Chapter 497
Li Tai looked at the number of warehouses on fire in Youzhou, but he couldn't help shaking his head, saying that it was not too much, or that it accounted for almost one-tenth of the amount.

For this, Li Tai was already mentally prepared to some extent, and even felt a little less.

It can only be said that Li Tai feels that his spiritual talent is somewhat useful.

Li Tai never expected his corvees to be as clean as water. They respected themselves, and it was two different things to embezzle them.

Since he became King Yan of Youzhou, he has been storing in Youzhou, and later let Li Chunfeng and Peacock set up storage in Youzhou one after another.

To be honest, even Li Tai himself had forgotten how much he had saved in Youzhou.

Therefore, the first thing Li Tai did when he came to Youzhou was to clear all the storage materials in his hands.

After all, Datang is preparing to fight the war of annihilating the country against Goguryeo this time, and he must be as well prepared as possible after all.

However, I found these moths when I checked it myself.

If it is said that accepting bribes on the Grand Canal or making profits in the gray area, I only dismissed those with relatively minor offenses among them, then I will liquidate all of these people who have used strategic reserves.

After all, I have never hoped to completely eradicate corruption, but they were unlucky to run into the rectification of officials before the crusade against Goguryeo.

But these are almost national reserves, and if they dare to reach out, the nature is completely different.

As long as he made a mistake in this, and his finances can be found, all of them will be executed after the festival, and those who cannot find his personal finances but have their granary burned, will be dismissed and investigated.

To be honest, Li Tai knew very well that when these memorials that needed to be beheaded by Qiuhou were sent up, there should not be many who were beheaded in the end.

There is no way, the two things of benevolence and filial piety actually affect my evaluation quite a lot, and I said that I want to be killed in autumn is just a gesture of showing my deep pain and disgust for corruption.

But in feudal society, killing people is also very cautious, and there will definitely be straight ministers who will jump out and say that killing is too heavy in this matter.

Just because Li Tai is the king of Wei, and he killed someone from the Agricultural Institute, the order of Qiuhou Wenzhu will not be carried out.

After all, if the king of Wei killed people from the Agricultural Institute like this, even if the killing was reasonable, it would be too cold.

What's more important is that the king of Wei is so murderous now, what should he do if he makes a mistake when he becomes emperor in the future.

As long as it is a human being, it is impossible not to make mistakes. For officials, they need to accept more temptations.

It's just that because of their identities as officials, their mistakes affect not only themselves, but also their allocation of rights and resources, so it seems that their identities do not allow them to make mistakes.

But the fact is that officials are also normal people, and they also make mistakes, but the mistakes they make are really difficult to make up for.

Therefore, the bureaucrats in the imperial court will never allow so many memorials to be killed by the autumn queen to pass.

And after they vetoed the memorial of the fall of autumn, then Li Tai could naturally propose to let these people go through labor reform to atone for the greedy life in the first half of their lives.

Otherwise, if I directly drag these people to labor reform, it is impossible for the court officials to agree.

After all, these people are really corrupt officials from their own system. If they don't say that they will be dealt with strictly, who would dare to say that they will be dealt with strictly.

Politics sometimes collide with each other like this, but they also compromise with each other.

Of course, even if all the court officials were blind, pretending to be confused and pretending to be confused, they forced Li Tai's memorial to pass, and if they really killed these people, they would be killed if they were killed.

After all, he is famous as a teacher, so he is not afraid of the backlash from the entire student system.

After all, I am the constructor of the agricultural school system, and more importantly, I have mastered the economic lifeline of the entire agricultural school system, so I am not afraid that the system will backfire on me.

If someone thinks that by killing these scumbags of the agricultural school system, it will cause the agricultural school system to be at odds with themselves, they are too naive.

As long as I am the only one who can protect the agricultural system, and I still control the economic lifeline of the entire agricultural system, there may be some individuals who have different wills from me, but the whole system will never betray me.

After all, there are only individuals who betray class, not class who betray interests.

While Li Tai was clearing out the moths in the entire Youzhou agricultural school system, under the arrangement of Peacock, the grain procurement plan for the entire Goguryeo began to be fully rolled out.

