Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 31 The Stronghold, The Secret Code

Chapter 31 Returning to the village, secret code

Three quarters later.

At the entrance of the village, there is a terrifying Jingguan. The heads of hundreds of Jurchens with their eyes wide open are piled up layer by layer. If you don't pay attention to it from a distance, you will think it is a small hill.

But if someone who doesn't know it gets close, they will definitely be incontinent because of the fright of this Jingguan. After all, not everyone can bear such a terrifying scene.

"Go back to the village!"


Bai Polu yelled loudly, and rode his horse back first.

"Brothers retreat! Drive!"

Member Wu also greeted and followed.

Tread, step, step...

Immediately afterward, a group of black-armored knights also embarked on the return journey back to the village with the captured and rescued Han Chinese obtained in this battle.

After a long journey, the black armored knights came to a hidden valley.

Bai Polu and member Wu, two captains and deputy captains, walked in front one after the other. As soon as they reached the deepest part of the valley, a sharp arrow pierced through the sky with a buzzing sound and pierced in front of the two horses. place.


A questioning voice came from a place out of sight ahead.

The two of them have long been accustomed to this. This is the rule of entering the village, and everyone, even the owner of the village, must abide by it. This is also for the sake of everyone's safety.

Bai Polu immediately responded loudly: "Qihuo village's first army, first brigade, first small captain, Bai Polu returned to the village!"

"Today's password!"

The person who asked the question didn't relax his vigilance because of Bai Polu's revealing his identity, and continued to ask the next question in a solemn tone.

In this regard, Bai Polu did not answer the password directly, but asked: "Today obey the order! One man guards the gate?"

The grass in front of him was silent for a while, Bai Polu secretly counted the time, but when he counted to nine breaths, a reply came from the grass.

"Welcome to men!"

"Two men meet?"

"Whoever sends out the sword attacks!"

"I have a big sausage?"

"Fast and soft and useless!"


After two or three times of back and forth, Bai Polu confronted the other party to keep the order, and the other party fell silent immediately, but shot another arrow, this time it hit the aisle on the right of the two of them.

Regarding this, Bai Poluhao didn't care and walked in with members Wu and a group of black-armored knights towards the place where the sound came from.


While the team was marching, a man who had just been rescued by the Black Armored Army asked the Black Armored Knight beside him suspiciously: "Master Bing, didn't someone inside just say that he wanted to answer the password? Why didn't any of the generals answer directly?" Take us in?"

The man's surname is Niu, and his name is Niu Guangzong. He is a sturdy and rough man. He is the most conspicuous among the rescued people. Just walk among the crowd like a little giant.

Hearing this, the black-armored knight chuckled first, then turned to look at him and shook his head and explained: "There is no password at all, only the order to obey. It was a temptation. You didn't realize that after our captain answered the order to obey, Did the janitor inside shoot an arrow to the captain and the others?
An arrow shot in front of them before meant to stop the advance, and this arrow meant to pass, so the captain led us in directly, but this is what we know, and those enemies who don't know will either see this situation or be suspicious Is he being suspected, otherwise why would he shoot an arrow to warn him, or he would rack his brains to think about the password and want to answer the password correctly.

But if the arrow shoots out and the insider doesn't take the initiative to move forward, the brothers guarding inside will immediately sound the alarm and start attacking regardless of 21!
Because, this is definitely the enemy!

Speaking of this, the black-armored knight pointed to the surrounding weeds that were as tall as a person, and then continued:
"Have you seen the weeds all over the valley around here? If we fail to match our signal, the guard brothers will shoot rockets directly, turning the entire valley into a sea of ​​flames!
In fact, there are our brothers guarding the entrance of the valley. As soon as a fire ignites inside, they will immediately put down huge stones to block the entrance!At that time, no matter how many people come, they will all be trapped in this valley and burned to mummies alive, and none of them will survive! "

"Ah! But isn't your cottage also in the valley? Wouldn't it mean that you will perish together with the enemy?" Niu Guangzong asked doubtfully after hearing the words.

