement in the room!

"Who is it!"

Li Guanshi's voice sounded in the room, Ming Inuichiro did not answer, but continued to knock on the door.

Xu didn't hear a response, and the knock on the door continued, and under the blessing of getting up, Guanshi Li's words inside were clearly tinged with anger.

"Who! Knock Knock Knock in the early morning, and still keep people from sleeping!"

Amidst the sound of cursing and complaining, the door was finally slammed open, Li Guanshi also looked out the door with an angry face, saw Akira Ichiro who was still raising his hand and was about to continue knocking, and he was about to blurt out the word wc.

"Master Ming! It's not good! Someone is going to make trouble today!"

Seeing that the door finally opened, Akira Inuichiro was overjoyed and began to chatter, but he forgot that Li Guanshi couldn't understand Japanese at all.

All he said was a big deal, and all he got in return was the bewildered face of Li Guanshi and the anger that gradually emerged!

A Japanese slave in the early morning dares to disturb his clear dream!
It's unreasonable to be chattering about not knowing what to say!
Thinking of this, Li Guanshi with a gloomy face didn't continue to pay attention to Ming Quanyilang, turned around and entered the room. After a while, under Ming Quanichiro's horrified eyes, he came out with a whip and looked at Ming Quan Ichiro's eyes are full of dangerous light!
Holding the whip, he came to stand two meters in front of Ming Inuichiro, Li Guanshi flicked it casually, the whip suddenly spread out and made a loud bang in the air, aiming at Ming Inuichiro in front of him, he was about to whip it!
"Qiu Douma Daddy! I...have...some!"

At a critical juncture, Ming Inuichiro finally realized what the problem was, and hurriedly yelled in the half-baked Mandarin that he had learned these days!
Hearing Ming Quanichiro's shout, Li Guanshi, who was about to swing his whip, hesitated for a moment and slowly put down his whip. He was indeed a little curious about what this Japanese slave wanted from him?I also deliberately picked it in the early morning when no one was there.

After refolding the whip, Manager Li beckoned and walked into the room with his hands behind his back. Seeing this, Ming Inuichiro hurriedly followed in, and closed the door by the way.

After entering the room, Guanshi Li sat down on the stool, didn't say to let Ming Inuichiro sit, just sat like that and looked at Ming Inuichiro and asked, "What do you want me for?"

After these days of groping and studying, although he is still not very good at speaking, it should be that Ming Inuichiro, who has a talent for languages, can already understand Mandarin.

As soon as Li Guanshi finished speaking, he immediately said: "Li... Li Huanshi, someone... wants... a brain ventricle!"


Li Guanshi was confused when he heard it, so he could only make a rough guess, and he probably understood that there might be a situation.

After thinking about it, he said, "You stay here first, I'll go out for a while, don't run around, and don't touch things, do you hear me?"

Akira Inuichiro nodded honestly.

Li Guanshi went out soon, and after a while, Li Guanshi came back with a person, this person Ming Quanichiro also knew, it was old man Liu.

Seeing Old Man Liu, Ming Inuichiro was overjoyed immediately, and ran over quickly to say something.


The familiar cigarette stick fell on his head again, Ming Inuichiro held back and did not dare to shout out.

After taking back the cigarette stick, old man Liu looked at Ming Quanichiro and asked, "You bastard, what's the matter with Director Li who came here early in the morning? If you can't say one, two, three, four today, do you believe it?" If you don't believe me, you will have no food for the next few days!"

Hearing that there was no food to eat, Ming Inuichiro shook his head quickly, and told what he heard last night.

After Ming Inuichiro finished speaking, there was a weird silence in the whole room for a while, then Li Guan looked at Ming Inuichiro strangely in advance, and then asked with a smile: "Why don't you make trouble with them, but come to sue ah?"

Old man Liu translated the words.

Ming Quan Ichiro immediately shook his head and said: "Respected Lord Ming, Ichiro is already grateful to the gods for his current life, how could he not be satisfied? Tian and the others are too much, the adults of Ming Kingdom let them After eating enough, they actually want to make trouble, it is simply revenge!"

Li Guanshi nodded in satisfaction after listening, but he didn't know that Ming Inuichiro had concealed his true thoughts.

The actual situation is that Ming Inuichiro was afraid that after the incident was exposed, Ah Tian and their stupid behavior would affect other innocent people, so he decided to act first and report them, but everything is not important now, as long as you give Manager Li just needs a passable reason.

Li Guanshi turned his head after listening to Ming Inuichiro's explanation, and whispered a few words in Old Man Liu's ear, then turned his head and said to Ming Inuichiro: "I already know what to do, you sit well, You can go back."


Seeing this, Ming Quan hurriedly responded respectfully and walked outside, but was suddenly stopped when he reached the door.


Akira Inuichiro turned his head and looked puzzled at Li Guanshi who called him to stop him.

I saw Li Guanshi thought for a while, found a note and wrote on it for a while, then came to Ming Quanichiro and handed the note to him, saying: "Since you have made meritorious service, you will naturally be rewarded, you take this The note goes to the kitchen, I heard that you guys eat rice, you show the note to the kitchen steward, he will make arrangements for you, understand?"

Ming Inuichiro's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this, he didn't understand that the meaning of listening to the supervisor was clearly to give him a reward, and he could go to the kitchen to eat rice with this note!

That's rice!

After planting the land for more than ten years, he has never eaten a mouthful of rice. He only smelled the aroma of rice when passing by while holding a nobleman for dinner. Could he be able to eat rice today?

This is simply a gift from the gods!

Almighty Amaterasu! ……No!It's the Holy Emperor Daming, thanks to the great Daming, I, Ming Inuichiro, will be able to eat rice too! ! !
Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Akira Inuichiro tremblingly took the note from Guanshi Li, grasped the two tightly in his hands, then knelt down on the ground with a plop, and thumped heavily towards Li Guanshi He kowtowed his head, and said words of gratitude while kowtowing.

Guanshi Li, who saw this operation, was in a happy mood. Under the puzzled eyes of Ming Inuichiro, he took back the note and changed it before returning it to him and saying: "I will give you as much as you can eat today. You can eat as much as you want." As long as it doesn't go down!"

Ming Inuichiro was stunned for a moment, and then became even more ecstatic.

"Arigado! Arigado! . . . "

In the end, he was kicked out by the impatient old man Liu amidst Ming Quanichiro's non-stop thanks.

Ming Inuichiro, who was kicked out, didn't care, carefully put the note in his arms and put it away, with full of expectation in his eyes, he quickly ran towards the kitchen.

While running, Ming Inuichiro was still thinking secretly.

Ah Tian and the others are really good people, they actually let themselves eat rice, it would be even better if they make trouble every day in the future, so that they can let themselves eat rice every day...

It's just that what he didn't expect was that A Tian and others who made trouble may not necessarily have a future...

ps: Uh... is this chapter watery?Well... it should be a little watery, (smiling shyly with embarrassment), well, although there is a little watery, I still have the cheek to ask for votes, please support!
Boom boom boom!
Ahhhhh, don't hit!Do not fight!

I know about water, but I still ask for it!
Crackling (a pile of garbage mixed with angry old fists)

Ahhhhh!I was wrong!lighter!Don't hit your face!You don't hit people in the face! Hey!

(End of this chapter)

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