In contrast, Li Tai only has a rough, rich and self-willed look on his face, while Peacock is much more delicate when he really does it.

She asked Lu Chengji to take a trip to Goguryeo first, and took the initiative to find a large noble family in Goguryeo, saying that she would buy a large amount of corn, the mainstream food of Goguryeo, at a price slightly lower than the market price.

Because over the years, Datang transported grain to Goguryeo for dumping, and Goguryeo's local grain industry couldn't compete at all.

Of course, because of the small-scale peasant economy, especially the situation in which these landlords control the land, they will definitely not die of hunger, but the landlords have naturally accumulated a lot of grain in their hands, and these grains are used to directly sell their lives in disaster years.

But since Li Tai planned Goguryeo, grain prices have been so low for several years that these Goguryeo landlords can’t accept it. It has continued for a year or two, and these Goguryeo are also a bit unbearable. After all, grain storage itself has costs.

Even if they didn't let their tenants get any ginseng and antler out of caution, the grain grown every year still needs a place to store it, and even if it continues to be stored this year, it will almost explode.

Under such circumstances, facing Lu Chengji's purchase of a large amount of grain, these landlords more or less agreed to make room for this year's new grain.

Of course, there are also people who freed up these grains, and they may also pack more valuable goods such as ginseng and deer antlers.

In any case, Lu Chengji's purchase of grain was very smooth, and the payment was still a large amount of coins stamped by King Wei.

Naturally, these Goguryeo landlords would not have any doubts about this coin.

Although they don't quite understand why the piece of paper can be used as money after King Wei's seal is stamped on it, but they still understand that this coin can really buy things in Tianjin.

Even this kind of coin, because it is more convenient than carrying a large amount of gold and silver, so there is even a bit of floating profit in the actual price, so the transaction between the two parties is also very smooth.

After all, Datang and Goguryeo have been at peace for many years, and they have regarded peace as a normal thing.

Under such circumstances, it is better to be able to exchange for this special large amount of currency from Datang than to store food in one's own home for nothing.

After all, profit-seeking is just nature for the vast majority of people.

However, they soon realized that something was wrong, because this time Datang purchased grain as if it was a bottomless pit.

At the beginning, Datang's price was not high, but then, the price of Datang's purchase of grain was getting higher and more expensive every day.

The original big households all regretted that they had sold the grain too cheaply, and some commoners even came to sell the grain they had carefully saved over the years, but after they sold it, they regretted that they had sold it too early!

As for the so-called ginseng and deer antler fur, these were originally the favorite materials of the people of Tang Dynasty, but at this time they became somewhat neglected.

The people of Goguryeo had managed to store goods for the winter, but suddenly no one asked them.

The unusual behavior of the Tang merchants quickly attracted the attention of Goguryeo officials and reported it to Yuan Nanjian of Goguryeo.

Yuan Nanjian is in charge of the navy of Goguryeo, and at the same time maintains the Dahang City, a treaty port.

The actions of the merchants of the Tang Dynasty aroused the vigilance of Yuan Nanjian. Without any hesitation, he immediately surrounded the merchants of the Tang Dynasty in the name of hiding bandits, and arrested the servants who were in charge of purchasing grain.

"What are you Tang people paying attention to? Why are you buying such a large amount of grain!"

Yuan Nanjian looked at the Tang people in front of him, put the barbed whip in his hand in front of the servant, and said,
"Of course you can choose not to say anything!"

"Just ask the general if you have anything to say, the little one will know everything, and he can talk endlessly!" The servant couldn't help saying.

"Speak! Why do you buy a lot of grain? Didn't you sell grain to us in Koguryo before!" Yuan Nanjian shouted at the servant.

"This... this is ordered by our boss." The servant didn't hide anything,
"The little one just heard rumors that the king of Goguryeo rejected our envoy from the Tang Dynasty, so the sage was very angry and planned to conquer Goguryeo.

Just like this, King Wei came to Youzhou in person, intending to expropriate a large amount of grain.

