Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 50 The first court meeting

Chapter 50 The First Court Meeting

Time goes by, years go by, and the 27 days of vigil have passed without knowing it.

The 27-day vigil made Zhu Youjian suffer a lot. He stayed where he was every day, except for that time when he was out of the palace. He almost went crazy!
But the good thing is that now that everything is over, I can be regarded as the right brother of my own.

Tomorrow is the first court meeting after he ascended the throne, Zhu Youjian's heart was in a state of turmoil when he thought of this, he tossed and turned at night until the middle of the night before falling asleep.

Silent all night.

The next day, Yinshi.

The sky had not yet brightened, and the sky in the capital city was still dark, and the residences of the rich and powerful in the entire Beijing city were lit up with little lights.

Under the respectful escort of their families, the officials either walked or took sedan chairs, facing the gloomy sky, passing through Duanmen, Chengtianmen, and Damingmen and gradually gathered outside the Meridian Gate.

By the time all the officials arrived, it was almost the end of Yinshi. At this time, there would be a drumming sound from the tower above the Meridian Gate.

The officials who were originally scattered and chatting will stop talking consciously, and start to stand in two rows of civil and military according to the ranking of the DPRK and the Central Committee.

Five o'clock in the morning, Mao time.

In the Meridian Gate, the loud and heavy bell rang again, and the vermilion gate of the Meridian Gate slowly opened with the bell.

After the gate was completely opened, the civil and military platoons of officials entered the gate silently and orderly, and then formed a team in the square behind after passing the Jinshui Bridge.

At this time, there will be a censor who is responsible for inspecting the etiquette and appearance of the picket officials to patrol around, checking the various etiquette and appearance status of the officials.

At this time, if any official is out of appearance, coughing, spitting, talking in a low voice, or even walking unsteadily, it will be recorded by the inspecting censor, and impeachment will be carried out after the court, and the emperor will deal with it after listening.

It can be said that the pickets and censors at this time are all in a state of nitpicking, their eyes are like the golden eyes of the grandson staring at each official, and the officials will also consciously watch at this time. Follow the rules, so as not to let these excited guys catch the wrong thing and insist on it.

And after arriving here, all the officials have to wait for the emperor to come here, and they can only wait obediently before again.

There is no difference today.

At three o'clock, Zhu Youjian, who really fell asleep in the middle of the night last night, was woken up by Wang Chengen.

When Zhu Youjian just woke up, he was still a little dazed. He felt as if he had just fallen asleep and was woken up. After washing and changing under the service of the maid, he changed into the vermilion dragon robe and court dress, and put on the black gauze hat. Only then did Zhu Youjian fully wake up, remembering that today was his first court meeting after assuming the throne, he really couldn't go back to sleep without getting enough sleep like before.

(Note 1: The color of the dragon robe is correct, I will explain it at the end of the chapter.)
Helpless, Zhu Youjian had no choice but to pull himself together, and walked towards the Hall of Supreme Harmony, surrounded by a group of court ladies and eunuchs and warriors in brocade.

From the time Zhu Youjian got up, washed, tidied up, went out, until he came outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the time had come to the end of Mao, which is about seven o'clock in later generations.

"Your Majesty is here! Kneel!"

Following the eunuch's loud shout, the officials standing in two rows immediately knelt forward and bowed their heads, while Zhu Youjian walked slowly through the aisle among the officials, stepped on the steps and entered the Hall of Supreme Harmony.


The eunuch sang and drank again, and the officials got up immediately.

Immediately after Zhu Youjian finally took his seat on the dragon chair in the hall, the whip-wielding eunuch flicked his whip on the steps outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and the Honglu Temple official in charge of singing immediately sang loudly:


With the sound of the officials from Honglu Temple entering the class, the civil and military officials from the left and right classes started from the royal roads on both sides of the Hall of Supreme Harmony and stepped up the steps to enter the Hall of Supreme Harmony one by one.

After entering the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the civil servants went north to west, and the military officials went north to east. They bowed once and kowtowed three times. These two classes were regarded as the top class.

The other dukes, son-in-laws, and Bo Zicheng were regarded as the honorary class, and they were placed a little farther away from the front of the military officer class, to show that their status was higher than that of civil and military officials without titles.

(It’s no wonder that in ancient times, both civil and military officials regarded being knighted as the pinnacle of life. Not only can the title be passed on to future generations, you don’t have to worry about people leaving the tea, and the status is still above civil and military officials. Who would not want this? Except the emperor... ...)
Until then, the etiquette of the upper court officially ended, and the early court officially began.

The officials of Honglu Temple went out of the shift first, and reported to Zhu You the number of officials who had entered Beijing to thank them and left Beijing to resign.

