Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 464 Striving for the Rise of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 464 Striving for the Rise of the Tang Dynasty

As officials from three provinces, six departments and nine prisons came forward one after another, they persuaded Li Shimin to exile Li Chengqian to Persia. Although the lower officials felt puzzled, they didn't say much, because it was obviously arranged.

It's just that everyone feels strange, after all, rebellion should be killed, this is the truth since ancient times.

Otherwise, why Hou Junji wiped his neck directly when he found out that he had failed in the rebellion, it was because there was no way out for this matter, otherwise, he would have died too unjustly.

If you dare to forgive others today, then with this benchmark, will others dare to rebel even more.

But Li Shimin chose to forgive Li Chengqian, but his son Li You was not so lucky, and he was directly poisoned to death.

However, the implicated clans like Li Yuanchang were not killed, but seized titles and removed clan names.

As for further processing, there is no such thing. Even most of the other officials involved were temporarily imprisoned in the cells of Dali Temple.

Their family members were sent to Yeting to wait for further distribution.

Some little girls or beautiful women are sent to Jiaofang Division to become musicians, of course, they can also become music prostitutes if they wish.

Generally speaking, officials within the imperial court seldom force the descendants of criminal officials to engage in skin and meat business, and the more corrupt and serious officials who fight for power and profit actually have somewhat rare integrity in this regard.

Because don't expect them to be proud for a while, but as long as the power is lonely, their daughters will often enter the Jiaofang Division.

So they will not make things difficult for these women.

As for their wives, they went to the Laundry Bureau to wash more clothes, and this is where the entire palace needs women's labor the most.

In addition, the musicians of the Jiaofang Division have obtained music certificates. Although their status is looked down upon by others, they are more or less considered stars now. If they develop well, getting the protection of some nobles is also considered a way out.

However, what Li Tai was more curious about was that although he proposed Cai Guo as a way out, he did not say that he would arrange Li Chengqian to the west of the Western Regions, such as participating in the confrontation between the Sasanian Empire and Persia.

After all, in Li Tai's view, although Li Chengqian is out, he is still the prince, and this status can still be made a fuss about by others. Relatively speaking, he is more willing to leave him in Ryukyu for the elderly.

It is useless for him to be alive, but when he is dead, I can freely erect a monument and build a grave for him locally, and then this place becomes a strong proof that China is an inseparable part.

It's just that Li Shimin arranged for Li Chengqian to go to Sasan before he even made a suggestion. The speed is really amazing!
"Aye, such an ready to be laid out on the Silk Road."

With some speculation in his heart, Li Tai walked directly to the imprisoned East Palace after the next court.

Although I actually have a lot of doubts in my heart, but seeing Li Chengqian directly, I believe he can clear up a lot of my doubts.

Facing Li Tai's visit, after registering with the general in charge of guarding, the guards let Li Tai in.

"Qingque, I didn't expect you to come to see me alone?" Li Chengqian held a volume of Sun Tzu's Art of War in his hand and watched Li Tai arrive.

Li Tai looked at Li Chengqian with a slightly calm attitude, but he didn't expect that after a coup d'état and a failure, now Li Chengqian seems to have accepted his situation, and it is no longer the kind of resentment that is full of resentment. owe him the look.

"Aye intends to exile you to Sassanid, and you didn't even clean up your soldiers. It seems that you talked with Aye that day, and you decided to leave Datang after thinking about it!" Li Tai looked at Li Chengqian. Somewhat surprised.

"Yes, Aye is kind, he chose to let me go." Li Chengqian looked at Li Taidao,
"West of the Western Regions, south of the South China Sea, since I can't be the prince of the Tang Dynasty, then I will be the prince of the Tang Dynasty!"

"No one will let you become a prince!" Li Tai looked at Li Chengqian and said,

"To the west of the Western Regions, if you can really rely on your own strength to survive, and even have the qualifications to become a prince of a country, then for the sake of your descendants, you'd better not become king.

Because the day you became king was the time when Datang sent troops to destroy you.

The Tang Dynasty will never allow a traitor who should be imprisoned by the nine clans to become a prince, at least I am still alive, so I will never allow it! "

Li Chengqian looked at Li Tai, his face suddenly turned extremely pale, he couldn't help clenching his fists, and said shyly:

"Even if you reach the west of the Western Regions, you want to kill them all?!"

Originally, Li Chengqian thought that Aye had already agreed to this matter, so this matter would be settled.

