Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 121 The unexpected development of the bookstore

Chapter 121 The unexpected development of the bookstore

While Li Tai was concentrating on how to fool the Taoists into preaching the Tao with him, the members of the bookstore released by Li Tai were struggling to survive. The first edition of the semi-monthly magazine, more or less people just bought a copy as a way to relieve boredom on the road.

But those bookstores arranged in Chang'an Fangshi have a very painful life, because the people around them are basically not the audience of these semi-monthly and monthly magazines, so these bookstores in Fangshi are really struggling to survive.

To be honest, Li Tai didn't expect these bookstores to make a profit in the city. He only hoped that these bookstores would take root and gradually cultivate the market, and at the same time become the contact point of the agricultural college. But these students who were assigned to the agricultural college were not Think so.

They were fooled by Li Tai, and they came here to change the world's impression of agricultural colleges.

I and others speak out for the people at the bottom, and I can't wait to donate them with enthusiasm. Why are they willing to eat here and wait to die.

After sending out the monthly magazine for a few minutes, Chen Kai scratched his head when he found that the people in Fangshi were not interested in it.

Because the people in Fangshi are basically not the kind of farmers who have acres of fields outside the city. They are the people of the imperial capital who have some simple jobs in the city. Dare to be interested.

No way, Shengdou Xiaomin dared to have the idea of ​​having a few acres of land near the imperial capital.

It's like ordinary people don't buy a house when they come to Beijing, but think about how to decorate it after planning to buy a house?
Is this what normal people dare to think?

It must be after buying a house first, who would care about decoration without a house.

"At the beginning, Fangshi Neighbors took a fresh picture, and the rich bought a few copies, but now the semi-monthly magazine is free and no one wants it!"

Liu Xiaoming, who was partnering with Chen Kai, couldn't help but hold his head, expressing his despair in this world.

Liu Xiaoming said with a little sigh: "Fortunately, Jijiu is kind, when I went to the bookstore to pick up books, I asked other students who picked up books.

The semi-monthly magazines in Chang'an were not easy to sell, and the king of Yue didn't care about anything, but paid us wages as usual! "

"Then let's spend our wages here and wait to die!? It's not a shame!" Chen Kai couldn't help saying when he heard Liu Xiaoming's words.

Liu Xiaoming curled his lips when he heard Chen Kai's words.

I have food, drink and wages, especially since other people are not doing very well, and I don't seem to be so guilty.

After all, who's ideal in life is not to be a salted fish and wait to die!

But looking at Chen Kai, a highly enlightened person who came out of an agricultural school, Liu Xiaoming felt that if he really told the truth, he might part ways with Chen Kai.

Can't help sighing: "It's so difficult, what do you think?"

"Yue Wang Renyi can support us, but we must not lose our ambition!" Chen Kai said,

"These days, I have sorted out the things related to our agricultural college in Chang'an City as a whole, including bathhouses, boiling water, coal and other affairs, but these daily affairs are too familiar to the common people, so I have nothing to write about, so I plan to focus on On a horse race!"

"Horse racing? What's there to write about!" Liu Xiaoming was stunned when he heard Chen Kai's words, and said, "And this horse racing seems to be just a racetrack, and I don't even know where to find the shadows of the horses. !"

"We don't know, go back and ask Principal Lu for sure!" Chen Kai said.

"We are really writing this. This is to change the rules and regulations set by Section Chief Yan!" Liu Xiaoming said worriedly.

"Since the original semi-monthly magazine is not suitable, let's change it!" Chen Kai gritted his teeth, "I will be responsible for any accidents!"

"..." Liu Xiaoming heard Chen Kai's insistence, hesitated for a moment, but said,

"Okay, if something happens, I'll just carry it with you. After all, if you don't do anything every day, it's not easy to just get money!"

Soon, Chen Kai and Liu Xiaoming became active.

First, I went to the school and asked the collaborator who came to the racecourse is Taipusi. After all, no one has the awareness and need to keep this thing secret. Even if they go to the racecourse, they can basically get information.

Then they ran to the racetrack and asked for further details.

Because they are from the agricultural school, especially Chen Kai is more or less a figure in the school. He is also a student of the agricultural school. After chatting with Chen Kai for a few words, he let them in, and even took the initiative to introduce officials from the Taipu Temple to Chen Kai. Kai,

Although he was only a ninth-rank official, he definitely had a psychological advantage when facing a child like Chen Kai.

