Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 200 Du Ruhui's Observation

Chapter 200 Du Ruhui's Observation
Gao Jifu brought a group of family heads back to Youzhou City. With Li Tai's guarantee and plan, the family heads looked at the lively scene of the corvee reporting to the camp, but they were a little more calm and unhurried in pointing out the country, and they did not care about these tenants for a small profit. Just leave with disdain.

Someone said with emotion, "King Yan, a kind man, gave us such a plan to get the best of both worlds. These corvees will not even need them to farm in the future, so they can only come out to do corvees and ask for food and clothing."

Watching this scene, Gao Jifu opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, just fell silent.

This time the problem was solved, but Gao Jifu vaguely felt that there was some change in it.

It's as if these family owners have the cattle to plow in the spring, and all the local tenants in Youzhou have been transferred to Tianjin corvee.

In this way, food production will not be delayed, and King Yan has enough labor in his hands, which is really the best of both worlds.

But it's this kind of best of both worlds that makes Gao Jifu somewhat incomprehensible.

After working as a corvee on the canal, he could feel that there was a certain degree of change in it, but he couldn't tell this kind of change from his own vision.

After bidding farewell to the patriarchs and patriarchs one by one, Gao Jifu immediately approached Du Ruhui for advice.

Somewhat unexpectedly, since this winter, Du Ruhui, who has been only paying attention to cooking wine with green plums, is receiving the envoy in a serious manner.

After waiting in the side hall for a while, I saw Du Ruhui coming to see me.

Du Ruhui looked at Gao Jifu, and said directly, "It's just a coincidence that you left in the past few days, and it happened that Koryo sent an envoy to Tang Dynasty.

I came to receive them, and soon arranged for them to go to Chang'an to sign a port to open trade between the two sides. "

"So, General Li's navy has made Goguryeo feel threatened!" Gao Jifu said in surprise.

"The tiger father has no dogs, although he doesn't know what happened.

But since Goguryeo sent people to discuss together, Goguryeo is more or less afraid that my Datang Navy will land in the hinterland of Goguryeo at any time.

That's why they sent envoys to make friends with Datang! "Du Ruhui stroked his beard and continued,

"These matters are the affairs of the imperial court, so let the imperial court discuss it slowly.

Instead, he informed King Yan that he was the one who proposed the idea of ​​opening the trading ports with Goguryeo. "

"Do we still need to ask King Yan's opinion on this matter?" Hearing Du Ruhui's words, Gao Jifu couldn't help but look solemn.

Du Ruhui glanced at Gao Jifu, and said calmly, "The king of Yan wants to build a city here in Tianjin, and that's why he came here."

Gao Jifu once again felt Li Tai's vision and ability, and he felt a kind of terror that could overwhelm the sky with one hand.

Li Tai really doesn't look like a prince who was conferred in Youzhou. After all, there is no prince with such strength that directly affects national policy.

As soon as he thought of this, Gao Jifu immediately told Du Ruhui that with Li Tai's help, he had solved the problem of the family's spring plowing.

Gao Jifu added to Du Ruhui, "Du Xiang, the king of Yan is indeed careful, and it seems that he has already made arrangements for all the government affairs in Youzhou.

And when encountering difficulties one by one, it seems to be just helping him to master Youzhou calmly. "

"This is King Yan's skill! If not, how could the imperial court have chosen him at such a young age to seal him off!"

Du Ruhui knew clearly that it was Li Tai's own plan to invite Li Tai out of Chang'an, and most of it was promoted by his old friend Fang Xuanling.

But no matter how you say it, compared to Li Tai's love and indulgence by Li Shimin's side, kicking Li Tai to the border areas and letting Li Tai torment himself is really the best choice.

After all, Li Tai has developed the frontier well, so Datang will naturally enjoy the benefits.

If Li Tai harmed the frontier, it goes without saying that Li Shimin's letter of accountability would have been sent to Gao Jifu immediately.

Of course it was given to Gao Jifu, but is it also given to Li Tai?Just kidding, Li Tai is the son of Empress Zhangsun, okay?
Du Ruhui let out a long sigh, and said solemnly,

"Sure enough, as Xuanling speculated, King Yan is best at making out of nothing, possessing the ability of iron trees to bloom.

Since King Yan can handle this matter well, you just follow him!
After all, King Yan is the King of Yan in the Tang Dynasty, the stronger his ability, the more prosperous Youzhou will be, and the more beneficial the Tang Dynasty will be! "

Gao Jifu was also relieved when he heard Du Ruhui's words.

