Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 442 Epilogue

Chapter 442 Epilogue (The Finale)

The 23th of the twelfth lunar month of the 24rd year of Shenwu.

At this time, Zhu Youjian was already a hundred years old.

Emperor Shenwu Zhu Cilang specially held a grand celebration for his father's [-]th birthday.

To be honest, this [-]th birthday celebration started three years ago. It took nearly a year from the preparations for the birthday to spread the news to every place under Daming's control. It took more than a year for the forces from all over the country to prepare gifts and celebrate the team's arrival in Daming, and it finally arrived, barely in time for the birthday day.

On the day of the birthday, representatives representing the governors of the major colonies around the world presented Emperor Taishang Zhu Youjian with a variety of rare and exotic treasures full of exotic flavors as gifts for the centenary birthday.

As the overlord who dominates the world today, Ming Dynasty controls such a vast territory. Even if there is a governor in one place, the number of feudal lords who came to celebrate has reached hundreds.

Each faction brought a large number of gifts, and in the end, there were so many rare and rare treasures that several palaces were needed to house them.

From half a month before the birthday, the whole of Beizhili has been immersed in the sea of ​​carnival. Celebration teams from all over the world gathered in Beijing, and they are not short of money. Their arrival is of great significance to the economy of the whole Beizhili It has great benefits.

There are shrewd businessmen who have prepared various souvenirs early on, and shrewd ones in the villages near the capital even set up hotels and restaurants.

Although the city of Beijing is large, there are also many people, and there are too many teams, Honglu Temple can't arrange it at all, so other people except the chief envoy are naturally scattered in the surrounding villages and counties of the capital and given to the local people. The economy has had a huge positive impact.

Afterwards, in order to express their respect for the Supreme Emperor, the people who benefited directly bought all the fireworks and firecrackers in several provinces around the capital. Selling fireworks for a while.

And even though Wang Gong Factory has reduced its profits to an extremely low level, under the small profits but quick turnover, Wang Gong Factory made a lot of money during the period of the last centenary birthday, and the fireworks produced were in short supply until the centenary On the day of the birthday, the celebration officially started and was finally let go by the crazy shopping people.

The day of the birthday just arrived, and with the ringing of the bell symbolizing the celebration, the entire Beijing city was plunged into the continuous sound of crackling firecrackers.

Red firecrackers and confetti were flying all over the sky, covering the entire capital city in a sea of ​​vermilion.

At noon, after a whole morning of celebrations, after receiving birthday gifts from the governors of various colonies and the princes, officials and representatives of the people who had been relocated to the "real" ends of the earth, Zhu Youjian met in the palace with These guys have a big feast.

In the afternoon, he disappeared directly into the palace.

While the palace was full of people looking for the missing Supreme Emperor like headless flies, when the golden sun slanted down from the west in Lijia Village, [-] miles away from the capital, a pair of luxuriously dressed youths came to the entrance of Lijia Village. couple.

The husband and wife are handsome and unrestrained, and the woman is beautiful, they really are a match made in heaven.

This couple is none other than Zhu Youjian and Queen Zhou oh no, now they are Queen Mother Zhou and his wife.

As soon as the two arrived at the entrance of the village, they were immediately spotted by children playing here. They were dressed in silk and satin, and either wore expensive gold and silver jade hairpins on their heads, or exquisite jade pendants that looked very expensive at the waist.

Although the children were young, they were not stupid. When the two strangers saw that they were the children of a wealthy or noble family, they immediately went back to the village to call the adults.

Zhu Youjian didn't stop him when he saw this, he just smiled and took out a lot of candies from his arms and handed them to the remaining children, and said with a smile: "Little dolls, I'm going to share some candies here soon." Eat, not enough!"

Logically speaking, children must not be able to withstand the temptation of candy. Zhu Youjian thought that as soon as he took out the candy, these little dolls would swarm up and grab all the candy.

But what surprised him was that although the children's eyes showed a desire for candy, no one came forward to take the candy.

One of them seemed to be the oldest, a little boy who was already eight or nine years old, and he should be the king of children among these children.

I saw the doll bowed to Zhu Youjian politely, then shook his head and said: "As the saying goes, you don't get paid for nothing. Although we are farmers' children, we also know that there is no free food in the world, so why should you take it?" These candies to tempt us little ones?

Although the boy doesn't know who the young master is, but the young master must be a rich man, so we should wait for the adults to come before entertaining the young master. "

Zhu Youjian glanced at the grown-up-looking children in front of him in surprise, and immediately understood the guarded look towards him that he couldn't hide in his eyes. Although these children were small, they were not stupid. Very wary.

Immediately, Zhu Youjian didn't continue to distribute sugar, but waited quietly.

Not long after, people came from the village, and a group of strong young people came out under the leadership of an old man.

When a group of people came to Zhu Youjian, the old man stood up and cupped his hands and said, "My lord, this little old man is Li Ru, the head of this village, so be polite!"

Zhu Youjian hurriedly returned the gift, and said with a smile: "I dare not accept the gift from the old man. The boy and his wife came to the capital from their hometown to participate in the celebration of the late emperor's centenary birthday, but because of this situation, the time was delayed.

