Chapter 32

There was darkness in the tunnel, and he could only move forward by groping. After walking for an unknown amount of time, a light suddenly appeared in the distance of Niu Guangzong's sight.

Looking up, figures appeared one after another in the bright light and walked into the bright light one by one.

Niu Guangzong, who was in the dark, heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the light, because it meant that they were finally going out of this long, dark tunnel.

Immediately, Niu Guangzong quickened his pace and walked forward. After a while, he came not far from the light.

Excited, Niu Guangzong took a few strides and stepped into the bright light!
Immediately, a brand new world appeared in front of his eyes, which made him look at it for a long time without regaining consciousness.

Under the setting sun, a town no smaller than the size of an inferior county town appeared before his eyes!
Standing at the entrance of the cave and looking forward, a bustling street appeared in front of his eyes.

The turbulent crowd is full of this street that extends to nowhere. People coming and going come and go with smiles on their faces and bargain with the vendors on the street. People are fighting over money and money, but no one is willing to back down.

The cries of all kinds of snacks on the street can be heard endlessly.

"Buns! Big, round buns!"

"Steamed buns! Big, fragrant and soft big white steamed buns cost two pennies! Come and buy them!"

"Grilled sausages! Thick and long roasted sausages! One can be full, and two can be full! It only costs five cents a piece, and they are all made of high-quality pork whip meat. It is definitely a great supplement! Hurry up! Come buy it!"

"Rouge! The best rouge, buy a box for the lady at home! The best rouge!"

"The hero is drunk! It's the best wine! Produced by Qihuo Village, it's the best! One bowl goes down and dares to beat the tiger! Two bowls go down and beat the Tartars! The Tartars who go down three bowls and kill them kneel down and call for the Lord!"

Under the setting sun, a scene that could only be seen in the bustling market in the bustling city in the past appeared in front of Niu Guangzong, in this huge valley surrounded by mountains!Appeared at the entrance, there was a big, fiery red, Mingzi flag embroidered on the side!
Two tears fell from the corners of Niu Guangzong's eyes, and this burly man suddenly rushed towards the market ahead, crying like crazy!
The two black-armored knights guarding the entrance of the market did not stop them. Instead, they shrugged their shoulders and showed a familiar expression. Every time a newcomer came, such a scene would happen, and they had long been used to it.

But it's no wonder that anyone who has been a slave for many years can hardly contain the excitement in his heart when he suddenly sees the scenery that can only be seen in his hometown again.

After all, they once wandered carefree in such a street market, which means that they used to have a stable and peaceful life!
The moment he rushed into the street, Niu Guangzong knelt down on his knees and lay down on the ground in a big shape. He sniffed the smell here vigorously. The smoke and fire that he missed here was different from where he used to be. Taste of freedom!
Tears poured down uncontrollably from the corners of his eyes, and some words of unknown meaning were shouted excitedly from his mouth.

If someone listens carefully, they will find that their yells of unknown meaning have finally turned into two words and one word!

Ming dynasty!Ming dynasty!hometown!hometown!
How can I miss my hometown countless times in the middle of the night!I'm finally back!

Parents!The baby is home!


Not to mention the fact that a group of rescued people were lying at the entrance of the street, the black-armored knights who walked out of the tunnel first had already walked along the street to the deepest part of the street. It stopped in front of the huge mansion.

Following the dismissal of the leader, Bai Polu, they each went back to their respective houses and went to find their respective mothers.

As for the rewards and other harvests of this expedition, after the calculations by the military exploits department and the logistics department, they will distribute their entire month's military exploits and various rewards to them at the end of the month.

Bai Polu walked into the Qihuo Mansion with members of Wu.

Along the way, many acquaintances greeted the two of them.

"Yo! Captain Bai, Deputy Captain Wu, you are back!"

"Captain Bai, how did your first team achieve this time?"

"Captain Bai, how many Tartars did you kill this time?"

"Captain Bai, let's go to the Hero Tavern for a drink if we have time, please!"

