Douluo: a deer

Chapter 15 Fire Spirit Vision

Chapter 15 Fire Spirit Vision
The two walked to the lake.

Ditian signaled Qin Huan to demonstrate the latest cultivation results.

Qin Huan nodded, and with a light step of his hoof, he fell into the water, his feet were on fire, and he stood upright in the water.

The little deer in the middle of the lake raised its head, raised the corners of its mouth, and looked at Ditian provocatively.

Di Tian, ​​who saw it, said with a playful smile: "Try to gradually reduce the amount of flames used."

Qin Huan's face changed, and there was a black line above his head, this is to make him lose face...

However, he still bit the bullet and followed suit. The life brew he drank just now allowed his white fire to grow slightly.

He is also curious about what step he can do now.

The flames are shrinking, from the soles of the feet to the heels, and then to the soles of the feet, the reduction of the flames can be clearly seen.

Qin Huan's complexion also changed again and again, from being cautious at the beginning, to cramped and urgent, and finally to cold sweat.

Subtle control requires a lot of mental power, coupled with the fierce collision between the lake of life and the fire of creation, a violent energy spreads directly from the soles of the feet to Qin Huan's whole body.

not good!Sure enough, it still doesn't work!
Qin Huan exclaimed for a while, his body had lost his balance, and he was about to end up drowned.

At this time, a thick arm supported his whole body, and his balance was restored again.

Qin Huan turned his head and looked back, Ditian was standing behind him, the sun was shining directly down, and a bright holy light fell on that majestic and majestic figure.

Qin Huan: "..."

"Look good." Di Tian pulled Qin Huan back to his line of sight, and the two of them looked down.

There was also a thin layer of black flames under Ditian's feet, but the total amount of flames was controlled exactly the same as Qin Huan's.

"Why don't you fall down?" Qin Huan asked, extremely puzzled.

With the same amount, the same ultimate fire, the quality of White Fire is comparable to Ditian's Black Dragon Yan, but why can Ditian do it?

"You only controlled the quantity, but didn't control its quality." Di Tian laughed.

"Is it the quality?" Qin Huan thought about it, feeling a little wrong: "The flame is compressed, but the consumption of the flame is still increased! What I need is to save the consumption of the flame as much as possible during the battle."

Di Tian shook his head and said meaningfully, "Look carefully."

Qin Huan lowered his head to look again, and saw that the emerald green lake of life was as calm as a mirror, and felt nothing unusual, except that there were circles of tiny ripples under Ditian's feet.

Presumably it was the wrinkle caused by Ditian's weight.

"It's nothing special..." Qin Huan murmured, but Di Tian smiled. He touched Qin Huan's deer head, which was fluffy.

Seeing him grabbing it with his bare hands, Qin Huan was horrified to find that the white fire in his body rushed out uncontrollably.

Suddenly, a small ball of white fire was held in Ditian's hand, and he wiped the white fire on Qin Huan's eyes, Qin Huan instinctively closed his eyes.

But when he opened it again, he found that the world he saw was different...

The small free molecules in the air, the birds in the sky, the butterflies on the flowers dozens of meters away, the ants on the ground, everything became clear all of a sudden.

Just like 360p has evolved into Blu-ray 4K, the mosaic image quality is directly ultra-clear.

"This..." Qin Huan was a little dazed for a moment, and he said, "I... can my white fire still be used like this?"

Seeing his shocked look, Di Tian couldn't help feeling a little funny: "The fire of creation is not as simple as you think. Although it can't be used to attack, it can be used for healing, purification, detoxification, amplification, refining, etc. It is well-deserved as one of the strongest supports. Even the strongest support system in the human world, the Martial Soul Seven Treasure Glazed Tower, can't compare to the flame of creation."

"Okay, let's go and have a look."

Di Tian didn't talk nonsense, he took a slap on the head, and slapped Qin Huan back who was still lusting after him.

This time, what Qin Huan saw was different. The light green lake water seemed to be somewhat transparent, as crystal clear as emeralds, and fat swimming fish could be seen further down.

I have to say that the fish raised by drinking the water of life is fat!
Qin Huan's eyes flashed fieryly, and the corners of his mouth were drooling.

"Let you watch the fire, you go to see the fish!"

It wasn't until Ditian's scolding came, and Qin Huan got a shudder on his head, that Qin Huan thought of something serious.

He lowered his head in grievance, but the moment he saw the flames of Ditian, he was stunned, and a look of horror crept onto his face.

