Chapter 88
spooky... spooky...

It was the first impression Xiaomu City gave Qin Huan.

This giant iron and steel city that is about to sink into the night shows its weirdness everywhere, especially the scene where the banners are fluttering in front of you...

He casually dismissed the two defenders who were fishing in troubled waters.

They kept beautiful smiles, like eternal sculptures, welcoming Qin Huan's arrival.

The smile is more beautiful...

Qin Huan drove the filly into the city without saying a word.

Lan Youyou, who noticed Qin Huan's quiet voice outside the car, was a little worried, and also came out of the car, sitting behind Qin Huan at this time.

The two of them sat on the filly together, had a threesome, and started groping in the dark.

From entering the city gate avenue, the orange sunset light disappears, looking up and passing through the darkness one after another, there is only a dusty light on the city wall as a guide at the end.

Others, there is only one dead silence left.

Along the way, there are bare and dark objects, I don't know if they are trees or houses.

Some suddenly stood by the side of the road, like a figure, which gave Lan Youyou a big jump.

Qin Huan leaned back slightly, letting Lan Youyou hug him.

He knew that she was afraid of ghosts...

At this moment, he was no longer in the mood to tease her. Qin Huan's torch-like pupils wandered in the darkness, and his face had become solemn since he just entered the city.

He didn't release the white fire lighting. In this vast and endless night, the appearance of a ray of light will completely expose the positions of the two of them!
If there is anything in the city, the two of them will be in danger immediately.

Not right, very wrong!

Looking at the city in the dark, Qin Huan couldn't help feeling that it was a dead city.

His eyes could also see clearly in the dark, passing by several houses, Qin Huan carefully glanced at them.

There was no sound at all, it was pitch black and silent, and the sporadic light shone in through the windows, forming pale spots, and the tables and chairs that hadn't been wiped for a long time were even covered with dust.

Qin Huan's heart sank, thinking of the official way.

It is said that the official road is closed, not that the city is closed...

He didn't dare to suspect in that direction.

"Little fantasy..."

Lan Youyou behind her closed her eyes in fear, and hugged Qin Huan tightly, like a drowning person dragging the only piece of wood.

"Hush..." Qin Huan turned around and patted her head to express his comfort.

His ears were trembling, and there was a blazing white coil inside.

It's quieter around here...

Qin Huan heard the wind, but seemed to be crying.

The blowing wind carried an inexplicable chill, and Lan Youyou shivered behind her.

Qin Huan felt the biting chill all over his body, but he didn't dispel it immediately.

In a trance, he heard a series of small voices.

It was as if countless people were speaking to him at the same time.

"My lord... is missing... what should I do..."

"I searched for half a day...and no one was found...the outside of the city is in chaos"

"Old man... have you seen the at Maoshi...go to the market in the north of the city..."

It was the voice of an old lady.

"All the yellow book servants...go to the market at Maoshi..."

When he got here, Qin Huan heard that he was an officer.

At this time, he heard the sound of a baby crying.

"Mom... I'm afraid..."

There was noise, one after another.

"What are they going to do!" Someone was angry.

"don't want!!!"

In just a moment, one after another wailing reached Qin Huan's ears.

The sound of panic, screams, horse cry, iron crash...unbelievable!
"The city lord...why do you want to..."

Here it is, everything is clear.

Qin Huan was sweating coldly on his forehead, and in the dark towering buildings, he seemed to see bursts of blood gushing out!
It's like a dream, but the screams and wails are still in my ears, lingering...

Qin Huan's body bowed suddenly, and the tyrannical soul power poured out in all directions, creating a whirlwind.

There was the sound of breaking ground and cracking rocks, the little mare neighed in pain, her front hooves were raised high, Lan Youyou swayed, and hugged Qin Huan tightly.

It was hard for Qin Huan to calm down. The little mare slowly lowered her hooves, her abdomen was already dripping with blood, and she quietly stretched out her tongue to lick the wound.

Lan Youyou was fine, a cold snort came from deep inside her body, and a ball of energy enveloped her whole body.

The movement subsided, and Lan Youyou looked at Qin Huan worriedly.

Qin Huan moved his hand away, but it was covered with tears.

"What's wrong?" Lan Youyou patted him on the back to comfort him.

The veins on his fists were bulging, his mouth was panting heavily, Qin Huan's face was in pain, his teeth clenched his tongue and lips, even bloodshot.

His eyes were scarlet, and one after another voices rang in Qin Huan's ears, causing him to have a splitting headache.

He held his head in his hands.

"Stop shouting, stop shouting!"

Surrounded by a deep hostility, a small and exquisite fairy platform flew out of Qin Huan's forehead, but it was no longer the original azure blue, but covered with scarlet bloodshot.

Xuanbing Sendai!


Lan Youyou's pupils contracted, and there was a tremor in the depths of her soul, and Lan Youyou turned into Lan Wei.

She quietly looked at the floating blood-red fairy platform, and had a vague guess.

It was Xuanbing Xiantai who influenced this kid...

So what influenced Sendai?
The more Lan Wei gets to know the treasure of the town, the more frightened she is. At first she wondered why the king would give Xiantai to Qin Huan.

Now, looking at the empty city and the painful Qin Huan, she had a vague guess.

Sendai is like a national seal, the luck of the country...

Qin Huan is now tied to Xuanbing Xiantai...

I'm afraid something serious happened to Xiaomu City!
Lan Wei's face was solemn, and she seemed to have glimpsed strands of disintegrated purple air in the blurred divine light of the night.

Cutting the country's luck, entanglement in karma...someone is planning Dayan!

Lan Wei stretched out his hand, a halo of light enveloped Xiantai, and the blood glow on it gradually dimmed.

Qin Huan sobbed, and finally felt better, and his ears were much clearer.

"Your country is entangled in destiny, and fortune and misfortune depend on each other. I can only temporarily seal it. If you want to eradicate it, you have to get rid of the karma..."

Lan Wei gently supported Qin Huan, letting him sit down and move by himself.

Qin Huan found a comfortable position and finally recovered. He stroked the filly apologetically.

The white fire rose, and the bloody wound healed slowly.

Qin Huan turned around to ask Lan Wei to understand the situation, so he met a pair of wise eyes full of worry.

It's my treasure!That's fine.

"feelling better?"

Lan Youyou pressed her face against Qin Huan's back, feeling the moisture on his back, the pain he experienced in a short period of time is self-evident.

"It's okay, you're here!"


"Sit down?!"


"Go and watch an atrocity, and go to settle an injustice!"

Qin Huan pulled up the rope, and in the dark night, he could still see the boy's flying spirit, but it was like a diamond glaring.

"A bunch of beasts!"

He cursed in a low voice, but the eyes of the girl behind him lit up and she smiled.

Traveling with him, the night also has light...

(End of this chapter)

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