Douluo: a deer

Chapter 100

Chapter 100
"Hahaha! I'm not dead!"

The wanton laughter of the gray-robed man came from the huge wooden figure.

Its eyes sparkled, and when its huge body turned, a huge gully was scraped on the ground, and every move caused a violent whirlwind.

Everything around was collapsing, Lan Youyou jumped on the ground, and retreated quickly, the objects behind her rose from the ground in an instant, surging like a torrent of mud and rocks.

It was the shadow that carried them to the sky!
It turned out that the wooden giant moved, and every step it took across would create a huge deep pit, and everything around it was swept up into the sky by his wood.

"He sold his soul to a monster!"

Lan Youyou stopped in a low room, which was not easily seen by giants.

He looked at the gray-robed man now, and felt that he was a little weird, and his intelligence seemed to have been seriously affected.

She had been exposed to the giant's eyes when she fled, but the giant ignored her.

Lan Youyou's eyes lingered on the wooden giant, as if trying to find something.

The place where Qin Huan disappeared just now seemed to be on the giant's chest, where a golden light shone faintly.

"It's fine..."

Lan Youyou breathed a sigh of relief, at this time she was seriously injured, and just now Lan Wei fell into a deep sleep because she had reached the limit of acting as a substitute.

How to do? !

Lan Youyou was extremely anxious, but she could only watch.

Look at the physique of this giant, if you step on it, she will probably be gone.

What!How many times do you think the martial artist can resist...

Then you still have to si!
At this moment, Lan Youyou's mind is full of vulgar martial arts words, and so on.

Look at the third grade of Yanshi, how can you directly become a Gundam?
"Where is it going?"

Lan Youyou, who was thinking wildly, didn't lose her eyes. She kept staring at the giant's actions, trying to save Qin Huan.

But Lan Youyou saw the wooden giant walking towards the central city.

Central City?

Lan Youyou's complexion changed, and she reacted quickly. She swung her right hand, and a blood-red sickle swirled from the bottom of her feet, leading Lan Youyou to follow the giant's pace at an extremely fast speed.

The previous explosion made the sickle close to collapse, and several cracks spread on the surface.

Lan Youyou's face turned red, she struggled to control the direction of the flying scythe, and the damage to her martial soul affected her.

This is why Lan Wei kept his hand on purpose, otherwise the sickle would be broken directly, and he would keep his martial soul for Lan Youyou to escape.

Although they share the same body, Lan Youyou doesn't have Lan Wei's terrifying martial arts talent, and the power is still there, so it's troublesome to control it.

For Lan Youyou, the innate martial spirit was more convenient.

The spinning sickle was so blurred that the shape could not be seen clearly, Lan Youyou still sat firmly on it at a terrifying speed.

She followed the giant from the inner city to the central city, and just stopped when she saw a crazy scene.

The huge wooden palm slowly touched the ground, and at the moment of touching, countless wooden vines flew, dancing like mad snakes, piercing the ground and wrapping around the ground.

The wooden giant's eyes shone green, it backed up a few steps, and suddenly raised its hands up!
Central City takes off...

The entire land was lifted up, dust was flying, and rocks were cracked.

Yellow smoke rose from the crushed sand, and it was only when the fog thinned that a huge deep pit could be seen clearly.

The moment it appeared, the ear-piercing whine seemed to soar into the sky!
The hoarse and mocking grinding sound lingered in her ears, Lan Youyou felt as if her eyes were covered with a black cloth, but when she opened her eyes, all she saw was blood red.

As if returning to the scene when she was training in Dayan Hell, Lan Youyou still remembered those pairs of blood-red eyes and the hysteria in front of her.

Despair spreads in the boundless smell...

In the middle of the empty deep pit, there is a blood-red ball the size of a human head, with thick blood rolling on it, and they are slowly congealing and rushing towards the red pill.

Next to it, there is a pair of wooden coffins, which are unremarkable, but contain a huge atmosphere.

It seemed to be able to breathe, the coffin board couldn't hold it down anymore, and there was a "plopping" heartbeat sound as it trembled and undulated, and the feeling of something waking up became even stronger.

The souls of the dead wandering in the sky struggled frantically. They screamed and wailed unwillingly, but they still couldn't escape the coffin's capture.

The chains flew out one after another, accurately capturing the fleeing souls back, and then there was a terrifying chewing sound in the coffin.

"This is……"

Lan Youyou stared blankly, her scalp went numb for an instant.

Eat ghost coffins!
In her mind, it was even more terrifying.

Lan Youyou glanced over in fear, and happened to see the wooden giant's eyes light up.

As if he couldn't bear it anymore, he grabbed the wandering soul in the air and started fighting for food with the coffin.

"Why does it also eat ghosts?"

Lan Youyou didn't know why, but found that the more the wooden giant ate, the brighter the light in its eyes would be.

There seemed to be some more humanity in that void, and the sanity of the gray-robed man was slowly returning...

Lan Youyou groaned inwardly, and ran towards a soul as her heart froze.


She bit it down, gritted her teeth, and tears welled up from the corners of her eyes.

What about edibles?Two support!

The wooden giant's eyes became more and more clear. The ghost-eating plan had failed completely, and it could no longer stop the return of the gray-robed man.

Lan Youyou chose to adopt plan B, the wind was so tight, running was the best plan, and she quickly hid in the distance.

It seems to be an instinctive dissatisfaction, the giant is not happy to eat, because there is a guy following it to grab food.

It stared at the coffin with its big round eyes, when it made a new discovery.

A strong blood energy emanated from a round blood red sphere.

The giant grinned and grinned strangely. It stretched out its hand to grab the blood pill.

The moment it hit the blood pill, a silver-white sword light came from far to near...

It hit the giant's palm almost instantly!

Above the sky of Xiaomu City, a huge arm broke off at the root...

(End of this chapter)

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