Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 64 Touring the Beijing Camp

Chapter 64 Touring the Beijing Camp ([-])

The dejected Ma Zhangwen was taken out of the court by the big Han general, and all the officials could not help feeling sad when they saw this scene.

At the same time, looking at Ma Zhangwen who was being dragged down, they also made up their minds in their hearts that they must not follow him. When they got home, they would clean up the relatives who were doing evil at home first, so as not to know when they would leave someone like him behind. Ordinary fate.

Of course, there are some people who sneer at this, especially those who feel that they will not be punished even if they are exposed to the same thing, such as nobles and relatives of the emperor who are living with the country.

The most happy about this matter is undoubtedly the censor officials headed by Chen Yushi. Ma Zhangwen's fate is undoubtedly the best evidence of the success of their operation.

They successfully fought another stupid official!
Of course, what Chen Yushi was thinking in his heart was that the craftsmanship of this incident was enough for his wife to add a large amount of gold and silver jewelry, and he could go to Tongque Tower a few more times.

All parties were very satisfied with the current situation, and the quotation did not come forward to say anything more, but at this moment Zhu Youjian spoke again.

"Cheng Guogong, three days ago I stated that I would inspect the Beijing camp today. I wonder if you are ready? When will I be able to leave?"

The corners of Zhu Chunchen's mouth twitched, but he stood up and cupped his hands and said, "Return to Your Majesty, everything has been prepared, Your Majesty can go to inspect at any time, and the soldiers are also looking forward to seeing His Majesty's beauty as soon as possible."

Zhu Youjian nodded: "Well, very good, since that's the case, let's go now. Wang Chengen!"

"The servant is here!"



"Your Majesty has a decree! Retire from court!!!"

"Sir, please retire!"


Half an hour later, Zhu Youjian, dressed in military uniform, rode a horse and led a large group of people to follow Zhu Chunchen to the military training ground on the west side of Xuanwu Gate.

To be honest, this is the first time for Zhu Youjian to wear this armor, but what makes him satisfied is that he looks not only heroic but also handsome when he puts on this armor, which fully satisfies Zhu Youjian's desire to wear this armor. The vanity of looking handsome in armor.

I don’t know who designed the military uniform of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. The whole part is a six-petal gold helmet. On the six petals of the helmet, there are six gold gods of Liujia. There is also a gold statue at the connection between the helmet and the helmet shaft The statue of Emperor Zhenwu, because Cheng Zu Zhu Di believed that he was able to seize the throne because of the blessing of Emperor Zhenwu, so the Ming Dynasty had a belief in worshiping Emperor Zhenwu.

The second part is the common armor, which is the kind of double breasted, a bit like the current coat.The armor is suspected to be a fish scale armor, and there are two golden dragons on the body armor.In addition, even the arm armor is gold
The last one is the most important part, which is the weapon!
A straight waist knife with a length of 95 cm and a width of [-] cm including the scabbard!

The knife is long, with a fish-belly edge and wooden handles on both sides of the knife target.

Compared with ordinary waist knives, the handle of this emperor's saber is encrusted with moiré gold pieces, and is decorated with gold cross-shaped guards.

Although the scabbard is made of wood, it is covered with a layer of shark skin and painted red lacquer. The spine is also inlaid with long strips of gold ornaments, engraved with two sets of cloud and dragon patterns, and the end is covered with cloud pattern gold (bǐng).

There are also four gold hoops on the scabbard, cloud patterns engraved on the mouth and the lower two of the scabbard, decorated with golden persimmon stalks, a flat nose ring and a ribbon tied on it.There is also a gold ring and a gold hook on the belt for hanging.

Generally speaking, this knife is gorgeously decorated and full of extravagance. In popular words, it is full of style.

Zhu Youjian fell in love with this knife when he saw it for the first time. He kept playing with it in his hand, and he was reluctant to put it down for a moment. There is no way that this knife really suits his taste. It is a must-have weapon for pretending to be aggressive!
This is worthy of his status as the emperor of the Ming Empire!

