Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 201 The Plan of Chidao Construction

Chapter 201 The Plan of Chidao Construction

With the return of spring, the Youzhou family was noisy, but in the end they rented a large number of cattle from Wang Xuance and began to cultivate the fields in an orderly manner.

Of course, the general order is that the aristocratic families who have participated in the grass seed plan will be leased first, and then arrange the corresponding order according to the size of the aristocratic family's power, like the Lu family, the Wei family and the ancestor family, no one suffers.

Of course, there are also some aristocratic families who did not participate in the grass seed project, and they can only watch as they distance themselves from these aristocratic families.

To be honest, if all the aristocratic families didn't get any help or compensation from Li Tai, then the Youzhou aristocratic family must have united against Li Tai, the King of Yan.

But the aristocratic families who were on the same front as me suddenly had a solution, and more importantly, this solution was impossible for me to use, so in the eyes of these aristocratic families, it was a betrayal.

In fact, these aristocratic families wanted to directly buy the cattle in Wang Xuance's hands, after all, they would use Dao next year.

But Wang Xuance said: "Nowadays, there is a shortage of farm cattle in the whole of Youzhou. If you buy them at a low price, you will have a grudge against the big and small families in Youzhou. If you rent them at a low price, it will increase maintenance costs for no reason. Ask why.

It's better to leave this matter to the imperial court, and the families are sorted slowly in order.

As for the purchase of scalpers, if the grass planting plan continues in the future, no family will lose animal power after all! "

With Wang Xuance's statement and Li Tai's support behind them, these aristocratic families still chose Wang Xuance's plan.

To be honest, there is a problem here, and that is the order of plowing.

It will be much more convenient for those who plow first. As for those who plow behind, they may violate the farming time if they are not careful.

In fact, this kind of operation was very common in ancient grassroots.

Generally, the farming cattle issued by the imperial court are first taken by the powerful and aristocratic families at the grassroots level to plow their own fields before it is the turn of other common people.

Now because there are no ordinary people at all among the people present, there are only big and small landlords.

At most, the big landlords enjoyed the benefits of the imperial government's policy first, and those small landlords were affected to a certain extent.

Under such circumstances, those landlords whose tenants fled and could not rent cattle because they did not participate in the grass seeding plan would naturally reduce the tenants’ land rental costs, thereby allowing some tenants to stay.

After all, as long as they are normal people, who would leave the local area if they didn't really see no trace of hope in the local area!
In short, with those families in Youzhou who got the scalpers at the top, the Youzhou family quickly accepted Li Tai's plan.

Especially these top aristocratic families, after directly enjoying the benefits of the "Grass Seed Project", they took the initiative to approach Wang Xuance and expressed that they would increase investment in the Grass Seed Project.

Needless to say, if the farm cattle can be slaughtered next year, they will buy as many as they have.

If the cattle cannot be slaughtered, at least to ensure the stability of next year's spring plowing, first determine the number of cattle needed by the family.

After all, according to King Yan's plan to build Tianjin City, no one knows how many tenants will stay next year.

Faced with the active cooperation of the Youzhou family and Li Tai's guidance in advance, Wang Xuance naturally clarified the further development of the supporting facilities of the Grass Seed Project.

When the farming cattle and cattle herding cattle in his hands have scaled up, his achievements will come naturally.

This sense of solidity with a goal made Wang Xuance quite satisfied.

As for Li Tai, as the spring returned to the earth, he began to let Wang Zhenru leave a small part of the corvée to carry out construction on the road from Yongnu to Tianjin City, and began to carry out large-scale dredging projects on the canals in the entire Youzhou area. up.

One winter, the corvees were building tents and repairing roads, and at the same time completed the preparations for material savings.

But the most important thing is to run in, not only the familiarity of these corvees with the Gaoling model, but also the cooperation between Tianjin corvees and ordinary corvees.

More importantly, there is also the familiarity and running-in of the most basic food stamps and salt stamps in the actual use process.

It can be said that Li Tai came to Youzhou to make a large number of Youzhou locals accept Gaoling's model. It is definitely not a short-term thing. For both parties, it needs constant adjustment to make the two sides cooperate better.

With the running-in of this winter, when the Tianjin corvee commanded the corvees to work, it was natural to find that the local corvees in Youzhou quickly integrated into the working mode of the Tianjin corvee.