It's getting late now, seeing that it's too late to get to the capital, and I'm afraid that there will be no place to live in the capital, so I decided to take the liberty of coming to Guicun to stay for one night. If there is any trouble, please forgive me. "

After finishing speaking, Zhu Youjian saluted the old man again with the junior salute, and the empress Zhou who was on the side rolled her eyes secretly when she saw it, and pinched him on the waist while no one was paying attention.

This old guy is already a hundred years old, and he's still pretending to be tender outside!

After hearing Zhu Youjian's words, Li Ru, the village head of Lijia Village, suddenly realized that the couple came to their village at dusk.

This is not surprising. In the past six months, people from all over the empire have come to celebrate the late emperor's birthday and live in various surrounding villages. This is not the first time that Lijia Village has encountered such a situation.

Immediately, after Li Ru asked the opinions of various families, he replied to Zhu Youjian and agreed to let his husband and wife stay at his home for one night.

Zhu Youjian immediately showed a happy expression, and then entered the village surrounded by everyone.

As soon as you enter the village, you will first see a straight and flat asphalt road leading to the depths of the village at the end of your sight.

Looking at this road, Zhu Youjian said with some emotion: "Old man, your village spent a lot of money on building this road. It stands to reason that you are just a village and don't need to build such a good road. It's a waste of money to do it." What?"

Hearing this, before the village chief Li Ru could speak, a man next to him proudly said: "Then you don't know, sir. Although our village is only a low-level village near the capital, we don't lack such talents." Some money for road repairs, besides, it doesn’t cost a few dollars to build this road except for the cost of materials!”

"Oh? How do you say this?"

Hearing this, Zhu Youjian became interested, so he started to question him.

The man began to speak eloquently.

"My lord, maybe you grew up in a wealthy family and don't know the life of us people in the past, so I will tell you about it today.

Don't look at the solid asphalt roads in our village now, and every household is covered with two-story small buildings of reinforced concrete. If it was seven or eighty years ago, that is, when the village chief was young, our village would still be the same. Thatched cottage!
The roads are also all dirt roads!
My father told me that in the past we not only couldn't build roads, but also couldn't live in a good house, so we had to build a thatched hut by ourselves. Every family lived in poverty, and sometimes we couldn't even eat.

However, all of this changed after His Majesty the First Emperor ascended the throne more than 80 years ago.

After the first emperor came to the throne, he first trained the new army, and then abolished the government and rectified the officialdom. He killed countless officials and businessmen who oppressed the people, so that the people who were in dire straits at that time had a way to breathe.

Immediately afterwards, the first emperor spent two years.The internal and external troubles of the Ming Dynasty were quelled, and the precarious Ming Dynasty returned to normal. Under the leadership of the former emperor, the soldiers moved towards prosperity step by step.

Now, after two generations of Your Majesty's hard work, I, Ming, have become the true overlord of this world!
In the past, those ancient people called themselves the people of the Heavenly Dynasty, and that was considered a Heavenly Kingdom. Are those Heavenly Dynasties as big as ours?Is there our big Mingqiang?

The territory of our Ming Dynasty spreads all over the world, and the sun on that day always illuminates the land of Ming Dynasty. It is a true empire on which the sun never sets. How can it be compared with that dynasty?

This is the real kingdom of heaven!
Now that the country is strong, resources from various colonies are continuously being transported to the mainland to support the local people, and we are gradually getting richer.

Especially in the area of ​​our capital, every household has lived a good life with meat to eat and a house to live in. This is all thanks to the late emperor and the current majesty, especially the late emperor! "

Hearing this, Zhu Youjian couldn't help showing a little smug smile, and then he was murdered by the Queen Mother again.

The man continued: "Young master, don't think our village is only rated as an inferior village, but we are really not poor!

Who doesn't have a deposit of several thousand taels of silver, and there are not a few people with hundreds of acres or even thousands of acres of land under their names, but now they are unwilling to plant them. They bought slaves from Xiyi to plant them. If this was changed in 80 Before, our village was full of landlords!

That is to say, everyone is rich now, and we can’t even be rated as a middle-class family with this little wealth, so we can only be rated as an inferior village. Just this way, the family pays some money, and then buys a group of Western slaves Just come and fix it, the cost is pitifully low.

As long as those Western slaves can't starve to death if they stutter, they are not from Ming Dynasty anyway.

So, this road is really just a very common thing for us. "

Zhu Youjian nodded clearly after listening, and concluded: "That is to say, everyone is living a good life now, and the money is nothing at all, right?"

The man and the surrounding people immediately nodded repeatedly.

Zhu Youjian said again: "So we still have to feel that the wise and mighty emperor brought us such a good day, right?"

Everyone agreed in unison, and excitedly said good things about Zhu Youjian, the Supreme Emperor.

Zhu Youjian smiled, and was pinched again!

But he didn't care, he led everyone to praise him time and time again, and enjoyed it, seeing that his husband was so thick-skinned, Empress Dowager Zhou had no choice but to give up and continue to pinch him, and let him do what he did. The boastful behavior of the face.

