Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 43 The 1st Civilization Point Account.

Chapter 43 The first civilization point arrives.

At noon, the sun just hung in the middle.

With a creak, the door of the cold palace was opened from the inside, and Zhu Youjian walked out with a refreshed face and a vigorous figure.

After coming out, regardless of Wang Chengen's surprised face, he raised his head and squinted his eyes to look at the sun in the sky. Zhu Youjian couldn't help feeling: "The old saying is true, you get what you pay for! I will never buy it again. A bargain!

Also, women are really troublesome things! "

After sighing, Zhu Youjian immediately waved his hand: "Go! Get out of the palace!"

"Ah? Going out... out of the palace?"

Wang Chengen's eyes widened at the side, he didn't understand why His Majesty was going out of the palace suddenly, but since His Majesty ordered it, he had to do it immediately!

Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Chengen immediately called a few young eunuchs and told them to prepare clothes twice. From what Zhu Youjian said just now, Wang Chengen could tell that this trip should not be a formal trip, but to prevent others knew.

Because His Majesty didn't say that he would prepare a sedan chair or where he was going, based on Wang Chengen's understanding of Zhu Youjian, he understood that it meant going out on a private matter.

Sure enough, when the little eunuchs brought a set of clothes for a rich man and a housekeeper, Zhu Youjian nodded in satisfaction to Wang Chengen.

Immediately, Wang Chengen secretly felt complacent, it really is our family who understands the emperor's thoughts!
After changing into the clothes of a rich man, Zhu Youjian took Wang Chengen out of the palace.

After several turnarounds, the two came to Wang Gong's factory located in the southwest of the inner city.

When it comes to Wanggong factory, we have to mention the legendary Wanggong factory explosion. It is said that when the explosion happened, the sky and the earth shook, smoke and clouds covered the sun, and the flames shot up into the sky. Tens of thousands of houses collapsed, and tens of thousands of people were killed or injured!
But here, so far, this has not happened.

Why?Of course there is a reason. In April last year, Zhu Youjian suddenly remembered the big explosion, and went to Wang Gong's factory out of curiosity.

As we all know, Wang Gongchang is the royal arsenal, also known as the Gunpowder Bureau, and ordinary people cannot get in, so Zhu Youjian went to Emperor Tianqi to get in.

When Zhu Youjian visited Wang Gong's factory with a curious attitude, when he passed by a boy who looked only sixteen or seventeen years old, the system that was usually quiet and nothing like it suddenly popped up, and the alarm Ling's masterpiece!
"Warning! Warning! The host has entered a high-risk area, please stay away as soon as possible for the safety of the host! Please stay away as soon as possible!"

While the system in his mind was constantly warning, Zhu Youjian also found that the boy next to him who didn't know what he was doing turned red all over his body in his sight, and a big red exclamation mark appeared above his head shiningly, and at the same time A bright red exclamation mark also appeared on his hands and things on the ground, suggesting that the source of danger came from here.

After Zhu Youjian got the warning, he wanted to run away, but human beings can't resist his curiosity, so he still couldn't help looking at a small porcelain basin that the boy put there.

At a glance, it is clear that the porcelain basin is half full of yellow clear oily liquid, and the young man is observing with a spoon in his hand.

Just when Zhu Youjian was wondering why this liquid was marked as a dangerous product by the system, the system in his mind immediately instilled pictures and some brief introductions about this thing into his mind.

But after Zhu Youjian saw the bright four characters [nitroglycerin] under the picture, he no longer bothered to read the rest of the introduction, and ran out of Wang Gong's factory!
Obediently!I have never eaten pork and I have never seen a pig run!

Isn't this one of the most explosive raw materials for explosives?

Although it can also treat angina, don't forget that it is known as the most unstable raw material for explosives!
Damn it!This is the Ming Dynasty!It was actually extracted by someone, and the preservation condition can be imagined. With the attitude of the young man just taking a spoonful to see it casually, it might explode in the next moment!
This is where?Wang Gong Factory!The gunpowder of the entire capital is made here, and the gunpowder storage here is also the largest. Now I know how the explosion of the Wanggong factory came about!
It must have been the nitroglycerin that exploded, and even detonated the entire gunpowder magazine!

