Chongzhen's open life

Chapter 70 Touring the Beijing Camp

Chapter 70 Touring the Beijing Camp ([-])

After the two people who were fighting were pulled away, Zhu Youjian let the remnants of the Fifth Army Battalion go home.

Otherwise, Zhu Youjian really doesn't know, if they are allowed to stay any longer, what dumbfounding things will happen later.

Of course, before letting them leave, Zhu Youjian also told them that they will come back to the school ground tomorrow morning, and then someone will handle the matter of leaving the military for them and issue them a certificate. Leaving the military status, he became one of the most ordinary hundreds of millions of people under the rule of Ming Dynasty!
Everyone was overjoyed after hearing this, and most of them smiled and shouted that the emperor is wise and mighty, comparable to the ancient sage!
In this regard, Zhu Youjian accepted it with peace of mind.

That's right!I am indeed wise and mighty, comparable to the ancient sages!No!wrong!A mere ancient sage can't compare to me, I'm even stronger!You guys are so discerning!

After thanking them for their kindness, these remnants of the Fifth Army Battalion happily went home to announce the good news, unaware that their Emperor's lord was currently addicted to shameless self-will.

However, if some people are happy, there must be others who have the opposite mentality. These people are undoubtedly the officers of the former Fifth Army Battalion. How could they with vested interests leave so willingly?

However, the emperor has spoken, and it seems that the backers behind them are unable to protect themselves. They know that there is no room for recovery, and they can only accept the reality helplessly, and leave slowly with a bitter face. go……

After the remnants of the fifth army camp left, Zhu Youjian turned his attention to the group of people on the right. There are good families who earn a little money to subsidize their families, old people and children who are greedy for small things and cheap money, green-skinned gangsters who do nothing all day long on the street, refugees who come to the capital to escape from famine, and even beggars who can’t eat and come to make a living. More or less people from all walks of life came here, just for the money.

Logically speaking, these people dared to pretend to be soldiers and participated in deceiving themselves. No matter which one of these is a serious crime, they must be punished!

But, first of all, I have promised them that I will not punish them for their first offence.

Secondly, they are also for the sake of living, and there are no serious consequences, so it is not appropriate to embarrass them.

Furthermore, as the saying goes, Taoism does not blame the public, and there are more than 1 people. If everyone is convicted, Zhu Youjian doubts whether there are enough prison cells in the capital, and how many families will be affected?
No matter what these people do, they are all the people of Ming Dynasty, and they are the ones that the emperor wants to protect. How could he cause many families to collapse because of this incident?
From Zhu Youjian's point of view, the people of my Ming Dynasty are all lovely, as long as they don't do anything against social morality or outrageous things, I will forgive them.

Therefore, I really can only let them go, but seeing so many people, and most of them are young and strong, Zhu Youjian can't help but think about it!
Aren't you worrying about the disbandment of the Fifth Army Battalion?

Rebuilding the Fifth Army Battalion will inevitably require a large number of young and strong people, and among the people in front of them, except for the elderly, children and those with disabilities, most of them meet the conditions for serving as soldiers, let alone many of them Qingpi gangster.

In Zhu Youjian's view, these so-called green-skinned gangsters have never been trained by the military camp. Zhu Youjian believes that even these green-skinned gangsters, as long as they enter the military camp, he is confident that Bai Polu will "train" them well!
Let them be reborn and be human again!

Become a good man and a good guard of Daming!

After all, isn't there such a saying?

The barracks is like a big melting pot. Anyone who comes in can only be assimilated. No one can escape this law. If someone is not assimilated, it can only explain one problem. This person has not been trained enough!

If you can't train once, you can do it twice, and if you can't do it twice, you can do it three times. Under the care of the "friendly" instructors in the army, Zhu Youjian doesn't believe it. Who can resist assimilation!

Looking at these people, Zhu Youjian almost drooled subconsciously, but fortunately he recovered in time and swallowed the saliva back, otherwise, if someone finds out, he would have no choice but to... shut up!

Zhu Youjian thought for a moment, and the audience fell into silence following Zhu Youjian's silence. Everyone stared at Zhu Youjian on the stage, quietly waiting for the opening of His Majesty.

About a quarter of an hour later, after sorting out his thoughts, Zhu Youjian finally said again: "Everyone! Everyone has seen the situation today, my Ming Dynasty's Beijing camp! The Fifth Military Battalion with the largest number of people! It used to run rampant in the desert. Junwei's Beijing camp has become what it is today, so that it has to be abolished.

This is my Daming's sorrow!

I, as today's son!My heart aches!

What a heartache! "

After a pause, Zhu Youjian continued: "You may want to ask, why should I be heartbroken? Isn't it just that a military camp was abolished? What's the matter? The big deal is rebuilding!"

Zhu Youjian nodded: "That's right! It is true that the Fifth Military Battalion can be rebuilt, but it is meaningless, because the military soul of the Fifth Military Battalion is lost! Gone! Completely disappeared!

This army, this army that used to be the pride of my Ming Dynasty, protected hundreds of millions of people in my Ming Dynasty, and brought countless glory to my Ming Dynasty has completely disappeared!
Starting today, even its name will become history, and what is left to future generations is only three words that are understated in history books, and only these three words are left in the "Five Army Battalions"!
I!Not reconciled! "

After the words stopped for a while, Zhu Youjian's hand was gradually clenched, tighter and tighter, until finally even the nails were deeply sunk into the palm of the hand.

Zhu Youjian shook his fist fiercely and shouted: "I am not reconciled! I am not willing to be reconciled either! I don't want this army to disappear, I want it to regain its former glory and appearance, so that it can bring me Da Ming once again. With such a great reputation, the Yidi of the four directions will tremble with fright when they hear the word Wujunying, and they will be terrified all day long!"

Zhu Youjian's face became ferocious because of shouting, and anyone could see from his appearance that he came from the unwillingness and hope deep in his heart.

He was not willing to let this army disappear. He hoped that this army that had brought Da Ming countless faces would shine again and make Da Ming great again. This deep expectation was deeply felt by everyone present. And gradually realized.

But at this moment, Zhu Youjian's voice suddenly became low, and even his emotions became negative.

"But... even if I am unwilling, no matter how far away, there is nothing I can do. I can only watch it disappear, because this army was never established because of money. It is the army of Taizu who conquered the world. It has a glorious In the past, there was a military spirit and glory that other armies of the Ming Dynasty could hardly match.

These are things that no amount of money can reproduce.

Therefore, no matter how unwilling I am, I can only choose to give up.

I can't save it anymore, I can only smile, enduring heartache, enduring sadness, and sending it away with my own hands.

At least this way, it didn't disappear because it was defeated on the battlefield.

That's nice... isn't it?hehe……"

Zhu Youjian laughed at himself as he spoke.

A sense of sadness began to spread in the arena.

Looking at Zhu Youjian's lonely appearance on the stage, and listening to his self-deprecating words, everyone felt as if a heavy boulder was pressing on their hearts, making them a little breathless, but unable to break free...

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(End of this chapter)

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