Chapter 16
Spring goes and winter comes, and the sun and the moon alternate.

Counting nine cold days, the old emerald green is gone, and the feather-like snow falls one after another. For a while, the treetops are covered with white, the flowers and plants are covered with frost, and the world covered in silver appears in the forest.

On the white road, a crimson figure is particularly eye-catching, almost like a round of red sun, rushing close to the ground like a shuttle arrow, passing by along the way, thick snow is shaking off the tree buds.

She stopped under a giant tree, the height of the giant tree could not be seen at a glance, and the thick trunk might not be able to hug it even if a hundred people surrounded it.

The huge canopy covers the sky and the sun, like a huge cloud.There are dense leaves growing on every branch, and the rich breath of life seems to be constantly gushing out of it.

Even in this white world, it is as green as a spring day, and the severe winter has left no trace on it.

"Damn guy!" The three-eyed Jinyi was panting, and his face was extremely fierce, but it made people feel very cute: "Brother is leaving the customs today, just wait for me, and I will definitely teach you a lesson."

As she said that, she continued to walk forward from under the tree, but felt something was wrong.

"Where's the lake?"

The three-eyed Jin Yan was stunned, she searched for the lake in her memory, but only saw a piece of white land.

She continued to walk forward, and as soon as her front feet stepped into the white ground, she felt a warm and comfortable feeling under her feet.

But for a moment, "Ah!"

Water splashed down, mixed with an exclamation, and the three-eyed golden beast fell into the white ground.

In the middle of the white ground, Qin Huan with closed eyes felt a little, and suddenly opened his eyes. He looked at the unlucky guy who fell into the lake speechlessly, and sighed.

The white ground is gathered, and it is actually covered with white fire!Under it, the original emerald green lake water was exposed.

The flame formed a palm, lifted the three-eyed Jin Ni who had fallen into the water, and floated to Qin Huan.

Looking at her wet hair, still dripping with water, and her pitiful face, Qin Huan couldn't help but couldn't bear it.

"Come on, what's the matter?" Qin Huan put down the three-eyed golden dragon and approached slightly, and the lake water on his body was dried a lot.

The three-eyed Jin Yi threw herself on Qin Huan, tears streaming down her face: "Brother, you must help me!"

Qin Huan looked contemptuous: "Who in this forest can bully you, but let's say it first, I will not help you do bullying."

Seeing Qin Huan let go, the three-eyed Jin Ni became happy, and quickly kissed Qin Huan on the face: "Hey, I know that my brother loves Qiu'er the most!"

The three-eyed Jin Yi told Qin Huan about the matter, and Qin Huan also had a flash of surprise in front of him, expressing his interest in this matter.

The three-eyed Jin Yan was overjoyed, thinking that that guy was finished.

So, the two walked out.

But at this time, at the intersection of the forest core circle and the place of great evil, there were three figures looking at each other, and the atmosphere was dignified.

Inside the inner circle is a huge ape like a mountain, with scorched brown scales all over its body, with a gilded luster flowing through it. On his body, stands a little girl who is four or five years old.

The little girl's black scorpion braids hung down her hips, her pretty face was rosy, and she was holding a cute little white rabbit in her hand, trembling and carefully watching the figure in front of her.

The giant ape titan looked at the little girl on him worriedly, and said in a low voice: "Miss Wu, why don't we go, this is a very dangerous place! We just provoked Ruishou, and someone came here."

The little girl hesitated, her eyes were a little unwilling, and she murmured hesitantly: "But Er Ming, mother...Da Ming said that mother may be inside. Besides, this time Da Ming retreated, we managed to sneak here... later I will go to the human world in two years, and I will never have another chance..."

The titan giant ape named Er Ming fell silent after hearing this, and stopped urging him. He clearly knew how important his mother was to Miss Xiao Wu.

But he didn't know where Xiao Wu's mother had gone. He told Daming that Xiao Wu's mother was in a dangerous place, and he just lied to her, so she stopped thinking about it, but he didn't expect her to come here. Yes, and offended Rui Beast.

