Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 463 Punish the Remaining Party

Chapter 463 Punish the Remnant Party (Today's update)
Soon, Li Shiji took Li You and his rebel party back to Chang'an under escort.

It's just that when they came back, they found that the prince had disappeared after all the trips they had made.

Especially Changsun Wuji, who was sent by Li Shimin to deal with Li You's affairs. When he came back, he found that the confrontation between Li Chengqian and Li Tai had ended, which made Changsun Wuji feel a little surprised.

But it was too late to say anything, Li Chengqian rebelled and walked his own way, so he was completely out of the game.

Although to Changsun Wuji, no matter which nephew becomes the emperor, the prosperity and wealth of the Changsun family will not have any impact, but Changsun Wuji did not expect that the confrontation between Li Tai and Li Chengqian would be separated so quickly. win or lose.

The next month was basically spent on interrogating Li You and Li Chengqian's henchmen.

To be honest, Li You was fine, the only people involved were Li Chengqian and Li Yuanchang, and there were not many others.

But for Li Chengqian, there are more people involved, such as Li Baiyao, Zhang Xuansu, Kong Yingda, Su Quan, Li Shaozhi...

Most of these people were not directly involved in Li Chengqian's rebellion, but they were more or less implicated.

Among them, the two most seriously implicated are Du Zhenglun and Wei Zheng.

After verification, Li Chengqian had ordered Hou Junji to give Du Zhenglun a gift, saying that he would be transferred to Chang'an in the near future.

The original idea was to use Du Zhenglun as the person responsible for appeasing all parties after his successful rebellion.

It's just that Du Zhenglun didn't know about this, he thought that his work as a magistrate for so many years had finally come to an end, so he took the gold belt.

This became ironclad evidence, and he was directly imprisoned by Li Shimin, and he is still waiting in Dali Temple to cry for injustice.

As for Wei Zheng, he was also considered unlucky. Hou Junji was recommended by Wei Zheng to become prime minister, and Du Zhenglun was recommended by him to Li Shimin. They both praised them as "talented prime ministers".

Anyway, no one knows whether they can become prime ministers, but who made these two people have something to do with Li Chengqian's rebellion.

Changsun Wuji, as the main investigator, reported to Li Shimin whether he should investigate Wei Zheng.

Li Shimin naturally believed that Wei Zheng was innocent, so he wanted to find out Wei Zheng's innocence.

Then, after Changsun Wuji's careful investigation, it was confirmed that Wei Zheng was really innocent. If he didn't participate in this matter, he was blind at best, and both of the two people he recommended had problems.

Originally, the matter was almost here, but Changsun Wuji found out that Wei Zheng had secretly recorded his advice with Li Shimin, and handed these things over to the historian, so that the historian could say something nice to him after his death.

Hearing this, Li Shimin's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately asked for this document from the official historian.

It basically said that Wei Zheng was so upright, and every time he told Li Shimin a little story that convinced him.

To be honest, after "The Analects", like "Mencius" and "Zhuangzi", as long as there is a debate in a lot of books about people, the protagonist basically never loses. No one wants their ancestors to be someone else's background plate.

Obviously, in the materials Wei Zheng gave to the historian, Li Shimin was basically used as a background board.

It's fine if Li Shimin didn't see it, but when Li Shimin dies, this thing will really make himself a background board for Wei Zhengzhi's name.

But who let Li Shimin see this before he died!That was really angry.

There is even a pain point of being betrayed, Li Shimin thinks about the fact that Hou Junji, who he worked so hard to promote, betrayed him, and now he doesn't remember Wei Zhenggu, who was entrusted with the important task, just selling his name.

In an instant, Li Shimin broke his defense.

Therefore, after Li Shimin found out, he went over and knocked down Wei Zheng's grave. As for Wei Shuyu's original promise of marriage, he also canceled the marriage, and the whole Wei family naturally suffered a great blow.

Li Shimin just hated why Wei Shuyu didn't join Li Chengqian's team to rebel together, so that he could be involved as much as he could with the Wei family.

Otherwise, it would be just to vent some resentment, but it would not be possible to really kill Wei Shuyu.

In the final analysis, Li Shimin wants to be a wise king, and to be a wise man needs to be somewhat tolerant, or in other words, he must follow the rules after all.

The kind who sees who is unhappy and then kills him is called a tyrant. For details, refer to Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty.

