Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 249 Wang Xuance's Choice

Chapter 249 Wang Xuance's Choice
Hearing Wang Xuance's words, Du Chuke said, "Do you think they gave up the Gaoling corvee, gave up the agricultural students, and even gave up the plan you originally figured out, can they make a good job of this grass seed plan?"

"Probably not!" Wang Xuance shook his head after hearing Du Chuke's words.

"No, the grass seed plan already has a reference, as long as they are willing to persevere, it will definitely be successful."

Du Chuke gave a different answer, but Wang Xuance was stunned when he heard this, and even a little unbelievable, but it was not until Du Chuke said "but..." that Wang Xuance felt relieved.

Du Chuke said, "But they need to be able to withstand the people's continuous counterattacks, and the aristocratic family is willing to give the prince enough time and money. At the same time, they have unparalleled belief in carrying out this policy until it is profitable!"

"I don't understand!" Wang Xuance heard Du Chuke's words, but said, "Why do the people retaliate? Can't the aristocratic family not afford to wait a year or two for money and food? Isn't this whole policy easy to make money?"

"One or two years~" Du Chuke laughed a few times, "Do you know how many years it took Emperor Sui Yang to build the Grand Canal?"

"Seven years." Wang Xuance said with some hesitation when he heard Du Chuke's words.

"It's just connecting the Grand Canal. Now they want to promote pasture planting from scratch and replace merchants with administrative means. Do they think they have made money?

Look, this is a bottomless pit. In the first year or two, these aristocratic families are still willing to invest money in it, and the imperial court is also willing to support it.

If there is no profit after two or three years, I think they will be disgusting! "Du Chuke was full of disdain.

Because Du Chuke knew very well that taking the road of administration... Emperor Sui Yang has already proved how difficult this road is!
"Why is this so?" Wang Xuance was a little dazed when he heard Du Chuke's words.

Because in Wang Xuance's view, under Xu Jingzong's operation, they are not short of technology, personnel, plans, and even funds, so how could they have problems.

"Their first question is people!" Du Chuke said, "Any large-scale engineering project must have people!"

"But they can conscript corvees, so why is there a shortage of people?" Hearing Du Chuke's words, Wang Xuance asked back.

Du Chuke shook his head and said, "When you see King Yan working, it will always be the corvee workers trained by yourself as the backbone.

Whether it is Gaoling corvee or Tianjin corvee, these people are not so much collecting corvee as they are living on corvee.

But if it's corvée, have you ever seen corvée being conscripted to open up land?
You must know that cultivating acres of land is not an easy job. If you promise to share the cultivated land, it is okay. If you don’t even promise this, believe it or not, if they use the method of administration instead of redemption, some people will flee soon.

Moreover, the people in these places in Longyou are fierce and brave, and most of them have gone to serve as government soldiers. They want to conscript corvee, but I'm afraid it may not be as many as they think.

So soon they will fall into the problem of lack of people, and they will be short of people!

Why do you think that King Yan must use Gaoling corvees to do this? It is because Gaoling corvees were the mainstay at the beginning, and some barren land can be reclaimed with proper local auxiliary work.

The King of Yan considered the human factor, and knew that it would not be possible to get it done simply by corvee, and he would need people to work hard.

Not only the corvee itself, but the Gaoling corvee as the backbone, the help of ordinary people, and even multiple cities to support this plan!
Not enough people, everything is empty talk. "

"This..." Hearing Du Chuke's analysis, Wang Xuance felt a little stunned, and understood what Du Chuke meant.

Du Chuke continued, "Then they will encounter the second problem, because there are not enough people, so there is not enough land!"

"Not enough land?" Wang Xuance couldn't help being stunned, and said, "Isn't Longyou all land?"

"Those are uncultivated lands. Do you think they can produce enough pasture on a large scale?" Du Chuke shook his head and said,
"Without enough grass, it becomes impossible to raise livestock of sufficient scale."

"Even if these pastures are not carefully taken care of, they can still grow grass if you sprinkle them on the ground. At most, you need to hire local people to cut them two or three times less!" Wang Xuance said to Du Chuke after a moment of thought.

"But this is not the kind of farmer and herdsman we want in Tang Dynasty!" Du Chuke shook his head and said,
"The essence of the Grass Planting Project is to cultivate the uncultivable land in the north, even if it is grass.