This is how to do ah?

He stared closely at the figure in the place of great evil, as long as the other party moved, he would run away without hesitation.

Although he is usually a fool, and as the king of the forest, he is fearless, but he is still quite afraid of this legendary place of great evil.

If he didn't have any IQ, how could he become the overlord of the forest from an ape.

He still knows who can be messed with and what can't be messed with.

Even Da Ming is respectful to the characters who walk out of it, let alone him, fear is over.

In the fierce place, the scarlet king's satin red robe was like a flame, which was especially eye-catching in this icy and snowy place. He looked at the combination of a beast and a man in surprise, and said slowly: "Why, I offended Ruishou and sent it to the door by myself!" Come?"

The voice was not angry but pretentious, but Er Ming and Xiao Wu were both in a cold sweat in shock.

Xiao Wu hurriedly replied: "Senior! Please forgive me, Xiao Wu didn't intend to offend you, it's just that the auspicious beast may have captured my brother from my clan to eat, so I was in a hurry..."

"Hmph!" Before Xiao Wu could speak, the Scarlet King interrupted directly, he was a little displeased: "Why, the majestic emperor Ruishou, Fuze the whole forest, can't eat one of your rabbits?"

Xiao Wu's complexion changed, and she begged in a low voice: "Senior, please allow me to look up fiercely. If there is no whereabouts of my clan brother, Xiao Wu will accept the crime and kneel down to apologize to Rui Beast..."

"Bad reason!" Scarlet King's face darkened: "This is not for you to enter, if you don't retreat, you will bear the consequences!"

He looked at Xiao Wu sternly and added: "It's not easy for you to cultivate, and it's even more difficult to transform into a new form. Don't waste these 10 years of cultivation, and burn it in the end."

Seeing the Chi Wang like this, Er Ming hurriedly wanted to pull Xiao Wu and turn around and run away.

But at this moment, a lively voice was heard from a long way off.

"Brother! That guy, she and this big guy stole my rabbit!"

Not long after, a fiery red lion cub and a beautiful snow-white deer walked up to them.

"Uncle Chi."

Qin Huan and Chi Wang nodded, and then turned their eyes to Xiao Wu.

Hmm... It really is the heroine in the original novel. Although she looks like a little girl, Qin Huan recognized her right away with her pink dress, cute appearance, and pink rabbit ears on top of her head. .

Three-eyed Jin Yi was already furious when she saw Xiao Wu, but when she saw that Qin Huan was also paying attention to Xiao Wu, she became even more angry for no reason.

"Don't look, brother, don't look!" She stood in front of Qin Huan, pouted, extremely upset.

But thinking in his heart: Does my brother like the appearance of human beings?No wonder my brother has to turn into a human too.

"But..." Qin Huan had black lines all over his head.

Didn't you ask me to teach them a lesson?

Now I can't even see it, how can I avenge you?

Seeing the arrival of the auspicious beast, the Scarlet King also changed his face and smiled, and he leaned in front of the three-eyed Jin Ni: "Little ancestor, you were bullied if I didn't pay attention, it's Uncle Chi's fault, I'll teach them a lesson for you, don't blame uncle."

The three-eyed Jin Yan turned her head away arrogantly, but challenged Xiao Wu in the distance, her eyebrows beaming.

Look, my brother and uncle Chi will teach you a lesson, let's see what you do!snort!
The cold snow field is full of gunpowder at this time, Xiao Wu and the two are very afraid, Chi Wang is ready to fight, and the three-eyed Jin Yi gloats.

The battle was about to break out, but at this moment, Qin Huan heard Qin Huan yelling softly to Xiao Wu who was going away: "Go in and have a seat."

"Huh?" Xiao Wu asked.

Red King: "???"

Three-eyed Jin Yan: "Why are you doing this!"

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

"Don't you want to go in and have a look?"

