Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 120 Failed Steam Engine

Chapter 120 Failed Steam Engine
After Sun Simiao was aroused by Li Tai's curiosity, he began to devote part of his energy to research on burning.

And Li Tai felt that since Sun Simiao wanted to verify whether the flame was a substance or a process, if he wanted to study it, he should study it.

Although in Li Tai's view, it is very likely that Sun Simiao's research will eventually come to a conclusion that is futile.

No, Li Tai underestimated Sun Simiao, but if he wants to verify this, he needs to verify it. The equation of chemical mass conversion needs to prove the existence of oxygen, and he needs to observe that the oxygen in the air will react with the burning material.

And the most direct is how to observe this point, to prove that no other things participate in their burning process.

All in all, from Li Tai's point of view, at least until transparent glass and other sealing devices have been researched, Sun Simiao just go to research, there must be nothing to research.

But if Sun Simiao is not allowed to study, Li Tai feels that Sun Simiao will definitely not give up.

The next day Li Tai planned to take Sun Simiao to the mine, because to study flames, don't count on any wood, let's go directly to coal.This thing is more convenient.

At the same time, Pan Shizheng followed decisively.

Li Tai said that herding one sheep is herding, and herding two sheep is also herding. Master Pan is about to come, so just follow.

After Master Pan saluted Li Tai, his gaze was naturally on Sun Simiao. He really regarded Sun Simiao as a job grabber.

Because I heard Li Tai's theory yesterday, I was shocked to a certain extent, which made me a little dizzy.

But last night after Du Chuke came to enlighten him, Pan Shizheng said that he was awake.

After all, what Du Chuke said was right, since his goal was to promote the Shangqing faction, he still cared about what to do with so many things. The only thing he needed was to reflect his own value, and then let Li Tai support him.

Because Li Tai's methodology can really subvert the current Taoist system to a certain extent.

Especially when Pan Shizheng saw that Li Tai was looking for Sun Simiao the next day, he was even more certain in his heart. He grabbed the whisk in his hand and followed decisively, licking his face.

After all, King Yue is a royal child who can find a substitute at any time, so he doesn't have much choice.

Lu Anshou stretched out his whip and drove the bullock cart, and sent all three of them to a coal mine.

Master Pan was getting off the bullock cart, looking at the mine, he was a little dazed, not knowing what to do?
"What is King Yue doing here?" Pan Shizheng curiously asked Lu Anshou beside him.

Lu Anshou also glanced at Pan Shizheng suspiciously, always feeling that this Taoist priest doesn't seem very smart.

Lu Anshou said: "The King of Yue will discuss these things with me, the real person should ask the King of Yue himself!"

When Li Tai heard what Lu Anshou and Pan Shizheng said, he didn't make a fool of himself, but said directly:
"The old god wants to study whether flame is a process or a substance, and he must choose suitable materials for research.

I happened to open a coal mine, so I asked the old god to take a look. If there is a suitable one, I will directly select the material.

In addition to the coal mine, there are also kilns and Liulichang nearby. No matter what the old god wants, I will prepare it for him! "

The purpose of Liulichang is naturally to research colorless and transparent glass, but if colorless glass cannot be researched, then other monochromatic glass can be used against it, so it can be used against it. After all, this is the best light transmission ability that Li Tai can find. Good tool too.

Although Li Tai thinks whether the flame is a material or a process, it is really possible that Sun Simiao will have to go in to study it.

But as long as Sun Simiao wants to study, then he can do his best to help Sun Simiao.

After all, Sun Simiao has been following Li Tai for a long time, knowing that Li Tai is not only rich, but also willing to spend money on investment research.

For example, the plan of the hospital has not been implemented yet. It is not because Li Tai is not willing to invest, but because Li Tai does not have enough doctors!
After all, it has only been two years, even though Li Tai has tried his best to cultivate talents, the success rate of doctors is too low.

At this time, Sun Simiao saw that these excavated coal mines were all put into a continuously burning furnace, and the furnace burned out rich steam, and then driven by the steam, through gears and levers, one was continuously lifted, Then the steel hammer that fell down continuously smashed those large pieces of coal ore.

After the coal ore inside is smashed, the entire basket will be lifted away immediately, and the next basket will be put down immediately.And the smashed coal ore will be sent to the designated place for cleaning. After cleaning, it will be processed and selected.

