Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 6 Locust Invitation Ceremony

Chapter 6 Locust Invitation Ceremony
Li Tai has not conquered artificial egg hatching technology for a long time, but Dou Jing is not idle, and the construction of the locust temple is in full swing at this moment.

With the strong support of the imperial court and Sinong Temple, half a month was enough to build the locust temple.

The shape of the locust temple is also quite exquisite, at least the locust head of the locust god is carved so vividly that it is daunting.

But it is not enough to just build the locust temple. Next, Dou Jing also issued an invitation card, inviting a group of officials to visit the ceremony of inviting the locust god. A plague of locusts.

Li Tai, who was still working on the technology of artificial egg incubation, naturally also received this invitation.

"King Yue, King Yue, Dou Sinong is too deceitful!" Zhao Yuankai walked towards Li Tai's room angrily holding the invitation card, complaining as he walked.

When he came to the door, Zhao Yuankai stopped and asked Bai He to report, while he waited at the door.

Bai He shook his head and said, "Your Majesty is studying inside. He has ordered that no one can disturb him unless the saint comes!"

"I'm in a hurry!" Zhao Yuankai said urgently when he heard Bai He's words.

"Any urgent matter is more important than the king's studies. Mr. Yan is teaching there!" Bai He said seriously,

"And your voice should be softer, if it affects the study of the king, the queen will not go around you lightly!"

Hearing this, Zhao Yuankai opened his mouth, and finally waited obediently by the side.

Zhao Yuankai was a little restless and wanted to go in to have a look, but he couldn't speak when he looked at Baihe who was guarding outside.

Zhao Yuankai knew that since Li Tai came here, Mr. Yan Qinli also came here to teach.

So although Li Tai is still staring at artificial hatching technology, in fact, he still needs to learn in his free time.

And Yan Qinli followed Li Tai, basically Yan Qinli taught Li Tai during the day.

Finally, half an hour later, Zhao Yuankai saw a handsome middle-aged scholar coming out of the room with a roll of Spring and Autumn in his hand, and the two sides looked at each other.

Yan Qinli saluted Zhao Yuankai, but left without saying a word.

"Zhao Shaoqing, Your Majesty let you in!" Bai He said to Zhao Yuankai who was a little bit stunned.

Zhao Yuankai didn't care too much, he quickly entered the room, took out an invitation card and handed it over, and said to Li Tai:
"King Yue, Dou Jing sent us an invitation card, saying that he would invite you and me to watch the ceremony of inviting the gods at the Locust Temple."

"Oh?" Li Tai took the invitation and looked at it. It was indeed written that he and Zhao Yuankai were invited to participate in the ceremony of inviting the gods in the Locust Temple.

Li Tai smiled calmly and said, "In three days? Then let's go and see!"

"Really?" Hearing Li Tai's words, Zhao Yuankai felt a little uneasy.

Li Tai glanced at Zhao Yuankai, but he didn't understand what he was afraid of.

But after thinking about it, although Zhao Yuankai is capable, he has always been corrupt and accepts bribes, his background is really dirty.

Especially in the past records, and in order to satisfy Yang Guang's selfish desires, he did all the work of collecting people's wealth and flattery, otherwise he would not be able to flourish in the Sui Dynasty.

It's okay if he has a thick face and a dark heart, but this guy is too thin-skinned, and he is very shameless if he is corrupt, and he will feel guilty when he is said a few words, so when facing a clean official like Dou Jing, he always lacks confidence and worries about gains and losses.

After entering the Great Tang, Li Yuan managed well, not much different from the Great Sui.

But when Li Shimin became the emperor, he followed the path of a Mingjun. This made Zhao Yuankai, who had always followed the line of flattering ministers, a little dizzy. He didn't know how to be a good official and a good person.

"Gentlemen are harmonious but different. Although we and Dou Si Nong are not on the same path, we must do our best to fight locusts.

That being the case, how could we refuse Dou Sinong's invitation! " Li Tai said as a matter of course.

Zhao Yuankai looked at Li Tai's calm and eloquent talk, and naturally admired Li Tai's methodical way of doing things at such a young age.

On the contrary, I lost my style, so I couldn't help but calm down, and said seriously, "Then we will go to the banquet in three days."

"We don't care about how Dou Si Nong invites the gods, but how the hatching progress is." Li Tai said.

"There has been considerable progress these days. Not only are the number of bloodshot eggs increasing, but some duck eggs even have double images through the shell. The officials of the Codex and Animal Husbandry Department said that if it continues, it will take a day or two soon, and slowly In four or five days, I believe it will hatch!"

When Zhao Yuankai said this, he was also a little bit excited, his official career would depend on it.

