Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 498 A Smooth Ambush

Chapter 498 A Smooth Ambush

Yuan Nanjian's actions were quite decisive. When the merchant ship came to collect the stored corn that night, he was surrounded by Yuan Nanjian and his army.

When the merchant ship was besieged and the crew members were arrested, Yuan Nanjian immediately executed the execution and asked for the address, and dispatched the entire Goguryeo warship to escort the full crew to attack Wuhu Island.

As for the crew members of Datang, if the news they gave was false, then he would directly tie a stone and throw them into the water to drown them.

If what is said is true, they can be regarded as shipping talents more or less, and we can deal with it according to the situation.

In this era, people in the shipping industry need to start with one more swimming skill than other ordinary jobs.

As for other professional skills such as repairing, it is even more precious.

Especially with the rise of the two commercial cities of Tianjin and Dahang City, this naturally brings up the demand for shipping technicians.

It's a bit like when the Internet industry was just emerging in the 90s. At that time, even if you only knew how to reinstall the system, you could be regarded as a computer expert. A monthly income of more than [-] is not a dream!

It can only be said that with the development of the maritime industry, people in the entire industrial chain, those who eat meat eat meat, and those who drink soup drink soup.

And Goguryeo, or Yuan Nanjian, who was in charge of the Goguryeo Navy, paid more attention to talents in this area.

After all, he is personally leading the Goguryeo Navy, and the Goguryeo Navy is his basic board, so Yuan Nanjian attaches great importance to the strength of his basic board.

At night, the Goguryeo Navy sailed along the coastline, and soon saw the brightly lit Wuhu Island.

Wuhu Island is located in the double zone between Goguryeo and Datang, but it is a necessary place for shipping exchanges between the two sides, so there is no curfew here at night, and it is a bit mixed with dragons and snakes. It can be said that there are all kinds of people.

Especially the contraband that is more strictly tracked down in Tianjin can be found on Wuhu Island from time to time.

This time, when Yuan Nanjian led the army to surround the Wuhu Island, the people on the island still couldn't believe it.

Because this place, although it is in the zone of no-nonsense between the two sides, nominally belongs to Datang.

It's just that Datang needs a certain buffer zone with Goguryeo. At the same time, the nearby Turtle Island is relatively more convenient for garrisoning troops, so Datang did not directly send troops to garrison here.

But the people on this island did not expect that Goguryeo's army would take the initiative to fight over.

"Gao, Goguryeo's army is here!"

Soon the shout was like a stone thrown into the grove behind the school, and countless mandarin ducks were immediately afraid.

A group of small groups who were wandering or stationed on Wuhu Island immediately roared.

"Order the fleet to surround the island. I will never allow a sampan to leave tonight!"

Yuan Nanjian also let go of his hands and feet completely. Since he has decided to seize the food of the Tang people, let's plunder this island by the way.

Yuan Nanjian knew that as long as the war between Tang Dynasty and Goguryeo started, such an area that existed because of tacit understanding between the two sides would disappear completely immediately.

That being the case, robbing the merchants of the Tang Dynasty is robbery, and even robbing the entire Wuhu Island is also robbery.

If possible, Yuan Nanjian hopes to rob Tianjin.

Because Yuan Nanjian, the commander of the Goguryeo Navy, knew clearly that Tianjin, a city built by King Wei, was almost the distribution center for materials in the entire north, and because of the existence of the Grand Canal, all materials were transported to the entire Tang Dynasty.

Yuan Nanjian couldn't imagine how rich such a city was.

"There is no need to live on this island, I allow you to slaughter for a day!"

Soon, Yuan Nanjian issued an order to plunder the entire island, and the morale of the entire Goguryeo soldiers suddenly rose.

As the ship docked, a Koguryo soldier jumped out of the battleship like a hungry beast, and rushed towards the place where there was smoke and fire.

For these Goguryeo soldiers, being able to plunder property on the battlefield itself is extremely attractive to them.

Although the soldiers of this era don't need to expect them to have any morality at all, things like looting property are even more common.

But even so, at this moment, this group of Koguryo soldiers can complete the transformation from soldiers to robbers so quickly, and they have to admire their low bottom line.

But it is undeniable that these people are a group of qualified soldiers. They understand simple tactical coordination and have long-term military training. The most important thing is that they are violent machines at the national level.

