Douluo: a deer

Chapter 87 Express your heart

Chapter 87 Express your heart
The official road was blocked?

Even the merchants who came and went have never seen it?
Inside the car, Qin Huan frowned, he felt that something serious must have happened in the city.

But to take a step back, have my whereabouts been exposed?
While thinking about it, Qin Huan turned his hand and shook out the Mirror of Mind, swaying the hidden light, only then did he feel relieved.

Without top powerhouses following and watching, or getting in close contact with him, his secrets would be cut off by the mirror at any time.

There is no need to worry about the location and whereabouts, what should be considered should be the whereabouts of the exercise.

Yunlu's Vulcan Art!

As far as this name is concerned, no matter how stupid Qin Huan is, he knows that this is his innate supernatural power, and even his blood inheritance.

After getting it, why don't you take off in place?

So, who is the dark deer spirit in his body?Why should it help me?What purpose does it serve?
Qin Huan is not stupid, there is no benefit in the sky for nothing, but even if he checks himself, he can't find any whereabouts of the deer spirit, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

One more point, the yin and yang eyes, could it be the ice and fire eyes?

If so, you're in big trouble...

Qin Huan looked at the bag full of small flowers and felt a headache. It seemed that Poison Douluo was cold. He was no different from seeking death in the past, and the enemies he faced were at least Contra-level powerhouses.

Now we can only advance to the city, and take a long-term plan.

Qin Huan withdrew his thoughts, and suddenly saw Lan Youyou who was looking at him seriously.

Seeing Qin Huan come back to his senses, the girl hastily turned her head away.

"what happened to you?"

"'s fine."

"Inexplicable." Qin Huan suddenly remembered something, and grabbed Lan Youyou's little hand.

She visibly trembled, but she still let Qin Huan grab her.

The little hands are as soft as bones, and they are soft and greasy when grasped.

"What is your martial soul?" Qin Huan asked.

"Ah..." The numb Lan Youyou seemed a little embarrassed, "Wu Wuhun, the other side's hook."

"..." Qin Huan.

So violent!
This martial soul looks like it's for power leveling.

"Is it bad for girls to use this?!"

Seeing Qin Huan's silence, Lan Youyou pouted and looked at Qin Huan angrily.

"No, no, as long as you're happy!"


Before she knew it, she had gotten used to acting coquettishly and playing petty temper in front of Qin Huan.

Lan Youyou thought about whether this kind of leisurely travel, the trip with him, was the leisurely life she had been looking forward to.

She doesn't know, but she likes this feeling, the feeling of two people being together, not lonely, and very ordinary.

I hope this journey can continue...

Qin Huan placed a radiant flower in Lan Youyou's palm.

The sky-like azure blue is its color, which complements the blue and long blue skirt.

Lan Youyou was stunned, looking at the flowers in her hands, and Qin Huan who was smiling at her.

The beating atrium seemed to be about to pop out.

Little deer bumping around... Bah, Qin Huan bumping around!
Lan Youyou's breathing became urgent, she covered her mouth in disbelief, speaking incoherently.

"I...I promise you..."

She exhausted all her strength and finally uttered a greasy sound as thin as a mosquito's sound.

The little face is flushed, lost in love.

"???" Qin Huan.

What is she doing? !
Qin Huan withdrew his hand in a bewildered expression, he had already foreseen the scene of Lan Youyou's social death in the future.

"Cough... this is Echinacea chrysanthemum, which can enhance the toughness and hardness of the martial soul. After taking it, not only the level of soul power will increase, but the martial soul may also evolve." Qin Huan explained to her, trying to ease the embarrassment: " The main reason is that this flower is very beautiful and matches you very well."

A remedial word of love...

Qin Huan just breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, she refused, and her stubborn eyes were still fixed on Qin Huan.

Sneaky resentment, like a kitten abandoned by its owner...

"There's really nothing you can do about it, idiot."

