Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 51 Balance

Chapter 51 Balance
"Should live! What happened to Huang Shoufu? Why did he suddenly sue the factory owner!"

"Who would know, could it be that he wanted to see the new king ascend the throne, and wanted to pull down the factory owner and ascend to the position of leader himself?"

"Well, it's very possible! To be honest, I'm still a scholar, so what's the matter with being under the eunuch's hand all the time, if the chief assistant can really move to Wei Changgong today, it's not impossible for me to join him under his command."

"Hush! Keep your voice down, don't die. If you let the villain hear your words, your whole family will be ruined. Wei Changgong is so powerful in the court, how could he be removed so easily? Said, we still watch the situation quietly, which side is beneficial and which side is down!"

"Tsk! You idiot!"

"Cut! What's wrong with the scumbags? Those who are not scumbags will either be promoted or die. Even if they are promoted, their lives are a bit dangerous depending on the current posture.

We are the only ones on the fence, if the wind blows, we will follow that way, at least we won't be too involved afterwards, although there is no benefit, but there is no harm, it is safe!

Let me teach you how to be good, the old man has been in this court for decades, and I have seen how many people are proud of one night, and their heads are destroyed the next night. The most important thing is to be alive these days!

Everything else is floating clouds!
Come on, this is the Gouzi Zhenjing compiled by the old man who spent decades working as an official. Today's big sale only costs twelve copies!First come first served! "

"Go! Ten taels! Why don't you grab it!"

"That's right! I don't have a penny. If you can find a penny on the old man, the old man will take your surname!"

"Shhhhhhhhh! Stop talking, the Holy Majesty's expression is wrong, he's about to get angry, keep your voice down!"

"Right! Let's keep our voices down!"

"Be quiet..."

Huang Liji's impeachment immediately caused an uproar in the court, and hundreds of officials began to discuss it. They were puzzled by Huang Liji's impeachment, and at the same time they were secretly guessing the actions of the current chief assistant. There is something deep in it.

On the dragon chair, Zhu Youjian first let the officials below him talk with a blank face, but he didn't say a word himself. Huang Liji below him also remained silent after the impeachment, neither urging nor anxious, as if It's not like him to say such shocking words just now.

During the discussion among the officials, time passed by little by little, and Zhu Youjian, who had been looking at the officials blankly for about a quarter of an hour, suddenly changed his face, his entire face sank, his expression was gloomy and terrifying, All the officials who saw it couldn't help but shuddered, and they all shut their mouths that were talking endlessly just now.

At the same time, he gave Zhu Youjian, the new emperor, a very regal evaluation in his heart.

Zhu Youjian looked at the officials below and said word by word: "You guys, have you said enough?"

Immediately afterwards, his sharp eyes swept across the faces of the officials below one by one, and all the officials who looked up at the other pair of cold eyes were shocked, and hurriedly stood with their hands down, not daring to speak to others.

After everyone silenced, Zhu Youjian looked away after the chaotic hall, which was as noisy as a vegetable market just now, quieted down, and then slapped the armrest of the dragon chair violently!
Just listen to bang!After a loud bang, Zhu Youjian suddenly stood up, with an angry face, he picked up a memorial and slammed it down!
"Say it! You all say it! It's okay! I will give you time to chat! Give me a good chat! Chat a lot! Is it enough to talk forever!"

The officials were so frightened that they shuddered, and hurriedly bent over: "I dare not wait!"

Zhu Youjian sneered: "Don't dare! Why don't you dare? What kind of place do you think this is!

Caishikou? ! !ah! ! !

This is the court hall, not the brothel where you usually spend time with prostitutes!
You are the parents and officials of hundreds of millions of people in my Ming Dynasty, and important officials of the court!Not the shrew who scolds the streets every day in the market!
You are not allowed to act wild here!Do you understand? "

All the officials said together: "I am ashamed!"

Zhu Youjian snorted coldly, then waved his hand and said: "Picket the censor, record all the courtiers who discussed just now, and punish them with half a month's salary, as a warning to others!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

Immediately, a picket censor stood up and responded respectfully.

Half a month's salary may be nothing to some officials with a special income, not even a sliver of their own, but for some officials who still have justice in their hearts, or have not yet completely degenerated, this is a big deal. Doomed.

As the saying goes, it is not easy to live in the capital. Under the feet of an emperor like the capital, every inch of land is expensive, and the consumption level is far higher than other places.

