Douluo: a deer

Chapter 101 Peak 1 Sword

Chapter 101

The astonishingly brilliant sword light did not dissipate, and the remaining prestige remained undiminished, and he left in a hurry.

The sky and the earth are buzzing, the whole city is shaking, and the continuous white light has been slowly ending for a long time. At this time, a ravine of more than several kilometers can be seen, which seems to cut the entire Xiaomu City in half.

The next moment, the grey-robed man's miserable screams came from the wooden giant's body. This time, not only was his hand broken, but his entire body was cracked.

The severe pain caused the gray-robed man to return to most of his sanity, but he would rather just be so stupid at this moment.

The figure in front of him made him bewildered and felt a deep shock.

His throat rolled slowly, he couldn't believe it, trembling in despair:

"The way of the sword... Chen Xin!"

The first attack in the world!

"Extreme swordsmanship" refers to this old man standing in the air at this time.

He knelt down in front of the wooden giant, and compared to his gigantic figure, he was pitifully small.

But it was such an old man with silver hair and silver sword that made the gray-robed man feel a deep shudder.

"Since I came back to true swordsmanship, no soul cultivator can reach the super level, and no one can take my sword."

The old man looked at the wooden giant like a hill, and said casually, "You are cultivating a side path, how many swords can you take?"

Contempt, unreserved provocation!

At this time, Jian Douluo's plain words made the gray-robed man feel endless shame and anger.

It wanted to stretch out its giant hand and crush the old man to death...but it was just a fantasy, the remaining rationality in its body told it.

This way it will die!
The trembling soul was tingling, as if it was about to disintegrate in the next moment, the gray-robed man didn't dare to bet, even if he was extremely confident in this soul wood body, he didn't dare to try it.


Even if tattoos were engraved on it, and his body could withstand the sword marks, the sharp sword intent would still penetrate him and wipe him out.

The old man's sword also works on the soul!
It's a fantasy!

The wooden giant trembled, it didn't dare to face Chen Xin directly, and retreated frequently, so he turned around and fled.

Like building blocks collapsed, the huge body turned into a torrent and fled towards the distance.

Chen Xin watched silently, not in a hurry, his eyes inadvertently glanced at the place where the blood pill was, his face froze suddenly.


He sighed secretly, and the silver light was out of the sheath when he raised his hand, and nine soul rings surrounded the sword body.

"Seven Kills - Time!"

Eight black and one red brilliance suddenly bloomed together, contained in the body of the sword.

Behind him, the puppets that had sneaked up from all over the sky turned into smoke and dispersed.

Between the heaven and the earth, there is only one light that cannot be seen directly!
It is as light as a surprise, dazzling, as if it has gone through the four seasons in the blink of an eye, and the reincarnation of all kinds!
At this moment, he caught up with the dark green wooden stream and passed through it all at once.

The stream of wood stagnated, flowing away like fine sand...Suddenly, it turned back into that huge wooden giant, and returned to Sword Douluo.

This is the eve of his escape...

It's just that this time its whole body is disintegrating in an instant, and it can no longer repair itself.

Under this sword, time is disordered and parallelism no longer exists!

All vitality was wiped away...

Memories flashed like a revolving lantern in the gray-robed man's mind, from when he was just born, doing nothing, to when he failed to awaken his soul, became a useless person, and suffered all kinds of bullying.

He had an extremely sad past life, but by a coincidence, he met a woodpecker that spoke out...

Chen Xin retracted his sword indifferently, turned around to look for the whereabouts of his young master, but he completely ignored the gray-robed man behind him.

There is no need to expect this sword at all...

The gods will be ashamed of this blow.

Seven kills swordsmanship has come true, not afraid of gods and gods!
A sword of time, amazing talent.

This is the sword technique in the Supreme Sword Sutra, only half of it, but it is called Sword Douluo Guizhen Seven Kills Sword Way, and cut out the peak sword.

"It hasn't reached the limit yet, only the way of the sword that can cut the gods is the key to breaking free from the shackles of the mainland."

Ning Junyi in the distance talked about the evaluation, and Lan Youyou was sitting obediently beside him. At this moment, she was eating and drinking, while watching the duel between the peak powerhouses... no, it was a unilateral crush.

Not only are there melons to eat, but there are also plays to watch. It's really not too exciting. Lan Youyou, a very energetic guy, has even forgotten that there are any important things he hasn't done.

Chen Xin scanned the surroundings, and finally saw the young master who was smiling at him. The wooden giant behind him had disappeared to the size of a house, and a golden light was faintly coming from inside.

With a light wave of the hands on the back, a blood pill squeezed through the tightly bound wood and was about to fly towards Chen Xin.

At this moment, Chen Xin suddenly let out a soft "噫".

Ning Junyi in the distance also frowned the next moment.

The screaming sound suddenly hissed through the sky!
The gray-robed man's last cry came from the wood.

"Yan Zu!"

After the sound fell, Ning Junyi and Chen Xin all changed their expressions. They looked at the same place at the same time, and their scalps felt numb for an instant.

A wooden coffin lay quietly in that deep pit, but it trembled as it fell down with that scream.

The terrifying coercion of the spirit and soul pervaded all directions in an instant, and everyone suddenly felt a tingling pain in their heads, as if they were being watched by a pair of invisible eyes.

Chen Xin, who had even stepped half a foot into the peerless world, was clearly in a daze, dizzy.

Not to mention Ning Junyi and Lan Youyou, Ning Junyi was alright, but his face was a little pale, while Lan Youyou almost knelt down on the ground, she was holding her little head in great pain.

At this time, a snow-white feather suddenly passed through the coffin lid and slowly floated up, and an egret surrounded by immortal splendor could be vaguely seen, but at this moment it was howling mournfully.

Its wings were gradually replaced by dark green, turned into cork, and became stiff and soulless.

The divine brilliance was dimming, and after a while, half of the egret's body turned into wood. It raised its head, looked faintly at the distant egret city, took one last look, and finally turned into an eternal sculpture.

At this moment, nothing could stop His coming, and the ground around the coffin gradually turned into billowing logs, like a distant attack.

A huge ancient tree rose from the ground, and in a short time it grew to a width that can only be embraced by dozens of people, and it is still spreading.

Countless vines shot up to the sky, as if they had set up a net, and as far as the eye could see, it was all green.

The coffin was topped with a canopy, and its breath became stronger and stronger.

The entire central city could no longer stay there. Moss kept gushing out of the ground, wrapping the houses and covering the streets, not letting a single place go.

Jian Douluo led Ning Junyi and Lan Youyou to keep retreating, and strange and coquettish flowers began to grow under their feet, spitting violent toxins from them.

When he came to a safe roof on the edge of the inner city, Jian Douluo put the two of them down, and then suddenly drew his sword.

The silver light shuttled in an instant, and immediately cut off all the green plants along the way, making a smooth road.

Seeing the addition of a series of blank lots, Chen Xin just breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment she was suddenly stunned.

Until the moment before the towering ancient tree, the flickering sword light that could not even be caught by the naked eye solidified in an instant, assimilating into a crescent-shaped wooden strip that was absorbed by the ancient tree, and the tree seemed to be a bit thicker.

Chen Xin's expression was ugly, and he didn't know why, so he turned his head to look at Ning Junyi.

Ning Junyi shook his head, as if he had expected it.

"How is this going?"

Ning Junyi seemed to have brought back memories, thought for a moment, and then said slowly:

"It is said that in ancient times, human beings were not the masters of the world, but those who ruled the world were those called demon gods..."

(End of this chapter)

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