"This, this?" Looking at this thing that can move up and down by steam, Sun Simiao couldn't help but feel curious.

"Oh, it's a failed work that was originally intended to be used to smash rice grains, so it can only be thrown in the mine to hammer coal!" Li Tai looked at the steam engine and explained to Sun Simiao, "This thing still needs to be improved, and now it can only be used to grind coal." It is used in mines, otherwise the cost would be too high!"

To be honest, Li Tai originally thought that making a steam engine would be difficult.

But in fact, after joining forces with Taipusi, Li Tai dispatched Mo Ling to the agricultural college as the section chief.

Because the Agricultural Institute has become an official unit of the country and has been recognized by the establishment, Mo Ling dispatched to become the new section chief. As long as Zhang Wansui and Li Tai agree, and Mo Ling himself does not object, then naturally he will be dispatched directly. coming.

After Mo Ling came to Mo Ke, Li Tai told Mo Ling the idea of ​​the steam engine.

To be honest, in Li Tai's opinion, this kind of thing is absolutely difficult, but the reality is that when a master craftsman with high enough skills specializes in making this thing, and Li Tai also provides him with a lot of material conditions, Mo It took Ling half a decade to get a test machine for Li Tai.

Isn't it just burning coal with water vapor, and then converting the water vapor into mechanical energy.

The use of coal mines has been around for a long time, and it is not difficult to develop it. It converts water vapor into mechanical energy. For an era that knows how to use water energy and invented fans to make coal burn more fully, the accumulation of technology is definitely enough.

So it was really not difficult for Mo Ling to invent this thing. What Li Tai said, he could do as he did. At most, he changed the material, from the original bamboo to wooden, and now it is steel.

But after the thing was invented, Li Tai wanted to smash it!

It's nothing, it's just that the mechanical energy of this thing is really too low.

Li Tai doesn't ask it to pull a cart, or even weave cloth, he just hopes that its mechanical energy can dig rice.

But the cost of burning coal is far greater than the cost of digging rice manually.

Li Tai now finally understands why Watt improved the steam engine and was able to be blown into the sky.

Because it is really not difficult to invent this thing, but how to improve it into a modern steam engine is a rare thing.

As for how to improve it, Li Tai didn't know.

Therefore, the original idea of ​​the steam engine to dig rice naturally went bankrupt.

However, Li Tai also became ruthless. Using the standardization and industrialization he created, he arranged for each mining site to hammer coal and posted rewards. As long as someone can improve the steam engine and increase its efficiency, then There are rewards.

Of course, this thing has not seen much progress so far.

However, although it is not cost-effective to buy coal mines to dig rice when digging rice with this thing, it can be regarded as a labor that can be worked around the clock if it is directly burned with low-quality coal locally.

Especially in the coal mine crushing project, mechanical energy is much easier to use than manpower, and the burning materials can be taken on the spot, so it has a place in the coal yard.

Of course, the occasional failure is also the problem of this steam engine.

So the ink science students will form a team to repair these steam engines and collect data at the same time.

Now it is an acceptable tool, but it is very difficult to go further.

After using it for a period of time, the mine began to ask for an increase in the output of things, but they required the new steam engine not only to break the coal ore, but also to grind the coal ore into powder, which required more power and difficulty.

It is said that in the face of Party A's request, Mo Ling lost a lot of hair on the top of his head.

But if the efficiency of the steam engine cannot be improved, there is nothing he can do.

So now he is thinking, no longer beating, but changing to the way of a mill to further grind the coal into powder.

Everything is still being tried, but there is no need to look forward to it this year.

In short, Li Tai was very happy with the steam engine, but he was not happy with the actual application effect of the steam engine.

Wanting to realize the leap from the steam engine to the steam industry, Li Tai said, God knows if he can see it before he dies.

But no matter how you say it, as long as the efficiency of the steam engine can be improved a little, then I can make the most of the use of this thing as much as possible. In my lifetime, I can make China pay attention to the steam engine, which is considered as my contribution to history.

And Sun Simiao visited the mine, kiln, and Liulichang one after another. To be honest, when Sun Simiao came to this Liulichang, he was still somewhat surprised.