Qin Huan repeated it again, and Xiao Wu was convinced that she had heard correctly. She looked at Qin Huan gratefully and nodded.

The three-eyed Jin Yi stomped on Qin Huan's feet fiercely, looking furious as if to explode.

It wasn't until Qin Huan touched her head and promised to grill her eight fish for dinner that she reluctantly forgave Qin Huan.

Xiao Wu got off Er Ming and went into the depths of the fierce place with Qin Huan and Rui Beast. Er Ming was left outside, and the Scarlet King disappeared without a trace.

Along the way, the three-eyed Jin Yi turned her head away so as not to look at Xiao Wu, and she deliberately walked close to Qin Huan, looking at Xiao Wu provocatively, with arrogance.

Xiao Wu: "..."

A strong breath of life rushed towards her face, carrying several terrifying breaths of soul beasts, Xiao Wu couldn't get her eyes off her eyes. This is the most mysterious place deep in the forest, and there may be news of her mother inside.

But in the end, after shopping around, Xiao Wu couldn't find her so-called mother. At night, Qin Huan asked Xiao Wu to eat here. The estrangement also slowly dissipated, laughing and laughing, at least the three-eyed Jin Yi didn't hate Xiao Wu so much anymore.

In Qiu'er's words, as long as you only like to eat delicious food baked by brother, then we are good friends, hum!
After they were full, they lay down on the ground and chatted. After Xiao Wu learned about his mother, Qin Huan also thought of Bai Lu's mother, and was deeply touched. The three-eyed Jinni Wang Qiu'er was also very moved.

The two said they wanted to help Xiao Wu find her mother. Xiao Wu continued to say that there is no one in the forest. She will go to the human world to look for it in two years. At the same time, she has transformed into a human form, and she also needs to go to the human world to learn and feel the breath of human beings.

Hearing this, Qin Huan told Xiao Wu that he would also transform into a form, and suggested that they should walk together at that time, so that they could be taken care of along the way. At the same time, the human world is full of crises and people's hearts are unpredictable, so they should take care of each other. Xiao Wu readily agreed.

At this time, everyone revealed their hearts to each other, and Qin Huan finally got what he wanted—the experience of transforming into a soul beast!
In fact, when Qin Huan saw Xiao Wu for the first time, he had this idea, otherwise he wouldn't have invited Xiao Wu into the place of great evil, and at the same time, using Xiao Wu to get closer to the main storyline would kill two birds with one stone.

When the soul beast transforms into form, although there is a guardian of the sky, Qin Huan is still worried. After all, they are all reserved for 20 years of transformation and personal cultivation, and they are not taking the path of rebuilding after 10 years.

So Qin Huan decided, it's better to be on the safe side and use Xiao Wu's experience.

After seeing off Xiao Wu, Qin Huan took Qiu'er outside and built a snowman.

The three-eyed Jin Yi put together Qin Huan and smirked: "Brother, look quickly, you are so ugly!"

Qin Huan squinted and rolled his eyes at her.

At this time, a ball of snowball hit Qin Huan directly, and the three-eyed Jin Yan saw Qin Huan looking over, and ran away with a smile.

Qin Huan chased after him, and the snow lump rolled under his feet, kicking directly at Wang Qiu'er.


The little lion that was hit bared its teeth, angrily, and started to fight back.

For a while, chickens and eggs were beating, several snowballs were flying in disorder, and laughter was transmitted, venting a bit of cold for this severe winter.

Qin Huan stared blankly at Qiu'er's lively figure, his small face was puffed up, very cute, and several snowballs had already rolled under his feet.

Days like this... Really happy, he thought.

In a few days, he will be transformed, and two years later, he will also say goodbye to her, and that happy little face will be lonely again...

Qiu'er, you are an auspicious beast, an elf born of fate should have lived every day happily, this is the expectation brought to you by the creature you blessed.

Wait for me, when everything settles down, I will finally bring you eternal happiness...

(End of this chapter)

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