He couldn't understand that even though the enemy must be dead, but the valley was sealed, wouldn't the Black Armors also have no way out and be trapped in the valley together?
Are these black armors so ruthless?Once they are found in their lair, they will directly return to the endless with the enemy. Not only will they not give the enemy a way to survive, but will they not even give them a way to survive?

Thinking of this, Niu Guangzong immediately shuddered, no wonder these black-armored troops were able to gain such a great reputation in the occupied area of ​​the Tartars!

This black armored army is not only ruthless to the enemy, but also ruthless to himself!Why does it feel like this Black Armored Army is like a bunch of desperate lunatics?Is it a little hasty to choose to join them?

However, I am afraid that only this kind of person who is not only ruthless to the enemy, but also ruthless to himself can scare those ferocious Tartars!
While Niu Guangzong was thinking, he only heard the black-armored knight smile mysteriously after hearing the words: "Who told you that our cottage is in the valley?"

"Ah? But aren't we in the valley now?"

Niu Guangzong looked puzzled, wondering what kind of medicine was being sold in the gourd of the black-armored knight?

Regarding this, the black-armored knight didn't answer his words, but just smiled mysteriously and turned his head away, not continuing to talk to him.

Niu Guangzong originally wanted to continue asking, but seeing the black-armored knight's appearance of rejecting others thousands of miles away, he knew that he might not be able to ask anything, so he fell silent, and followed quietly with his head down. The team keeps going.

Soon, a group of teams came to the deepest part of the valley, but the rescued people found that what appeared in front of them was not a huge village deep in the valley as they had imagined.

Now there is only one vertical, steep and bare stone wall in front of them. Isn't this the stone wall that surrounds the entire valley?

How did you get here, where is the village?

The rescued people began to discuss in a low voice, didn't they say they were going to be taken back to the village?Why are you here?

While everyone was discussing, there was a sudden burst of noise on the weed-covered ground in front of the team!

Everyone was shocked at first, but after looking carefully, they found that the ground was actually lifted from below!
After the entire ground was lifted, everyone discovered that there was a huge underground tunnel with a width of three meters and a height of four meters!
The tunnel extended obliquely downwards, and the people inside couldn't see the situation clearly. The two captains, Bai Polu and Member Wu who walked in the front, went in first, followed by the black armored knights, and then the captured All the trophies were pulled in one by one.

In the end, the group of rescued people looked at each other and gritted their teeth and followed. Niu Guangzong walked in ahead of everyone else.

Not long after, everyone went into the tunnel, and only the messy footprints and various traces caused by the people staying in place can prove that hundreds of people have stayed here.


A green humanoid creature stood up next to the tunnel entrance, and after a closer look, it turned out that it was a person wearing clothes woven from various leaves and branches!

There is actually a person hidden beside the tunnel entrance!

And this person was lying at the entrance of the tunnel just now, but no one noticed it!

This shows how strong this person's hidden ability is!

After the green man got up, he clapped his hands helplessly, and then greeted him loudly.

"Hey! They're all out to do things, and these bastards don't even cover the tunnel crossing. Every time we have to clean it up, it's really fucking shameless!"

"Yes! Exactly! We are secret sentries, when are we actually responsible for finishing them?"

"Bastards, they are a group of guys who don't know how to close the door casually. We have covered them a few times, and it's like this again today!"

"Hey! What can we do? We can't just leave it alone like this, right? Who made us happen to be the secret whistle around here! Sigh..."

Following Green's greeting, a group of little green men dressed exactly like him climbed out of the ground and grass around the tunnel entrance one after another, and counted carefully after everyone came out!
Whoa!There were fifteen or sixteen people!
Fifteen or six people were hidden densely around the tunnel entrance, but they were not discovered by anyone just now. What a terrifying thing, if that person came here.Just when I was happy that I found the authenticity, I suddenly found a dozen big men jumping out of my side, hehe, what scene... I don't know how I would feel?

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection!Ask for investment!

(End of this chapter)

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