Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 5 Duck Egg King

Chapter 5 Duck Egg King

What is the virtue of the imperial court, no, what is the virtue of the bureaucracy, others do not know, Zhao Yuankai himself does not know!

If someone asks him to spend money to invest in a project that has no shadow, he will just say three words without saying anything.

Fork out!
Therefore, people who really do things in this world, at least at the beginning, have to invest their own money and time.

Even if you really come up with good things and have broad benefits, the next step depends on whether your backstage is strong or not, and whether your means are high.

Otherwise, if you go down to the small official, go up to the aristocratic family, the backbone and the bureaucrat, whoever sees it will want to lend a hand.

So even if a craftsman makes something good, it is hidden in this era, and they dare not show it to others, so they can only use it secretly.

This leads to the fact that if anyone asks himself to invest money in some technology that has no shadow, he must be given a big slap in the face.

If you vote here, it is better to invest in finding a lovely little lady in the courtyard of Nanqu in Pingkangfang for a moment of spring festival, at least you will have an aftertaste.

Zhao Yuankai looked at Li Tai, oh!

He is one of the sage's favorite sons-in-law, so it's all right, it's all for fighting locusts!

"I understand what you mean, King Yue, but is it really possible to hatch eggs artificially? Or how long does it take to study!" Zhao Yuankai said.

To be honest, Zhao Yuankai is really capable of working, so don't let Li Tai open his mouth and talk about artificially hatching eggs, but he really knows that it will definitely not be an easy task to realize this technology.

"Just find someone to keep trying!" Li Tai looked at Zhao Yuankai and said calmly,
"Find me a group of craftsmen who can make ground fire, and help me make hatching props.

Then buy a lot of duck eggs and prepare the fuel. I am afraid that firewood will not be able to control the temperature, so it is best to use charcoal fire.

How many days will it take you to prepare all these? "

"Craftsman and charcoal fire can contact and send some supervisors over.

Sinong Temple needs farm tools, and it is not difficult to get these things because it often deals with the general supervisor.

But Duck needs to ask the Department of Food and Animal Husbandry if there is any. If not, I will buy it from the private sector.

It's just that the locust plague is making people panic, and I'm afraid it won't be easy to collect it for a while! "

Zhao Yuankai was a little embarrassed.

Li Tai couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this guy's words, you've already come here, so what's the point of expressing it at this time!

Taking a deep breath, Li Tai said in a temper:
"Thank you Zhao Shaoqing, now that the locust plague is raging, for Aye, whether the locust can be resisted is the top priority of Sinong Temple.

You and I are different from Dou Si Nong, we both firmly believe that there is no locust god in the world, and it will eventually fall on humans to fight against locusts.

You and I work together, I am responsible for planning the direction, and you are responsible for the specific implementation. Only by doing our best can we solve this locust plague!
Of course, the fight against locusts is after all a fight against natural disasters, and I naturally understand the hardships involved.

If I fail, I think I may not have the opportunity to practice farming to share Aye's worries before I become an adult.

When the time comes, I wish you a bright future, sir. "

When Zhao Yuankai heard Li Tai say this, he immediately realized that Li Tai had a way out, but did he have one? !
Why did I not hesitate to vote for Li Tai when this variable appeared? It was not because I was forced by Dou Jing in Sinong Temple.

Why did he seize Li Tai's opportunity? Is it for Li Tai?


It's because of my official uniform of Sinong Shaoqing!

"I understand! The day after tomorrow, no! I will prepare everything tomorrow!"

Zhao Yuankai gritted his teeth.

Bureaucrats are most motivated for something, and naturally it is for their own official position.

Zhao Yuankai had already figured it out, he had to make achievements.

I make achievements not because of how many merits I can get, but because I can continue to gain a firm foothold in Sinong Temple.

As long as Dou Jing fails to resist locusts but succeeds herself, this is an indisputable feat.

Seeing that Zhao Yuankai was finally full of motivation, Li Tai breathed a sigh of relief.

This world also wants to use that kind of guy with high morals and unparalleled talent, but those guys don't like me.

Zhao Yuankai... let's just use it.

Li Tai said to Baihe, "Baihe, take 160 taels of gold from the treasury and send it to Zhao Shaoqing as an upfront fee!"

"I can't use so much, I can't use so much!" Zhao Yuankai waved his hands quickly when he heard Li Tai's words.

"Take it!" Li Tai said, "Zhao Shaoqing, you and I are in the same boat to solve the problem of locust resistance.

And since you want to solve this problem, you can't let you pay for it.

After all, with this money, you can do things smoothly! "

Li Tai only took out the money now because he wanted Zhao Yuankai to understand the situation first.

