Douluo: a deer

Chapter 3 Grilled Fish Preparation

Chapter 3 Grilled Fish Preparation
Returning to the warm little cage woven by vines, Qin Huan couldn't help but feel a little joy on his brows.

Usually at this time, the mother would curl up lazily and sleep in the nest covered with fur, or weave a fence with tough vine wood.

As soul beasts, they often have a sense of territory, or urinate in a circle of trees to swear sovereignty, or move several huge stones to enclose the land and become king.

And Qin Huan is different, he uses fences!
Although there is no protective effect at all, it is better than beauty, and life needs a sense of ritual.

Qin Huan jumped over the half-enclosed fence and ran into the cage, but it was strange that his mother was not at home today.

But Qin Huan didn't worry too much, because his mother often went out in the past ten years, and he was used to it.

Want to say dangerous?That is even more impossible!

Qin Huan thought that traveling to the Star Dou Great Forest was an extremely dangerous thing.

But when he went out with his mother and saw soul beasts nodding and bowing one by one, Qin Huan was a little suspicious of life for a while.

Only later did he know that his mother was actually a 10-year-old soul beast!

And at least the kind of boss who is more than 50 years old!

It is one of the few 10-year-old soul beasts outside the central area!

Blazing Cloud Deer!

The whole body of this soul beast is surrounded by white clouds, engraved with golden patterns on its body, glazed animal horns on its head, and blazing white fire at its tail. This fire can burn life, and its creation and destruction are within a single thought!
Most of Yunlu's talent and strength are distinguished by the white clouds and golden patterns on his body. One golden pattern is a ten-year soul beast, two are a hundred years, three are a thousand years, four are ten thousand years, five are a terrifying 10-year soul beast, and six are a 20-year-old soul beast. Ten thousand years...and so on.

Baiyun means that the whiter the cloud, the purer the blood.

And the white deer mother has nine golden lines on her body, so relatively speaking, her cultivation is over 50 years old. Even the white clouds on her body are so pure that there is no trace of impurities, and there is even a trace of golden light in the white.

Qin Huan was stunned when he heard that, he might be able to stuff a few cork nuts into his wide-open deer mouth.

Sure enough, the mother whose breast milk is Wangzai is not ordinary!
Looking at myself again, there are only three golden stripes, but my clouds are different from my mother's. The clouds on my mother's body are pure white, but the clouds on Qin Huan's body are glowing with colorful divine light, just like a rainbow.

Qin Huan did some calculations, and his soul power level should only be comparable to that of human soul masters at the [-]th to [-]th level.

But even so, Qin Huan still has the confidence to single out a dozen or so enemies of the same level. This is not arrogance, but self-confidence!

Although the levels are the same, the skills, physical body, and mental strength are all incomparable!

Like those three-ring soul masters who are hard-pressed, two yellow and one purple, how dare they!
And when the beast is mentioned, it may not be bragging!

Yunlu is suspected to be the descendant of the deer spirit beast in the God Realm. Since the dragon god and the God Realm fought, the god beasts and beasts have been hunted down by the law enforcers of the God Realm, and they have established a divine rule that no spirit beast can escape.

At that time, the Luling clan was also besieged and slaughtered, but the Luling King broke out of the siege, and fled with the whole clan into the void, where they disappeared.

So we may also have a background. Qin Huan's eyes are shining, and he is already thinking about the future.

When I become stronger in the future, I will date the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena, and then gather an army of soul beasts, hit the God Realm, and make a big mess, and tell them what 30-year-old Hedong and 30-year-old Hexi are, don't bully Shaoluqiong!
Qin Huan stood alone at the door of the house, Shale, the fruit on his back was not put down, and there was still a big fish in his mouth, and his saliva seemed to flow down.

"What are you doing so silly?"

Qin Huan was awakened by a jerk, and he turned his head to look.

At the fence, a pure black kitten is slowly walking gracefully.

Its blackness is not pure black, but rather like a faint light in the silent night, mysterious and deep, with shiny hair, and a moon-shaped gemstone on top of its head.

To Qin Huan, he was like an elf under the moon.

This cat is actually a ghost civet cat, which is exactly the same as Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul, one of the seven monsters in the original book.

At that time, it was injured and nearly died when it was fighting with other soul beasts. It was Qin Huan who burned it when passing by.

Originally thinking about ashes to ashes, dust to dust, early ascension to bliss, Qin imagined that he was really a good person, and he would be buried by him by the way.

But I didn't expect it to survive and evolve!

From then on, the cat followed Qin Huan, and Qin Huan couldn't chase it away. As soon as he patted it aside with his tail, it immediately ran to Qin Huan again, with sad and sad eyes.

There was really no other way, Qin Huan could only bring it back.

So Qin Huan named him Xiaoyue, and now he lives next door to his house, and Bailu's mother also made a small house for him.

"Did you see my mother?"

Qin Huan asked, spitting out the fish in his mouth onto the ground by the way.