Because these glazed utensils are all in pursuit of monochrome and clear, and have a completely different style from the multicolored "colorful stones" pursued by the mainstream.

"This Liulichang is mainly researching colorless and transparent colored glaze!" Li Tai looked at Sun Simiao and explained,
"Originally, it was to replace certain experiments that could only be conducted in winter with colorless and transparent ice utensils.

But if you study fire, ice utensils must not be used!
Therefore, we can only ask them to work harder to see if they can develop colorless and transparent colored glaze! "

"Is King Yue really well prepared?!" Sun Simiao looked at Li Tai in surprise when he heard Li Tai's words.

Originally, Sun Simiao thought that he would be a bit of a forceful person to start from fire, but he didn't expect that Li Tai had already prepared these preparations so that he almost didn't need to worry about things other than the experiment.

However, for those conditions that could not be met, Li Tai really had no choice.

For example, colored glaze utensils, what Li Tai can do is to reduce the concentration of the color and make the colored glaze more transparent.

But if it wants to be colorless and transparent, at least the current craftsmanship of Li Tai's men can't do it.

"The old god wants to seek and prove the way, so I, a believer, will naturally do my best to help the old god.

I just hope that if the old god has something to gain, please go there and give me some advice.

It's just that the old gods are seeking the truth, so don't forget about medicine.

After all, compared to proving the Tao, I think it is more meaningful to help the common people in the world! "Li Tai persuaded Sun Simiao.

To be honest, although Li Tai brought Sun Simiao over to see the mine, kiln factory and Liulichang, but to be honest, Li Tai still hoped that Sun Simiao would put all his mind on medicine and stop playing with fire.

Isn't Master Pan coming here?
Even if this road definitely requires someone to be a sacrifice, offering sacrifices to Pan Shizheng... Anyway, I don't feel distressed.

Li Tai turned his head to Pan Shizheng with a big smile on his face, and said, "Pan Zhenzhen, are you interested in this project? I wonder if we can study with the old god to prove whether flames are things or the process of things changing!"

Master Pan looked at Li Tai's encouraging smile, and suddenly understood in his heart. He couldn't help but grasped the Buddha dust in his hand, and also smiled.

Although King Yue approached Sun Simiao, it was because he hesitated yesterday.

Now that he has caught up, King Yue obviously hopes that he can take on this heavy responsibility.

If he can really leverage the Five Elements Theory, for Pan Shizheng, the day when his Maoshan Taoism will flourish is coming!
Thinking of this, Pan Shizheng took the initiative to come out and said to Li Tai, "Please don't worry, King Yue, it's the luck of Pindao to participate in such a grand event and prove the authenticity of Dao. Thank you King Yue for giving Pindao such an opportunity!"

"The real man is serious!" Li Tai looked at Sun Simiao, and then said to Pan Shizheng, "The old god Sun is old, and he has the burden of medical science in the agricultural school, so I ask Pan Zhenren to take more care of him and do more for Sun. The old gods share their worries!"

When Master Pan heard Li Tai's encouragement, he became even more excited and said, "Poverty Dao will definitely do his best to prove this truth!"

Anyway, Li Tai arranged a yard for them near here, so as to facilitate the scheduling of various resources.

After all, they are researching the topic of whether flame is a substance or not. Li Tai is very afraid that after researching and researching this thing, they will finally research some strange but incapable of mass production such as black powder.

Therefore, it is better to stay away from the origin of the school and let them study slowly.

After all, most of the houses in this era are made of wood. If it really burns, it may involve a large area, and then let Wei Xu bring bad people to strengthen patrols here, which is enough to think about.

After arranging this matter, Li Tai also heaved a sigh of relief.

Li Tai understands that no matter whether flame is a substance or not, the proof itself must be a bumpy and long road.

But in any case, as this road has officially started, it can be regarded as a seed sown.

It's just that no one knows what kind of flowers this kind of seeds can bloom.

And if Sun Simiao can really prove that flame is a process, not a basic substance, then it will be shattering to the entire development view of the world.

Even if it is not as good as the collapse of the so-called induction between heaven and man, it is enough to split the Taoism of this era.

For Li Tai, this is exactly what he wants to see, because he can take advantage of the opportunity to accept those Taoist scholars who are willing to prove the Tao into his command, and walk on the great road of enlightenment together.

(End of this chapter)

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