Otherwise, if he gave money at the front heel, he would be greedy for 100 gold at the back heel. As a result, the research of the thing was unsuccessful, so he might be killed.

Zhao Yuankai bowed to Li Tai again and again at this moment. With this money, at least things will go smoothly.

Zhao Yuankai put the gold box in front of him, flattered his horse and rushed towards the Department of Grain and Animal Husbandry.

Why procrastinate, if you procrastinate, your official uniform will be gone.

At this time, Zhao Yuankai was full of energy.

"My lord, you are very polite, you gave such a large sum of money all at once, and you are usually reluctant to spend it like this.

This gold, you have saved it with great difficulty over the years! "

Bai He watched Zhao Yuankai walk away, wrinkled his nose and said.

"Then you're only talking now! Gu Ke's heart hurts a lot! Do you want to chase him back?"

Li Tai covered his conscience with a pained expression on his face!
"Can you get it back?" Bai He's eyes lit up when he heard Li Tai's words.

"I'm afraid I can't!" Li Tai shook his head and said,

"You can simplify what I discussed with Zhao Shaoqing.

Make an outline of it. It is best to write the content on a piece of paper and transcribe it with the titles listed in A, B, C, and D.

Duplicate, no, triple.

Leave one for me, one for Zhao Shaoqing, and the other for filing in Sinong Temple, understand? "

Bai He was still angry at Li Tai for teasing him, but when he heard Li Tai's words, he nodded to show that he understood.

"Do you want to write about the 160 taels of gold?" Bai He couldn't help but hear Li Tai's words.

"Of course you have to write it down!" Li Tai said seriously, "If you don't write it down, how would the imperial court know that I've suffered a serious bleeding? It's still a loan!"

Bai He chuckled, and began to take a pen seriously, recording all these things one by one.

To be honest, using one's own money for public affairs was actually quite taboo in the feudal era.

But whoever let himself use this sum of money to research hatching technology instead of buying people's hearts is at best a side ball.

In the final analysis, his father is still Li Shimin, as long as he doesn't touch the military power, then his tolerance for him should be quite high.

Even if he touches the military power by himself, it is impossible for him to seize Li Shimin's military power.

Because the Tang Dynasty was a government military system, those who could go to war were at least rich peasants, and the largest number were the people in Longxi and Gyeonggi-do.

The most troublesome thing is that as long as the soldiers in the two areas of Longxi and Jingzhao have fought with Li Shimin, and won every battle, this makes most of the meritorious generals and schools promoted by Li Shimin. The military group.

In essence, the change of Xuanwumen is that Li Yuan thought that he could do whatever he wanted as the emperor, and regarded Li Shimin's military group as an NPC, thinking that he could dismantle Li Shimin's murderous embryos through tactics and scheduling.

But the fact is that as long as Li Shimin is willing, Li Yuan deeply understands the helplessness of people who are surrounded by Li Shimin's guards.

There is no way, the most feared thing for any military system is to encounter bugs that are always victorious and undefeated.

Just like the military merit system met Bai Qi, who was full of military merits in World War I, the Tang Dynasty military system encountered Li Shimin.

All the government soldiers knew that they could win if they fought with Li Shimin, and almost all the officers were promoted by Li Shimin.

Therefore, with a father and emperor with such abundant martial virtues, Li Tai extinguished the road to seize power by force, not because he didn't want to, but because he really couldn't do it.

"Everything that needs to be arranged has been arranged. In any case, we have to wait until the artificial hatching technology is developed!" Li Tai thought with narrowed eyes.

Of course, for Li Tai and Dou Jing who chose different paths, they soon broke out in court.

Because Zhao Yuankai, who was full of energy, took care of the personnel, venue and materials the next day.

It's just that the process is a little rough. Those who can spend money can spend money, and those who can talk about human feelings should talk about human feelings.

Such a high efficiency will naturally bring some negative effects, and his attitude of spending a lot of money was known almost immediately by the censor who heard the rumors.

Then the censors soon discovered that the gold came from the eight-year-old King Yue. At that moment, it was as if a shark smelled blood, and this group of censors rushed forward.

Even if he knew that King Yue was only eight years old, he would not form a party for personal gain, but no matter how he said it, the matter of the 160 taels of gold was unclear, and that was Li Tai's problem.

Fortunately, Li Tai left a record of the use of the 160 taels of gold in Sinong Temple, and specifically stated that it was borrowed from Sinong Temple, so the matter was settled.

This let everyone know that Li Tai and Dou Jing have different anti-locust routes.

Of course, the vast majority of people in the imperial court are still on Dou Jing's side. After all, the theory of the interaction between heaven and man is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But at least he won't bite Li Tai anymore, instead he starts staring at Zhao Yuankai.