But he didn't expect that Li Tai would jump out to stop him, because at least in Li Chengqian's view, Li Tai should understand him and even support him.

Li Chengqian knew that after his downfall, it was inevitable for Li Tai to become the prince.

If Li Shimin still has 30 years to live, maybe he can support someone to continue to follow Li Taidou.

But if Li Shimin died within ten years, there would be no prince who could compete with Li Tai.

Because even if he has the blessing of the position of prince, he is only a tie with Li Tai. If Li Tai has the status of prince, Li Chengqian can't imagine how much power Li Tai can exert.

Under such circumstances, Li Tai prevented himself from going to the Western Regions to become a vassal king.

Don't have to do anything, just stand up and say that the Tang Dynasty does not recognize Li Chengqian, then Li Chengqian will lose the banner of the Tang Dynasty, and then he will not be able to develop in the Western Regions at all.

"I think you misunderstood!" Li Tai looked at Li Chengqian and said calmly,

"It was not Cai Shudu who rebelled against the Zhou Dynasty, but Cai Zhong, the son of Cai Shudu, who finally established Cai Guo."

Li Tai faced Li Chengqian very calmly, and did not intend to hide anything, but he also threw the multiple choice questions to Li Chengqian.

For Li Tai, he actually hoped to use this opportunity to entrust Li Chengqian to Ryukyu.

After all, the establishment of an administrative agency in Taiwan still had to wait until the Penghu Inspection Department in the Yuan Dynasty. Throwing Li Chengqian over now is to completely establish his status.

Then, at the worst, he would send a hundred women in the past. As long as Li Chengqian showed the spirit of King Jing of Zhongshan and gave birth to hundreds of children, it would be regarded as a contribution to the Tang Dynasty.

When it comes to future generations, let alone, at least Taiwan will offer sacrifices every year.

But Li Shimin didn't discuss this matter with himself, but after discussing this matter with the courtiers, he decided to throw Li Chengqian directly to Persia.

At least in Li Shimin's view, even the Eastern Turks were killed by the Tang Dynasty, and it was easy to catch other people.

As long as Li Chengqian doesn't make too much noise and just asks for self-protection, is there anyone else who can deal with the Tang army?

After all, the army of the Tang Dynasty defeated the Eastern Turks, Tuyuhun, Tubo, and Xue Yantuo. They were really invincible all the way. There was only one Goguryeo that was more difficult to chew, but it was about to enter the final stage. stage.

Under such circumstances, it is really not difficult for Li Chengqian to develop the Silk Road.

Even if something happened, wouldn't Li Chengqian go to the Western Regions to ask for help?

Even looking at the road of the Silk Road, I believe that the Protectorate of the Western Regions will raise a hand as much as possible.

And if you are too good at yourself and encounter an enemy you can't beat, as long as you can escape to the Protectorate of the Western Regions, you will have a chance to accumulate strength again.

Do you think that Li Shimin really gave up on Li Chengqian? He really thought about Li Chengqian, that's why he let Li Chengqian go to the Western Regions, because Datang can give him a certain amount of support.

Even the forces developed by Li Chengqian himself can rely on the profits brought by the Silk Road to develop.

On the contrary, in the south of the South China Sea, the waves on the ocean are really too strong.

Now Datang's ships are only sailing in the coastal waters. As for the ocean, what's the matter? Even if it is a warship, it is normal to lose a ship in a storm.

And what happened at sea, anyway, Li Shimin really couldn't give Li Chengqian any help.

So under such circumstances, Li Shimin still advocated letting Li Chengqian go to the west of the Western Regions.

"That's your idea!" Li Chengqian couldn't help squinting his eyes when he heard Li Tai's words.

"You have already betrayed Datang, and since you have betrayed Datang, you must pay the price. At least compared to those who died directly, you can at least survive now!"

Li Tai looked at Li Chengqian, but he didn't hide it at all.

To be honest, when Li Tai thought of this, he couldn't help feeling sorry for Hou Junji who wiped his neck, if he was still alive...

All right!If he was still alive, then Li Shimin would never let Li Chengqian and Hou Junji go with him.

There is no other reason, that is, Li Chengqian is too tender compared to Hou Junji, and Li Chengqian can't grasp Hou Junji at all.

In the beginning, Li Chengqian and Hou Junji could at least compete with each other, but as long as Hou Junji trained a group of second-talented fighters, Hou Junji would become a wild horse sooner or later.

