Douluo: a deer

Chapter 66 Strange Luck

Chapter 66 Strange Luck
"Buy it! Buy it for her!"


Several passers-by who watched the theater shouted angrily, wishing that it was he who bought Lan Youyou's ring, jealousy made them completely unrecognizable.

This woman is even more beautiful than the oiran they saw in the brothel, wearing a blue dress as clear as the sky with white clouds.

The passers-by watched intently, feeling relaxed and happy, and the whole person seemed to be a little quieter.

At this time, Qin Huan who was standing beside him suddenly squinted at them.

The beautiful fantasy was shattered in an instant, and the passers-by suddenly felt chills down their spines, stopped talking immediately, and shrank back shyly.

Qin Huan bought another twenty rings for Lan Youyou.

After throwing all the shots, Lan Youyou counted happily, and luckily she hit four.

The boss fetched the things, and only then could he see clearly that they were all small objects.

A crude sachet with an unpleasant smell, if that fragrance is considered delicate, Qin Huan might as well sniff it on Lan Youyou's neck.

Isn't sucking girls more fragrant than sucking this thing?

The item in the second set was a gorgeous golden step shaker. Seeing the dark face of the boss, Qin Huan was so happy that he made a profit!

This golden step is engraved with the word "Jinlan". Qin Huan recognized this logo, which means it was produced by the Jinlan Chamber of Commerce. It is estimated that there are also five silver soul coins.

What was left was a piece of jade and an ordinary earring, the jade was dull and dull, it was not considered a good product, and the quality of the earring was hard to describe.

Qin Huan looked at Lan Youyou's transparent and delicate earlobes, and shook his head.

Such vulgar things are naturally not good enough for her!

Having enjoyed the game, Lan Youyou happily ran to Qin Huan with her trophy in hand.

Raising her little hand high, holding that piece of jade was to hit Qin Huan's head. She raised her head proudly, like a white swan stretching its neck.

"How about it?!"

"Awesome, amazing." Qin Huan naturally praised her, "Thirty out of four, really amazing."

Even though Lan Youyou, who couldn't understand the yin and yang, thought it was a bit strange, she could still hear Qin Huan praising her, so she was even happier.

She stuffed jade, earrings, and sachets all over to Qin Huan: "This lady gave it to you! Be sure to keep it well!"

Keeping the best, what a shame... Qin Huan looked at Lan Youyou holding the remaining golden step in his hand, as if he would not let go, and felt that he had become her trash can.

Qin Huan took them carefully and stored them in the storage scales.

A small place was opened up separately to store her things.

I'm afraid that one day she will ask for things back again, and it will be annoying if she can't find them, so I can only save them for her to save trouble... Qin Huan can rest assured, this wave is very thin!

Next, Qin Huan asked the boss to buy ten rings.

This time he came by himself, this can be regarded as a memory from another world.

Qin Huan held the ring, his gaze was like a torch, and he took a fancy to a piece of metal wool in the second row from the back.

He naturally recognized this thing, when Tang San used to make hidden weapons, he needed this kind of metal. At that time, the three of them visited several streets in the entire Soto City, and only bought one piece in Flender's small shop.

I didn't expect it to exist here, so I will give it to Tang San as a gift when we meet next time!
When the big brother naturally has to take care of the younger brother.

Qin Huan chuckled, locked onto the metal, and threw the trap away without hesitation.

After a perfect parabola passed, there were bursts of exclamations from around.

Lan Youyou jumped up in surprise, and Rou Ning grabbed Qin Huan's sleeve robe: "That's right!"

Qin Huan turned his head to look at her, and said, "Not only did I shoot accurately, but I also made it fast and inserted it ruthlessly!"

Lan Youyou: "???"

Afterwards, the exclamations around were endless, and they never stopped at all.

The boss's face was dark, and a ferrule he was holding had already been bent severely by him.

Qin Huan made a hundred shots and shot eight circles, each of which hit the bull's-eye. The circle landed on the stone, and the perfection was even more mysterious than shooting a three-point hollow basketball.

Even Qin Huan frowned.

Something is wrong, although he had top-notch ferrule skills in his previous life, he missed the next few rows every time, but... Qin Huan looked at the ferrule that landed on the eight stones without missing a shot, and felt a little palpitating .

Thinking of this, Qin Huan turned around.

He wants to verify his guess.

With his back turned to the red line of throwing, Qin Huan didn't even look at it, and threw it back under the watchful eyes of everyone.

The result has not is still the same parabola, and the cheers of the crowd are still the same.

