Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 250 Li Jing's Mission

Chapter 250 Li Jing's Mission

At night, basically all the soldiers had already rested, but Li Tai's army tents were lit with scorching fires, making the entire camp red.

The soldiers were all in the marching tents, but each marching tent was lit with lights, and it looked a bit brightly lit, as if they were resting.

"Why don't you turn off the lights in King Yan's camp, and you have to hurry tomorrow!" Li Daozong looked at this scene and said.

"Just go and have a look yourself!" Li Jing came to the barracks, but was stopped by the guards at the door.

"Director Li, King Li, go in and report to King Yan immediately, you two are here!" Zu Changming, who was guarding the gate, said hastily.

After speaking, he patted the people around him and asked him to report to Li Tai, saying that the two big men had come.

"You guys know us, but you still don't let us in?" Li Daozong said, "All the troops are under the command of this man!"

"Li Junwang, we are not soldiers of the government, but the soldiers under the command of King Yan, and we only obey the orders of King Yan!" Zu Changming said.

"You know me?" Hearing this man's words, Li Daozong couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

"Your Majesty, when you went to Youzhou to announce the decree, I met the Majesty!" Zu Changming replied honestly.

"You have courage, what's your name? Do you dare to tell someone!" Li Zongdao looked at Zu Changming and couldn't help asking.

"Fan Yangzu Changming!" Zu Changming replied to Li Zongdao without fear.

"Fan Yangzu's family..." Li Zongdao was thoughtful and understood Zu Changming's identity.

At this time Li Jing thought thoughtfully, "You actually let the guards guard the door, is it because I came in last time?"

"Boss Li, what you said!" Zu Changming hurriedly said,
"It's just because Yan Wang said that the guards should share the joys and sorrows with other soldiers, so this job was arranged.

What caused those guards to be punished because of you does not exist. "

"Oh~" Li Jing nodded, but he didn't mean to pursue it, after all, it's Li Tai's business how Li Tai manages it.

Not long after Li Tai came over, Li Tai looked at Li Jing and Li Daozong, and immediately saluted,

"I met Manager Li, Uncle Clan, it's so late, is there anything important?"

"The last time I came here, I found that your barracks were still brightly lit at night and you couldn't sleep. We marched in the snow. Although we marched less than [-] miles a day, it was difficult, so I came to have a look." Li Jing said.

"I see!" Li Tai nodded, making a gesture of invitation, and then said, "If Manager Li wants to see it, then look it up.

We usually have evening classes for half an hour, mainly to teach the soldiers during this time. "

"Class?" Li Daozong asked with some curiosity, "What class?"

"Uh, come and listen and you'll know!" Li Tai didn't say much, and made a gesture of invitation.

Soon, a group of people came to a tent, which was full of flames.

Although it is still in the territory of Datang, after reaching the towns near Datang, they can replenish fuel at any time, but even so, these things are rarely used by soldiers, not to mention that the entire camp is illuminated somewhat brightly.

This is not the case in one camp, but in all camps. This is not the first time Li Jing has seen it.

But Li Daozong saw it for the first time, looking at these bright tents, he felt an indescribable luxury.

As he approached a tent, he heard a slightly childish voice inside saying, "The reason why we conquered Tuyuhun this time is because our land in Liangzhou has been repeatedly disturbed by Tuyuhun. We are following the destiny of the Western Qiang when we attack Xiqiang. Invincible."

"This is?" Li Daozong listened to the sonorous and powerful voice in the tent, as if he was giving a lecture.

"I'm explaining to the soldiers why we braved the wind and snow to attack Tuyuhun!" Li Tai said.

" meaningful to the soldiers?" Li Daozong couldn't help being at a loss when he heard Li Tai's words.

In Li Daozong's view, soldiers participating in the war were just for a bite of food, luckily they could find a way out, but that's all.

Tell them the significance of the crusade against Tuyuhun, what's the use, and it can't increase the fighting power.

In contrast to Li Daozong who was a bit dazed, Li Jing said, "The five things in the military, one is the way, the way is to make the people agree with the superior, you can die with it, you can live with it, and there is no danger. Yan Wang, you have unique insights into the art of war."

"Thank you, Manager Li, for your compliment!" Li Tai said calmly when he heard Li Jing's words, "It's a trivial trick, it's not worth mentioning."

