Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 441 Conquering the World

Chapter 441 Conquering the World
The first day of September in the second year of Chongzhen.

The fields were covered with golden ears of wheat, and the entire Ming Empire had recovered from the turmoil in the first half of the year.

Since the First World War in Beijing, the prestige of today's day has increased with the spread of the scene of that day, and in the past few months, there have been some changes in the entire Ming Dynasty.

Natural disasters are gradually subsiding everywhere, and even the Guanzhong land, which has been tested by natural disasters for a long time, has rarely seen peace that has not been seen in decades.

The rain fell properly, and the dry land became fertile under the nourishment of the rain.

The crops in the field that had withered due to drought miraculously came back to life and sprouted new shoots.

The people who were already ready to flee famine again were all ecstatic when they saw this scene, and spontaneously set off a huge celebration that spread across several surrounding provinces.

The grandness of the celebration has never been seen in thousands of years, and the lively and prosperous scenes were recorded in the annals of various counties and passed on to future generations.

The floods in the southeast subsided uncharacteristically, the sea waves were calm, and the sea was prosperous.

A huge ship that is bigger than a ship is full of gold and silver treasures. The food and spices returned from overseas quickly restore prosperity to the coastal areas that were devastated by the previous turmoil, and they have more power to distribute the continuous flow of money and food. Transported to the north by water transport.

The occurrence of all these good things allowed the Ming Empire to quickly restore its national strength.

Except for Wu Sangui, the chicken thief who sneaked away, the rebellious Liaodong generals were caught by his men and fell to the Holy Emperor.

Zhu Youjian also immediately pardoned the crimes of these rebels, and only took the knife against those who led the army.

Such behavior not only did not make people in the world think that the emperor was soft-hearted and easy to bully, but on the contrary, he respected Zhu Youjian even more.

Killing a decisive, cruel and merciless king is certainly frightening, but a king who knows how to show that he has a compassionate heart in addition to ruthless methods at the right time is even more admired by the world.

No one wants their boss to be an impersonal butcher.

After the capital returned to calm, the surrendered rebel army was quickly reorganized. After the arrival of Qin Wangjun from all over the country, they were dispersed and placed in various armies. Then the ministers in the court who secretly surrendered to the rebel army when they were in decline were quickly cleared. Out of court.

Except for a small number of officials from various factions who are really capable of doing practical things, the rest of the officials who only know how to speak out and fight partisanship have been completely cleared out of the court.

Of course, this behavior cannot be carried out peacefully. During that period of time, countless fat-headed and brainy officials were beheaded every day at Caishikou in the capital, winning the cheers of the onlookers.

So the time came to October.

In October, at the end of autumn, snow has begun to fall in the north, and the grains in various places have been collected and returned to the warehouse.

The treasury of the imperial court was also full again.

Therefore, people who are familiar with the court's behavior in recent years have made predictions in advance.

It's time to fight again!

Not surprisingly!

As the ancients said, there are no soldiers in winter.

However, today it is uncharacteristically, and the army began to mobilize in winter.

50 troops, countless sleds pulled countless food, grass and military equipment and went northward.

At the beginning of November of that year, the remaining Jurchen remnants all over Liaodong were completely wiped out by the army. The army marched along the north, collided with the Heihe River, and crossed the river to meet the blond-haired and blue-eyed Westerners.

According to ancient records, this is the Rakshasa ghost.

Under the command of Marshal Bai Polu, the army crushed past, countless artillery roared, and a military fort built by Raksha ghosts on the other side of the Heihe River was razed to the ground, and a strong Raksha man was killed. The army captured him as a slave.

In the spring of the second year, Zhu Youjian, who was waiting for the battle report from the front line, received a late New Year gift from the soldiers. A fiery Rakshasa girl was delivered to the capital.

Zhu Youjian reprimanded the frontline soldiers who were not doing their job properly, and then "reluctantly" brought a group of protruding Rakshasa women into the harem in order to live up to the wishes of the soldiers.

In the summer of the third year of Chongzhen, the army of the Northern Expedition returned to the court. This battle expanded the northern border of the Ming Dynasty for millions of miles.

In order to actually occupy the local area, many vassals of the clan were forced to relocate their fiefdoms.

As the prince of the clan with the closest bloodline to His Majesty, His Majesty specially conferred a territory of 30 miles to King Fu at the northernmost point, and gave him the authority to be a border vassal at the beginning of the founding of the country.

On the day when he received the news, King Fu in Luoyang wept with excitement, and Wang Chengen, who was holding the decree, kept crying, "thank you" for your majesty's grace.

Half a year later, King Fu's mansion spent most of its wealth to gather [-] new troops armed with bows and arrows and wearing armor, and after recruiting hundreds of thousands of local people who were willing to follow the migration with a lot of money, King Fu shed tears of "excitement", In the next step of seeing off in the Beijing camp, he turned around and went to his own fief.

In the next ten years, King Fu may have to eat potatoes for ten years before he can develop his fiefdom.

In the spring of the sixth year of Chongzhen, after several years of moving the vassals to the border, the imperial court finally brought all the newly conquered territories in the north into the control of Ming Dynasty.

At the same time, the departure of a large number of vassal kings also quickly restored the vitality of the localities that had been squeezed because of the vassal kings, and quickly prospered with the support of the court, adding a large amount of taxes to the national treasury in the new year.

So the treasury was abundant, and the court turned its attention to the grassland.

In the spring of the seventh year of Chongzhen, the new army of 20 newly formed by the imperial court led by the old battalion of 30, a total of 50 troops plus 50 civilian husbands, a total of one million troops marched into the grassland.

After several years, the cultivation of Xingyuan has gradually spread in Daming territory. The army was the first to cultivate Xingyuan on a large scale. Now at least half of the 50 regular troops who entered the grassland have gradually obtained Xingyuan.

