Douluo: a deer

Chapter 103

Chapter 103
Martial Soul, as the innate authority of the residents of Douluo Continent, it is both ordinary and outstanding.

Ordinary is that almost everyone knows it, and excellence is because of its grades.

No matter how weak a soul master is, he still has waste martial souls like paper towels, hoes, and cutting boards.

It covers the entire continent, not only Tiandou, Xingluo, and even some little-known small places, there will be soul masters.

And this is what Ning Junyi is worried about at this time.

"Yanshi is still like this, soul master..."

Surprise flashed across Ning Junyi's face, and he didn't even dare to imagine the horror in it.

"Behind the martial spirit we have seen for a long time, is there also a him?" Sword Douluo gazed at the ever-expanding ancient forest, and his eyebrows were a little worried.

Since half an hour ago, he was still a pure swordsman, pursuing the supreme swordsmanship, but at this moment, what he had seen and heard in a short while, and his ears, suddenly broke his cognition.

Breaking through the peerless blood pill, the haganism of the side door, the secret from ancient times, the rise of the ancient demon god...

Everything had too much of an impact on him, and it was so terrifying to him, a powerhouse standing at the peak, let alone those tiny low-level soul masters.

Those who don't know are fearless. Sometimes ignorance is a good thing. Knowing too much can lead to depression.

For example, at this time, Jian Douluo's mind has fast forwarded to Douluo Continent disintegrating and disintegrating, and it is at stake.

And in this world, demons and gods rise together, and all souls mourn.

At this time, the task of saving the mainland requires a peerless sword cultivator who is brilliant and upright to end everything, and he finally saves the world with the hope of everyone in his sword, and is admired by thousands of people.

Ning Junyi looked at Chen Xin who had been dazed for a long time and sighed, thinking that all this had too much impact on him, and it really needed time to slow down.

But now is not the time to be dumbfounded, based on Jian Douluo's words, some doubts in his heart were quietly resolved.

"That Dayan's reason for founding the country turned out to be like this... To expand the territory, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is to seize the power."

Ning Junyi said to himself:

"Five years of strife, Dayan flew to seize three thousand counties. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, a hundred schools of thought have contended, and souls have been written."

"Interesting, it seems that that person's ambition is more than that...or she wants to delay time."

Ning Junyi was thinking quickly in his mind, and the broken clues were strung together into a long thread, and finally he had some clues.

"If the decision of the outsider is due to aura, then the backside of time travel may not be that simple. As far as I am concerned, the sword ancestor's power is added to his body, and his aura is added to his body, so the aura is naturally mellow."


"So!" Sword Douluo had already come to his senses, he heard what he just said clearly, and he was particularly excited at this moment, his white beard stood on end.

Ancient Simmi!

I'm afraid this is a secret that even the few peerless powerhouses in the mainland have never known.

"Da Yan exists as a Martial God!" Ning Junyi said firmly, "Even if he is not reincarnated, he still has power."

"Martial God?"

"If you talk about what Dayan admires most? Naturally, it is a martial artist. It is too unreasonable for so many high-level martial artists to emerge in the past five years. You must know that ordinary people step into horizontal training, and they have to practice the first level." For more than ten years, Dayan already has five grades as many as dogs, and four grades are all gone."

"The Valkyrie was the leader in the battle of demon gods back then. He stood invincible with his immortal body. His soul and energy were connected to his body, and the three were condensed into one. He transcended reincarnation and was not among the five elements. But he still died in the end. It's..."

Ning Junyi analyzed: "But he is not completely dead. He has transcended reincarnation and can be reincarnated at any time to come back to the world."

"And Dayan, where martial arts prevail, is definitely his best choice."


Jian Douluo was half-ignorant and half-comprehended, he let out a long breath, but didn't realize it was sharp.

And Ning Junyi also saw pretending to be b in front of him at this time. He used to only care about maintaining aloofness and maintaining his personality, but now seeing Jian Douluo's face full of reverence and longing, his whole body was full of excitement. Trembling, so cool that I can fly.

He finally knew why Qin Huan liked to pretend to be x.

Yes, that's how it feels!

But before he had a good time, the entire Xiaomu City suddenly changed.

The whole city began to shake, and the lush plants multiplied even more violently.

Terrible Qi machine hit the ground like a cloud, and the air seemed to be a bit heavy, making it hard to breathe.

Visible to the naked eye, there is a dark green ball of light floating around. Wherever it goes, it blooms, and the green color clings to everything.

The towering ancient tree has jumped out of the clouds at this time, like a pillar of the sky, stirring up the wind and clouds.