However, Chen Kai immediately took the initiative to take a step forward to salute the official, pulled his tiger skin and said: "I am the person in charge of the bookstore of the Agricultural College, and I want to write a bimonthly magazine about the racecourse to promote the racecourse. I hope you can do me a favor." , Tell me about the racecourse."

Hmm, Chen Kai really didn't lie.It's just that he is the person in charge of the bookstore of the Kanglefang Branch of the Chang'an Branch of the Agricultural University, but he omitted some unnecessary adjectives in the middle.

And the official took Chen Kai as the person in charge to follow Chen Kai from the reaction of the other people in the Agricultural Institute, and explained the plan of the entire racecourse in detail.

It seems that the Taipu Temple is joining forces with the Agricultural Institute, it seems that it is planning to organize a polo match, and it seems that many generals from the court will participate. Whether the official should say what he should say or not, he has said everything.

If it wasn't because the level was too low to get in touch with the pasture plan, I'm afraid that he would launch the pasture plan as soon as possible to show his well-informedness in the court.

But even so, for Chen Kai, the information leaked from this official's mouth is enough.

After Chen Kai thanked the official, he went back immediately, sorted out what the official said one by one, then turned his head and said to Liu Xiaoming: "Let's start with the origin of the racetrack. The agricultural college should have information on this point!"

"Huh?" Hearing what Chen Kai said, Liu Xiaoming couldn't help frowning, and said, "You want to make this thing longer?"

"Yeah!" Chen Kai nodded and said, "In Chang'an, what else can I write about besides this, and I can't write about the bar!"

"I don't think it's impossible...but it's a felony to talk about the royal family privately!" Liu Xiaoming solemnly reminded.

Chen Kai gave Liu Xiaoming a white look, and said, "First, let's do a good job of the origin of the racecourse, and then we will start the race, and then we can write more about the specific horses, even the contestants, and the rules of the race.

I figured it out. In Chang'an, although some people are worried about eating, none of those noble sons are worried about farming. Let's write this! "

"Okay!" Liu Xiaoming finally nodded.

Soon Chen Kai began to publish a semi-monthly magazine about the racetrack, and kept track of the progress of the racecourse.

Because the competition has not yet officially started, sales can only be said to have barely stopped the downward trend.

But as Zhang Wansui assembled the team and pulled the team over for training, the news of the official competition began to spread, and Chen Kai, the bookstore that was continuously tracking, naturally stood out from the crowd.

Especially in December, all bookstore staff will return to Gaoling to collect their experiences.

Kanglefang Bookstore has become the most profitable bookstore in Chang'anfang City, that's really amazing.

Of course, after the secret of making money in Kanglefang was revealed, it was naturally condemned by the entire bookstore.

After all, they violated the orders of Yan Qinli and Li Tai, no longer promoting agricultural colleges, but instead promoting racecourses, no longer disseminating agricultural knowledge, but disseminating equestrian knowledge.

No matter how you look at it, how out of the ordinary, everyone naturally feels dissatisfied.

For this kind of thing, Yan Qinli originally wanted to reprimand him, but after thinking about it for a while, Yan Qinli reported the matter to Li Tai instead.

Li Tai understood the ins and outs of this matter, so he summoned everyone in the bookstore, first bowed to everyone, and said,

"It was my mistake in judgment that restricted your development, please forgive me."

When the students saw Li Tai's apology, they panicked.

Even Chen Kai, who had been stubbornly following other bookstores all this time, was a bit at a loss at this moment.

He also knew that his actions violated the orders left by Li Tai, and he had prepared himself to remonstrate directly if he failed. If Li Tai really wanted to change back to the original version, he would change it back to the original version, but Li Tai never thought of it. He actually took the initiative to apologize to everyone.

At this moment, Li Taidao said: "Chen Kai can analyze specific issues in detail, understand that the people in Chang'an are different from those outside Chang'an, and promptly correct the content of the bookstore's semi-monthly magazine. This is a good habit.

This point is worth learning, but the orders above are the orders of the above. If you change the layout and content of the bookstore without the consent of the above, this is indeed lawlessness and disobeying discipline.

If this is the case, how will the bookstore be managed!

So I will fine you a year's monthly salary, and all the profits from the Leisure Square will be confiscated to the General Bureau of Bookstores. You can be convinced! "

"We still have to be punished!" Chen Kai's expression was ugly, but he finally nodded and replied, "I am convinced!"

