Chapter 4
At sunset, the sky in the distance was stained with blood-colored sunset glow.

Unlike the still noisy forest, the three beasts sitting around under the giant tree were silent.

The charcoal fire has been extinguished, and the big fish grilled on the stone pot has already cooled completely, but it has not moved a bit.

The atmosphere was somewhat depressing, Qin Huan finally got up, and forced a smile on his face.

"Although it's cold, you guys have finished eating, I'll go outside for a stroll..."

After finishing speaking, Qin Huan's figure flickered, he trembled a little, and then he rushed quickly.

"I go with you!"

Xiaoyue hurriedly followed, with a worried look on her face.

But before he ran a few steps, he could only watch helplessly as the figure from his back gradually disappeared from his eyes.

"You idiot!!! Make sure nothing happens!"


"Master Baijia! Please help my husband!" The she-wolf lying paralyzed in the cave begged.

These were the first words she said after waking up.

In front of her was a divine deer shrouded in divine light. In the crystal antlers, the silk-like energy was connected to the she-wolf.

"Half of my authority has been lost. I don't have the flame of destruction, and I can't compete with it just by relying on white fire." Chibai Yunlu shook his head, his eyes were extremely complicated, and he couldn't help sighing.

"That one is one of the three peerless in the human world, even the one in the middle of the forest can't get half of the benefits."

Hearing this, the she-wolf's pupils contracted, revealing deep despair.

She and her husband were originally born in the Fenglei Wolf Clan. They fell in love with each other and supported each other. They finally made it through. Both of them cultivated into 9-year-old soul beasts. overlord.

At that time, they agreed with each other that as long as one of them breaks through the 10-year shackles, they will march into the inner circle with their clan and admire the glory of the Lord up close.

Three months ago, my husband discovered an immature fairy product, which made the two beasts very happy. As long as it is mature, after taking it, 10 years will be a certainty, and even the blood will usher in a little bit of transformation. But who would have thought that this was the beginning of a nightmare...

Recently, the fairy grass was about to ripen, and the seductive aura attracted the soul beasts who wanted to snatch it. She and her husband decided to move the group here to garrison.

Unexpectedly, just today, the change here actually attracted a strong human race.

She always has to remember!That old man who wiped out her group into powder with just one blow, how disgusting is that tall seraph!

Pious, ruthless and ruthless, there are nearly a thousand clansmen!In this holy radiance, it was all gone at once!

In order to cover her retreat, her husband roared to the sky!He rushed straight towards the angel, just to save her a lifeline!
She didn't know what happened next. The last scene she saw before she passed out was her fearless husband being strangled by an angel, as easily as pinching a chicken, and rushing to him. The Blazing Cloud Deer.

"Sorry." Chibai Yunlu couldn't bear to see her like this.

Since having Huan'er, she has been able to understand the emotion and reluctance of human beings to protect their loved ones.

The difference between soul beasts and humans may be emotion!They don't understand the ups and downs of human beings, the kind of perseverance and heart-piercing pain!
"My lord is too worried. You can give me treatment, which is already the greatest gift, and I dare not ask for extravagance."

The female wolf thanked weakly, but tried to get up with difficulty.

Chibai Yunlu watched quietly, soft waves flashed in his eyes: "I can't get rid of all the holy light in your body in one afternoon, you'd better lie down and rest now, otherwise it will inevitably worsen, after all, you are hurt too badly gone."

"Thank you sir for your kindness...but I still want to get up!" The female wolf had a stubborn face, enduring the severe pain and actually got up and walked, slowly moving towards the entrance of the cave.

"Where are you going?"

Chibai Yunlu didn't stop him.

Two extremely resolute characters came from outside the cave.

"Go to death!"


"Hehe, it turns out that beasts also have feelings." Chibai Yunlu was silent on the spot, and then laughed at himself: "Bai Qier, Bai do you have the right to mock others?"

After a while, the fairy shadow also slowly disappeared.

In the corner of the forest, a kind old man with a half-mask revealing one eye, is holding a little girl in his hand, guarding in front of a celestial grass glowing with rays of light.

This person is the great enshrinement of the Wuhun Hall, one of the world's three peerless Douluo, the Angel Douluo Qian Daoliu, and the little girl beside him is his granddaughter and the orphan Qian Renxue of the former pope!

This time they came to the Star Dou Great Forest to obtain a fortieth-level spirit ring for Qian Renxue and help her break through the Soul Sect.

I didn't expect it, but there was an unexpected harvest!

I found a fairy!
Others may not know the preciousness of immortal goods, but he Qian Daoliu still doesn't understand?

Immortal goods are hard to come by, rare in a hundred years, not only can improve the level of soul power, but also bring transformation to the martial soul, after swallowing, you will get higher cultivation talent and comprehension, and there will be no bottleneck in cultivation!

More importantly, immortality can bring the capital to become a god, which is the basis for becoming a god, and it is indispensable. As a god envoy, Qian Daoliu clearly knows what this means.

If Qian Renxue was just a candidate for the god position before, then after eating this fairy product, the god position was directly reserved.

"It will take some time for the fairy to mature. The most urgent thing is to solve your soul ring problem first." Qian Daoliu stroked his white beard, as suggested by Qian Renxue.

"Grandpa can make the decision. If grandpa brings me here in a hurry, I'm afraid he has already made a goal in his heart!" Qian Renxue was extremely clever, and she knew grandpa's thoughts in turn.

Qian Daoliu nodded in satisfaction, looking at the ten-thousand-year soul ring on the wolf corpse not far away, he felt a little pity.

"If it weren't for you not being able to absorb this soul ring right now, Fenglei Wolf would be a good choice."

Qian Renxue nodded in agreement.

"Hmm... The wind and thunder wolf is born with two elements, and the wind element is more suitable for the flying ability of the seraph martial soul. It is indeed the best choice... However, I can only absorb the ten-thousand-year soul ring that has just broken ten thousand at most!"

After analyzing it, Qian Renxue also felt a little regretful, the spirit ring of this Fenglei wolf was already black and red, and she couldn't bear such a high number of years.

"Is there anything grandpa can do?"

Qian Renxue looked at Grandpa with admiration in her eyes.

Compared to that woman, grandpa is indeed the most powerful!
"I brought you here today to find a soul beast, which will be the most suitable choice for your martial soul!" Qian Daoliu smiled mysteriously, with some meaning, and a hint of greed flashed in his eyes.

"That was accidentally discovered by a cardinal in my temple last month. It is a real legendary soul beast! When I saw it at the time, it only had a thousand-year-level cultivation, but it was based on spiritual power, attributes, elements, Skills and even every aspect perfectly fit your existence!"

"What soul beast?"

Qian Renxue couldn't help being curious.

What kind of soul beast can have such an honor to be able to match the world's number one martial spirit seraph!

"Chi... Bai... Cloud... Deer!"

(End of this chapter)

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