Even if the people on Wuhu Island are not considered good citizens, it is normal for each of them to have a few swords hidden in their homes.

But this group of aggressive underworld forces will only be defeated when they face this kind of real national-level regular army.

In an instant, the soaring flames burned the entire Wuhu Island, which seemed to make Wuhu Island very conspicuous in the dark night.

Yuan Nanjian knew exactly what he should do, even though he brought Goguryeo's army along the way to smash through these local forces like a broken bamboo.

Yuan Nanjian didn't pay any attention to it, and immediately led his troops to follow the directions of the Tang crew, and found the place where the Tang people hoarded food.

Because it was a temporary granary, it was not built underground, so Yuan Nanjian couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw this mountain of granary storage. There is too much grain here!

There were not many guards stationed here, and they were killed almost quickly by the Goguryeo army led by Yuan Nanjian.

Yuan Nanjian came to the granary and cut open the sack with his sword, only to see the corn inside flowing down like water.

Yuan Nanjian really saw these grains, and the hovering stone in his heart was really put down.

Because it went so smoothly tonight, this kind of smoothness made Yuan Nanjian a little unbelievable.

But no matter how you say it, the food stored here by the Tang people is real, so I have a guaranteed delivery today!
"With this batch of food, even if life is still a bit difficult, at least it will not affect the army!"

Yuan Nanjian couldn't help thinking that Yuan Nanjian didn't care about the common people at all.

After all, it is my elder brother's business to have a headache. No matter what this matter is, he has a big problem with his internal affairs.

He made a mistake, so he has a chance to be in the top position!
"Immediately carry the food, and carry all the food for me before dawn!"

Yuan Nanjian felt that it was not very safe to continue to stay, but he still gave the order to move. After all, the lack of food in Goguryeo must become the main problem.

The Goguryeo warriors under Yuan Nanjian's command carried the sacks containing the grain to carry the grain.

However, when they were halfway carrying the food, they clearly heard the sound of killing from the coast.

Yuan Nanjian couldn't help being startled, and quickly asked people to throw away the grain, and immediately headed for the coast.

At this time, Yuan Nanjian happened to see the pole of the Datang warship slapping hard on his ship moored on the shore. The entire superstructure of the ship was directly destroyed by the pole of the Tang army. Soldiers dive even more, save themselves, save themselves!
"General, only the Tang Army's regular navy has weapons like the clap stick!" Park Zheng said at this time.

"Damn, Tang Jun? How could there be Tang Jun!" Yuan Nanjian's face was ugly and he couldn't help but lose his voice.

Pu Zheng couldn't help calming down my suggestion, "Now we have fallen into the trap of the Tang army. Now we abandon the food and retreat to other ships. Maybe we can escape our lives!"

"Don't you think we can get away with it!" Yuan Nanjian couldn't help but have a bit of despair on his face.

But Yuan Nanjian's voice hadn't finished yet, but suddenly there were bright fireworks flickering in the sky all around, which looked extraordinarily gorgeous.

After all, Li Tai has researched gunpowder.

However, it is somewhat beyond our capabilities to further develop black powder capable of killing people.

At least the explosion of the black powder that I have researched now will at most make people feel ashamed. As for the actual damage involved, the damage is basically negligible.

But gunpowder has been invented, so it would be a waste to keep it in our hands, so Li Tai developed gunpowder in the direction of fireworks, the most important use of which is nighttime communication in the navy.

"Yes, the main ships of the Goguryeo Navy have been destroyed!"

Li Dejian looked at the colors of the fireworks in the sky, and his heart was finally relieved a lot.

"So leave the cleaning work on Wuhu Island to me!" Su Lie said in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Li Dejian nodded and said, "I will clear away the remaining ships of Goguryeo, and I will never let Goguryeo's army have any possibility of escaping, but I can only leave things on land to you!"

"Don't worry, leave the rest to me!" Su Lie raised his fist and assured Li Dejian.

Li Dejian nodded but didn't say anything more, and also fired pure white fireworks into the sky.

As the fireworks filled the sky, the surrounding Tang army ships immediately began to clear the small boats of Goguryeo.

Li Dejian didn't know how the navy was doing.