"Auntie Bai went to the outer circle. She seems to be going to treat an injured spirit beast. I heard that a human spirit master appeared." Xiaoyue replied casually, but kept her eyes on the fish on the ground.

"You... did you catch fish just for me?" Xiaoyue combed her hair, turned her face away, as if she was observing the fence.

Qin Huan:? ? ?
"Ah?" Qin Huan was a little confused, and couldn't help explaining: "I passed by the lake today, and I suddenly wanted to grab a bite to eat."

"Oh..." Xiaoyue seemed a little lost, but then whispered to herself: "Deer don't eat fish, so I won't be fooled by you!"

So the cloudy weather turned sunny, and the little black cat became happy all of a sudden.

Qin Huan didn't understand why it was bewildered, so he just turned around and took off his pocket bag, picked a few large cork fruits and put them aside.

"When you go back later, you take it home to eat." Qin Huan ordered.

"Oh." Xiaoyue nodded obediently, feeling happy in her heart.

Nice that he picked the big one for me...

"I'm going to find Pai Daxing now, will you come with me?" Qin Huan greeted, but ignored Xiaoyue and walked outside.

In fact, Qin Huan didn't need to remind him at all. As soon as Qin Huan lifted his front foot, the little black cat followed.

Why aren't you just a follower?Qin Huan looked contemptuous.

"I'm not going to follow you! It's just that I'm also going to find Pai Daxing, I just follow you along the way."

Xiaoyue raised her head and ignored Qin Huan, and ran directly in front of Qin Huan, expressing that it was not me following you, but you following me.snort!

Qin Huan was speechless, and didn't bother with her, just walked silently, not daring to go too fast, otherwise he would overtake her, and there might be trouble again.

According to this speed, there is enough time, once back and forth, plus the time to cook the fish, it is time for mother to come back.

Qin Huan was calculating the time in his mind, but he was also thinking about how to cook this big fish.

The Pai Daxing he is going to find now is of course not the one on the bottom of the sea, but Qin Huan's joking name for him.

Pai Daxing's body is actually an onion, yes, it is an onion.

Grass can become fine, why can't onions become fine, Qin Huan said that there is nothing wrong with it.

In the days after weaning, Qin Huan had eaten enough grass and wanted to eat meat, so he caught a rabbit and roasted it.

Turns out, no cumin, no chili powder, no roasted meat with no oil is not good at all.

So Qin Huan wanted to find some ingredients such as garlic and green onions. There was no sea here, so Qin Huan gave up salt.

He searched around the house and couldn't find it, so he went deeper, but there was still no trace of the soul beast, let alone the soul beast, not even the common ingredients.

Just when Qin Huan was disappointed, he passed by a pit, and suddenly started to cry for no reason. When he dug it open, a Pai Daxing was hiding in it and shivering.

It turned out that it was this onion that broke through the aura emitted by the hundred-year-old soul beast that made Qin Huan cry, and it happened to be discovered by coincidence.

Pai Daxing cried bitterly and begged, but he still couldn't escape Qin Huan's clutches. The more he cried, the more Qin Huan's tears fell, the more he wanted to eat him.

Later, under Qin Huan's coercion and lure, Pai Daxing confessed to be lenient. It is a special food-type soul beast. Each side of the five-pointed star represents a taste, sour, sweet, bitter and spicy plus the original onion, exactly five kinds .

After Qin Huan gave it a set fire meal, Pai Daxing generously asked Qin Huan to break off its legs for Qin Huan to taste.

As soon as Qin Huan ate it, he was so choked by the spicy food that he burst into tears.

Pai Daxing looked proud: "How about it, my feet are delicious!"

So Qin Huan gave him a meal on the spot before letting him go, but Qin Huan was quite satisfied, at least his goal was achieved.

Later, Qin Huan wanted to take Pai Daxing away, but he didn't want him to stay in its pit and not come out.

It turned out that there was an inexplicable aura gushing up from the ground in the pit where it grew, but Pai Daxing blocked the hole and absorbed this aura all the year round, so that he would be enlightened and promoted to a century-old soul beast in advance.

After messing around and even digging down, there was nothing strange about Qin Huan, so he left Pai Daxing here.

After walking deep into the forest for about 10 minutes, Qin Huan and Xiaoyue finally found Pai Daxing.

At this time, it had grown to the size of Xiaoyue, the cat, and it was lying in the small pothole, almost filling it up.

Without any explanation, Pai Daxing was carried on Qin Huan's back and taken away.

It kept making noises on the road, and finally Qin Huan said that it would calm down when Qin Huan said that he would eat his own fish grilled over a white fire, and even more obliged to say that making the food more delicious is what it should do.

Qin Huan: "..."

finally arrived at home.

Qin Huan set up the stone pot, Xiaoyue carried firewood with her feet on the ground, and Pai Daxing ran to the chopping board, lay down and died generously.

Cooking smoke curled up, the white fire moved up and down, and Xiaoyue's eyes became more and more blurred in the dense mist.

Looking at the figure who was seriously handling the fish, Xiaoyue couldn't help but smile...

that's nice!

(End of this chapter)

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