Otherwise, do you still expect Hou Junji to be respectful and respectful to Li Chengqian?

What are you thinking!Even Li Shimin can't convince him completely, why should he expect Li Chengqian to do it.

If Hou Junji really didn't die, then what awaits him next should be a decent way to die.

After Li Chengqian accepted his failure, listening to Li Tai's words, his acceptance was much higher.

If Li Chengqian was still the prince, then Li Chengqian would not listen to what Li Tai said.

But now, Li Chengqian listened to Li Tai's words, although he was still not very polite, but he accepted it much more.

Moreover, Li Chengqian admitted that if he really became a prince and king, it would be almost destructive to the etiquette of the Tang Dynasty.

So even if it was just to maintain the etiquette of the Tang Dynasty, the whole court would support the Tang army to destroy him.

And at that time, I don't have an Aye who really loves me wholeheartedly, so I choose to bypass my own life.

"Then I went to the Western Regions to eat and die!" Li Chengqian looked at Li Tai and asked Li Tai.

"If possible, I still hope that brother can fight as hard as possible." Faced with Li Chengqian's rhetorical question, Li Tai shook his head and said,
"If you die in battle, the country will take revenge in your name, and thus have a reason to completely intervene in the area west of the Western Regions.

If you really develop, then the country will let your son take over your elder brother's power and directly establish the country!
Therefore, your struggle is directly related to whether your child will sink in the Tang Dynasty in the future, or become a real prince in the future! "

"Li Qingque!" Hearing Li Tai's words, Li Chengqian suddenly took a picture of the table, and said in a deep voice, "Don't go too far!"

"Brother, if you make a mistake, you will be punished!" Li Tai was not moved by Li Chengqian's anger, but said seriously,
"How to choose is your business, but people are responsible for their own choices after all, aren't they!"

To be honest, Li Tai really hates the kind of person who takes advantage of everything he does, and cries that society treats him unfairly when something happens.

At least in China, it is not one's birth that determines one's end point, but one's own path is ultimately determined by one's choices over and over again.

From this point of view, being a Chinese citizen is already luckier than most countries.

Of course, the same is true of personal choices, so is the choice of countries. Many policy releases have no regrets.

Because if the policy wants to be corrected, it will inevitably have a delay feature, and if you want to go back, you will often suffer.

All difficulties do not come out suddenly, but follow the seeds of the past to bury the fruits of today's problems.

The problem has always existed, but it was not the main contradiction at first, so it was suppressed. If many things are not resolved, it will become the main contradiction sooner or later.

"Who do you want to keep!" Li Chengqian gritted his teeth facing Li Tai.

"I don't know, it depends on how Aye chooses." Li Tai looked at Li Chengqian and said,

"However, please rest assured that with the opening up of the Western Regions, I plan to open up cotton plantations there.

After all, if there is a shortage of labor, the relatives and family members of the rebel soldiers will try their best to send them over to grow cotton.

Really wait until you choose a good heir in the future, then they will follow your heir to the past.

After all, what kind of a feudal state is a feudal state without people, but I hope you will work hard, brother.

Because the life span of ordinary people is not long! "

Li Chengqian couldn't help gritting his teeth when he heard Li Tai's words, but there was nothing he could do about Li Tai's conspiracy.

Li Tai knew very well that his highest goal for Li Chengqian was to be able to independently establish a feudal state, and then one of his sons who grew up in the Tang Dynasty would inherit this feudal state.

The lowest goal is to barely build a transfer station on the Silk Road, at least where my own road will be built in the future!

If neither of these two goals can be achieved, then what's the point of letting Li Chengqian go.

Li Chengqian wants to eat and die, so you can go there and die.

Anyway, whether your son or grandson will resent you in the future is their business.

After all, Datang gave you a chance, but you don't cherish it!
As for Li Chengqian, his failure in rebellion has already brought disaster to his descendants. If he didn't fight for his descendants this time, but wasted this hard-won opportunity, he might not need to sleep in the future.

After all, if you can't be an emperor, it won't be a bad loss to be a prince in the future.

But if due to his own reasons, even the princes have no chance to sit on it, then Li Chengqian would be a ghost if he could accept it.

So Li Tai said silently in his heart, Brother Chengqian, for the happiness of your descendants, work hard for the rise of the Tang Dynasty.

 The next chapter must be after twelve o'clock, go to bed early, and read it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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