Douluo: a deer

Chapter 102 Origin of Demon God

Chapter 102 Origin of Demon God
"Ancient Demon God..."

Jian Douluo's pupils were slightly condensed, and the shock in his eyes could not go away for a long time:
"What the hell are they?!"

He looked at the central city in the distance, which was completely covered by thick green plants at this time, like a scene of a virgin forest.

What's even more frightening is that the towering ancient tree that reaches the sky, the forked branches are about the same size as the wooden giant transformed by the gray-robed man just now, like the thick meridians of the human body. There are faint bloodshots and flowing mucus.

below that. . .

Another color appeared in the giant steel city. The high-spirited greenness is still spreading, and even turned into a bridge carrying the earth and the sky. The boundless eyes are full of coquettish twisting vines, house-sized cannibals The flowers are like cloud-covered mushroom caps.

"Before the Epoch, the forest looked like this." Ning Junyi stepped forward, with no ups and downs in his eyes, he said slowly:

"However... this is just the beginning."

Jian Douluo didn't know, so when he looked at the forest again, the waves in his heart could no longer calm down.

His face changed and changed.

In the blink of an eye, it was visible to the naked eye that the forest grew a bit bigger, and strange trees even began to rise from the ground. Creeping tentacles grew out of their torsos, and they stood upright like people.

What's more, in the tight gap between the torso's ligation, pairs of empty and lifeless eyes slowly opened.

They are evolving at a breakneck pace!

"why is that?!"

Jian Douluo's face was a little dignified, and he couldn't help but look at Ning Junyi.

Lan Youyou also stopped talking at this time, she held half a big watermelon and pricked up her ears.

After seeing these disgusting and humane plants, Lan Youyou looked at the big watermelon she was holding in her hand, and finally threw it away reluctantly. She was really afraid that there would be an extra mouth and two eyes on the watermelon while eating it. .

Also, these trees with long eyes made her look extremely twisted and weird. Those empty eyes were like those unfortunate people who passed away in the city.

At this time, Ning Junyi thought for a moment and then slowly opened his mouth:
"The world was first divided, and all spirits evolved. Mountains, lakes, seas, trees, forests, and grasses, all things that gather together are full of vitality. Some of them are created by elements, floating up into birds and sinking into beasts. And some of them are a part of the world. In this way, the sea becomes the spirit, the mountains become the rocks, and the ethereal becomes the wind."

"And Yan... It is rumored that it was once transformed by a branch of Tongtian Jianmu. Because it was born on the top of the sky, it is shaped like a bird. It is pointed and long. It likes to feed on woods. Because Jianmu is the pillar of the sky. , is located in the center of the world, and has the most majestic energy, so Yan is the earliest batch of demon gods born in the world."

"But later, with the start and end of the Demon God War, Jianmu and Yan disappeared together."

"Can't you see it disappear?"

Jian Douluo sneered, a few silver strands hung down from his hair, he swung the scabbard at his waist suddenly, as if quietly slashing something in the void.

The next moment, in the central city in the distance, several twisted vines neighed mournfully, and countless bloodstains flew from their bodies. They actually shed human-like bright red blood, and were instantly torn into powder.

Ning Junyi watched silently, and kept shaking his head: "It's useless, the demon god is immortal, unless the spirit is taken away or the energy is about to run out..."

Just as he finished speaking, there were whispers from the towering ancient trees in the distance. What was creepy was that no matter it was Lan Youyou, Ning Junyi, or Sword Douluo.

At this time, an emerald green woodpecker suddenly appeared in their minds. Its body was stiff, like a wooden puppet, and it was quietly staring at everyone...

Just such a glance makes one's scalp numb and his hairs stand on end.

The sharp apex slowly moved down!
Ning Junyi's face was a little ugly, a blood-red pagoda slowly rose above his head, and a broken sword on the top of the tower hummed up and down.

Lan Youyou's eyes suddenly changed into another look, it was the awakened Lan Wei, she breathed out energy, and the mental power of awakening and training condensed into a blood-red sickle.

Jian Douluo's pupils shrank, and the sword intent in his soul suddenly rose. He held his breath and asked Ning Junyi:
"How is it compared to the gods?"

"It's just one of its illusory feathers."

Ning Junyi said with difficulty.

Jian Douluo was stunned, his sword seemed to be blunt all of a sudden, and the majestic sword intent disintegrated in an instant.

The boundless horror broke his original cognition, and he murmured:

"The cruelty of war is unimaginable. The people who have suffered from disasters can't survive, so they will flee famine and change places to make a living." Ning Junyi said: "The same is true for the war of demon gods...they are refugees."


The aloof ancestor of the gods was actually... a refugee!
Jian Douluo froze in place, dazed in a daze, unavoidably a little dazed for a moment, his faith seemed to collapse suddenly.

The gods have always been the goal of his kendo, and they are the lighthouses for him to transcend this continent, but now the young master tells him that the gods are actually wandering and suffering people.

He has a heart of swordsmanship and dare not agree!

"Why do you know this?"

The collapse of faith was imminent, and Jian Douluo's tone was a little rough at this time, and he shouted at Ning Junyi.

He is the son of Sect Master Ning, but from the time this child was born, there was a strangeness everywhere. He was born able to speak and walk on the ground. ,even more……

My young master is really too mysterious, not to mention that there is the peerless sword scripture, Jian Douluo's eyes are wild, and he can no longer restrain the strong curiosity.

Ning Junyi didn't blame him, just took a deep look at him, and then said: "This is what the demon god Yishui told me."

"The demon god's slough..." Sword Douluo.

"Your half of the sword scripture." Ning Junyi reminded him.

Jian Douluo was dumbfounded for a moment, and it took him a while to come back to his senses: "This is..."

"The Demon God of the Sword, the Sword Ancestor. He is the leader of a hundred soldiers, the first unrivaled divine weapon of the Heaven and Earth Divine Iron Essence. After enlightening his wisdom, he once fought a powerful Demon God, and became his weapon after the defeat."

"During the Demon God War, the Sword Ancestor followed that powerful Demon God, but he was still beaten to pieces, but the aura remained. According to the immortality of the Demon God, he can be reassembled as long as he finds all of his body."

"So it's like this..." Sword Douluo touched the silver scabbard, the sword technique seemed to have integrated into his body and flesh and blood: "Is it all right if we just retrieve the remaining sword scriptures?"

Ning Junyi shook his head: "The demon god is formed by the Qi of heaven and earth, and it is an invisible thing. The broken pieces can be anything, but they must be related to the sword."

Jian Douluo nodded, sinking into his mind, the woodpecker actually retreated slowly under the revived sword intent, as if a voice in the haze was calling for Jian Douluo.

"I seem to be able to hear His voice!"

Chen Xin was a little excited.

Ning Junyi understood that he was talking about swordsmanship.

"If you practice his way, you will be contaminated with his aura. The more majestic the aura, the stronger the demon god will be. Whether it is sealed or sleeping, as long as there are more people who practice or believe in him, they will one day reunite. In the human world."

"Just like Yan at this time, in the prosperous age, a hundred schools of thought are contending. The Yanjia technique is widely spread, and the Mohist admires it to the extreme, and luck is at its peak. Use a descendant of a bird demon god plus a Mohist blood, and then devour it Millions of souls. Yan, appeared in front of us."

"This is just a sign, he is about to wake up!"

Ning Junyi explained.

Jian Douluo also felt a sense of urgency when he heard these words, he nodded in agreement, but was suddenly stunned.

Ning Junyi didn't know why, but saw the Seven Killing Sword Wuhun suddenly flashing behind Jian Douluo.

"Martial soul..."

The two fell silent at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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