The pure black flame meets the emerald green lake water, but it is not disintegrated by the evaporation of the lake water, but...

Like locusts crossing the border, eating away at the lake of life!

"Fuck!" Qin Huan yelled out in shock.

what did he seeA flame wants to burn the entire lake!

"This is the quality, but it's not the quality but the essence. The essence of fire is burning..." Di Tian's faint words also came from behind, extremely gentle, but contained a strong sense of compulsion.

Invisibly, Qin Huan wanted to kneel down and hug his thigh to call him a boss.

"Fire, burn all things in the world! When the wind blows fire, the wood burns and the fire surges. It is endless and eternal. This is fire!"

Ditian's deep eyes looked at the distant sky, and he looked up at a 45-degree angle, with his hands on his back, his robe fluttering, and the lake of life under his feet seemed to become a green foil.

For a moment, the bastard's aura shook the ancient and modern!
Qin Huan looked at Ditian with a look of admiration: "So, how did you do this?"

Ditian came back to his senses, he was a little surprised by Qin Huan's question, he coughed twice: " do this first, then that...then practice more and you'll be fine."

Qin Huan: "..."

"So what's going on, hey!"

Seeing that Qin Huan was in a hurry, Ditian couldn't hold back anymore, so he had to explain: "Although the flames can't burn the lake of life, I can burn the air in the water... It can last for a while, but it will eventually burn. It’s over, it’s not that I don’t want to teach you, it’s just that your current control power is really impossible to be subtle enough to burn the air, just like you can’t burn flames out of thin air, you can only spread flames from the tail.”

After listening to Ditian's explanation, Qin Huan understood the reason.

It means that although the amount of flames has not increased, Ditian has borrowed external force, and other things provide the continuous burning of the flames, so his own flame consumption will naturally decrease.

This is like Qin Huan's war trampling, which can gather the power of the world and borrow external forces, but Qin Huan can only gather his own strength now.

"Actually, there is another way to do it, and it can be self-sufficient." At this moment, Di Tian said, without laughing or joking, his expression was extremely serious.

"What way?" Qin Huan was a little curious.

"When you use flame attachment, the flame will overflow and consume, right?" Di Tian asked.

Qin Huan nodded. When some of the flames were used, some of the flames had already been consumed for no reason when they came out of the body.

"Then why can't it be used from the inside of the body? Turn yourself into fire, and fill each meridian with fire elements, which can greatly reduce the loss of fire elements. After use, the flames will flow back to the meridians to form a cycle. It's like the blood of the human body." Di Tian suddenly said a bold hypothesis: "Become half a fire spirit!"

Qin Huan was shocked, isn't this similar to a soul core!Soul power is self-sufficient!

No wonder Di Tian in the original book has dual soul cores with complementary yin and yang, and the total mass of soul power is even several times that of Limit Douluo at the same level. It turns out that he had this idea long ago.

Qin imagined that if the tail was a container of flames before, then according to Ditian's vision, the whole body would be a container, and the total amount of flames of creatures of the same level would be far inferior to that of Qin Huan, and it would even be okay. Store soul power in it to form a different soul core!

Just like the golden elixir in Xiuxian novels, you can store your own cultivation.

If it is really successful, then if others at the same level can use one big move, Qin Huan can use four or five big moves, and he can also retract the spreading flames.

What's even more frightening is that, just like opening up the second meridian of Rentong, every pore meridian is opened, the speed of absorbing soul power will be several times faster than others, and the recovery will also be several times faster than others.

But how to do it?
Like a basin of cold water being poured down, Qin Huan felt happy for nothing.

Great is great, but this is just an idea!

"The inheritance of cultivation in two years' time may be an opportunity." Di Tian's words fell like rain.

Qin Huan's eyes suddenly brightened as he really wanted something.

Yes, why didn't I think of it?

"At that time, you will transform from a 10-year-old soul beast into a human. At that time, your body will be pure and flawless. At that time, you will have the opportunity to remake it. As long as you are transforming, you will continue to temper your new body with white fire, and continue to inject white fire into it. Every meridian and every place in your body, when the time comes, you will become a life form of fire element. And after being tempered, your physical body will be far superior to enemies of the same level." Ditian analyzed, and even had other things in his mind. idea.

So, what about soul power?

However, Qin Huan didn't care about these things, he was already jumping up excitedly.

But he forgot... the lake of life is under his feet.


With water splashing everywhere, Qin Huan once again became a drowned rat...

(End of this chapter)

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