Now as winter passes and the weather warms up, the ice floes on the canals are starting to melt.

At Li Tai's order, the corvee workers in the camps everywhere, under the leadership of Ma Zhou, dredged and widened the entire canal in Youzhou, and even established several Xiaojinkou in the places where these camps were located. Facilitate the rapid collection and distribution of goods.

"Sure enough, it's comfortable to command the corvees under King Yan to work!" Ma Zhou couldn't help but sigh as he watched the dredging work of the entire canal at a rapid pace almost every day when he gave an order.

When Ma Zhou said this, he turned his head to Li Chunfeng and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"Calculate the camps that need to be built in the Youzhou section of the entire canal, so that the project can be advanced more efficiently. It's just a trivial matter!"

Li Chunfeng shook his head and said, "Compared to this, it was the king of Yan who resisted all opinions and took the initiative to provide enough coal, clothes and food for these corvees to sweep snow and build roads in winter, so that they became familiar with our working mode.

Otherwise, even if spring returns to the earth, the repair of the entire canal will not be so fast. "

Ma Zhou nodded to Li Chunfeng and said,

"It is true that sharpening a knife does not cut firewood by mistake. Working with King Yan is the feeling of getting twice the result with half the effort.

Originally thought that the dredging work in the Youzhou section should be delayed until June.

But in reality, I am afraid that this section of the canal will be cleared before the end of April. "

"It's better to clean it up earlier!" Li Chunfeng said,
"Because the Jiangnan Branch School didn't have enough students to produce students, the imperial court felt that the Grand Canal would be fine if it dragged on.

But for King Yan, he will not waste an inch of time, the most important thing is to complete the dredging work of the entire canal as soon as possible! "

"Well! I will pay attention." Ma Zhou narrowed his eyes when he heard Li Chunfeng's words, and asked thoughtfully,

"After completing the dredging project in Youzhou, does King Yan have any other projects?"

"Yes, he plans to build a road between Tianjin Port and Tianjin Port." Li Chunfeng said solemnly.

"Chi Dao? Is it the Chi Dao I understand?" Ma Zhou's eyes widened, and he always felt that either he was crazy or Li Tai was crazy!
"It's the Chidao you understand!" Li Chunfeng nodded expressionlessly. To be honest, this thing is really a waste of money.

If Li Tai hadn't insisted on pulling himself to calculate how to stimulate the prosperity of the entire Tianjin city if a road was built between the entire Tianjin Port and Tianjin Jinkou.

When I heard Li Tai propose this plan, I wanted to slap Li Tai directly on the face to wake him up.

After all, things like Chidao really cost too much money!

Because the ironware of the Qin Dynasty was not up to standard, it was laid with wood, and the wood required for this was an astronomical sum.

At the same time, the subgrade is also very important, because Fan Chi Road can be used for thousands of years, but it is necessary to use it for hundreds of years.

This puts very high requirements on roadbed ramming. In ancient times, a combination of sleepers and composite soil was basically used.

And the running track built in this way is very similar to the current train tracks. If there is any difference, at most it is that the power of livestock is still the main force in this dynasty, and it does not seem to have used electromagnetic force now.

It is also the way prepared with the power of livestock, so when using it, it is mainly to use the power of livestock rationally.

Basically, the rhythm of each section of the gallop is equal to the rhythm of the horse's running, so that once the horse runs, it will "self-oscillate" and it is almost impossible to stop by itself.

It can be said that the operation of this road is definitely the most harmful to the horses. Not to mention how much resources were invested in the initial stage, the maintenance of the road in the later stage is probably a shocking figure for the entire country.

Because this gallop uses horses as fuel. To be honest, this thing is so extravagant that it makes them drool.

So, after Ma Zhou thought about it for a while, he felt like Li Tai was crazy.

At this moment Ma Zhou looked at Li Chunfeng very strangely, and said, "Didn't you persuade me?!"

"I persuaded, but the king of Yan asked me to calculate the cost of communicating with the Tianjin port and the port, especially the benefits brought by the goods being transported directly from Tianjin to the north and south of China through the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. I was persuaded by the king of Yan !"

However, Li Chunfeng also showed a look of helplessness, and continued, "Not to mention, for this plan, King Yan even paved the way for a grass seeding plan to reduce the cost of horses as much as possible, and paved the way for a fishing plan to increase the output of Tianjin products.