"Sacrificial wine! I also have a share!" Liu Xiaoming stood up decisively and said, "I also participated!"

"Okay, then you will also be fined one year's monthly salary!" Li Tai glanced at Liu Xiaoming, and finally fulfilled his wish.

"You are so troublesome!" Chen Kai looked at Liu Xiaoming and said, "Punishing me with a sacrificial wine means that this matter is over. What do you do for jumping out, what is the point of punishing one more!"

"It doesn't matter, I agreed to take responsibility together, I just want to be comfortable!" Liu Xiaoming said with his head raised.

When the other bookstore people heard Chen Kai's punishment, they showed somewhat satisfied smiles on their faces.

But Li Tai continued, "Since you have been punished, Chen Kai will transfer you to the General Bureau and become the editor under Section Chief Yan. Give it to Liu Xiaoming!"

"Ah?!" Both Chen Kai and Liu Xiaoming showed some surprise on their faces.

Li Tai added another sentence at this time, "In addition, the deduction and penalty of your monthly salary is calculated according to your original monthly salary. After being promoted, although your fined monthly salary will be deducted every month, the rest should be enough for you to live on. Already!"

Hearing this, Chen Kai and Liu Xiaoming immediately said to Li Tai, "Thank you King Yue for your gift, thank you King Yue for your gift!"

While the people around listened to Li Tai's words, they all looked at the two people in front of them with envious expressions.

Li Tai put his eyes on Chen Kai, came to Chen Kai, and said seriously:
"Chen Kai, it's good to analyze specific issues in detail, but don't forget that the bookstore of the agricultural college is to speak for the people at the bottom.

So you can try to add some deeds of the low-level people in it, as well as the promotion of the knowledge of agricultural colleges.

But the most important point is that the content sent out must be true, not something that can be fabricated.

If I find out that the content published by the bookstore is false, then I will implicate as many members of the bookstore as I can.

I will never allow anyone to tarnish the reputation of the bookstore, because it is more important than your lives! "

"No! I will never tarnish the reputation of the bookstore!" Chen Kai replied excitedly when he heard Li Tai's words.

After this matter was dealt with, Li Tai just greeted these people a few times for the next thing.

The specific matters were still handled by Yan Qinli, and Yan Qinli quickly took care of them in an orderly manner.

With the end of the meeting, everyone in the bookstore left one by one, and when only Li Tai and Yan Qinli were left, Li Tai drew a circle on the book with his hand, finally stood up straight, looked at Yan Qinli and said:
"Today's matter, you asked me to come on purpose."

When Yan Qinli heard Li Tai's words, he paused his hands that were sorting out the documents, and continued to sort them out.

At this time, Yan Qinli said, "Your Majesty and I are not considered to be of the same mind. The bookstore was handed over to me just because you don't have anyone more suitable for you, Your Majesty. These children are obviously more suitable than me to control the bookstore!"

"..." Li Tai was silent for a while when he heard Yan Qinli's words. To be honest, in his own system, Yan Qinli was the most distinct from himself. Unlike other people, when he got along with them, he could slowly win over them.

Yan Qinli is very clear about his position, if Li Tai asks him to work, he will work obediently.

But Yan Qinli, at least until now, is still a fan of Confucianism. Although he doesn't know the ultimate potential of the agricultural college, he can feel that Li Tai is undermining Confucianism.

It's just that Yan Qinli is a true Confucian gentleman, he can't do things like stabbing people in the back.

So many times, Yan Qinli will try his best to extract himself from certain things, even if Li Tai entrusts him with important tasks, Yan Qinli cannot betray his heart.

And Li Tai can naturally understand Yan Qinli's discord, but there is no way for Li Tai to change his will.

Unless Li Tai can become the emperor, then Yan Qinli will naturally choose to recognize the reality.

Otherwise, Yan Qinli does not support Li Tai's increasingly obvious move of seizing the heir. He hopes that Li Tai can respect Li Chengqian and recognize the duty of a monarch and minister.

Of course, Li Tai has no choice. After all, what Li Chengqian showed when he was a child is really the Mingjun template.

When he became an adult, he became tyrannical as if he had been robbed, and even dared to rebel against Li Shimin.

That's when they lost their hearts. Before that, Confucian students were Li Chengqian's natural companions, and Yan Qinli was naturally the same.

(End of this chapter)

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