Chapter 202
Faced with Du Ruhui's sudden questioning, Li Tai couldn't help being stunned.

Li Tai knew very well that Du Ruhui was actually very close to the truth, but his aptitude was not enough for him to fully see through the reason.

There is no way, a person with such aptitude may not be born once in 1000 years, and Du Ruhui is still far behind.

Li Tai took a deep breath, and asked Du Ruhui, "Does Du Xiang think the world's wealth is constant?"

Du Ruhui was slightly silent when he heard Li Tai's words, and then said, "Isn't the world's wealth constant?
For example, trading, bartering things, it seems that there are gains and losses, but overall, it remains the same! "

Li Tai nodded when he heard Du Ruhui's words, "From a transaction point of view, it is indeed an exchange of equal value.

Even if there is a gap, in reality, many intangible values ​​make the transaction between the two parties reach a balance.

But we are not talking about transactions, we are talking about wealth. "

"I would like to hear the details!" Du Ruhui became solemn when he heard Li Tai's words.

"In Du Xiang's opinion, what does the so-called wealth mean?" Li Tai didn't explain, but asked another question.

Du Ruhui frowned, thought for a while, and said seriously, "Kaiyuan Tongbao, silk and satin, and gold and silver things!"

"Hmm!" Li Tai heard Du Ruhui's words, and said, "In my opinion, the so-called wealth is only the food cultivated by farmers, the products produced by the factories under his command, and even the infrastructure that these corvee workers exchanged for their labor!

As for Kaiyuan Tongbao, silk and satin, even gold and silver, they are just mediums to me.

If I don't have enough media, I can create some other media for the common people to accept, and then willing to work is enough! "

"Food stamps?!" Du Ruhui immediately reacted when he heard Li Tai's words.

"En!" Li Tai nodded, "If you understand this question, you should know that money itself is not important to me."

"What is important supports why this food stamp can be used as a substitute for money!"

Du Ruhui's complexion became ugly, and he said,
"Are your food stamps really issued according to the amount of food you have?!"

"Yes!" Li Tai replied without changing his expression.

I must be distributing according to the amount of food in my hand, at most the ratio is about one to three.

The extra part is actually not just for food, but for other miscellaneous necessities of life, as well as various consumer products. The ratio of one to three is very conservative!
However, Li Tai didn't dare to hand out too much.

After all, a complete production base and suitable target items are not really established by themselves.

Therefore, during the entire circulation process, although the proportion of food stamps has gradually increased, Kaiyuan Tongbao and cloth are still very strong currencies.

Du Ruhui breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Li Tai's words. Du Ruhui was really afraid that Li Tai's rebellion would lead to the bankruptcy of his reputation.

To be honest, Du Ruhui also broke out in a cold sweat after knowing that there was such an operation.

However, Li Tai continued to Du Ruhui at this moment,

"As for what to support, it is naturally the productivity of the people.

It is an ability to transform nature through labor production by ordinary people who have the ability to work!

The simplest example is farming. People grow food from the land through farming, which is a manifestation of productivity. "

Du Ruhui frowned when he heard Li Tai's words.

Although Li Tai has tried his best to explain, but still those words, wanting to explain this matter thoroughly, it is really not something that Li Tai can explain clearly with half a bucket of water.

Even Du Ruhui had vaguely grasped something at first, but now he heard Li Tai's words, he was a bit confused instead!
Seeing that Du Ruhui didn't speak, Li Tai couldn't help covering his face.

Originally, he thought that he could easily explain this matter clearly, but after Du Ruhui knew the principle, he also had a comrade.

But save yourself, if these things were really easy to explain clearly, I would have been a lecturer in my previous life.

Li Tai took a deep breath, reorganized his words and said, "Simply put, I use the various tools researched by Moke and the cattle produced by the Grass Planting Project to replace the labor of tenant farmers!
At the same time, the extra people can be put on more technical jobs.

For example, things like cleaning up silt and widening rivers can only be done by corvees, and there is no way to replace cattle.

Through my reasonable scheduling of resources, naturally the two things can be done well!

It's just that I foresee these redundant labors and then distribute them reasonably. "

When Du Ruhui heard Li Tai's second explanation, he immediately understood the whole thing, but Du Ruhui said with regret,

"It seems that the truth that King Yan has comprehended, even if you want to explain it to me, it will be very difficult!"