Because there is a good example of Yang Guang standing there, although Li Shimin was very angry and wanted to dissect Wei Zheng's coffin and kill his body, but in the end he just pushed Wei Zheng's tombstone under jealousy and anger, and the matter was considered to be stopped.

As for the soldiers who participated in the rebellion, they should be arrested and shut down. If Li Shimin hadn't wanted to exile Li Chengqian, even if these people hadn't been killed, they would have been demoted to slavery. Hard labor.

There is no way, Li Shimin, a high-level person since ancient times, will more or less restrain his temper out of consideration of political influence.

But even if the soldiers at the bottom are just obeying orders, at least they lose, and they are the ones who will suffer the most disaster.

It was as if a grain of sand had fallen from the times. For the high-ranking officials of the Hou family, they basically killed themselves or killed their lineage. Basically, this matter was considered a turning point.

After all, the aristocratic family still wants to govern the world together with the royal family, so it can't be too rigid.

But for the big soldiers who can only sell their labor or their lives for a living, they may not get much money after this matter is done. After all, if they want to benefit, they still need to see if there is a backer.

But the disadvantages will make this grain of sand become an insurmountable peak, pressing firmly on them, so that they will stop thinking about the future at least in this life.

By the way, when Changsun Wuji tried this case, he almost instinctively wanted to clean up Li Chengqian's gangsters.

After all, the more positions that are vacated above, the more meritorious nobles of Guanlong can eat. After all, so many official positions cannot be vacant. Some.

To be honest, Changsun Wuji never thought of occupying all the official positions in the court.

It's just the bureaucratic system's instinctive expansion of the desire for power, and Changsun Wuji can be regarded as the epitome of the entire bureaucratic system.

So he began to expand his influence, such as finding Xu Jingzong, the guy who was abandoned by the prince, or Du Ruhui's duo, Du He, and so on.

However, after Empress Changsun finished chatting with Changsun Wuji, Changsun Wuji became more restrained.

But even so, Xu Jingzong turned his back and sold those who more or less secretly took refuge in Li Chengqian within Xu Xiaode.

Although they were all petty officials below the fifth rank, their behavior was bad, so they were dealt with seriously.

It can be said that because of the prince's rebellion this time, the Confucian power in the entire court was severely hit.

After all, Confucianism has always supported the prince, and now that the prince has fallen, they have naturally become the most severely injured people.

However, it really doesn’t matter, because before the Tang and Song Dynasties, Confucianism was more parasitic on the aristocratic family to show its political ambitions, but the aristocratic family always had the family in the front and the country in the back.

This makes them very concerned about face in doing things, neither can they display the arrogance of Confucianism in governing the country and the world, but they can't really be as shameless as rotten Confucians.

After all, for aristocratic families, prestige is a very important thing. Even if the aristocratic family has withdrawn from the imperial court, as long as the local reputation in the hometown is still there, it still has the strength to make a comeback.

In contrast, those poor people who have really climbed up from the bottom step by step, they are shameless, and they are actually more greedy than the aristocratic families, and even use many methods, they don't care about the bottom line at all.

And this change is of great benefit to Li Tai, that is, there are many exiled officials who have successfully stepped into the eighth or ninth rank by taking advantage of this opportunity, almost saving them years of hard work.

As long as they are willing to work diligently, if they are lucky, they will be able to become the real Qipin county magistrate in ten to twenty years, probably the current street director.

This official position is almost the limit for people who come out of agricultural colleges, and if you want to go up, you will have to depend on your fate.

But this does not mean that these people are doing nothing in Qipin county magistrate. .

Because Li Tai left them with medical buildings and medical walks at the grassroots level, agricultural society, and even prepared a farming station for retired veterans in the future, and other things that at least allowed the county magistrate to compete with the grassroots tyrants.

But how to integrate these forces requires the county magistrate's own wrist.

Otherwise, you don't give anything to the grassroots staff, and then you have to rely on your ability to do things at the grassroots level.

The officials can only cooperate with the powerful local families, at most the landlords and squires will be added in the future, but they are all the same in essence.

When the imperial court has no way to manage the grassroots, then the grassroots will naturally produce the Matthew effect.

There will be tyrants who will continue to annex the land, causing more and more people to go bankrupt, until this force suddenly explodes under the eyes of everyone who ignores it. If this is the case, no one can resist it!
As for those who competed for the places of top officials in the capital, they didn't notice Li Tai's action at all.