Lan Youyou grabbed Qin Huan's arm and swayed excitedly, with pride written all over her face.

Qin Huan turned his head and looked at the ferrule that had landed firmly on the stone, feeling a chill in his heart and numbness in his scalp.

There is a problem, there must be a problem!

Qin Huan's expression darkened, grabbing Lan Youyou who didn't understand why he wanted to squeeze out of the crowd, he casually threw the last ferrule out.

After a strange breeze passed, the boss chased him out: "My lord, do you want this reward?"

Qin Huan nodded, only wanting to go back to the station.

At this time, he turned his head, and unexpectedly found that the last loop had missed.

Instead of falling on the stone, it caught on a wooden bird next to it.

"Missed?" Qin Huan was surprised.

Could it be that the nine circles just now were just an accident? !

The boss looked at his words, his originally gloomy face turned rosy immediately after hearing that Qin Huan didn't want to reward him.

He looked at Qin Huan's last loop with some surprise.Didn't hit it?
"Your Excellency really takes care of the small business! There is no repayment, let alone the previous one, at least you have to take this wooden bird. Small things, worthless! Otherwise, I will feel sorry for it!"

The voice was full of emotion, even Qin Huan was a little moved when he said it.

Passers-by onlookers praised the boss for his noble character and ability to do business, and wanted to buy ferrules one after another.

Qin Huan understands that this is a businessman and a philistine, who can't afford it without profit. Just a rhetoric is also a wave of propaganda.

The boss brought the wooden bird, Qin Huan didn't want it at first, but everyone around him persuaded him to accept it.

Lan Youyou also looked like she liked it, so Qin Huan had no choice but to agree.

It's just a wooden bird, not some prehistoric beast, Qin Huan smiled to himself, feeling that he has become a little more energetic recently.

Because of the Soul Hunting Order, I feel that everyone wants to murder me!
He dragged Lan Youyou for a while, and when Xiao Mu approached, the two of them went back to the station together.

Tired and paralyzed on the soft sleeper, Qin Huan watched Lan Youyou carefully watch out of the window, and then closed the window with a "huh".

"What's wrong?" Qin Huan asked, seeing her trembling in fear.

"it's dark……"

Lan Youyou looked at the closed window with lingering fear, as if there were some gnawing beasts outside.

"Then?" Qin Huan looked at her angrily.

"Do you think there will be something coming in at night?" She seemed to be very scared, swallowing her saliva: "I didn't say before that there would be things crawling on the eaves."

Qin Huan knew that she was afraid of ghosts, so he didn't scare her anymore: "With me, what are you afraid of? Otherwise, I will open another room for you, and you will sleep alone."

"No, no, no! I don't want to..." Lan Youyou hurriedly shook her head, she rushed over and threw herself on Qin Huan, "I don't want to live alone!"

Qin Huan pushed her away with disgust: "Then you don't wash it up, I don't want to sleep with you if it smells so bad!"


Lan Youyou rolled up her sleeves and smelled it, but she didn't seem to smell any bad smell?

She is a little fairy, of course it is delicious!

But she still decided to clean herself up, after all she was tired all day.

The bathroom is in the side room. As the most luxurious private room, the basic facilities are naturally available.

Lan Youyou walked into the side room with her dress in her arms, and closed the door behind her.

Qin Huan felt that the roots of his ears were much cleaner. At this time, Lan Youyou's head stuck out from the crack of the door again.

"No peeking!"

Qin Huan: "..."

What do you think of me?Could I, Qin Huan, be the kind of person who can peep?I'm always looking upright!
Looking back, Qin Huan suddenly had a thought, he got up suddenly, and came to the desk.

On it is the wooden bird that was won during the day.

Qin Huan picked it up and looked at it carefully.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but the bird is carved more and more lifelike.

The whole body is polished with wood, the whole body has no roughness of wood, but it feels extremely brilliant to the touch. A striped road imprint is engraved on the bird's body, which looks quite miraculous.

Qin Huan frowned. Such subtle lines are similar to organs, and they are the kind of wooden toys that can be played with.

If it is only for ornamental carving, it should be smooth and there should be no lines.

So... a hidden mystery? !

Qin Huan fiddled with it and touched the whole body of the wooden bird, but found nothing strange.

At this time, Qin Huan suddenly twisted the wooden bird's tail, only to hear a clear "click".

However, the next moment Qin Huan's expression suddenly changed.

Before he had time to observe, Qin Huan's eyes suddenly went dark, and his mind sank.

Splitting headache!

Strange memories flooded him like a tide!

(End of this chapter)

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