After all, Li Tai only paid the money, and it was Zhao Yuankai who really used the money. If Zhao Yuankai took the money, someone would impeach him without hesitation.

As for Zhao Yuankai, as long as he was an official in the same dynasty as Zhao Yuankai, no one would know that Zhao Yuankai's hands and feet were not clean.

But in fact, Zhao Yuankai really didn't care about the money, he just wanted to keep his court clothes.

At this moment, Li Tai summoned Zhao Yuankai's craftsmen and was working hard to overcome the artificial egg hatching technology.

As for the turmoil in the court, Li Tai believed that the turmoil in the court would not affect him until the main line of locust resistance remained unchanged.

"These censors really can talk nonsense about anything!

Qingque is only eight years old, he can have any bad thoughts, but he just wants to fight locusts wholeheartedly.

If he didn't have the backup file in Sinong Temple, he would be so full of mouth that he wouldn't be able to speak clearly! "

As the turmoil of impeaching Li Tai passed, Empress Changsun became angry sitting on the bed!
Li Shimin also felt helpless, he was always very angry when he was directly reprimanded by the officials, this time it was the turn of Empress Changsun.

Qing Que hid at the duck farm by herself to study artificial hatching technology, but Empress Changsun was angry here and wanted to comfort herself.

"How about I order the censor to be reprimanded, and then I will punish you severely, and I will vent my anger for you and Qingque!" Li Shimin said.

"No saint!" Empress Changsun shook her head when she heard Li Shimin's words,
"It's their responsibility for the censor to hear the news, how can they punish the censor for such a trivial matter.

It's a small thing to indulge Li Tai so arrogantly, if he cuts off his speech from then on, wouldn't it ruin a big deal! "

"Guanyin Maid, you can raise your baby with peace of mind. I have noticed Qingque's efforts. It is inconvenient for me to intervene now. I will definitely reward Qingque well!" Li Shimin promised the eldest grandson empress.

"Ouch!" Empress Changsun couldn't help but softly called out.

"What?" Li Shimin couldn't help asking concerned when he heard Empress Changsun's words.

"The little guy kicked me, I'm afraid I'm a bastard again!" Empress Changsun said.

"Chengqian Renhui, Qingque Zhinong, is not afraid of being a bastard, and just inherits my ability to gallop on the battlefield! Come and listen to me!"

Li Shimin hugged Empress Changsun lightly, and put his ears on his belly, and said kindly.

Li Tai didn't know that his parents were talking about him, because at this time Li Tai's thoughts were all on artificial hatching technology.

Zhao Yuankai found the best ground fire craftsmen of this era, and dug them all up. The ground fire is the predecessor of the heated kang. In ancient China, there have been ground fires that used stove fires for heating, but compared with the heated kang, the ground fire still has many imperfections. .

Under Li Tai's order, the craftsmen mixed mud and straw to build an earthen stove-shaped hatching tank, put an iron pot inside, covered the inside and outside with mud, and smoothed the mud on the surface to avoid uneven heating. Open a stove door under the pot and stove to become an incubator.

After that, I prepared baskets for turning eggs, white stacks collected by myself, straw mats around the surroundings, a wooden frame to fix the eggs in the middle of the incubator, as well as reeds, straw mats and cotton wool to form a bed for the second time. used for hatching.

Finally, it is the fuel needed for hatching, of course charcoal is the main one.

All in all, after the series of preparations were completed, Li Tai began to experiment patiently.

All the conditions I can provide have been provided, and the direction has been pointed out. All that is left is to keep pouring in funds to try.

The only fortunate thing is that this is not material science to gamble on new semiconductors, but just to control the hatching of duck eggs through temperature.

This is a path of inevitable success, so I can continue to pour money into it unswervingly, to buy duck eggs, to buy charcoal fire, to replace equipment.

The only thing I lack is time.

Li Tai's requirements are not high, as long as he can get this technology out a month before the locust disaster in July and August, it will be in time.

But even so, the 160 gold began to be consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye when the actual experiment was started, but the duck eggs sent out from the own hatching tank were raw and cooked.

In the era when there were no thermometers, to find the precise temperature for duck egg incubation through a lot of experiments, it really required constant trial and luck!

The only thing Li Tai can do is let the hands of these top craftsmen feel the temperature of the incubator and judge the accurate temperature.

Then use a pen to record the amount of charcoal fire consumed in each batch, just keep trying to increase and decrease, and keep failing!

But time flies, but there is still no result, Li Tai soon has a new name on his head.

Duck King.

(End of this chapter)

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