Douluo: a deer

Chapter 51 The grace of knowing

Chapter 51 The grace of knowing

Qin Huan woke up with a dazed face, looking at the girls surrounding him, at a loss.

It wasn't until Lan Youyou told him what happened afterwards with a complicated face that Qin Huan regained his composure.

"What! So, not only have I become a regular? I've also been promoted!"

Qin Huan called out directly.

What is this called?I don't want to turn positive!

This thief boat can't get off! Hey!
So if there is something wrong with this princess, she will kill her for a while and then won't kill her for a while.

Captives become tool men, squeezed dry and wiped out?
Thinking of wearing women's clothing to work every day in the future.

Qin Huan felt a chill, but there was nothing he could do. He had seen the tricks of this princess.

The restraining Qin Huan in his body just now has no way to deal with it, because he has no knowledge in this area to understand this kind of power.

Although the mountain ghost and white deer can be immune to damage, the premise is to attack from the outside in!

Such a prohibition that explodes directly in the body is impossible to guard against.

Now that he has been reduced to a tool man, he has no choice but to wait for the opportunity first!
Qin Huan regained his confidence, and now he didn't dare to resist at all, because he didn't know if Her Royal Highness had left any other means.

Turning against the water now is probably going to be cold.

Erwuzi is like this, he has to lick both sides well, so that he can get along well.

With Qin Huan's mind moving, a blue divine light emerged from his hand, and the temperature in the whole room plummeted.

Looking at the beautiful ice crystals blooming like lotuses, Qin Huan couldn't help flashing a hint of obsession in his eyes.

It's really beautiful...

Just now Qin Huan felt that there was something extra in his mind, which was stored in his spiritual sea together with the dragon soul in his body.

Even the capacity of the sea of ​​spirits has expanded a bit because of this, and the soul power of the body has also become more abundant because of the supply of this immortal platform.

All in all, even in terms of mental power, Qin Huan is now confident to compare with the Soul King.

Because of the magic of the Dragon Soul and this magic weapon, Qin Huan had absolute confidence.

Xuanyu Xiantai hangs quietly in Qin Huan's palm, shining with azure divine light, which is incomparably matched with the phoenix robe on Qin Huan's body.

Vaguely, for a moment, the rest of the Seven Stars seemed to see the shadow of the Qingshi Fairy on Qin Huan.

Perhaps, he can lead the Seven Stars to regain their former glory.

Lan Youyou's eyes flickered complicatedly. She remembered that since the Lord went to Xingluo alone five years ago, the Seven Stars had declined. Back then, they had just retired, and the dance troupe was just starting up. They wanted to prepare dance music everywhere, so they didn't Don't know what happened.

Looking at Qin Huan who was now full of joy, she couldn't help saying: "Now that the fairy has recognized you as the master, Qi Xing will be at your command from now on! Lan Wei pays homage to the master!"

Saying that, Lan Youyou knelt down and made a big salute.

Before Qin Huan could stop him, the rest of the people also crawled down one after another, loyal and unswerving.

"Hong Zhi, pay homage to the Lord!"

"Lu Ji, pay homage to the Lord!"


"This is?" Qin Huan was a little confused, he pulled Lan Youyou up, not knowing why.

At the same time, he asked all the sisters to get up quickly.

Seeing this, Lan Youyou looked at Qin Huan with a gleam of tenderness in her eyes, and she explained: "Seeing a fairy is like seeing the Lord. This is not only a teaching that we have engraved in our hearts. At the same time, there are other A reason."

"Another reason?"

"Xuanbing Xiantai is the supreme treasure of Dayan. Its power is not only because of freezing and killing, but the majestic energy stored in it is the real top priority." Lan Youyou looked deeply Glancing at Qin Huan, he revealed Qixing's biggest secret, "The six of us, including your wisp of divine sense, can actually be found in the fairy spirits."

"This can not only control the life and death of others, but also distribute the energy in Sendai. This is the real secret of the Seven Stars. Five years ago, we were all thirteen or fourteen-year-old children with yellow mouths, but we were able to defend the title head-on. Luo, it's not because of our strong cultivation and talent, but because of the strength of the Lord and the power of this immortal platform."

"It can improve Qixing's cultivation in a short period of time, and it can gather the strength of seven people into one body! It is because of the Sendai that Seven Stars exist!" Lan Youyou's eyes narrowed, and she finally finished speaking.

Back then, the Lord relied on this treasure to gather the strength of the seven of them to fight against the Title Douluo alone!
Qin Huan was taken aback when he heard this, but he already knew how awesome this thing is.

So, just take the sisters and this table in the future.

Can I explode Title Douluo? !
As if seeing what Qin Huan was thinking, the idiot looked at Lan Youyou with contempt on his face, and directly shattered his fantasy: "It doesn't work now. Five years ago, the Lord returned from Xingluo and disappeared. Our Seven Stars The strength is also greatly reduced, and I can also feel that the power in Sendai has dropped too much at this time."

"What?!" Qin Huan was stunned.

This wilted? !I can't stand it!What the hell!

The beautiful fantasy was punctured like a bubble, and Qin Huan's face became gloomy, obviously a little autistic.

Can't you tell the whole story? !

This feeling of going up and down, going up and down, is really scary!

"Otherwise, you thought that with your small body, I wouldn't be able to hold you back just now?" Lan Youyou lamented a little bit, "Our Seven Stars have all fallen, no accidents... There must be something wrong with Wang. I haven't seen you for five years, are you injured?"

"Then who are you now?"

"Soul King."

