Chapter 52

Once you realize the way of the sword, you will repay your kindness with a broken arm!

"The legend that belongs to the boy has just begun, but it has come to an end like this. But since then, no one has dared to gossip after it."

"Every time they see the breeze sleeve robe on his left arm and the frost on his waist, everyone will vaguely remember that this sick mortal is a sword fairy!" Lan Youyou looked reverently, her heart was surging, He continued, "In the same year, the young man was bestowed the title of Grand Commander by the lord, and he had just reached the crown that year."

"Young princes will naturally attract dissatisfaction from others, and the commander-in-chief only became famous with one sword, and not many people saw that pioneering sword."

"Faced with doubts, the commander-in-chief pulled out the iron sword from his waist, and everyone's expressions changed, and they fell silent like cicadas."

"I just remembered that he still has an arm..."

"The commander-in-chief went to the battlefield again, but this time the stretcher turned into a chariot. He is the Grand Marshal of Dayan. Apart from the sword, he is also proficient in the art of war. Walked out of the sea of ​​blood, and the immortal legend was sung in the name of Dayan, known to the world."

At this point, the story was finished, and after all, Lan Youyou didn't say the name of the great commander.

But this frosty, independent sword fairy is reflected in everyone's mind.

Qin Huan swallowed, his eyes were dazed, and his heart was dumb.

This great commander is indeed a remarkable figure!

A mortal body can also draw a sword.

Qin Huan felt this kind of state, no matter how much he cultivated, it was meaningless.

Although I don't know how this great commander did it, but he did break the iron law of Wuhun and dominate with one sword!
According to Qin Huan's thoughts, Chen Xin of Sword Dao, the No. 1 Sword Douluo in the Dao of Sword, would never be able to pull out that arm-firing sword.

Not to mention the number of cultivation bases, not to mention that there are very few people in the world who can match Sword Douluo in attack power. Qin Huan believes that Sword Douluo can also split that snow mountain.

However, his sword is absolutely unable to cut the commander's sword, it's not his cultivation, but his sword.

Because that Frost has already transcended, but his Seven Killing Sword is still solidified in the system called Wuhun.

As long as there is always a sword called Seven Kills in the martial spirit, he will not be able to escape from this shackle.

So have you broken through level 98 yet?Sword Douluo?

Dust Heart: ...

at the same time.

"Have you realized it?" Lan Youyou's face was quite serious.

Qin Huan: "???"

"So, what is the reason for the great commander to stand at the top?" Lan Youyou patted Qin Huan on the head angrily, with a look of hatred for iron.

Say no, fluffy.

At this time, Qin Huan was dressed in black clothes, gorgeous and graceful, with a fair and elegant face, and dark and resentful eyes, just like a perfect rbq appearance.

Lan Youyou bullied her vigorously, and her heart became more and more refreshed. She seemed to have awakened some hidden attributes, and even some perverted thoughts came out.

And Qin Huan felt much more uncomfortable.

How can you be so arrogant? !The subordinate dunks the head of the boss?
What about the ones who promised to be loyal and unswerving, to overcome their careers, to do their best, and to lead by example?

Just like this, do you dare to say that you are the Seven Stars who have experienced countless slaughters and emerged from the sea of ​​swords and blood?
But he could only swallow his anger. Now it's his territory. Although he became a full-time employee and got a promotion, looking at Lan Youyou's appearance, he didn't seem to care about it!
"Uh... unyielding will, firm belief, and that indomitable heart." Qin Huan replied, with his small face raised, as if he was full of confidence in the answer.

As a result, he was dunked on the head again.

"What are you doing!"

Qin Huan protected his head and cried out, feeling extremely wronged.

"Knowledge changes destiny!" Lan Youyou looked at him angrily, as if she was extremely dissatisfied with the new official who just took office, "Read more books! Otherwise, you'd all be fools. If it wasn't for that stack of books, the commander would still be on the bed Lie down!"

Knowledge alters your fate!

I have traveled through time and you still let me study, but... it seems that what she said makes sense!
The commander-in-chief read the papers for three years before he came to the iron sword. In the last two years when he drew the sword, he had an epiphany.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with it!Can reading become stronger? !
Qin Huan froze in place, doubting his life.

But Hong Zhi, who came out of the door, pulled him back.

"Don't be stupid, hurry up! Take this, it's time to act." Hongzhi urged, and at the same time she handed Qin Huan a white paper umbrella.

Just now she went out to wait and see, the audience outside was already in a heated atmosphere because of Lan Youyou's appearance, and they all asked Fuyao Dance Troupe to perform as soon as possible.

The old ladies outside couldn't handle it, so they could only contact Hongzhi.

Hongzhi brought the props and rushed over in a hurry.

"I can't..." Qin Huan was at a loss while holding the umbrella.

He already regretted agreeing to Lan Youyou's performance, because Qin Huan had learned a little hip-hop dance in his previous life, and Qin Huan originally thought that if he went up and danced, he would be able to come down after just a few strokes.

But you didn't say you were going to dance in it!

Qin Huan looked at this women's outfit on himself, feeling quite helpless. There was a faint wind blowing, and Qin Huan felt the cold below, and his white and round legs were pinched.

It's... shameful!
Qin Huan, a big man, felt extremely ashamed at this moment. Apart from the legs and crotch, even the cleanness of the back made Qin Huan extremely uncomfortable.

This big piece is not covered by clothes, and a large group of people are watching and dancing!

Ah this!Qin Huan already wanted to dig a crack in the ground and get in.

I can't even think about it, it's so exciting!
"Because your current identity is Zi Yun, you will stand in the C position later." Hong Zhi didn't see Qin Huan's embarrassment, but just leaned closer and gently adjusted Qin Huan's clothes.

Unexpectedly, it was another critical blow to Qin Huan.

"C...C position?!"

"That's right, because of the previous one, we spread the news of Zi Yun's appearance, the top card, let's go!"

Hong Zhi took Qin Huan's hand and walked outside, in the dark corridor, there was a smirk on that charming face.

Looking at Qin Huan who was obviously stunned, Lan Youyou shook her head.

This kid is about to be spoiled!
It wasn't until the light slowly emerged that Qin Huan regained his composure.

Another bad idea for the princess? !He was a little angry, but there was nothing he could do, he was smart!

This little loli really has no good intentions, she has a black belly all day long!
But the one who should have come still came, the voice of the old lady came from outside.

After announcing the start of the show, the noise subsided quite a bit, and the next moment there was a roar like the waves of the sea!
Qin Huan's eyes flickered, and before he could react, Lan Youyou grabbed his arm and felt his body lighten.

What's the matter!

When he realized it again, Qin Huan found that he was outside of Sendai, and he was among the lotus flowers spread by the icy edge.

but!But he is flying in the air!

Seven exquisite and different paper umbrellas were gently shaken by plain hands, and seven fairies rushed out!

Everyone in the audience cheered, the atmosphere exploded to a climax, colorful like shower spray, everyone saw the shocking scene in their eyes, and they couldn't help choking and choking.

Even the voice disappeared in an instant!
The hem of the skirt is fluttering, and in the hazy fairy air, there are several exquisite and uneven figures indistinctly.

The colorful silk flutters and the paper umbrellas sway, and the umbrellas are like colorful flowers blooming in full bloom.

Baifeng swooped down, breathing heavily, but saw the thick soil and ice crystals overflowing the cold sky.

What a scene, what a fairy!
All the LSPs have only one feeling in their hearts.

Go, go for Grandpa!You can rush!

(End of this chapter)

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