Now the artificial hatching plan is progressing quite smoothly, which is the best reward for Zhao Yuankai.

Li Tai nodded, not surprised that Li Tai had successfully developed the artificial egg hatching technology.

Because as long as the direction is correct, the next step is to try again and again, and if you try a lot, you will always succeed.

And the excellence of these ground fire craftsmen far exceeded Li Tai's expectations.

In this era when there were no thermometers, they could roughly figure out the appropriate temperature for hatching duck eggs by relying on the contact between the skin and the incubator.

And after confirming this temperature, the temperature of the next incubators produced can be almost the same, which makes the mass production of incubators possible. It can be said that the skills they have shown are simply unimaginable.

It is their superb skills that are the important reason why Li Tai can realize his plan.

To be honest, Li Tai is not in a hurry, just implement the plan step by step step by step. As for inviting the locust god, it is enough to treat it as a temple fair.

If this kind of thing can really solve the locust plague, then the locust plague will not become one of the most troubled natural disasters in China.

"The next step is to wait patiently until the duck eggs hatch and the artificial hatching technology is realized!" Li Tai is full of confidence.

Time passed quickly, and three days came soon. Some duck eggs were already moving, but the shell hadn't broken yet, but there was some life in the duck eggs that was moving, which filled everyone with a sense of anticipation.

Li Tai and Zhao Yuankai naturally went to the Locust Temple to attend the appointment.

When they came here, there were already many officials sitting beside him, Zhao Yuankai took the initiative to greet his colleagues, while Li Tai walked directly towards Dou Sinong.

Li Taitan said frankly, "I've seen Dou Si Nong!"

"I've seen the King of Yue!" Dou Jing saw Li Taidao, "It's really beyond my expectation that the King of Yue can come."

"Why?" Li Tai asked curiously when he heard Dou Jing's words.

"The young man has a good face, I'm afraid that you, the king of Yue, have some grudges." Dou Jing said, "Now it seems that the king of Yue is really kind!"

"I also like to be lively, maybe this is the last time I see the god-inviting ceremony in this life, so I have to come and see it no matter what!" Li Tai said to Dou Jing not to be outdone.

She warned Dou Jing that there would be a plague of locusts in May, but Dou Jing never took the initiative to find herself.

Obviously he didn't believe what he said, so Li Tai didn't want to post it coldly.

Because he naturally didn't believe in the locust diary of an eight-year-old child, so if he gave the diary to him, he would take a second look.

Therefore, only when the disaster is serious enough to make him realize his mistakes, will he have the opportunity and status to speak for himself.

Hearing Li Tai's words, Dou Jing hesitated a bit, and was about to say something to Li Tai, at this time the door called:
"Li Gang, Li Shaobao, Kong Yingda, the man from Kong County!"

Hearing this voice, the officials of Sinong Temple couldn't help but be in awe.

Kong Yingda was nothing, and he was not on the same path as the officials of Sinong Temple.

But Li Gang was different. He was a famous official in the Sui Dynasty and a famous teacher of the prince. He had educated Yang Yong and Li Jiancheng, and he picked himself out twice before the fall of the prince.

In addition, Li Gang is now in his 80s, so his prestige among the officials is still quite high.

"Why did Li Shaobao come here? King Yue, please sit up, I will come back as soon as I go."

Dou Jing's face was a bit dazed, and after realizing it, she said goodbye to Li Tai decisively and went to meet Li Gang first.

After all, it is really a face for this master to come here to invite the gods.

Li Tai agreed with a smile, and followed the trend to look at Li Gang.

Li Tai knew a little bit about Li Gang.

I mainly searched for Li Gang of the Song Dynasty, but there was also a piece of information about Li Gang of the Tang Dynasty in Baidu. I forgot about the details, but the only thing I remembered was Li Gang's title of "Prince Killer".

All the princes who were educated by him died or committed crimes without exception.

Now he only has Yang Yong and Li Jiancheng in his hands, and he remembers that in the future he will become Teacher Li Chengqian.
Although his age did not allow him to last until Li Chengqian was abolished, he still completed his historical mission. Li Chengqian was finally abolished as a prince because of the rebellion, and then exiled.

"Li Gang... I don't know why I always feel that he is shining brightly, but I still sit obediently, lest I get bad luck!"

Li Tai murmured in his heart, intending to obediently wait until the ceremony of inviting the gods began, because he really didn't want to deal with Li Gang.

But Li Tai's idea is naturally impossible to come true. Although Li Tai is only an eight-year-old kid, he has the status of the prince of Yue, the only official position of the first rank present, and Li Gang and Kong Yingda are both polite people. Seeing Li Tai coming over Come to see me.

To a certain extent, this is also the reason why in many gatherings, the higher the status, the later the people come.

