Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 65 Chapter 66 Touring the Beijing Camp

Chapter 65 No.60 Six Tour of the Beijing Camp ([-])

Xu Ergou was originally a green-skinned gangster who roamed the streets of Dongshi City. He also joined a street gang called the Three Hands Gang. His daily job was to find suitable people on the street to steal from him!
That's right!It is stealing!
The Three Hands Gang, as the name suggests, the Three Hands, that is, the Thieves Gang, this gang is full of thieves with three hands.

Three days ago, he suddenly got a news that the government of Chengguo wanted to recruit a group of people to show off. The time is about a day, and the reward is very generous. Honestly go to the designated place to gather, and then just follow the steward's command, pay half of the deposit before doing the work, and immediately release the remaining half of the money after the work is over!

It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to just follow the command and get a penny in the account. How can there be such a good thing on weekdays?
Immediately, Xu Ergou didn't even do the work, and after talking to his superiors, he took a few of his brothers to sign up.

Of course, as a guide, I must charge these brothers a fee of one or two floors. After all, I told them this news, otherwise they would not know!

In this way, Ergou and the others were brought to this school yard.

The supervisor told him that their working time will start in three days, and now they will be given some training.

Afterwards, a man who looked like a general in armor came over and began to lead them to train.

Of course, the so-called training is just a show, to let them know how to walk, how to stand, and how to hold the weapon in their hands, so that they can make jokes that they can't even hold a weapon when things are imminent.

Of course, there is money to be paid during this training period, otherwise, who would want to waste this effort?

In this way, time passed day by day, and at the end of the training yesterday, the steward who I saw on the first day appeared again, and then told them what they were going to do. Tomorrow, pretend to be an officer of the Beijing camp to hide the truth from the current emperor!

This means that they can see the emperor tomorrow!
Thinking of this, Xu Ergou no longer cared about whether he was deceiving the emperor, and was so excited that night that he couldn't sleep, thinking about the scene when he saw the emperor tomorrow.

Not only him, but everyone else is in the same mood. Although I and others are trying to deceive the emperor this time, but after all, I can see the emperor, and it is worth it no matter what!

Unable to sleep tossing and turning at night, Xu Ergou turned over and began to rummage around the house. After a while, he found a pair and a half of boots at home.

Why do you say it is a pair and a half?Because there is only one pair of these boots.

He accidentally stole it from the bag of a little book boy who was following behind the rich son. He almost sold it at that time, but seeing that the boots were still so new, he was reluctant to part with them.

So Xu Ergou slept all night wearing these boots that night, and decided to wear his best pair of boots to meet the emperor. As for which one, he was seen by one of his brothers. Zhuan immediately took off his straw sandals, and followed him to the school field wearing only one boot.

When he thought about it, even if he only wore one shoe, but these were boots, they must have more face than a pair of straw sandals!

When the other brothers saw his action, they all regretted that they were slow and let him take the lead. Finally, after thinking about it, they felt that they were wearing such good shoes, and it was too embarrassing for them to wear straw sandals, so They simply didn't even wear straw sandals, and came to the school grounds barefoot.

This is the scene that Zhu Youjian and Zhu Chunchen saw. Some people don't wear shoes, and a person is wearing rags, but on his feet are a pair of boots of good material. In the end, Zhu Youjian and Zhu Chunchen also Saw someone with only one boot on.

See this scene.Zhu Youjian was dumbfounded, not knowing what to say, but Zhu Chunchen was stunned, what the hell are these bastards doing!
You don’t wear shoes, I can’t bear to wear good shoes, how can you still wear one foot and not the other?What are you guys thinking? !

"Uh... Duke Cheng, this..."

Zhu Youjian opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, but Zhu Chunchen shook his head and sighed: "Your Majesty, don't ask any more. I don't know what's going on with them. It's difficult for me!"

Zhu Chunchen suddenly let out a dry howl, and Zhu Youjian, who was so frightened, almost couldn't hold back and slashed at him with a knife. It's okay, howl like a dick!Grandpa's heart attack is almost frightened by you!

In the end, Zhu Youjian shook his head, didn't continue to worry about the shoes these people wore, and went straight to the top point of the school field.

Behind him, Zhu Chunchen saw that Zhu Youjian had finally let go of the shoe problem, and he was relieved, but at the same time, his heart was filled with uncontrollable anger, and he immediately dressed an officer beside him while Zhu Youjian was not resting The man whispered a few words, and then looked fiercely at Xu Ergou and others who were looking excitedly at Zhu Youjian who was walking up to the general platform.

The man dressed as a military officer followed Zhu Chunchen's gaze, and then nodded at Zhu Chunchen. Zhu Chunchen immediately showed a happy expression, and then trotted quickly and followed the team to the general's platform, and came as if nothing had happened. Arrived behind Zhu Youjian.

Today's weather is good, the wind blows people very cool, and even the few flags standing on the stage are buzzing!
Zhu Youjian stood on the general platform, looked around at the army (wai) posture (gua) male (lie) strong (zao) lineup below, and suddenly let out a loud shout!
"Zhen! Zhu Youjian! Is the Son of Heaven today! Your emperor! Zhen! That is the destiny! That is Daming! There is nothing in the whole world that I don't know about!
You know, what are you doing? ! "

As soon as Zhu Youjian said this, everyone was shocked, and there was a commotion underneath, and then there was an extreme silence!
These people finally remembered that the person in front of them was the Son of Heaven!It's the emperor!

And what are you waiting for others to do?You are deceiving the emperor!

According to the play, this is deceiving the emperor, and he will be beheaded!
But at a time like this, who would dare to stand up and admit it?Wouldn't that be self-inflicted?
And Zhu Chunchen, who was behind Zhu Youjian, was even more horrified at the moment, because Zhu Youjian suddenly said such a thing, what did it mean? It happened!

Otherwise, the emperor wouldn't suddenly say such things inexplicably and safely!
Which self, how should I deal with it at this moment?
At this time, Zhu Youjian met the eyes looking at him with a calm expression and said slowly again: "Zhen, this time I inspected the Beijing camp, I want to see how the defense strength of my Daming capital is?
But a few days ago, I suddenly heard something, which made me furious, because if it is true, it means that my Ming capital is in danger at all times, and this thing is..."

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for investment!Ask for collection!Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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