"King Yan, if you tell them this, don't you be afraid that they will be afraid and affect each other!" Li Daozong said.

"Because they are fighting with their lives after all, so at least let them know the weight of their lives!"

Li Tai said slightly desolately,

"It's normal for a person to be cowardly in the face of death, but as long as he feels that his own life is worth it.

Then no matter how cowardly a person is, he will become braver than anyone else. "

Li Daozong looked at this scene full of incomprehension, but Li Jing was thoughtful, and to Li Taidao,

"These people have basically been educated and understand the truth?"

"The chief executive's eyes!" Li Tai looked at Li Jing, as if he understood something, but immediately praised Li Jing.

Then, Li Taicai said slowly, "They were originally trained as agricultural officials, but they only mastered the talent of the war department in the attempt to convert military use to civilian use, so they were transferred to conquer Tuyuhun. They were talents who could read and write."

Li Tai sighed slightly, but said helplessly.

"The whole army can read and write?" Li Daozong was startled when he heard Li Tai's words.

"Except for a few big guys in my personal guards who can barely read, most of my subordinates can read and write!" Li Tai said to Li Jing quite confidently.

"It's precisely because you can read, read and understand the truth that your mind is complicated. No wonder you add half an hour every day to teach them!" Li Jing thought thoughtfully, "These people look similar to Fubing, but they are actually completely different! "

Li Tai couldn't help being taken aback when he heard Li Jing's words, although Li Jing didn't approve of Li Tai's soldiers because of the times and because he hadn't fought in actual combat.

However, due to his own sensitivity to military talent, Li Jing still found that the soldiers under Li Tai's command were completely different from the government soldiers.

Li Tai's soldiers are not government soldiers at all, they have no land, they are agricultural workers who are paid Li Tai's wages, even if their equipment and food are all prepared by Li Tai, this makes them look more like Li Tai Tai's part.

To be honest, the original purpose of creating something like the Fubing system was to solve the trilogy problem of the Three Kingdoms, Two Jins, and the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

The purpose is to ensure that the combat effectiveness and enthusiasm of the soldiers are maintained when the soldiers do not know the generals and the generals do not know the soldiers, and how to reduce the burden on the country as much as possible and complete the cost transfer.

So strictly speaking, Li Tai's soldiers are completely different from the government soldiers under the country's existing system.

Li Jing didn't feel much about this at first, but after leading the troops during this period, Li Jing was still keenly aware of it.

But Li Jing didn't care, and Li Shimin didn't care either, they were not afraid that Li Tai would turn the world upside down.

They were just looking at the combat effectiveness of Li Tai's army, which was born with fighting talent without going through war.

It's just that Li Jing hasn't made an accurate assessment of their actual combat effectiveness, but he has discovered that this army actually has a lot of troubles.

And what Li Tai did was just to clear up these troublesome things.

A group of people walked and talked, and then walked to a tent, and heard the people inside discussing the situation of the march.

"Several soldiers suffered from frostbite today, it's really difficult to march on a snowy day!"

"Thank you, King Yan. If we hadn't been under his command, and King Yan had prepared sufficient cold-proof materials, it would have been even more difficult for us!"

"You say, with such heavy snow, why didn't the forward build an igloo.

One point is that the tents in this snowy day are not reliable at all. If they are not firmly secured, they will be blown away by the strong wind. It is not as reliable as an igloo.

Secondly, this is also convenient for food transportation in the future, so you don't have to worry about not having a place to station!
There are also dog sleds, snowboards, why not put the snow to good use! "The people inside couldn't help complaining.

"Igloo, skis, what are these?" Li Jing turned his head and asked Li Tai.

For Li Jing, dog sledding was known when he cooperated with Li Chunfeng.

But the problem is that Longyou doesn't have a special dog, and the people and skills to train dog sleds can't be counted on. Just find a few dogs and you can pull them.

More importantly, the scale required for this was too great, so Li Jing gave up at the first thought.

But Li Jing really didn't know about other things.

"Uh, an igloo is a house made of ice and snow, which we made when we were conducting greenhouse experiments in Youzhou.

Although it is made of ice and snow around it, it is still good in terms of heat preservation.

When used in winter, it is indeed warmer. At least until the snow melts next year, it can be supported by an igloo. "Li Tai said.