If they sprinkle grass seeds casually, the essence will not change. The change of the northern aliens from living by water and grass to cultivating land is not what our Tang Dynasty needs!

If only this is the case, why does our Tang Dynasty have to pay such a high price to do this. "

"This..." Wang Xuance didn't expect that Du Chuke would say such a truth, but he didn't react.

Du Chuke continued, "It's a waste of land reclamation, and we will inevitably compete with the local people for the matured acres in the future.

Even if it is the most inferior bad land, it is impossible to grow food, but it is impossible to grow grass! "

"They wouldn't do that, this is Longyou!" Wang Xuance said in surprise.

"Who knows, it depends on their bottom line!" Du Chuke shook his head.

Hearing Du Chuke's words, Wang Xuance couldn't help but wonder whether he should believe that Xu Jingchong has a bottom line...

And Du Chuke continued, "As long as the first two steps are not carried out smoothly, it will inevitably affect the last step, which is Qian Yuan.

As long as the scale does not increase, not only will they not be able to make money, but they will continue to invest money. The big family may be able to wait, but for the small family, they may not have so much capital to wait.

There will inevitably be disagreements at that time, and as long as one family withdraws, the entire project will fall into an irreversible vicious circle. The more money is lacking, the worse the work will be, and the worse the work will be, the more money will be lacking. "

"The livestock they raise can be sold for money after all!" Wang Xuance couldn't help but hear Du Chuke's words.

"It's a bit of a profit if no one grabs the business, but as long as someone grabs the business, it's not necessarily so!" Du Chuke shook his head,
"Forget it, after all, it is the prince, and Taipusi should come forward to buy it in the end.

But if Taipusi really ended, it also shows that the entire "Grass Seed Project" is not far from bankruptcy. "

"Then... what should I do?" Hearing Du Chuke's analysis, Wang Xuance felt that Xu Jingzong would finish this thing sooner or later, which made Wang Xuance a little at a loss, not knowing what he was going to do next.

"You have two choices." Du Chuke said, "One is to wait.

Continue to wait and continue to suffer slowly until the prince's entire plan goes bankrupt.

Thinking about it, I'm afraid that King Yan will take over in the future, and with your internal support at that time, it will be much more convenient for King Yan to take over!

However, the crown prince is a crown prince after all, and too many people put their hopes on his plan, and they would find someone to help him when he could hardly bear it.

Let the whole project not be completely dead, nor come alive, no one knows how long it will last.

Of course, there is another point that, when you fail in the end and need to find a scapegoat, you are the best candidate! "

When Wang Xuance heard Du Chuke's words, his expression was a little ugly.

Because Wang Xuance knew that if he did this, he might spend at least half of his life here. More importantly, if the plan failed, with the means Xu Jingzong showed, he would definitely be called a scapegoat!

"What about the second type?" At this moment Wang Xuance couldn't help but asked again.

"The second way is to withdraw!" Du Chuke calmly said,
"Withdraw from this whole project and return to Youzhou to train new pack horses according to what King Yan said.

Taking advantage of water transportation, sell cattle and war horses to the area east of Luoyang. "

"Back?" Wang Xuance was taken aback when he heard Du Chuke's words, and couldn't help thinking.

And Du Chuke continued, "You also attended the meeting at the beginning, and you know that according to King Yan's plan, the core of our development is Luoyang.

And everything we do in the next few years is to prepare for the future development of Luoyang by King Yan.

Therefore, if you retreat to Youzhou to develop animal husbandry, through the benefits of the Grand Canal, you can send livestock to Luoyang or even Yuhang to ensure the agricultural development of the Kanto region.

Even if there is spare capacity, the farm cattle and war horses can be sold to Chang'an, giving the aristocratic family one more choice, and forcing the prince to put more pressure on their projects, and this is the benefit of retiring. "

Having said this, Du Chuke concluded,
"So without the King of Yan, no one can compete with the crown prince. If we insist on colliding with the crown prince, it will neither be a courtier's virtue nor benefit.

There is no good or bad to wait and retreat, it depends more on Xuance's choice. "

Hearing Du Chuke's words, Wang Xuance understood that if King Yan was here, he might have his back against King Yan, and he could still compete with the prince. If the lawsuit came before the saint, he would at least have a chance to reason.

But now I can only wait and retreat.