Hearing Du Ruhui's words, Li Tai wanted to comfort him, but felt it was inappropriate.

I can't help but feel that my level is indeed limited. If I want to explain a series of knowledge about productivity and production relations in simple terms, I really can't do it!

But Du Ruhui calmly said to Li Tai, "At least King Yan's theory can only be implemented if he treats the people well.

The sage once said that water can carry a boat and also overturn it, but your theory, King Yan, is to push the boat along with the water! "

"Um...exactly!" Li Tai naturally nodded when he heard Du Ruhui's understanding.

Du Ruhui smiled and said, "Youzhou's water transportation plan has been implemented smoothly, and I will leave soon."

"Du Xiang has done a lot of hard work, but it's thanks to you!" Li Tai saluted quickly when he heard Du Ruhui's words.

Du Ruhui glanced at Li Tai, and continued, "In addition, the imperial court has reached an agreement with Goguryeo, and both parties will open their trade ports!"

"Oh? Is it Pyongyang City?" Li Tai asked after hearing Du Ruhui's words.

"How could it be opened there!" Du Ruhui shook his head when he heard Li Tai's words,

"It is where Lelang was located in the Han Dynasty, the mouth of Wugu River and Yalu River.

Goguryeo built a Dahang City there and chose it as a trading place for Goguryeo. "

Although Li Tai didn't know about the so-called Dahang City at all, but when the Yalu River was mentioned, Li Tai immediately understood.

Goguryeo chose the modern Dandong location as a trading port for exchanges with the Tang Dynasty.

Dandong is located in the center of Northeast Asia, and is an important intersection of the Northeast Asian economic circle and the Bohai Rim and Yellow Sea economic circles.

It can be said that it is a very important city in the north of the country. If Huaxia wants to ensure its influence on the Korean Peninsula, the construction of Dandong cannot be abandoned. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as a business card city for the Korean Peninsula.

It can only be said that Goguryeo chose such a location as an open location for both parties, which is a way to show its sincerity.

After all, this place is considered the hinterland of Goguryeo, which can be said to be full of sincerity, but at the same time, the Liaodong area is considered to be full of hills derived from the Changbai Mountains. Even if Datang wanted to attack Goguryeo through this place, it would definitely not be easy.

For Goguryeo, compared with the almost terrifyingly long coastline, it is much easier to hold only this one spot.

"Would you like to guess, King Yan, where is the trading center of my Great Tang?" Du Ruhui asked.

"Not in Tianjin?" Li Tai asked a little puzzled when he heard Du Ruhui's words.

"It's Tianjin, exactly as you wish!" Du Ruhui said, "In addition, Goguryeo's treaty ports will not be opened until the Goguryeo envoys return to Goguryeo, but Youzhou's treaty ports will be opened first. Show sincerity."

"Okay! Thank you, Du Xiang, for letting me know!" Li Tai saluted Du Ruhui, expressing his gratitude for the advance notice.

Du Ruhui waved his hand and said, "Manage Youzhou well. This kind of fixed-point trade between the two countries has never been seen before. I'm afraid you will encounter countless things in the future. I won't bother you. You can watch in Youzhou well." That's it!"

"Congratulations to Prime Minister Du." Li Tai saluted Du Ruhui and sent Du Ruhui out of his mansion.

As Du Ruhui said, after inspecting the Youzhou Grand Canal, Du Ruhui took Ma Zhou and continued towards Cangzhou.

Although Du Ruhui was in Youzhou during this period of time, preparations for Cangzhou's affairs were already in full swing.

Now that Du Ruhui is going to Cangzhou, it will take at most three months to clean up this section of the canal and establish a standard mouth. The entire "Water Transport Plan" is now officially laid out from north to south.

Du Ruhui took Ma Zhou away, but Li Tai's work did not stop.

After all, after the Grand Canal has been dredged, the road from Yongnu to Tianjin City will be built and repaired, and the road from Tianjin Port to Tianjinkou will be repaired. After all, Li Tai has endless work waiting for these corvees.

It's just that with the arrival of May, basically all the big and small families in Youzhou have completed the spring plowing and sowed corn.