Obviously, Du Ruhui will not suppress Li Tai.

To be honest, Gao Jifu didn't want to suppress Li Tai either.

If something goes wrong because of Li Tai, I will naturally object.

But now Li Tai has not only solved the problem of spring plowing labor, but also solved the problem of corvee building canals.

Moreover, that Tianjin city is becoming more and more prosperous. To Gao Jifu, this is his long history of stable political achievements.

Although this is more or less suspected of winning, the problem is that it is my own ability to succeed in winning!
So after that corvée, Gao Jifu's mentality changed a little bit.

After all, if he can pull back and win, and rely on King Yan's meritorious deeds to secure a chance for promotion, why is he dragging his feet so hard? !

After all, in the implementation of King Yan's policy plan and the implementation of King Yan's administrative measures step by step, the whole Youzhou naturally showed a sense of prosperity after King Yan came.

This matter went from the aristocratic family to the common people, and even the bureaucrats under him seemed to have gained some benefits from King Yan.

This kind of situation where profits can be made from top to bottom, I don't understand how Li Tai operates at all, but at least it is enough that Youzhou is booming.

Therefore, there is no need for me to fight against the King of Yan. As an official, if it does not violate the principle, is there a problem with normal promotion?
Du Ruhui naturally didn't know that Gao Jifu and Li Tai had been getting along for almost a year, and finally he was convinced by Li Tai's internal affairs ability.

After all, this kind of as if everything is prepared is light, and the internal affairs officials are still very envious.

So Gao Jifu saw that Du Ruhui didn't seem to have much reaction to Li Tai encroaching on the Youzhou family, so he immediately bid farewell to Du Ruhui, leaving first.

After all, after the new year, spring plowing is coming, and Youzhou's government affairs are also very busy.

Even the court family represented by Du Xiang didn't care about this matter, so I have nothing to say

Du Ruhui watched Gao Jifu leave, but calmly took a breath of tea,

"Gao Jifu, I'm afraid I've changed my position too!"

Du Ruhui was not too surprised by Gao Jifu's change of position, and it was even more natural that the Youzhou family would gradually be subdued by Li Tai.

Because when the Zhengguoqu was being renovated, the Guanzhong officials, big and small, were more kind to Li Tai than to Li Tai's own father, and they were afraid that their investment in the Zhengguoqu would be in vain.

Li Tai even made it clear that he didn't have enough money and food to build the Zhengguo Canal, so he continued to ask the family to borrow money.

After breaking the defense of the aristocratic family who knew the news directly, they still followed Li Tai obediently.

Otherwise, isn't it just money and food!

For the aristocratic family, it's not that they can't afford to pay a little more. If Li Tai's construction is almost finished, but the canals are blocked and the water is not released, then these aristocratic families who originally invested money will wipe their necks with knives.

Of course, Li Tai is human after all, and the first wave of money was enough to renovate the entire Zheng Guoqu, so he is naturally not a shameless and untrustworthy person.

But no matter what, through this incident, everyone in the court saw that Li Tai easily handled the aristocratic family, and the aristocratic family was somewhat helpless.

Although there is a big reason behind this is Li Tai's father.If Li Tai changed his father, if he still dared to do this, he might not be strangled to death on the spot, and someone would find Li Tai's body on the bank of the Wei River the next day.

In any case, a 12-year-old child, using Zheng Guoqu as a rocker, manipulated the Guanlong gentry, who even Li Shimin felt a headache, to work obediently. Isn't he the second Li Shimin with his wrists? .

Under such circumstances, not to mention the courtiers, even if Li Shimin was reluctant, he would have to let Li Tai go somewhere to stay for a while.

After all, even if Li Shimin wanted to sharpen Li Chengqian, he hoped that even if Li Chengqian was as fast as iron, he could forge it into a sharp sword.

But he definitely didn't want to throw Li Chengqian into the magma to see if this ordinary iron could become a heavenly treasure.

In fact, when Li Tai was able to calmly control these aristocratic families to work, Li Tai's exit became inevitable.

At most, it was because Li Tai knew his own position, and decided to go to Youzhou to start a new one, and no one could stop him.

Although it was not put on the bright side, in fact, as long as Li Tai did not rebel, he would be the emperor of Youzhou. On this point, even Du Ruhui had no way to refute it.

However, in Du Ruhui's opinion, if Li Tai wanted to control the local family in Youzhou, he had to build a project similar to the Zhengguo Canal, so that the Youzhou family could be driven by Li Tai.