To be honest, Wang Xuance knew that he could only choose to withdraw.

As for waiting, I am really not the kind of person who can lie under the nose of the other party for a few years, and then wait for a few years, or even a dozen years.

"I choose to quit! I will hand in my resignation tomorrow!" Wang Xuance said angrily,

"My whole plan was rejected, and the students were kicked out, so what else do I have to do.

I want to see how they carry out the "Seed Project"! "

"Don't be angry, it's normal for the struggles in the court to come and go, one ebbs and another."

Du Chuke's expression was calm, with his elder brother Du Ruhui around, he was calm,
"We just watched him build a tall building, entertain guests, and then the building collapsed.

In today's world, saints are alive, and the court employs people, not flattery, but hard work.

No matter how good Xu Jingzong's wrist is, in the end, he still has to do things. If he can't do it well, it doesn't matter how beautiful his wrist is! "

Wang Xuance and Du Chuke breathed a sigh of relief, and even took the initiative to pay for the drinks, and went home relaxed.

On the second day, Wang Xuance's resignation was handed over. The words were fierce and full of emotion, and the summary was just one sentence.

"With such an idiot leader as Xu Jingsong, I can't do it. This project must continue. With me without him, with him without me!"

The letter was delivered to Xu Jingzong, Xu Jingzong sneered, "Princess Bo has already made a request, so naturally he will be satisfied!"

Then Wang Xuance, the pioneer and actual founder of the "Grass Seed Project", was directly kicked out of the game.

However, the foolish farming and animal husbandry manual written by Wang Xuance was kept by Xu Jingzong to read it from time to time.

After all, in Xu Jingzong's view, you have already taught these skills, so why do I keep you, kick them out early, so that I can do a big job sooner.

Then, on Wang Xuance's first day of work, all plans were overturned, and on the second day of work, he submitted his resignation and left.

After completing the record of the shortest tenure from a local official to a Beijing official, Du Chuke reassigned Wang Xuance back to Youzhou, and began to accumulate strength again.

Du Chuke is a sensible person, knowing that the King of Yan is not here, but insisting on colliding with the prince who is in full swing, it is a disease of the brain.

He must have to wait until King Yan comes back before he has a chance to compete with the crown prince.

Otherwise, let's be honest, the court hall is not a place where I and others can act recklessly, and of course it is not a place where others can act recklessly.

"Lands and rivers meet each other." Du Chuke also rode a horse to do his own Dai Luoyang order.

And all of this, Li Tai, who was climbing the ice and laying on the snow, didn't know it. When he was not in Luoyang, Du Chuke helped him deal with the finishing touches, saved his strength, and waited for him, and then it was like a fist with power Generally, when an order is given, it is punched out.

At this time, the military music proposed by Li Tai had already been held for almost a month.

This has almost become the time that everyone looks forward to the most after the entire legion marches every day.

Although due to the limited number of personnel, more than 1 people can perform with the military band led by Lu Cai each time, but even so, such performances have calmed many people's hearts.

"The military band of the King of Yan has some skills!" Li Daozong listened to Lu Cai and others playing drums, golden gongs, and suonas, which were played very loudly. There is nothing to be afraid of!

"It stabilized the morale very well!" Li Jing looked at the military band and sighed.

"It's actually not just the military band, but the medical battalion as well.

After camping every day, the soldiers of the medical camp will ask the team leaders of each team to report the frostbite situation, and then arrange for the members of the medical camp to undergo orderly rehabilitation treatment, and even prepare medicines for frostbite.

Originally marching in the snow, non-combat losses should have been huge, but with King Yan's team here, I hardly need to worry about non-combat attrition! "

"King Yan also prepared medicine for frostbite?" Li Daozong was a little surprised when he heard Li Jing's words.

"I have prepared a lot!" Li Jing replied, "Also, whenever he went to a town where he settled down, the King of Yan would ask Liu Shenwei to find a local doctor as soon as possible, buy local medicinal materials, and even buy coal. It can be said that King Yan brought too much money!"

Li Daozong twitched the corner of his mouth, but he didn't know how to describe Li Tai.

Li Jing said, "However, compared to such a small trick, why don't you wait until night to see King Yan's tent!"

"Huh?" Li Daozong couldn't help being curious when he heard Li Jing's words.

 Continue to indulge in the game, I promise two updates tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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