As soon as I arrived near the school grounds, I could see a dense crowd of people not far away on the school grounds, all wearing armor and standing there in a square formation.

At first glance, the number of people is about 2 to [-], and it seems to be in good spirits.

Of course, if you turn a blind eye to those who stand crookedly, lack some armor and weapons, and all of them look angry, they will probably still look good.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Youjian sneered in his heart. Sure enough, Zhu Chuncheng still had the same idea. He didn't even change his method. He used these extras to fool himself in the same way that nobles fooled the previous emperors.

Looking at each of these, Zhu Youjian didn't need to think about it. These must be the gangsters they found from the street with temporary money, and those refugees who fled to the capital.

This can be seen from the angry-looking youths in the front row and the sallow, emaciated young faces in the back.

I have to say that Zhu Chunchen made a wrong calculation this time. Since Zhu Youjian was going to make an inspection tour, how could he let him fool himself like this.

Let's see!

Let's see who has the last laugh!
A stern look flashed across Zhu Youjian's eyes, and then his face returned to calm, and he continued to walk towards the school field as if he didn't know what to do.

And Zhu Chunchen in front of him didn't turn his head to look at Zhu Youjian's expression. Seeing Zhu Youjian's calm face and ignorant expression, he was relieved immediately, and secretly thought that he was making a fuss. A mere teenage boy, what can he understand? He can easily be played with in the palm of his hand, so cautious is nothing but unfounded worry.

Although from the current situation, it seems that everything is going well, but for some reason, there is always a faint sense of uneasiness, which makes Zhu Chunchen feel extremely uncomfortable, but he doesn't know where it comes from.

I was extremely upset in my heart, but it was not easy to express it.

"Cheng Guogong, are these the soldiers of our Beijing camp?"

When he came to the school grounds and looked at the dark crowd, Zhu Youjian, who had been silent all the way, suddenly asked.

Zhu Chunchen was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized that he turned around and said, "Return to Your Majesty, that's right!"

Zhu Youjian nodded, and then pointed to the soles of a young and strong man in the front with a puzzled look and asked: "Mr. Cheng, why doesn't this soldier even have shoes? Is it possible that my soldiers in the Beijing camp have already Are you so poor that you can’t even afford shoes?”

Zhu Chunchen was startled when he heard the words, and hurriedly looked back, and sure enough, he saw that the person Zhu Youjian pointed out came with a pair of bare feet, and he didn't even have a pair of straw sandals under his feet.

Zhu Chunchen cursed inwardly, these bastards, they can't even pretend to be good, and they came without even wearing shoes. Isn't this just asking for trouble for yourself?

Don't give him a penny after it's over!

Cursing secretly in his heart, but His Majesty's words still have to be answered, Zhu Chunchen's eyes rolled wildly for a while, and he quickly thought of a way.

"Your Majesty! You also know that the people's lives are hard, and the soldiers of the Beijing camp are just ordinary people on weekdays, so they cherish all kinds of supplies, so this soldier must be worried that his shoes will be damaged during training, so he came here barefoot. of!"

"Oh! So that's how it is. The soldiers are suffering! It seems that I will pay more attention to them." Zhu Youjian believed these words with a look of sudden realization.

But then he pointed to another soldier wearing boots on the soles of his feet and asked: "Why is he not barefoot, but also wearing boots made of such high-quality fabrics to participate in training? Are the living conditions very favorable?
That being the case, why is he wearing patched clothes? "

Zhu Chunchen looked in the direction of Zhu Youjian's finger, and suddenly felt like shit in his heart!
Your uncle, what the hell is this, with ragged clothes on the upper body, but a pair of cloud-patterned boots that are obviously only worn by wealthy people, what kind of dress is this?
And how should I answer myself?

Zhu Chunchen froze in place, speechless for a while.


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(End of this chapter)

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