"Captain Bai!"

"Captain White"


Almost everyone greeted Bai Polu along the way, and Bai Polu nodded in response one by one, but he didn't stop to greet them, and walked straight to the east courtyard of Qihuo Mansion with Wu members.

Where is the mission hall in Qihuo Mansion, where all the captains of Qihuo village and people above the captain level will receive the tasks to be done by their subordinates today. Each brigade needs to do brigade-level tasks once a month. You need to do at least one task every week.

The amount of tasks completed by each team is related to the various logistics supplies and additional resource rewards of the team in the current month.

Therefore, all teams in the entire Qihuo village will do as many tasks as possible to improve their team's ranking, so as to obtain more logistics supplies and military pay.

"Captain Bai, you're back! How's the mission going?"

As soon as Bai Polu and Member Wu entered the east courtyard, a fat man who looked like a ball came up to him.

This fat man is a steward of the task hall, named Zhao Wei, who is mainly responsible for the issuance and verification of daily tasks for all teams in the first brigade.

The monthly salary of these stewards is linked to the task completion of the team they are in charge of that month. It can be said that the stewards and the squad they are in charge of have a relationship of prosperity and loss.

And Bai Polu's No. [-] team's mission completion rate ranks first in the entire Qihuo village all year round, so for Bai Polu, the captain of the No. [-] team, Zhao Wei can't wait to be his father to respect!
Because she knows that the first team can maintain the number one task completion in the whole village all year round, and it is because their captain is Bai Polu!
As long as this master is coaxed well, one day when this master is in a good mood and does a few more tasks, won't his monthly salary go up again and again?

Bai Polu nodded with a flat face: "It's done, there are not a single Tartar in the village, all of them have been killed, and their heads have been piled up at the entrance of the village to form a Jingguan. When you come back, you can go to the logistics department to check."

After hearing the words, Zhao Wei showed a big smile on his chubby face and said, "Hey hey! You are indeed Captain Bai! You don't need to go to check, can I not trust Captain Bai? You said it was done, how can you be sure?" It's finished!
I will issue a mission certificate for you and record the mission in the register. The corresponding rewards will be issued by the logistics department at the end of the month as usual. No problem, Captain Bai? "

"what ever."

Bai Polu replied indifferently with a cold face.

Now that the task has been handed in, Bai Polu was about to leave, but just as he was about to leave, he was stopped by Zhao Wei.

"Hey! Captain Bai! Wait a minute!"

"What else?"

Bai Polu stopped and turned around to ask.

I saw Zhao Wei grinning, and took out a token from his bosom. On the token was engraved a golden sword made of ears of rice.

Bai Polu recognized this token, it was the order of the village owner in the village, and it was the token of the village owner of Qihuo Village.

Zhao Wei handed the order of the village master to Bai Polu, and then said: "Just now the village master sent someone over, saying that he will let you go to the Juyi hall after you come back, where is the village master waiting for you, you take this Then you can pass through the guard at the back hall."

"The village master is looking for me?"

Bai Polu frowned. He couldn't understand why the village owner would suddenly find him as a small captain. Although Bai Polu was considered a senior figure in the Qihuo village, but because he himself was unwilling to withdraw from the front line, he He has always been the team leader. With his rank, why would the village master suddenly come to him?
"Do you know what it is?"

Bai Polu was puzzled and asked Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei smiled: "Hey! Captain Bai, it should be a good thing! Have you heard about the recent incident?"

Bai Polu nodded: "You are talking about choosing someone to go to the capital?"

Zhao Wei nodded and said: "That's the thing. Although I'm not sure, but there's a high probability that it's the thing. Presumably the Waller and the others want you to go to the capital. It's a good thing!"

Bai Polu frowned suddenly, he didn't want to go to the capital, but since the village owner called him, he had to go, it seemed that he had to wait until he saw the village owner.

He doesn't have time to waste on such rubbish.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection!Ask for investment!

(End of this chapter)

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