Douluo: a deer

Chapter 67 The Sky of Yanshi

Chapter 67 The Sky of Yanshi

When Qin Huan opened his eyes in a daze, he saw a rough wooden table.

The wooden table is old and looks like it hasn't been taken care of for a long time. It is covered with scattered sawdust, and there are some common tools, such as saws, rulers and other objects.

Wanting to see more clearly, Qin Huan tried hard to open his eyes wide, but felt extremely difficult and tired, as if his body did not belong to him.

In short, I'm so tired... I feel a sense of inadequacy.

After maintaining the sage mode for a while, there was finally a change around.

In the hazy darkness, a human silhouette slowly approached Qin Huan.

She was leaning on crutches, following her steps, her feet moved with the crutches, and she was not in a hurry.

slap... slap...


This is the sound of crutches hitting the ground, and the echo lingers in the empty darkness, which is extremely terrifying.

But it was such a voice, which sounded like the sound of nature in Qin Huan's ears.

He didn't understand why he felt the slow turning sound so familiar and friendly.

Finally, the outline slowly became clear in the only light source in the darkness, and Qin Huan's eyes, which he had been unable to open for a long time, suddenly widened at this moment.

"Grandma... Grandma..." He tried hard to speak.

But when it came to the mouth, there was a hoarse and mocking grinding sound, like a sharp knife poking glass, like chalk rubbing against a blackboard.

Qin Huan was inexplicably excited, the old man in front of him was very familiar, very familiar... It seemed that she was the one he saw since he opened his eyes!

The old man was wearing ordinary clothes, without a trace of folds in the skirt, very neat and tidy, giving people a refreshing feeling. She was wearing a pair of presbyopic glasses, and she just looked at Qin Huan on the table, and then a kind smile appeared on her face meaning.

Kind grandma...

Qin Huan fluttered his stiff arms and wanted to hug him.

The old man put the crutch on the corner of the table, and she tremblingly stretched out her hand towards Qin Huan.

Qin Huan is careful.He noticed that the old man's hands were full of calluses, and there were some fine sawdust mixed between his fingers.

The two figures, one old and one young, embraced each other on the table. At this moment, Qin Huan felt unprecedented happiness in his heart...

"Do people live because of the body? Or the soul?"

At the end of the memory, the old man was puzzled and looked at Qin Huan with kindness and complexity in his eyes.

Like the end of a movie, the screen suddenly turns off, leaving only the terrifying darkness around.

It's unbearable for anyone to stay here all the time.

Qin Huan looked at the boundless darkness indifferently, and there seemed to be the lingering warmth of happiness in his stiff arms.

I don't know how long it took, but finally there was light in front of my eyes.

This time Qin Huan observed from the perspective of a bystander, still confused, not knowing who he was, where he was going, and what he was going to do.

The only difference is that another screen appeared in front of my eyes.

In the peaceful small courtyard, there were one old and one young sitting around the stone table, not knowing what they were doing.

"Sculpture with heart...a slight loss is a thousand miles away. Sculpture is the soul of a craftsman."

The old man gently touched the little boy's head. His hair was hard and not as soft as ordinary people's.

"Where is the soul?" the boy wondered.

"With a soul, it is no longer a dead thing." The old man smiled, with hesitation flashing in his eyes, "All spirits have energy, but dead things... What the sky didn't give it, Yanshi will give it."

"Yeah! I see, Grandma!"

The boy nodded heavily, his face serious.

"These have nothing to do with you. Now you are the ninth-grade craftsman, do your carving well." The old man smiled kindly and continued to guide the boy.

The boy held the carving knife in his hand, and moved his arm with difficulty. The carving knife walked on the embryonic form of a wooden bird, but it was always stumbling and trembling.

The boy was in a hurry, he should have been holding back his flushed face, but he was still expressionless and expressionless.

Maybe...he didn't know what an expression was at all.

At this time, the old man saw this.

Stretched out a pair of callused hands.

These vicissitudes of hands gently held the little boy's stiff arms.

"Your arm is not suitable for carving, but a qualified craftsman is holding the carving knife with his heart."

As he spoke, a miraculous scene flashed in the boy's wide but empty pupils.

The old man's big hand held the boy's stiff and cold little hand, leading him to hold the carving knife, and slowly moved towards the wooden bird.

It was close to three feet, but it stopped here again, with a light touch, there was a forest of white knives flashing suddenly, and countless sawdust were scattered in a dazzled state.

This is... the boy was shocked, he couldn't see the light of the carving knife clearly, but the grandma only made one knife!

A lifelike wooden bird, after the sawdust is blown by the breeze, is about to spread its wings in the air, which is extremely miraculous!

The boy held the wooden bird in his arms, and behind him was the kind grandma. Even his dull heart could clearly feel the happiness at this moment...

The surroundings fell into darkness again, but Qin Huan felt wandering in happiness.

Time was passing, slowly, the surroundings became cold, Qin Huan felt a thump in his heart, as if he had some bad premonition.

The full sense of happiness is disappearing... Qin Huan opened his eyes again.

What he saw was a messy courtyard!

There are large and small deep pits on the ground, the green plants are destroyed, and the debris is flying.

Everything is like a cool filter of dark gray.

Depressed... dull...

The heart does not move like a drumbeat, because it cannot be felt.

But that monstrous anger was pouring out uncontrollably!

Qin Huan took a closer look, and saw three mysterious people who couldn't see their faces clearly and were hazy in the gray halo standing in the air.

In front of them was an old man who was entangled by countless invisible thin threads.

That familiar and kind grandma!

The thin thread was drawn together, and there was a hint of blood red in the transparency, and several places on the old man's body suddenly burst into bloodstains.

Drops of blood fell from the sky, dripping into the boy's empty eye sockets...

He doesn't have a head to remember, but this scene is deeply engraved in his soul!
"Grandma... grandma..." he called indistinctly.

Jumping hard again and again, from the ground, then climbed onto the table, and then staggered up to the dilapidated roof.

Despair is the high sky like a moat, no matter how he jumps, he still can't reach it!
He howled hoarsely and mockingly, and slapped his hard chest like a beast, making a loud noise, attracting the attention of the figure in the sky.

The figure looked at it with great interest, as if he had discovered something interesting, his eyes became hot. The clown on the ground seemed to be the most perfect work in the world.

He waved lightly, and the other two swooped down on the boy.

At this time, the old man, who had not moved for a long time, struggled to raise her head. With determination, she interpreted her final kindness and gentleness in the firelight that reached the sky.

The sound of the explosion was deafening, and the violent storm toppled the crumbling courtyard. In the tragic white light, was the broken body of the boy flying far away.

In the missing half of the body, a deep wooden skeleton and tiny gears were exposed...

The gray-robed man rolled out of the flames in embarrassment, and there was only one person left. He let out a low growl of resentment, and locked his vicious eyes on the boy in the distance.

Clasping his fingers into claws, a puppet connected by silk threads flew out of the robe, flying towards the boy!

The boy closed his eyes, terrified in his heart, but still expressionless, at the moment when the puppet was about to grab him... The boy's body shrank and transformed into a lifelike wooden bird with texture in an instant.

The boy escaped, leaving the gray-robed man alone in the deep pit with no one there.

It soars in the air like a real bird, and it touches the high sky that looks like a moat, but it is still a step too late...

(End of this chapter)

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