In fact, even if they noticed, they would not pay attention to it.

After all, they haven't even passed the threshold of the fifth rank, so there is nothing worth caring about.

But for Li Tai, compared with filling the entire imperial court with his power now, it will only make Li Shimin feel more afraid. Instead of this, it is better to use this opportunity to make his power more stable at the grassroots level.

After all, even if Li Shimin found out, he didn't need to argue.

Because I want to fight for power, I will fight in the court, but if I just want to do practical things, then it is only natural for me to continue to strengthen my rights at the grassroots level.

As for the low-level officials of the eighth and ninth ranks, if they want to rise all the way to the fifth rank and above to become a Beijing official, it is difficult in itself, let alone become the third rank of the six official officials of the imperial court. Li Shimin was not affected.

After all, in recent days, Li Shimin was first rebelled by Li Chengqian, and then found out that Wei Zheng had betrayed.

Next, if he still shows the ugly face of rushing to fight for power after seeing Li Chengqian's death, then in the next second, Li Zhi will become his most troublesome opponent now.

Although I am not afraid of Li Zhi at this time, because he really has no manpower at all.

If he wants to fight by himself, he can cut off his money directly, but it's not necessary, just continue to maintain his relationship with his brother and friend.

Of course, the above are basically relatively good, but there are also a few with relatively poor lives.

For example, although Li Anyan is dead, he still wants to punish the nine clans. For example, Hou Junji, Li Shimin said that because of his past affection, he left his wife and descendants to inherit the incense.

When it came to Li Chengqian, Li Shimin gathered the crowd and said slowly, "Everyone see how we should deal with the prince!"

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. Everyone can see that Li Shimin does not want to execute Li Chengqian.

But the problem is that Li Shimin needs to be given a step down, at least so that Li Shimin can avoid killing Li Chengqian.

But all the people present are very clear that the crime of rebellion, which punishes the nine clans, can be forgiven, and it will definitely have a bad influence in the future.

Needless to say, if the punishment is not serious, isn’t that just encouraging others to rebel!
While Li Tai watched this scene, he was quite curious, wondering who Aye had arranged for him to play.

At this time, no one expected that a man from Liupin Tongshi Sheren, who was doing odd jobs in Zhongshu Province, suddenly stood up, saluted respectfully, and said seriously:

"Your Majesty, if you are a loving father, you will be a good father."

When everyone heard this, they admired Laiji's courage. Even though everyone had some guesses about the answer, if they really had the courage to stand up and say it, it was basically their own political bargaining chip.

If you say something wrong, or if you say something that makes Li Shimin dissatisfied, then you may not have developed in the Zhenguan Dynasty.

Especially Wei Wang is still watching here, who knows what the other party is thinking, maybe he has you in his mind, and he will find a way to liquidate it later.

At this time, Fang Xuanling also stood up and said, "What Lai Sheren said is true. Your Majesty can follow the example of Zhou Gongdan and release Cai Shudu, and exile the prince for thousands of miles. In order to take care of the saint's selfishness and the authority of the law .”

When everyone heard Fang Xuanling's words, their faces couldn't help but change. They looked at Du Ruhui, Changsun Wuji, Li Shiji and other high-ranking officials, but found that there was no surprise on these people's faces. They seemed to have known it for a long time. like.

"Ai Qing thinks, where is it better for Chengqian to be exiled!" Li Shimin looked at Fang Xuanling and asked involuntarily.

"This matter still needs to be discussed with everyone." Fang Xuanling said calmly.

"If you have any opinions, please speak freely." At this time, Li Shimin said very calmly.

"Yazhou?" "Xizhou?" "Yaozhou?"... The names of remote places were said by the courtiers.

Gao Jifu stood up at this time, and said slowly, "Sage, the prince of Persia once again sent an envoy to ask for help from the Tang Dynasty. Now that we want to open up the Silk Road, we really need to send people to Persia.

It is better to send the prince and his rebel soldiers to Persia to resist the attack of Dashi, and to be an ally! "

Everyone watched the official officials of the three provinces, six departments and nine prisons appear one after another, and everyone understood that the prince's whereabouts had been decided long ago, but now it was just a formality.

 I suddenly found out that today is Friday, before the two shifts I promised this week are over, and I can delay another day, my procrastination has committed a crime.

(End of this chapter)

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