These officials are almost living on the meager monthly salary, and now half of it is gone. Thinking about the fierce old wife in the family, they can't help but sigh, how will they spend the next month!

If I had known it earlier, I would have shut up honestly, but now that I am fine, my mouth is happy for a while, and life is going to be difficult.

After giving these guys a disarm, Zhu Youjian sat back on the dragon chair, glanced at the crowd and then landed on Huang Liji who was still standing in the aisle in the middle of the ceremony.

Zhu Youjian nodded, and then said: "I already know what Huang Shoufu said, so how about this, Wei Zhongxian has made so many mistakes, so I will fine him with three years' salary."

Huang Liji immediately bowed respectfully: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Then he returned to the courtiers again.

The rest of the officials were taken aback by the conversation between the monarch and his ministers!

no?Why did Wei Zhongxian make so many mistakes, and finally was fined for three years of salary?This is too hasty!

Also, Huang Liji, didn't you just want to cut Wei Zhongxian into pieces?Why are you satisfied that His Majesty just fined him three years of salary?You are going to make trouble!You should press every step of the way and let His Majesty kill him!

Are you acting like this now?
Baiguan looked confused, and looked confused about the behavior between the monarch and his ministers, especially the middle-aged censor who was planning to stand up before Huang Liji just now is also confused now Forced!

This serious crime Huang Shoufu said didn't get Wei Zhongxian, so is it still useful for me to go up?

The middle-aged censor began to doubt life.

And when he doubted his life, some shrewd officials had already seen some clues from the strange behavior of Zhu Youjian and Huang Liji between the monarch and his ministers.

Cui Chengxiu, Minister of the Ministry of War, who already felt something was wrong when Huang Liji stood up to sue Wei Zhongxian just now, first looked at Zhu Youjian, who was expressionless from above, and then turned his head to look at Huang, who also retreated back to the courtiers with an expressionless expression. Liji gradually saw some clues.

"Your Majesty is dissatisfied with the dominance of the adoptive father's family, and wants to find an opponent for the adoptive father in the court! It's just... When did this Huang Liji come into contact with His Majesty? He was actually chosen by His Majesty to be with the righteous father." My father is a person who fights in the ring, so which side should I stand in from now on?"

Thinking of this, Cui Chengxiu's eyes gradually narrowed, and various thoughts in his mind began to turn and think.

Cui Chengxiu is not the only smart person, and more people have gradually come to their senses and figured out Zhu Youjian's purpose. Some people who have long been dissatisfied with Wei Zhongxian but have to bow their heads due to reality, even their originally peaceful heart Waves began to ripple.

"Maybe... maybe this is an opportunity?"

Interested people began to consider standing in line, while unintentional people were still in a daze, and Zhu Youjian, who had seen all this in his eyes, couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Fight! Fight! The more fiercely you fight, the less time you will have to trouble me. A single family is not as interesting as two countries fighting for hegemony, ha ha ha ha..."

Although he was only a low-level employee in his previous life, and Zhu Youjian didn't have much vision, whether it was from the TV novels in his previous life, or watching the emperor's brother use the eunuch party to check and balance the Donglin Party in this ancient time, Zhu Youjian understood a truth .

As the emperor, there is only one thing he has to do, and that is balance!

The subordinates must not allow them to unite as one, as soon as they are allowed to vent their anger from one nostril, these ambitious guys will cause trouble for themselves!

The only way is to find an opponent for them, let them fight to the death, and you can mediate in the middle, and don't let any side dominate. Only in this way, they don't bother to make trouble for themselves, and they can benefit from it!

Of course, if you return to the capital, don’t care about anything else that you can’t fight. This speed is still needed, and the mastery of this speed can only be handled by yourself. Let them fight, but things still need to be done by someone. , only in this way can the country get better and better, instead of being like Chongzhen in the previous life, all his subordinates are Donglin gentlemen in the later stage. They only care about you and only care about making money. Who cares about you?

In the end, didn't Chongzhen, a guy who didn't know how to balance, end up hanging himself on the southeast branch?
this!But a lesson learned!
etc!Am I not Chongzhen now?

Why did I just... I used myself as a lesson from the past? ! ! !

ps. Is it okay to complain about yourself?
Ask for a ticket!Thanks!

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for investment!Ask for collection!Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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