Prepare to use the food as military rations when the saint really announces it, and at the same time make a lot of money. "

"King Wei?" Yuan Nanjian sneered, thinking of the greedy King Wei when he heard the servant's words,

"He has a good idea, but it's a pity that the greed is too much... Where are the grains you store!?"

"It was taken away on the same day!" The servant said, "I don't know where it is stored. I only heard from the crew that it will be stored in Wuhu Island for transit and then transferred to Tianjin. General, I will tell you everything I know. Please, please let me go!"

Seeing the servant in front of him begging for mercy, Yuan Nanjian couldn't help but snorted coldly, "Hmph, Tang Ren!"

But knowing this matter is nothing, but what to do next after knowing this matter is the key.

Although Wuhu Island can be regarded as a non-negotiable zone for both sides, strictly speaking, it belongs to the territory of Datang.

So Lu Chengji chose this place as a transfer station, and it was only natural for him to store food.

After all, to attack Wuhu Island, to some extent, is to attack Datang's territory.

This is a big event after all, Yuan Nanjian immediately called his staff member Pu Zheng and his deputy Gao Le to tell what he knew from these servants.

Hearing Yuan Nanjian's words, the faces of the two couldn't help but change, but they didn't have too much fear of Datang in their hearts, unlike many small countries, when they heard that Datang came to attack, the king might be scared to death directly.

After all, Goguryeo was attacked by Da Sui three times, and they survived all three times, and even dragged Da Sui to death.

This gave Goguryeo a lot of confidence and a sense of national pride, which is what makes Goguryeo most different from other small countries.

They are not afraid of Datang, they also have the pride and confidence of their own nation.

"In this case, you must report to the king as soon as possible!" Park Zheng said,

"And we have to re-count the grain. Datang bought grain like this. How much grain is there in Dahang City now? How much can supply the Great Wall's defense line?!"

After Pu Zheng's words reached this point, his face turned pale.

Because of the trade between Dahang City and Datang over the years, Dahang City basically relies on Datang for its food supply.

Now Datang not only stopped selling grain, but bought a wave directly, which was almost a devastating blow to the grain reserves of Dahang City, and even this destructive force would spread to the defense line of the Great Wall that Goguryeo had been building.

"Datang's wolfish ambitions have obviously been planned for a long time, no way! This batch of food must not be taken back by Datang!"

After Park Zheng's reminder, Yuan Nanjian also realized the importance of food.

Because I have been eating cheap food from Datang for these years, I don’t feel much about it, but now that Datang has made such a move, even Yuan Nanjian, who doesn’t usually manage food very much, finds that the entire Dahang City is almost out of food!

"I sent the navy to loot Wuhu Island!" Yuan Nanjian said, "We must grab enough food!"

To be honest, Yuan Nanjian actually wanted to attack Tianjin directly.

But the Bohai Islands, that is, Wuhu Island, Wudao and other islands form an island chain that guards the inner sea of ​​Bohai Sea. At least it is unrealistic for the army built by Yuan Nan to go directly to Tianjin in such a carefree manner.

But if Wuhu Island is taken down, Yuan Nanjian's brain will become hot, maybe he can really rush to Tianjin directly.

"General, this is not good!" Park Zheng worried when he heard Yuan Nanjian's words, "We are attacking Datang's territory, and Datang will definitely be angry!"

"Angry?!" Yuan Nanjian sneered when he heard Park Zheng's words,
"Datang originally wanted to attack Goguryeo, but if we attack now, at least we can at least get a lot of food.

Otherwise, if the Tang Dynasty officially announced the conquest of Goguryeo, do you think that the greedy King Wei would return the grain to us!
What's more important is that if there is not enough food, in another ten days and a half a month, this Dahang City may be starved to death and corpses will be strewn all over the place! "

"General, Datang is not kind to us, we just rob him!" said Gao Le, who was beside Yuan Nanjian,
"The ancestors defeated the Great Sui in the past, but now the Great Tang is much weaker than the original Great Sui, and our Goguryeo will definitely win!"

"Yeah!" Yuan Nanjian nodded in satisfaction, "When the caravan's ship arrives today, we will act immediately after arresting him!"

(End of this chapter)

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