Because you came early, it is very likely that the people below will come to say hello to you when they come.

Answer it, if you feel annoying, don't answer it, for fear of being gossiped again.

So just come later to avoid unnecessary ineffective social interaction.

At this moment, Li Gang and Kong Yingda did not expect Dou Jing to invite Li Tai.

After all, in the eyes of normal people, Dou Jing and Li Tai do not say that they are in the same situation, but they also have different political views.

Therefore, Li Tai will not be invited to the god-inviting ceremony this time, but since Li Tai is here, they will naturally come to see him.

Li Gang meets Li Tai.

Li Tai took the initiative to cross his hands, palms facing his body, saluted Li Gang, and said, "I met Li Shaobao."

"The king of Yue is indeed a young and talented man!"

Li Gang returned the gift and said,

"Nowadays the plague of locusts is everywhere, and I have heard of the reputation of King Yue's generosity.

There are wise saints in the Tang Dynasty and wise kings who donate money, and they will definitely be able to survive this disaster and give the people peace. "

"Li Shaobao has won the prize!" Li Tai also smiled when he heard Li Gang's words.

"Li Shaobao, the king of Yue is still young, so I'm afraid he won't be a good king!" Kong Yingda frowned when he heard Li Gang's words.

"You deserve it, you deserve it!" Li Gang said slowly,

"The wise king is in his heart but not in name. The King of Yue can donate 160 gold for the locust plague. Who else can give so much money to help the locust plague? This is the real intention!"

Kong Yingda frowned even more. Although he was not very comfortable looking at Li Tai, and even resisted a bit, he didn't bother to care about an eight-year-old child, so he treated King Yue coldly.

But Li Gang now recommends Li Tai as the virtuous king. To be honest, Kong Yingda doesn't think this is a good thing, because can an eight-year-old child really bear the title of virtuous king?

More importantly, if Li Tai became a virtuous king, he would naturally stand out among Li Shimin's sons, and the crown prince Li Chengqian would be the first to bear the brunt. At that time, he was afraid that the Xuanwumen incident would happen again.

Kong Yingda didn't know whether Li Gang did it intentionally or had no intention of addressing him, but no matter how he said it, if Li Tai accepted the title of virtuous king, he didn't care what happened to Li Tai, but it did bury some anxiety for the future of Datang.

Hearing Li Gang's words, Li Tai decisively licked his face and said, "I just want to share Aye's worries, it's really not worth mentioning.

But Li Shaobao admires so much...

Zhao Shaoqing, does Sinong Temple have pens and paper, let Li Shao keep the 'Xian Wang' calligraphy! "

"Yes, yes, yes!" Zhao Yuankai originally thought that he was only in charge of watching and eating melons, but he didn't expect to have his own role.

Resolutely prepared the pen and ink in front of Li Gang as quickly as possible, and said earnestly:

"I also ask Li Shaobao to give me calligraphy!"

"Zhao Shaoqing's movements are quite fast!"

Li Gang's face twitched, and he only praised Li Tai.

This will leave the virtuous king Mo Bao, I am afraid that I will become a flattering minister like Zhao Yuankai!
Li Gang bit his head, facing Li Tai, a shameless person, this Mo Bao might not be able to escape.

At this time, Dou Jing came to make a rescue. Although he could not understand Li Gang's evaluation of King Li Taixian, if Li Gang was really allowed to keep the calligraphy, there would be hidden dangers for the Tang court in the future.

So Dou Jing interrupted and said: "Everyone wait a moment, the auspicious time has come, and we will start inviting the Locust God."

During the speech, Li Gang took advantage of the situation to evade, and Li Tai couldn't help but feel pity, thinking about the calligraphy of the virtuous king in his heart, and let Li Gang make up for everything he said in the future.

Although I despise him as unlucky, but if he really boards my boat, I will be very happy.

It smells so good, no shame!
Everyone is seated, and the locust god ceremony is officially started.

This ceremony is a bit like inviting the city god in the temple fair. Simply put, the people carry the locust god to walk along a fixed route.

First there was playing and singing, and then there was the finale of the suona. The sound of the wind and fire made everyone hope that after inviting the locust god this time, they could bless the land and keep the locusts from making trouble.

Dou Jing looked at the lively ceremony of inviting the gods, and hoped that the locusts would not come again.

But no one expected that at this moment, there was a sudden yellow cloud in the sky, as if a hand was pouring over.

Also came the characteristic insect chirping of locusts.

The plague of locusts in May that Li Tai had predicted arrived as scheduled, and even better, the locust invitation ceremony raged around Chang'an again.

At this moment, Dou Jing looked at the yellow sky, and sat slumped on the ground, no longer calm posture, with a confused face.

(End of this chapter)

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