These people were all reported to Honglu Temple the day before.If Zhu Youjian wants to be summoned, he will go to the hall first; if Zhu Youjian does not see him, he will perform five prostrations and three knocks in the courtyard or outside the Meridian Gate, and the work will be over after the salute.

Zhu Youjian, who was already tired of this, wished that the morning would be over as soon as possible. How could he have time to see them?
He waved his hand and decided to disappear.

Therefore, these officials who were looking forward to meeting the new emperor for the first time in the court, or officials who came to Beijing to thank them, or officials who left Beijing to resign, could only be taken out after five bows and three buttons outside the Meridian Gate. the palace.

Immediately afterwards, there was a report from the border. If there was one, it would be presented first.

"The big one announces the Lubu, and the small one has the playbook. Both of them were announced in the early court before the event was played. Therefore, Zhang Guowei showed his martial arts."

However, the frontier has been relatively calm in the past few months. Huang Taiji stayed in Shengjing obediently to recuperate, and silently licked the wounds of the battle of Ningjin with the help of the supplies looted from North Korea at the beginning of the year.

Lin Danhan, the unlucky kid, was forced by Houjin to stay no longer, and he was moving westward. It seemed that he wanted to go to the Xuanfu area to snatch the rewards given to them by Daming from the Mongolian right-wing tribes.

In short, nothing major happened in this season, I just said a few words and brought it over.

After these miscellaneous things were over, the court meeting finally came to the most important part of the performance. Zhu Youjian, who had already dozed off a little, couldn't help lifting his spirits, and sat up straight.

Just listen to the officials of Honglu Temple singing and drinking: "Hundred officials have something to play! There is nothing to retreat to the court!"

The first performance of the Chongzhen Dynasty has officially begun!
After the Honglu Temple officials sang and drank, the officials below were silent for a while, and then when a middle-aged censor on the list of civil servants rolled his throat and was about to cough and go to work, Huang Liji who was standing in front But he was the first to stand up with a clear cough.

Seeing this, the face of the middle-aged censor, who was about to step out of class, stopped abruptly, and even swallowed back the sound that was about to cough out of his mouth, his face turned red, it was so ugly!
"Your Majesty! The minister has a book to play!"

On the dragon chair, seeing Huang Liji stand up, Zhu Youjian nodded in satisfaction, thinking that he should impeach Wei Zhongxian according to his order, even if he opened his mouth and said:


"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Huang Liji first thanked the gift, and all the officials also turned their attention to the chief minister at this time, wanting to see what the chief minister will do in the first court meeting after the new king's ascension to the throne.

And what they never expected, what Huang Liji said next made their hands and feet cold on the spot!

"Your Majesty, I want to impeach eunuch Wei Zhongxian!"

As soon as Huang Liji said this, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Huang Liji's impeachment was originally his own arrangement, so Zhu Youjian at the top did not show a surprised expression, but the corner of his mouth slightly curled up, and he asked meaningfully: "Oh! Impeach Wei Daban? I don't know Huang Shoufu, you want to impeach Wei Companion what?"

I saw Huang Liji's face was serious, and his tone was neither humble nor arrogant: "Your Majesty! I want to impeach Wei Zhongxian for ten crimes!"

Zhu Youjian asked: "Which ten crimes?"

Huang Liji cupped his hands and replied: "The ten crimes that I want to impeach Wei Zhongxian are.

One, and the emperor;
Second, contempt;

Three, make soldiers;

Fourth, there are no second ancestors;
Fifth, cut feudal vassals;

Six, no saint;

Seven, abuse of honor;

Eighth, cover the frontier and attack;
Nine, damage to people's property;
Ten, name blasphemy.

These ten crimes are all true, every sentence is true, and the evidence is conclusive, all officials have witnessed it, please Your Majesty immediately bring Wei Zhongxian to justice, so as to rectify the court's law, and give me a bright future! "

As soon as Huang Liji said these words, the faces of all the ministers were completely pale!
Long live!The big brother of my eunuch party actually betrayed me! ! !

The factory owner is in danger! ! !

(Note 1: The vermilion dragon robes are correct. The dragon robes of emperors from Qin to Ming in the Han Dynasty were not bright yellow, only Daqing (qing) was bright yellow.

In the Ming Dynasty, the Ming characters are connected with the Ming characters, and the Ming device is also called the Ming device, so the bright yellow dragon robe and the golden crown on the top of the head are actually the shrouds worn by the emperor of the Ming Dynasty after his death, or the ordinary clothes worn in the harem and in private. The official court dress of the Ming Dynasty is vermilion, because the Ming Dynasty emperor's surname is Zhu, and the Ming Dynasty advocated the virtue of fire, so don't be fooled by TV dramas. )
ps. Headache, this chapter was written from 11:30 p.m.

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(End of this chapter)

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