Douluo: a deer

Chapter 5 The crisis of victory in the first battle!

Chapter 5 The crisis of victory in the first battle!

The woods trembled, the leaves rustled, and a figure moved in the forest, shooting out a bright crescent moon.

As soon as Qin Huan left his front foot, his back foot stepped on the next branch. When he stopped to rest, the breeze came slowly.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!!"

Sen Leng Bai Huo attached to Qin Huan's limbs again.

Qin Huan endured the severe pain all over his body, his little face was already flushed unnaturally, it was because his own load had reached the extreme!
But he still hurried on the road without stopping.

The surrounding landscape kept receding in sight, and Qin Huan flew several hundred meters away in a few seconds.

Like the previous itinerary, there were not many obstacles.

But at the next moment, Qin Huan saw two figures blocking his way from a distance.

Chidian Jaguar!There are a total of 6000 years of cultivation!
In front of it, there is an injured female wolf. Although weak, the terrifying aura emanating from her body is always alert to Qin Huan, it is not simple!
Chidian Jaguar's dark scorpion eyes looked at the female wolf, and endless greed flashed in his eyes.

Although its intelligence is not high, it has a feeling that goes straight to its heart. As long as it eats the flesh and blood of this wolf into its stomach, it will usher in a huge transformation!

And now, with someone in the way interrupting its delicious meal, it's just...

Unforgivable sin!
Chidian Jaguar let out a roar, entwined with electric arcs, and rushed straight towards Qin Huan.

The female wolf lying in a pool of blood in the distance also saw Qin Huan at this time, a trace of surprise flashed in its eyes, and it quickly reacted: "My lord! Be careful!"

Obviously she recognized Qin Huan, but it was too late.

As soon as the words fell, a swift shadow flashed in front of Qin Huan, and the sharp white light pointed directly at Qin Huan's chest from the sharp claws!
Time seemed to stand still at this second, and the heavy breathing of the she-wolf was almost as rapid as a drumbeat. In her widened pupils, Qin Huan smiled.

"Mountain Ghost White Deer!"

The powerful claws tore through the air, but encountered unexpected obstacles...

The dazzling emerald green light suddenly permeated Qin Huan's whole body, ripples rippled, and the sound of the collision of divine irons resonated.

In Chidian Jaguar's astonished eyes, its sharp claws stretched forward could no longer penetrate an inch!
Even its figure seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, becoming extremely slow.

"It's just an immature animal! Pai Daxing is better than you!" Qin Huan shouted.

The radiant divine deer raised its front hooves at the next moment, Shenren's divine power came in an instant, the strong wind howled, and the earth and rocks were shattered!

Cracks like spider webs appeared on the ground of Qin Huan's back feet, and all the strength in his body was concentrated on the front feet at this moment!
An indescribable breath has not yet fallen, but the Chidian Jaguar that has collapsed is bleeding all over, wrinkles appear on the body, and several bloodstains burst out.

Chidian Jaguar let out a wail, an electric arc exploded on its body, and instantly retreated the missile tens of meters.

However, he found that the air mechanism was like a maggot attached to the bone, following him like a shadow!
No matter how it shifts, it will be locked instantly.

Chidian Jaguar finally showed a look of shock, with unwillingness and remorse constantly playing on his face.

Until the end, it heard Qin Huan's almost judgmental words.

"Die! War tramples!"

With Qin Huan's forefoot falling, the invisible waves radiated to a range of several hundred meters in an instant.

I saw a flash of white light, followed by silent destruction.

The woods are all shattered, the earth and rocks are cracked, and the dust is curling up!

The rock pillar was squeezed out by the huge pressure and stayed in the air several feet high, and all living things were reduced to dust in an instant.

When the dust settled and the fog thinned, it was finally possible to see clearly that the entire land was devastated, as if it had been swept by a category [-] hurricane, it was bare and there were no weeds growing.

A deep pit with a radius of tens of meters and a depth of more than ten meters appeared in front of everyone.


The female wolf in the distance gasped and looked at Qin Huan in disbelief, dumbfounded.

She looked at the huge pit only ten meters away from her, and couldn't help swallowing.

Such mighty power!Was it released by a child?

The she-wolf's heart palpitations were incomparable. This kind of destructive power could naturally be achieved with her 9-year cultivation base, but it took some effort, and it was impossible to be so easy.