But the reality is, just taking advantage of the opportunity of building the canal in Youzhou, conscripts were recruited to build a road along the canal, and from the second year onwards, the Youzhou family took refuge in Li Tai because of the lack of tenant farmers.

Du Ruhui couldn't help but press his forehead. It's really difficult to want to use King Yan, but suppress King Yan at the same time!
For King Yan, there is no such thing as suppression at all, as long as you dare to use it, then he dares to develop it.

"However, after this incident, the imperial court should not let King Yan work like this time!"

Du Ruhui thought about it for a while, and sighed, "The methods of King Yan are beyond their expectations!"

Of course the imperial court wanted to take advantage of Li Tai, because Li Tai was too good at making money.

But the imperial court didn't want Li Tai to develop further. If he could be trapped in Tianjin, he would be trapped in Tianjin, and if he could be trapped in Youzhou, he would be trapped in Youzhou.

And this time Du Ruhui was the first to find Li Tai to work, not necessarily because of such attention, let Li Tai be the first bird, and use Li Tai's money to develop the Grand Canal, so Li Tai will naturally ruin the world family.

But Du Ruhui felt that such a plan might not be useful to King Yan.

Because Li Tai is very different from normal superiors, his attitude has always been that I never care if you are loyal or not, as long as you work for me, you are my good brother.

For example, his younger brother, Du Chuke, is still staying in Gaoling with all his heart, and is his seventh-rank Gaoling county magistrate.

And I kept the posture of staying away from strangers, waiting for King Yan to come back in Gaoling, and almost wrote the four characters of King Yan's death loyalty on my face.

Brother, have you forgotten that I sent you there as an undercover agent, not to seek refuge with King Yan.

It was also Du Chuke's attitude that made Du Ruhui in the court, and made people wonder if you were going to seek refuge with Li Tai, so you made a big bet early.

With this damned ability to make decisions, the bets were so fast and ruthless back then, that his own brother immediately took refuge in him!
Is it a bet, others don't know, don't you know it yourself!
Therefore, Du Ruhui felt that he had better take advantage of the time to build the Grand Canal, wandering outside for a few years, and completely perfected the Grand Canal version of the "Water Transport Plan" plan. up.

At that time, the position of my right servant can be upgraded by one.

Therefore, Du Ruhui actually didn't have much to worry about in Youzhou, and more was just recuperating.

After all, a sudden illness made me walk around the gate of hell. Although it cannot be said that there is no danger at all, but Du Ruhui played Wu Qinxi and drank health wine. Du Ruhui felt that as long as he listened to Sun Simiao's doctor's orders, he should be able to live to 70 years old, right? .

But I have to say that King Yan is able to win people's hearts. As long as you follow King Yan for a while, people around you will feel that following King Yan will naturally have goals, plans, and steps, and your whole life will become more hopeful .

I didn't have the chance to observe Li Tai carefully before, but now Du Ruhui is sitting in Youzhou, watching the development of the whole Youzhou with an attitude of being in the middle of the game and keeping his heart on the outside.

Seeing Li Tai's step-by-step orderly planning and step-by-step, Du Ruhui had a clearer understanding of Li Tai's operations.

After all, no one is an idiot, let alone Du Ruhui, who was second only to Fang Xuanling in the Zhenguan era, was observing in an orderly manner.

Therefore, these days, Du Ruhui let Li Tai, Ma Zhou and others operate, and he patiently observed it for a while. Naturally, he soon discovered that no matter what kind of operation Li Tai needs, there are two things that are most needed. One is population. , one is food.

Recalling Li Tai's series of operations in Gaoling as a comparison, and looking at the operations of a group of people under Li Tai's command when he commanded the corvee to assume the canal road, Du Ruhui found that the money that he valued very much, especially Kaiyuan Tongbao, seems to be here. Not very popular.On the contrary, the most popular ones are food stamps, and even salt stamps for coarse salt.

In Youzhou, as long as the people hold these two things, they can basically buy all kinds of supplies.

After all, normal people don't spend their lives buried in grain piles or holding salt jars, but here in Tianjin they can buy not only grain, but also other daily necessities by using these bills.

Basically everything uses grain as the price tag, but no one objected to these transactions, and they were even very happy to use these grain stamps instead of Kaiyuan Tongbao for transactions.

Of course, Kaiyuan Tongbao can also be used here, but as long as the quantity increases, more people are still willing to bring food coupons or salt coupons that can be exchanged for different shares.

These existences seem to make the area where King Yan is located no longer need copper coins?

(End of this chapter)

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