Lan Youyou replied, seeing Qin Huan nodding seriously, she couldn't help laughing "puchi".

"What are you laughing at?!" Qin Huan was puzzled.

He thought that Lan Youyou's cultivation at this time felt normal, and his physical body was comparable to that of the Soul King, so it was normal for Lan Youyou not to be able to pull him.

Unexpectedly, Lan Youyou laughed directly, which made Qin Huan a little ashamed.

"Do you think I can't beat you?" Lan Youyou looked at Qin Huan provocatively, with a smile on her lips.

The petite face made her look extremely cute, but now it is even more charming.

A girl of eighteen or nineteen still looks like a lolita, which is very legal!

Even Qin Huan couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva, and nodded slowly.

"You must know that in Dayan, the level of soul power is not the standard to measure a person's strength." Lan Youyou invaded Qin Huan, making him retreat uncontrollably. The level of power will not enter the twentieth level for life. But now he is sitting on the position of the commander of the Dayan Army, with a high position and authority. Do you know what he relies on?"

"What?!" Qin Huan was a little shocked.

Without cultivating the soul, but can stand at the peak.

Could it be because of Dayan's skills?

"Gong method?"

"Wrong!" Lan Youyou said bluntly, making Qin Huan a little confused.

Is it agreed that seeing a fairy is like seeing the Lord?What about obedient and obedient?

That's it? !Bah, what a shame...

"The commander-in-chief is a mortal body. The weakness of his martial soul has caused him to suffer from illnesses all year round. His meridians are broken, and his physical condition is not enough to practice exercises. For us soul cultivators or martial practitioners, he It’s a useless person! If it weren’t for the Lord, he would have frozen to death alone on the cold couch.”

" could it be?!"

Qin Huan was dumbfounded, and unconsciously felt that this great commander had a miserable life experience, but he was persevering and tenacious.

"On the day when the Wuhun consciously awakens, it divides people into grades and grades. Those who inherit the destiny, rely on their families, and inherit the Wuhun must be the top. But the grassroots of the common people... Hehe, the ancestors are fish and meat, so he will be the best." It's fish, and the knife has never been held in my hand." Lan Youyou had a smirk on her face and laughed at herself.

The injustice of the world made her loathe this world, and every time she thought of the blood flowers floating in the sect, she felt extremely painful.

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous! The iron rule of this world--Martial Soul!"

Qin Huan remained silent for a long time.

He didn't refute, because what Lan Youyou said was undoubtedly correct.

In this world where martial souls and bloodlines are above everything else, ordinary people are reduced to livestock, and swords, fish and fish are nothing more than normal.

At this moment, Qin fantasized about a sentence that Oscar once said.

"True geniuses have been endowed with glory since birth. And I... just spent my whole life getting close to that light."

This is the sorrow of soul masters, this is the sorrow of Douluo Dalu, because this is not a world where everyone is like a dragon.

It is full of the jungle, very brutal.Qin Huan thought that if he hadn't traveled through this divine deer body, he would have done those meaningless prayers like those mortals.

"The commander-in-chief came with the Lord and was still Dayan of the village. For him, he just lay down in a different place." Lan Youyou continued, "But that day was different. The Lord lost I gave him a stack of books. There are rare and strange beasts, cultural accidents, beautiful mountains and rivers, and chivalrous love in it."

"This is a vast world! But to that young man, it was an unattainable dream. He was paralyzed like a cage, locking the dragon's body. But unlike usual, his eyes lit up, My silent heart became urgent, and there was only one thought in my head... Get out!"

"The sky and the earth are so big, let you be free! The dragon will always take off one day. For three years, he has been lying on the bed, reading tens of thousands of volumes, knowing astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom. One morning, the first thing the commander woke up was Ask the Lord for an iron sword, a sword with a sheath!"

"On the day I really pull it out, I will repay your kindness." The young man with a sick face was stubborn, and made a serious promise to the fairy figure that jumped out in front of him.

"That day, the Lord smiled, and the flowers and plants all over the mountain were in full bloom. From that day on, in the humble house in the silent night, there was always a little orange light flickering, and there was the clanging sound of divine iron from time to time."

"It's been another two years, drawing the sword... [-] times! On that day, there was no sound from the wind, everything was silent, and in the humble house on the edge of the cliff, only a clear sound could be heard."

"When the sword comes out, the house falls! On the top of this [-] zhang mountain, a stubborn stone is split in two!"

"In the same year, the lord began to conquer the world. The Dayanhua army was thirty, and one army took one hundred counties!"

"One side lined up to go deep into the enemy's rear, but they were almost surrounded. It was a vast snow-capped mountain, bleak and cold, about hundreds of feet high, and several miles wide. It was like a moat, blocking life."

"There is a huge mountain in the front, and there are chasing soldiers besieging behind. It is already a deadly situation! But when the Dayan army was desperate, a small soldier climbed down from the stretcher."

"He couldn't even stand upright, but his waist was straight, and he was about to fall after a few staggers. Everyone was wondering, but a little cold light flew out suddenly. Compared with the cold snow, it was colder and denser !"

"The vast snow field has been chilled for several minutes because of this, leaving a white mark between the sky and the earth! The commander put away his sword, and his entire arm was bursting with blood. The Baizhang Snow Mountain, which is a few miles away, is Split it from the middle, split it in two!"

"A road spreads, it is the vitality..."

He finally pulled out the iron sword that had been drawn tens of thousands of times.

Before the army, frost covered the blood-stained stretcher.With a smile on his face, the young man said in a solemn voice, "You should repay the kindness you have received with your arms!"

(End of this chapter)

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