And Li Tai did not forcefully promote wheat, after all, there is not much wheat planted in Youzhou now, and more importantly, if they are allowed to plant more wheat, then when he planted wheat at the end of autumn, he would be able to keep up with the use of cattle They clash!
However, as their demand for cattle began to decline, Li Tai began to cultivate a large area in Tianjin.

To be honest, the location of Tianjin is almost dominated by flat land, coupled with the relatively abundant water resources in the territory, when the canal does not pass here, it is nothing, but when the canal passes here, the land in this area naturally stands out.

At the same time, students from Youzhou Agricultural College also began to graduate, although the number of this batch was also small, only about [-] people.

In the hands of Li Tai, there are about 100 people, but it is enough for them to organize corvees to reclaim wasteland.

At this time, Li Tai sent a message to Lu Cai who was far away in Chang'an, asking him to grind the harvested wheat this year into wheat flour, and then send the students from the Agricultural Institute who were willing to go north to Youzhou to send the wheat flour to Youzhou.

Lu Cai did not dare to neglect this matter, and replied that he would send the wheat flour to Luoyang first, and then send it to Youzhou by Yongji Canal.

However, from Chang'an to Luoyang, the Weihe waterway can only go to Huazhou, and the rest of the road needs land transportation.

In this process, unless you buy food along the way, the food consumption will be very large, at least [-]% will be lost, please be prepared, King Yan.

After Li Tai received Lu Cai's letter, he immediately sent another four-hundred-mile urgent letter to the post station, asking for money from the peacock, buying grain along the way, and sending this batch of wheat flour to Youzhou first.

At the same time, he wrote that he had obtained the right to build Luoyang Jinkou, and he could send the students of ink science and mathematics that had been dispatched to him to build Luoyang Jinkou first.

At the same time, he contacted Ma Zhou and obtained the approval of the imperial court to allow the construction of Jinkou in Luoyang, and the fee was for Peacock to use the profits from the charcoal industry, cloth industry, and other industries to fill this hole.

However, the grains such as wheat flour from Gaoling are transported to Youzhou as much as possible, which is out of question.

Seeing Li Tai's reply, Lu Cai temporarily handed over the matters in the academy to Liu Shenwei to handle.

After discussing with the peacock, he personally led the students to escort the grain to Luoyang, and then a group of agricultural students continued to transport wheat flour to the north along the Yongji Canal, and delivered the wheat flour to Li Tai.

On the other hand, I took the students of Moke and Mathematics to find a suitable place in Luoyang to buy land and build a house.

After contacting Ma Zhou and confirming the establishment of Jinkou with the approval of the imperial court, he began to concentrate on the construction of Jinkou.

Li Tai also breathed a sigh of relief with Lu Cai taking full power to deal with Luoyang Jinkou.

More importantly, Luoyang wheat flour was successfully transported to Youzhou this year, although it took a lot of trouble.

To be honest, although Li Tai purchased a large amount of grain last year, even now Li Tai still has enough grain, but this year there are so many corvees, the loss of grain is beyond Li Tai's expectation.

Even if the corn in his storage can last until this year's autumn harvest, Li Tai still feels somewhat flustered when he looks at the granary that can't even last a year.

Therefore, after confirming the harvest of Gaoling wheat, Li Tai asked Lu Cai to transport the wheat flour as soon as possible.

Because Li Tai watched the granary empty little by little, but did not see the granary full, Li Tai still felt a lot of insecurity.

It wasn't until June that all the wheat flour from Gaoling was sent to Tianjin for storage, and Li Tai breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, the loss of cloth, money and food during this process may even be a little more than the third floor of the total price of grain. .

But Li Tai felt that this matter was worth it.

At this time, Li Tai remembered that Lu Cai was still dealing with the affairs of Luoyang Jinkou.

Li Tai sent a letter indicating that the food had arrived, and at the same time asked Lu Cai to deal with Luoyang Jinkou slowly, so there was no need to worry.

After all, Du Ruhui is not only a simple dredging project for the entire Grand Canal, but also personnel adjustments for the implementation of the "Water Transport Plan".

Even Du Ruhui can only slowly adjust from state to state, so Li Tai doesn't need to be too anxious to let Lu Cai take his time, just as a place for the students of mathematics and ink to practice.

Seeing Li Tai's reply, Lu Cai looked at the Jinkou that was about to be built, and then looked at the letter...

Who is King Yan looking down on!
(End of this chapter)

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