With the cooperation of weapons, even physical fitness, and stars with various magical attributes, the grassland was quickly swept away, and all the grassland tribes "enthusiastically" entertained the guests from Ming Dynasty.

Under the "friendly" invitation of the guests of the Ming Dynasty, the prairie people who can sing and dance "sincerely" uttered the declaration of being incorporated into the Ming Empire.

As the grassland returned to its heart, Qinghai, the Western Regions, and Tibet were also quickly included in the territory of Ming Dynasty in the next ten years.

On the 20th year of Chongzhen, in order to celebrate the [-]th anniversary of His Majesty's ascension to the throne, Cao Bianjiao, then Marshal of the Great Ming Southern Front, made a map of the entire territory of Xiyangxuli (India) to Zhu Youjian.

With a suitable climate and rich grain production, Xiyangli (India) has become the brightest pearl on the crown of the holy emperor Yishan.

When Zhu Youjian was 47 years old, the crown prince Zhu Cihong took a small partner (Li Dingguo, etc.) to attack North Korea, Annan, Champa, Chenla, Siam, Sumatra, and Java in five years by attacking both land and sea. The territories in the southeast direction, such as Sanfoqi, Boni, etc., were all included in the territory of Ming Dynasty, and there were several decisive battles at sea with Western Yi who came from the west, such as Europa, winning seven out of seven battles!
The powerful combat power of the Ming army made the Western Yi kingdoms tremble. From then on, all ships that came to the Far East and encountered the Ming would stay low and dare not provoke them.

However, what they didn't know was that Zhu Cihong, who had learned about Europa and the New World from the captives, had already set her eyes on the west with her pair of eyes that had the ultimate desire for territory under the teaching of her father!

Chongzhen was 53 years old, and Zhu Youjian was 67 years old.

However, he still has the appearance of a young man. With the deepening of Xingyuan cultivation, his lifespan has also been greatly extended. To him, he is still in his early 60s.

And this also led to the crown prince being the crown prince for 50 years!
In this regard, Zhu Youjian often laughed at his son.

"Stinky boy, is there a 50-year-old prince in the world? You don't know how to learn from Li Shimin and his ilk?"

Zhu Cihong could only smile wryly when he heard the words, his father was honestly teasing himself, don't he want to become the throne?

The problem is, I really can't beat the old man!

Don't look at his prestige in the army has already reached its peak due to his many years of commanding the army.

But he understands that as long as his father gives an order, even Li Dingguo, the general who is closest to him, will put a knife on his neck without hesitation, and escort him into the palace to apologize.

rebel?It can't be done at all!

Finally, Chongzhen 63 years.

The holy son Zhu Youjian suddenly announced that the world would abdicate at this point, and the crown prince Zhu Cihong would succeed him as the emperor, claiming the title of Supreme Emperor himself, and honorably retire for the elderly.

For a while, there was an uproar among the people, who speculated whether there was a palace coup, which caused the Holy Son of Heaven to be kidnapped and threatened to abdicate.

The next day the palace was besieged, and the people of the whole city gathered outside the palace to ask the crown prince to release the emperor and return the throne.

It wasn't until Zhu Youjian personally appeared in front of everyone and explained that he was just tired and wanted to retire, that everyone reluctantly left.

In the second year, the reign of Chongzhen ended in 63 and was changed to Yuan Shenwu, and the crown prince Zhu Cihong officially ascended the throne.

And in this year, the huge ship of the Ming Empire, which had recuperated for decades, started to move again.

Countless iron-clad warships fell into the water like dumplings, and 500 million new troops were formed, and crazy training began day and night.

Three years later, the spring of the third year of Shenwu.

Crown Prince Zhu Cilang personally led an armored fleet of hundreds of thousands of ships covering the sky and covering the sun. After leaving the retired Supreme Emperor to supervise the country, he personally boarded the battleship and headed west for an expedition.

Zhu Youjian, who was traveling with the empress in the beautiful places of the Ming Empire, cursed angrily when he received the news that he was invited back to the palace!

"I'm over 80 years old, and I still need to work! This bastard wants to exhaust me to death! When I come back, I will hang you up and beat you, so that you can taste the love your father has for you!"

The passage of time is like a fleeting moment.

In the winter of the 13th year of Shenwu, the expeditionary fleet that went overseas for nearly ten years finally returned, but when it left, the population of one million was only hundreds of thousands.

Of course, the rest of the people were not all killed in battle, but were all left in the local guard.

In the past ten years, Zhu Cihong led the fleet to set off continuous wars in Europe and the New World.

Every country was conquered by him, and the number of overseas colonies of Ming Dynasty increased year by year, and the supplies brought back from overseas in the past ten years were simply incalculable.

It wasn't until last year that the overseas expedition finally stopped. Now, the entire continent of Europa has become the territory of Ming Dynasty, and even the territory near the east has joined the Fuwang clan in the north, which has been relocated several times.

Since the transfer of the feudal domain started a century ago, the Fu Wang Fan, who has been continuously moved to the north, is simply ecstatic!
finally!finally!We finally don't have to move anymore!

The days of being relocated all the way are not the days that a feudal king should live!
The family property has been moved, and if they move on, they won't even have food to eat!

Now in the whole world, there is only the New World and the remnants of Europa occupying half of the continent and resisting desperately. For a while, the current military strength of Ming Dynasty has been stretched, so it stopped the pace of continuing the conquest and began to recuperate, giving these remnants a little peace. Pass.

And everyone knew very well that Emperor Shenwu Zhu Cihong's recuperation was only to prepare for a more violent attack in the future.

The entire territory of Ming Dynasty is also ready for Ming Dynasty to rule the world, and this day will not be too far away...

(End of this chapter)

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