But fireworks are the most reliable means of military communication besides semaphore. What needs to be done, as long as the fireworks are passed into the sky, the surrounding ships will naturally know.

To be honest, Li Dejian's biggest weakness has always been his own command ability.

As a descendant of Li Jing, he accepted Li Jing's quite comprehensive inheritance, but because his own command talent was too low, he couldn't get along in the army.

After all, the upper limit of Li Dejian's command may not exceed 6000 people, but Li Dejian is very clear that if he chooses to take the army route, even if he relies on his father's legacy, he may have a chance to become the commander of the party in charge of the battle.

But if something like this really happened, it would be really too bad for Li Dejian.

Because, at that time, my own ability will not be able to support it at all, and I will bear the desire of the entire Tang Dynasty to win!
In contrast, the current General Lou Chuan made Li Dejian much more relaxed.

Because the confrontation between the navy is more about passing orders to the captains of each ship through flag feathers or fireworks, and then let these captains conduct relatively specific commands. It can be said that this greatly reduces Li Dejian's burden on command.

After all, Li Dejian commanded an army of [-] people at one time, and Li Dejian didn't know what to do to command these people like his arms.

But now for an army of the same size, if you command the navy yourself, each ship, including all types, does not exceed [-] ships. This command pressure makes Li Dejian much easier.

As for how to make the sailors on a certain ship play their due combat effectiveness, it depends on the captain's play.

Therefore, Li Dejian commanded the fleet to encircle Goguryeo's navy without feeling any difficulty at all, but if he really wanted to fight against Goguryeo's army on land, then Li Dejian chose to let Su Lie go, after all, he is the best in this respect of!
Yuan Nanjian watched helplessly as his Goguryeo team was continuously destroyed by the Tang army's navy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shooting rods, crossbow arrows, throwing stones, and all kinds of weapons were all aimed at the ships. Obviously, the Tang army had no intention of capturing these ships at all, and then took them back to repair and repair them, and then used them.

This made Yuan Nanjian seem to be in a desperate situation. In this case, no matter which warship he retreated to, he probably couldn't do without this Wuhu Island!
"So, the only way to survive this road is to kill the army in front, capture Tang's ships and escape!"

However, Yuan Nanjian's whole body was also filled with legion talent, and the halo of Yuan Nanjian's feet shrouded, and all the Goguryeo soldiers' fear of the Tang army's encirclement suddenly disappeared, and even the eyes of the entire army showed a bit of determination!
"Legion talent!" Seeing this scene, Su Lie couldn't help clenching the sawtooth mace even more.

Compared with other foreign races around the Tang Dynasty, Goguryeo has a strong heart and a strong backbone, so among their generals, there are at least a lot more talented warriors than other foreign races. Even so, it is also limited by the main population of Goguryeo. .

However, the appearance of a few on the battlefield will not surprise anyone at all.

Yuan Nanjian can inherit all the Goguryeo water masters created by Goguryeo Qingqing. It is unrealistic to say that he has no skills at all.

However, when he met Su Lie, Su Lie ignored the momentum of the entire Goguryeo army led by Yuan Nanjian, but took his own army and went up without hesitation!
In an instant, the soldiers of the two sides collided head-on. The soldiers of Goguryeo were fearless, while the soldiers under Su Lie were as steady as iron.

But the two sides only entangled for a while, and Yuan Nanjian found out in horror that even with the blessing of his bold talent, the Goguryeo soldiers were retreating strangely at this moment.

No!To be more precise, the killing efficiency on the opposite side was terrifyingly high, as if wherever they passed, the defense line of the Koguryo soldiers was directly torn apart violently by their amazing lethality!
In the next second, the man who will always appear in his nightmares in this life has already led his army and rushed in front of him. Yuan Nanjian couldn't help saying loudly, "I am Yuan..."

Before Yuan Nanjian finished speaking, Su Lie's serrated mace had already slapped him on the face. I don't know how many teeth fell out, but Yuan Nanjian passed out immediately!
"It's tied, is this the official soldier of Goguryeo?! The quality of the official soldier is worse than I imagined!" Su Lie looked at Yuan Nanjian and couldn't help but sigh.

 I'm afraid it will be two o'clock in the next chapter, so don't wait too long, I'm trying to type.

(End of this chapter)

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