On the other hand, Qin Huan just vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, and then sat on the ground to rest like a normal person.

Is this reasonable?this……

The female wolf thinks that this kind of killing move is only reasonable if half of his life must be abolished!She really didn't understand, how did Qin Huan do it?
In fact, it was really as the mother wolf thought, and Qin Huan also thought it was unreasonable, but he didn't expect that it could cause such a huge damage.

Qin Huan did some calculations, and the power of this blow was already comparable to the strongest blow of an ordinary Titled Douluo.

Of course, this is also Qin Huan's strongest attack, but it is a big move that has been stored for more than ten years!
Since Qin Huan acquired this skill, he has never let it go once, and he did not expect the effect to be outstanding.

This is the soul skill War Trampling that Qin Huan had comprehended a hundred years ago.

Able to condense all the strength of one's own body and gather one's front hooves, with the potential of collapsing mountains and breaking rivers, reaching great success in cultivation, smashing the sky with one step!
However, the inability to move when released is a disadvantage, and it can also be interrupted.

But Qin Huan's mountain ghost and white deer perfectly perfected this point. During the period of mountain ghost and white deer, Qin Huan was immune to attack.

Although it is impossible to attack the enemy, this period of time can be used to gather momentum, which is also the prerequisite for the release of War Stomp.

And potential is a form of power feedback that belongs to the spiritual level and is compatible with the power of heaven and earth. It is exactly the same as the domain soul skills comprehended by Title Douluo, and can form coercion on the enemy.

In the same way, Shi is equivalent to Qin Huan's innate domain, making up for the shortcomings of being unable to attack during the mountain ghost and Bailu golden body period.

The main reason for causing such huge damage is actually related to Qin Huan's glazed animal horn.

When it comes to Chibai Yunlu, it comes to mind that it has three wonders, glazed horns, golden cloud pattern and blazing fire tail.

And the function of Liulijiao is to store soul power!

That's right, it is precisely because of this characteristic that war trampling has become a magic skill.

Qin Huan condensed all the energy that had been stored for more than ten years, and released it all at once. Do you think it can be nb?
Can you not be crazy and cool?

Of course, this is also the reason why Qin Huan was impatient, eager to find his mother, and wanted to try this skill at the same time.

It can only be said that Chidian Jaguar was blocked by such an unfortunate coincidence. Qin Huan was in a fit of anger, and it came to kill him. Who would die if he didn't die?

After resting for a while, the exhausted soul power finally produced a reflux. Qin Huan jumped a few times and came to the side of the female wolf.

"My lord..."

The she-wolf struggled to get up.

"Don't move, concentrate and hold your breath." Qin Huan interrupted her directly, and pressed her to the ground with his tail, at the same time a ray of white flame spread to the female wolf.

In a short while, the wounds on the female wolf's body healed in sevens and eighties.

Qin Huan frowned slightly, and he felt a holy but cold force hindering his treatment.

Otherwise, the female wolf's trauma would definitely heal immediately, but now, she had to heal a lot.

As for the internal injuries, Qin Huan was helpless.

The female wolf's complexion gradually turned rosy, and she knelt down on the ground, thanking Qin Huan for his help.

At the same time, doubts arose in my heart.

Why is the flame effect of the little adult better than that of the Baijia shouldn't be.

At this time, Qin Huan's question also broke her contemplation.

"Since you know me, do you know where my mother is?"

The she-wolf thought for a while and said, "My lord was with me before, but now I may be back."

After hearing this, Qin Huan finally felt relieved.

Then he looked at the female wolf with concern and asked, "If you need help, just let me know? Or where are you going, I'll take you there."

"I..." The female wolf's expression was complicated, with a flash of death in her eyes, and she finally resolutely rejected Qin Huan: "No, I'd better go home as soon as possible, my lord! Otherwise, I'm afraid Lord Baijia will be worried."

"Okay." Qin Huan nodded helplessly, saying goodbye to the she-wolf.

"I am leaving."

After saying casually, Qin Huan wanted to leave.

But just as he raised his foot, his expression suddenly changed.

At this time, a voice came from the sky.

With ridicule and playfulness, it clearly reached Qin Huan's ears, shaking his head in a trance, and his heart was about to burst!

"Go? Where are you going? Soul rings...can they also walk?"

(End of this chapter)

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