"It would be great if it could keep warm!" Li Jing thought deeply when he heard Li Tai's words, "Is it Cao Mengde who built an ice city in one day on the Wei River? How many people under King Yan know this technology?"

Li Tai shrugged and said, "This technique is not difficult. I have the talent to control the war department. Even if I learn it on the spot, I can quickly master it. But the problem is, I rarely need my army to be the vanguard, otherwise it is meaningless! "

In the ancient army, the so-called vanguard is really not the kind that charges forward, beheads the generals and captures the flag, as if taking all the benefits.

Before they encounter the enemy, their real task is to build bridges and pave roads, set up camps, open up roads, and even themselves are army bait.

Basically, the hard work is done for the vanguard, and the troops behind can more or less enjoy the benefits of the vanguard.

The camps where Li Tai and others lived were basically set up by pioneers, and then reinforced when the army came over.

This is also the reason why the ancient pioneers, regardless of whether they have military exploits or not, will give credit to the pioneers, because they really worked hard!
And will Li Jing let Li Tai be a pioneer?Certainly impossible!

In such a snowy day, Li Jing didn't think that Tuyuhun's people would invade the territory of Datang, or even directly attack the army.

But not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!
If Li Tai is not under his supervision, what should he do if something happens, go back and tell him that King Yan unfortunately died in battle...

Li Jing said, I am already a retired old man, and I will go to enjoy my old age after this war. If you, King Yan, die, I am afraid that I will be forced to die in battle too!
As for wanting to split up Li Tai's army, that's not realistic either.

Still the same sentence, Li Tai's army is not government soldiers in essence, but personal soldiers plus trilogy, and even everything on them except the armor is from the imperial court, everything else is bought by Li Tai.

Under such circumstances, apart from Li Tai himself, no one else could dispatch Li Tai's army at all.

"What is a ski!" Facing Li Tai's direct question, Li Jing chose to change the subject.

Nonsense, is it true that Li Tai is the vanguard, not to mention what to do if something happens.

Even if he made meritorious service, Li Jing felt that Li Shimin might have even more headaches, so Li Jing just pretended to be confused, and Li Tai would definitely take it with him.

Li Daozong's eyes lingered between Li Jing and Li Tai for a while, did you hear anything just now?No, I don't know.

Li Tai didn't get entangled in this issue, and said, "A ski is to place something like a board under your feet to increase the contact area, so that you can save as much effort as possible with the help of snow.

Because my personal guards are all from Youzhou and have played with such things, so I have some impressions of these equipment.

But still the same sentence, this thing is suitable for my subordinates, but not for the army! "

"Why?!" Hearing Li Tai's words, Li Jing couldn't help frowning.

Li Tai and Chen Ken replied:
"One is that this is a very dangerous sport. If the slope is relatively steep, it can even be comparable to the sprint speed of a horse in a short period of time.

For people who have never been exposed to this kind of sports, if they try it forcibly, various problems are likely to occur, and even death and the like are not impossible.

Of course, because my subordinates have mastered the mastery talent, they can quickly adapt to any tool in their hands, but they can quickly master it. "

"If there is one, there must be two!" Li Jing continued to ask after hearing Li Tai's words.

Li Tai continued to answer: "Well, because of the terrain, the terrain here is higher in the west and lower in the east, and some sections of the road are a little smoother due to the snow.

But without special skills, it is unrealistic to try to coast against the trend.

Therefore, if it is in Youzhou, I might encourage the army to try to advance by skiing.

But on Longyou's side, I don't think it's worth it! "

"..." Li Jing murmured when he heard Li Tai's words, "Can it reach the speed of a horse charging?"

"Boss Li, Boss Li?" Li Tai looked at Li Jing lost in thought, as if he didn't react.

At this time, Li Jing thought for a while, as if he had made up his mind, and said,
"King Yan, I will entrust you with a mission. I will write a letter. You leave the medical battalion behind, take your troops, and go after the forward General Hou Junji to seal it, and then return this letter to me." !"

"General Li, do you want to test my speed?" Li Tai couldn't help asking when he heard Li Jing's words.

"Will you go?" Li Jing asked Li Tai directly.

"I'm taking over this task!" Li Tai said bluntly.

(End of this chapter)

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