Soon, Zhu Youjian and his wife were taken to the village head's house amidst the people's chatter and jokes, and the rest of the villagers dispersed one after another when they saw the ground.

As soon as the village head brought Zhu Youjian into the door, he heard the angry voice of a woman, and then a figure quickly passed by Zhu Youjian, and then the polite child who had just looked like a little adult screamed terribly up.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts, mother! Mother, let go, let go, let go!!!!"

"Let go? Hehe, what a beautiful thought!

You little bastard, where did you go fooling around in the afternoon, look at your dirty body, isn't it tiring for my old lady to wash your clothes every day?
besides!Are you deaf, bastard? How many times has my old lady called you, and you still don’t know how to go home?If I don't come out to catch you, you don't plan to go back after dark, you..."

Only then did Zhu Youjian realize that it turned out that the person passing by just now was a strong and strong woman. At this time, the woman was holding a feather duster in one hand and a child's ear in the other. Her mouth was like a machine gun, scolding the child , and waved the feather duster in his hand from time to time to intimidate the little guy, which made the little guy scream.

The village head also saw the situation clearly, Dang even blushed and felt ashamed, so he hurriedly stopped his daughter-in-law.

"Xiu Fen! What are you doing?! Didn't you see that there are guests? How is it proper to behave like this!"

The father-in-law's angry reprimand brought the woman who was teaching her son back to her senses, and finally noticed Zhu Youjian and his wife, their faces turned red, and then hurriedly said, "I'll make some more dishes to entertain the guests .”

He rushed back to the building in a hurry.

But before Zhu Youjian and others could react, the woman ran back quickly, and then, under the gaze of the three of them, grabbed the little baby by the ear again and slipped him into the house.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Youjian shook his head and laughed, it is really a simple farm scene, no matter how life changes, this kind of scene will still appear.

Afterwards, Zhu Youjian stayed at the old village head's house for one night, during which time he learned that the village head's son became a navy, and it is said that he was still a member of the expeditionary force. He was the third batch of recruits to support the Europa battlefield. The time has come, soon to be home from the other side of the sea.

Of course, not only the village head, but also many families in the village have served as soldiers, and it is these soldiers who, fighting to the death outside, conquered a large area of ​​territory before the Ming Dynasty, so that the mainland of the Ming Dynasty can have an even bigger The colonies continue to support, and the local people can live better and better.

As the saying goes, there is no such thing as a quiet time, but someone is carrying the weight for you to move forward, so, nothing more.

Zhu Youjian was filled with emotion, and today's experience was the best birthday present for his [-]th birthday.

Time goes by, time flies.

A hundred years have passed, and there have been traces of the Ming Empire on all the planets in the solar system. At first, it was the strong Xingyuan who reached the planetary level who crossed the starry sky, and brought the entire Ming Empire into the planetary era.

Soon, with the help of the system and the accumulation of nearly 200 years, the scientific and technological level of the Ming Empire showed a blowout**, and it had the ability to space travel in just a dozen years.

Immediately afterwards, starting from the solar system, as the time passed, the sun and moon banners of the Ming Empire gradually covered the entire solar system and spread to the surrounding galaxies.

In the process, the three-eyed spaceship on the back of the moon was discovered. After research, the Ming Empire's technology leaped forward again, and it had the technological strength to truly compete for the hegemony of the universe.

Then in the 200th year of Shengwu, that is, when Zhu Youjian was [-] years old, the exploration spacecraft of the Ming Empire finally reached Orion, and collided with the destined enemy, the Three-Eyed Man, and a huge space war began.

In the end, relying on the powerful Xingyuan to cultivate the strong, and the unimaginable progress of the empire's technology, soon the strength of the empire was not as good as it was at the beginning, and then gradually crushed the three-eyed man.

In the 200th year of the Yanhuang calendar, the Ming Empire finally completely wiped out the last resistance of the three-eyed people on an extremely remote planet in the left spiral arm of Orion, established its position as the leader of the Milky Way, and gradually spread throughout the eastern region of the universe Start to become famous and move towards a broader era of the universe...

So far - the end of the book!

 This book is over. From last year to today, this book has been written for one year and five months.

  This book has encountered various problems since it was written. From the first daily update, to the subsequent two-day update, three-day update, and even a long time to update, and even stopped for a while, to be honest Yes, Piaoxue couldn't write anymore after writing, and I once thought about stopping it completely.

  But no matter what, even though it is more suffocating and more tormenting, it is finally over and it has an ending, even if the ending is not perfect, at least there is no unfinished ending that makes it never end.

  Well, now say goodbye to everyone, to all old and new friends who have been supporting this book.

  Thank you for your company, thank you for accompanying Chongzhen all the way to the end, you are the biggest supporters and motivation for Chongzhen to persist until now.

  thank you all!Thank you all!Piaoxue comes from the bottom of my heart, thank you all from the bottom of my heart!
  Thank you!

  Gentlemen, I hope that your martial arts will prosper!


(End of this chapter)

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