Ning Junyi's expression turned ugly: "He's about to wake up!"

"How to do?!"

Sword Douluo cold light out of its sheath, ready to fight.

His scorching eyes glanced over the boundless green plants, and fixed on the huge ancient tree in the center.

The sharp gaze passed by along the way, cutting like a sword, scraping the ground with a rustling sound, and the wind was as cold as ice.

"Seize the pill, enter the peerless world!"

Ning Junyi just said a few words, but with confidence and arrogance.

At this moment, he raised his sword to the gods!

As soon as the voice fell, the volume of sound was washed away, and a few wisps of sword sound fell.

Buzzing sounds piled up, and a three-foot cold front streaked across a long rainbow!
The Peerless Sword Light pulled for several miles, and hundreds of green houses collapsed in an instant, all of which were split in two.

The green vegetation was smashed into pieces, the smooth road was out, and the emerald green glow retreated rapidly.

With this sword, Sword Douluo swung all his strength, and half of Central City trembled.

This is the first attack under Peerless!

With flowing feet and a body like a sharp blade, Sword Douluo had already followed under the ancient tree in an instant, but when he saw a shadow above his head, his expression suddenly changed.

The sword light that swept out of his body had just swung out of a safe area, and the next moment it was turned into crescent-shaped willows. They turned their backs and drew towards Sword Douluo.

The willow stick was whipped like a tiger, and there was a sharp sword intent faintly in it.

"It's really hard to deal with." Jian Douluo's face was serious.

At this time, he saw Ning Junyi rushing out from a gap in the plants, and a blood-red pagoda was on top of his head, leading him to charge.

He came to Jian Douluo,

"Assimilation is one of Yan's powers. It usually uses it to repair injuries. At this time, every hundred miles around is dead."

"The way to break it is also very simple. A broken bowl can't hold water, and it will leak. It can't be assimilated all the time. To increase the frequency of your sword strikes, all you have to do is to make a few more holes."

"That's it..." Sword Douluo understood, and pondered, "It's as smooth as flowing water! Megatron!"

Circles of soul rings burst out from the hilt of the sword he was holding, shining brightly and dazzingly.

Especially the third and fifth spirit rings shone to the point of blinding.

A circle of smooth, line-like sword lights swayed out, making people look like gurgling water flowing in front of the door.

After everything had settled down, everything, whether it was wicker or the vegetation that had been attacked, was bounced away and set back more than [-] meters.

Everything was rolling backwards, and the breeze was no exception. When it blew against Sword Douluo's ears again, he grinned, and what followed was a torrential rain of sword light.

Flying like willow catkins, Jian Douluo lightly drew his sword, stretching out countless phantoms in his hand, and when he reached the front, countless sword lights gushed out.

The sword light like raindrops hit the trunk of the huge ancient tree, half of the sword light turned into green glow and melted, but half of the sword light was still on the ancient tree.

Countless holes came into view, with bright red blood stains on them, which looked extremely frightening, but the most eye-catching thing was the size of the holes, which were so miraculously identical.

Sword Douluo's swordsmanship is already extraordinary!

Megatron Sifang is Sword Douluo's best group attack soul skill, and it seems to be very effective at this moment.

There was a sharp neighing sound from the ancient wood, and both Ning Junyi and Jian Douluo shut their ears in discomfort.

At this time, half of the assimilated sword light came rolling in.

Ning Junyi glanced at Jian Douluo, the two nodded in tacit agreement, and he stepped forward and jumped up.

Half of the sword light had already struck in front of him, Ning Junyi's face remained unchanged, and he continued to go up, he did not dodge.

At the moment of crisis, Sword Douluo rushed to him, and the second soul skill shined brilliantly.

Spirit Sword Guardian!

The silver light shuttle flies, crosses and rotates, and the sword energy shield protects the two.

Ning Junyi was finally getting close to the ancient tree, he raised his hand, and the blood-red pagoda suddenly became huge, and countless blood-colored chains sprang out from it, accurately piercing into the hole Jian Douluo had just made.

"Jiujue Town Prison Tower: One Jue name is Feng!"

As soon as the words fell, the majestic power to seal the town poured out from the tower, and rushed towards the ancient wood along the chain.

The next moment, the whole ancient tree suddenly fell down, the dancing branches became soft, and the green plants fell asleep.

Ning Junyi breathed a sigh of relief:
"It can't attack us for the time being, so hurry up and climb the tree."

Sword Douluo pulled a sword flower back into its sheath.

He nodded, and hurriedly flew up with Ning Junyi.

(End of this chapter)

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