When this road is really built successfully, if you want to enter the Tang Dynasty in the whole circle of Bohai Sea, you must go through Tianjin City! "

Li Chunfeng said helplessly, "I can convince myself not to do this, but I can't persuade the income data that has been calculated several times."

"Okay..." Ma Zhou pressed his temple when he heard Li Chunfeng's words, "Does this mean that this matter is profitable?"

"It's profitable!" Li Chunfeng nodded and added, "Even if the rails are made of steel and the roadbed is made of composite soil, thousands of horses may be consumed every year. As long as the track is repaired, there will definitely be profits!"

"What if the Grand Canal is not dredged?" Ma Zhou asked Li Chunfeng again.

"As long as the Grand Canal is dredged to Luoyang, the King of Yan insists that the road must be built will not be a big loss!" Li Chunfeng also replied blankly.

To be honest, Li Chunfeng also thought King Yan was crazy when Li Tai asked him to calculate a road from Tianjingkou to Tianjin Port.

But looking at the data calculated by himself, Li Chunfeng said that he can doubt his sanity, but he will never doubt his mathematics.

Then Mo De emotionally expressed support for Li Tai's plan.

Ma Zhou understood what Li Chunfeng was doing here today, so he reminded himself that the water transportation system of the entire Grand Canal could be completed quickly.

After all, if Tianjin's speed slows down, it will still have a great impact on Tianjin's overall development speed.

"However, the King of Yan must not be slack in the end. Even when he arrives at the place, he will arrange one project after another."

Ma Zhou shook his head and couldn't help sighing. "This is really King Yan's style!"

However, Ma Zhou didn't get too entangled in this matter, and didn't even answer directly. He just had lunch with Li Chunfeng and said that he knew about it.

Because Ma Zhou knew that his next important task was to implement the "Water Transport System" up and down the Grand Canal in a down-to-earth manner.

After all, strictly speaking, he was only responsible for the implementation of the entire project of the Grand Canal.

If you want to speed up the overall progress, it is not enough to rely on your own efforts. Du Ruhui is the one who really grasps this rhythm.

Du Ruhui came to Youzhou and watched Li Taima complete the implementation of the entire Grand Canal water transportation plan at the end of Thursday and the end of the month.

The river was dredged, the wharf was built, the road was repaired, and even water transport personnel were prepared.

After Li Tai finished everything, Du Ruhui naturally came to visit Li Tai to express his gratitude to Li Tai.

Li Tai received Du Ruhui's thanks solemnly, not daring to neglect him in the slightest.

Du Ruhui exchanged normal greetings with Li Tai, but suddenly said, "King Yan, what kind of Youzhou do you want to build!"

When Li Tai heard Du Ruhui's words, he couldn't help raising his brows, and said calmly, "It's all about developing as much as possible!"

Du Ruhui raised his head to look at the roof, but his thick voice was full of strength, and said:

"Did King Yan not have the slightest vision for the future of Youzhou?

If not, isn't the grass seeding plan, fishing plan, and water transportation plan all your development of Youzhou! "

"..." Li Tai heard Du Ruhui's words, and said, "What kind of answer does Du Xiang want?"

"I think it is worth King Yan's investment. At least Youzhou is not just a frontier against Goguryeo!"

Du Ruhui looked directly at Li Tai, seeing that Li Tai's ears were only a little red, but he changed the subject and said:
"I've been in Youzhou for a while, and I found that King Yan never gave common people a chance to recuperate.

But the common people were very supported by King Yan, so they were very curious. "

"Maybe it's because civilians don't need to recuperate, they just need to live better!"

Li Tai looked at Du Ruhui, and said with some sarcasm,
"Du Xiang has been watching Youzhou for so long, if you can't see through this point, it will be very disappointing."

When Du Ruhui heard that Li Tai and him were being sarcastic, he didn't seem a little bit ashamed, but said very seriously:
"I have indeed looked at Youzhou for a long time, but the longer I look at it, the more confused I become.

It shouldn't matter whether it is the canal or the spring plowing. If you take the current corvee and population in Youzhou, you can only do the same in a short period of time.

But under your deployment control, through the system, people's hearts, food, and even tools, these two things have been completed!
It's like you've created something out of thin air to make up for the lack of human...

King Yan, can you tell me what you have created out of nothing? "

(End of this chapter)

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