Damn it!The system is right, this is indeed a high-risk area!It's better for me to run first!

"Huh? Why didn't Wang Banban follow? Forget it! Never mind, save your own life first. If Wang Banban really has an accident, the king can only give you two more sticks of incense." !"

In the same place, after Zhu Youjian ran away, everyone was puzzled, and in the end he only thought that he suddenly remembered something urgent and left.

On the second night, a theft occurred at Wang Gong Factory. The boy and his pot of nitroglycerin disappeared without a trace. up.


Don't mention the past.

The reason why Zhu Youjian came here today is that just this morning, he suddenly received a system message saying that he had completed a scientific research breakthrough, so he was rewarded with two thousand civilization points on the spot.

This is the first civilization point reward, which means that he finally has the money to buy the good things that he has been drooling over in the mall for a long time!
But then he was curious about where the scientific breakthrough was made, so he followed the system prompts to find the achievement page and click on it!
Good guy!
Bi Maokang, a scientific researcher under the host, successfully completed the manufacture of the first breech-loading flintlock gun of the Ming Empire at 45:32:2000 on the first day of September in the seventh year of the Apocalypse, and achieved achievements: ""First Blood", "Back-loading flintlock" The two achievements including "Firing the Gun" received a total of [-] civilization points."

At that time, Zhu Youjian was excited!The blood spurting all over the body, good guy!I said who is it!It turned out that this stubborn old man made a breakthrough in scientific research!It should be rewarded!

So he received the news after nine o'clock, and Zhu Youjian came out of the cold palace at twelve o'clock. He didn't even have time to eat lunch, so he rushed to Wang Gong's factory.


When they arrived at Wang Gongchang, everyone saw the King Xin who had been here before, and before the current majesty came down, before he had time to salute, the impatient Zhu Youjian grabbed an old man and asked, "Where is Bi Maokang?"

When the old man saw that he was caught by His Majesty, he was so frightened that he was trembling all over, but he didn't forget to answer Zhu Youjian's question, and replied tremblingly: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty... Your Majesty... Bi...Master Bi is going to test the gun at the shooting range in the backyard!"

After getting the desired news, Zhu Youjian didn't make things difficult for him anymore, and after letting go, he took Wang Chengen and rushed towards the shooting range.

The test gun must have been testing the newly made breech-loading flintlock gun today, so he wanted to see it on the spot!
After all, this is witnessing history!Maybe this is the world's first breech-loading flintlock!
After Zhu Youjian left, the old man's trembling appearance gradually turned into ecstasy. He grabbed the clothes of his right hand that Zhu Youjian had grabbed just now, turned his head and looked at his coworker excitedly and said loudly: "Did you see that?" Did you see it! Your Majesty grabbed my sleeve just now! How could it be Your Majesty! My sleeve was grabbed by Your Majesty!

Ha ha ha ha!I don't want to wash my clothes anymore!I will never wash it in my life!I want to pass it on as a family heirloom of our old Zhang family. This is a sleeve that was grabbed by the emperor!Hahahahaha! "

Everyone looked at the old man Zhang who was so excited that he was a little crazy, they were both envious and jealous!
Why didn't His Majesty grab my sleeve just now!This old man actually took advantage of it!I'm jealous!

I also want the clothes caught by His Majesty!If I get it, I'll give it up directly!Incense every day!Children and grandchildren continue!
no!No matter what you say, you have to find an opportunity to ask the old man which sleeve to touch!How could it be the sleeves that His Majesty touched!
Not to mention how excited the workers of Wang Gong's factory were because of the sleeves grabbed by Zhu Youjian. On the other hand, Zhu Youjian had already arrived on the shooting range, and from a distance, he saw an old man holding a long gun. aiming.

Immediately, Zhu Youjian yelled loudly: "Old Bi! Old Bi! Wait! I'm here!"


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(End of this chapter)

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