Qin Huan cursed, Lan Youyou's pupils trembled, and Qin Huan took her into his arms.

If you die, you will die, just be together, no one is afraid of anyone!

Qin Huan hugged him even tighter, his whole body was filled with warmth and softness, the girl was really comfortable to hug.

"Little fantasy..."

Lan Youyou let out a languid groan, her crimson lips burst into a smile, her seductive eyes narrowed and bent into moon marks.

Very happy, very comfortable...

The chest is not thick, but it feels full of security and warmth. With the natural licorice smell, Lan Youyou sniffed it fascinatedly, just like the smell of nature.

She wants to write it down, his taste.

"Will it be like this in the future..."


"Travel, two people together."

"Don't stop."

"it is good."

In the charming scenery in the bumpy carriage, Qin Huan smiled lightly and stroked the fragrant shoulders and back of the man in his arms, gently catering to her dream talk.

Until she fell asleep peacefully, sweetly... There was a grin on her little mouth.

"It will always be like this..."

Qin Huan muttered in a daze.

He maintained this posture for several hours.

Finally, the filly outside the car neighed a long time.

Dawn City, here we come!

The dim yellow sunset is almost like a thin mist, and the orange light spots are evenly shone in through the not-so-closed curtain.

The light is like dreamy ripples, flicking on a man and a woman in the car, they are like perfect sculptures, quiet and beautiful.

Gently, Qin Huan pushed Lan Youyou.

With a soft "beep" in her mouth, she slowly opened her eyes.

Not angry at getting up, not reluctant... She raised her head and kissed Qin Huan on the mouth.

"That's great, the first thing I see when I wake up is you."

Sure enough, couples who just got together are tired and crooked, Qin Huan deeply understands this.

Under Lan Youyou's aggressive attack, he managed to escape for a moment and went out to check the situation.

Qin Huan pulled up the curtain, at this time the sun had already set on the western mountains, and the sky was covered with black lights.

As the night approached, Qin Huan also shuddered unknowingly.

Ahead is a city gate about tens of feet high, inside which are lined up row upon row of various steep buildings hidden in the darkness, only the sharp corners can be seen, but they look like giants standing indifferently .

Because Xiaomu City is close to the Sunset Forest, in order to prevent the hidden dangers of the beast tide, the defense force in the city is extremely strong. The gates of Xiaomu City are not only one or two times higher than ordinary city gates, but also the whole body is made of steel!
Qin Huan stared in shock at the city gate blocking him. He couldn't see the edge at a glance, covering ten miles, as if he was shoulder to shoulder with the sky.

However, when the dim light of the night sky shrouded down, Qin Huan couldn't help feeling a little palpitating looking at this huge steel monster.

very uncomfortable feeling...

Qin Huan stepped onto the back of the little mare and let out a "wow", and the little mare started to run reluctantly.

Even with a new love, Qin Huan can't forget his little mare.

If you are not happy, of course you have to ride more and take a walk around, so you don't lose your temper.

Just entering the tunnel, Qin Huan felt a chill, and his chest became heavy and oppressed.

Inside the car, Lan Youyou also frowned.

The surrounding area was extremely empty, and neither a pair of horses nor passersby were seen.

curfew?Qin Huan was puzzled.

Now there is only one explanation.

But what he was puzzled was, at this time, Bailu City was still brightly lit, why was Xiaomu City already completely silent.

At the end of the corridor, there stood two figures like porcelain puppets.

The other forks were not guarded by officers and soldiers, and the empty side doors were wide open.

A gust of wind blows...

The two soldiers with pale faces suddenly turned their heads, their opened pupils seemed to stand on end, in this dim dusk, they looked extremely cautious.

"Where are you coming from... Where are you going..."

"Where are you coming from... Where are you going..."

They grinned as if they had practiced countless times, so standard that their teeth "clicked" into smiles, and they muttered dully and repeatedly.

"..." Qin Huan.

Then I go?
(End of this chapter)

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