Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 69 Touring the Beijing Camp

Chapter 69 Visiting the Beijing Camp ([-])

Seeing that everyone looked over, Zhu Youjian sorted out his thoughts, and then turned to them, and everyone said: "Everyone! Before everyone is released from the military, in order to thank everyone for their persistence over the years, for their loyalty to the court, and to our loyalty.

Therefore, regarding the imminent departure from you, I decided to take a sum of money from my internal funds and give you the compensation money for the previous year in the form of five taels per month.

In other words, in the next year, you can receive five taels of silver from me every month for living, so that you will have one year to find a new source of life.

When you leave, you can go to the Huangming Bank in the capital to get a voucher with your certificate of discharge from the military. With this voucher, you can receive five taels of compensation at the Huangming Bank every month. "

After a pause, Zhu Youjian said again: "In addition, if you want to find a job, you can also go to the Huangming Chamber of Commerce with your voucher, where they will arrange training for you and then assign jobs.

Not to mention how much money can be made, but it is still possible for everyone to support their families. If you are interested, you can find out. "

After Zhu Youjian finished speaking, the people below started discussing immediately.

"What? Compensation? Five taels a month! 60 taels a year! Is there such a good thing?!"

Some people still can't believe it.

"Why not? This was said by the emperor himself. How could it be false?

Very good!I was worrying about how to live after leaving the military camp. With these five taels of silver, it was enough for me to find a place to stay temporarily.

With a foothold, a man as big as me can find a stutterer anywhere!Your Majesty has been so kind to us!Your Majesty is simply an eternal sage!
By the way, when the time comes when I get the money, I have to buy new clothes first. I have worn these clothes for seven or eight years and haven't changed them. My brother left them for me. It's just...just... No luck!If he can persist until now, he can also enjoy this kind of blessing!woo woo woo woo……"

Some people began to think excitedly, but they cried again while talking.

"You only think about the money, haven't you heard that, His Majesty said that you can go to the Huangming Chamber of Commerce to find work, which is the Huangming Chamber of Commerce!
I heard that the entire Huangming Chamber of Commerce has branches all over the entire Ming Dynasty, and there are branches everywhere. It is one of the largest chambers of commerce in the entire Ming Dynasty!

You said, how did His Majesty let us all go in? "

"Hey! Are you showing off your head? How can you be the emperor? As long as he says a word, who would dare not listen?
No matter how powerful the owner of the Huangming Chamber of Commerce is, would he still dare to refute His Majesty's words?As long as His Majesty moved his fingers, he would probably tremble with fear, so what kind of problem is it to let us go to work? "

The other looked contemptuously at whoever spoke before.

"Your Majesty just said to give us money from the inside, why do you want us to go to Huangming Bank to get it? Could it be that His Majesty just moved his finger and let the Huangming Chamber of Commerce give out the money?" Someone retorted earlier.

"Nonsense! The whole world belongs to His Majesty. If His Majesty asked him to come out, would he dare not?"

The other person looked contemptuously at the person who refuted him again, as if he was looking at a country bumpkin!
"You are thinking about farts, what kind of businessmen are willing to give up such money, let alone the emperor, even if the emperor is here, don't even think about getting a penny from those miserly hands!"

"You know again?"

"Knows more than you do!"

"What do you think His Majesty usually does?"

"If you say you are stupid, you still don't believe it. What else can you do? Of course, you are carrying a golden hoe to plant the land. Let me tell you, my grandfather is said to have seen the emperor at that time with a lot of officials on the Huangzhuang outside the city." Farm the land with the golden hoe!
Tsk tsk, as expected of the emperor, he used a golden hoe to farm the land. Usually when the emperor eats, he must roast chicken with a lot of big white steamed buns. I'm so envious!When can I do this too? "

"Hahahaha! You really are a fool! How could it be the emperor, how could he farm the land, the emperor usually has so many state affairs, how could he have time to farm, your grandfather must have lied to you!"

"You're talking nonsense! My grandfather won't lie to me. The emperor just went to farm. Everyone has to farm. If you don't farm, where can you get food? You are an idiot!"

"The emperor doesn't plant!"

"He planted!"

"He doesn't grow!"

"He planted it!"

"He doesn't grow!"

"He planted it!"

"He planted your grandma's leg!"

"Oh! You actually scolded the emperor! I want to sue! You are finished!"

"I'm going! It's all your fault! You bastard! Even if I die, I will take you with me. I will kill you first!"

"Hey! What are you doing! What are you doing! Don't come here! Don't come here! I'm warning you, don't come close, I won't be polite if you come close! I'm really not welcome! Ahhh Ahh..."

The two people here fought together over whether the emperor should farm or not, while the others, especially those with physical illnesses and disabilities, were thinking about another question at this time.

Even if you want people like them, will the Huangming Chamber of Commerce accept them?
If I knew who was looking for someone to work, the priority is to have healthy limbs and a healthy body. If you think about them, you can't find work outside. Is the Huangming Chamber of Commerce that the emperor said will be like this?
Immediately, someone stood up. This was a middle-aged man who was missing an arm. His face was full of vicissitudes. People could tell at a glance that he was a person who had gone through countless vicissitudes.

"My lord, I would like to ask, can a person with a handicap like me go to the Huangming Chamber of Commerce to find a job?"

Zhu Youjian noticed him, and immediately nodded after hearing what he said: "Don't worry, you must have heard of the name of the Huangming Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce is very big and has a lot of work. There will always be something easy to do." Let you do the work, you don’t have to worry about it.”

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Zhu Youjian's words, that's it.It can be considered that he has solved a heart disease, as long as there is work to do, he will work hard and live hard, because now he is living well with other dead family members!
He is no longer qualified to give up this life!

The only thing we can do now is to try our best to live and live longer!longer!Live with everyone!

After the middle-aged man got the answer, he retreated into the crowd, and Zhu Youjian noticed the two people who had huddled together below, and immediately frowned and asked loudly, "What's going on down here?"

Immediately, several guards ran over and pulled the two people who were struggling together, even so, the two people still glared at each other with red eyes.

After asking the people around, the guard learned what had happened, and then gave the two people a weird look, and ran all the way to Zhu Youjian's side to explain the ins and outs of the matter clearly.

After hearing what happened, Zhu Youjian immediately looked confused, what the hell?Do I farm the land with a golden hoe on weekdays?If you eat big white steamed buns, you just roast chicken?

why i don't know
And one of the grandfathers saw the emperor farming?

He wasn't talking about the annual spring plowing ceremony, where the emperor waved a hoe a few times to show off to encourage farming, right?
He actually took it seriously?

My God, this is actually a brawl caused by whether the emperor usually uses a golden hoe to farm the fields!

These two people are simply...cutely stupid!
 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for investment!Ask for collection!Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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