Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 504 Goguryeo's Response

Chapter 504 Goguryeo's Response
The navy is a profession that requires a lot of professionalism and overall organizational skills.

Relatively speaking, in addition to the core personnel of the Fubing system, the Fubing system is considered to be personally trained, but although the individual qualities of the self-registered Fubing are better, if the organizational strength is not rectified, it is difficult to become an elite team.

Among them, the rebel army led by Hou Junji is a typical example.If the government soldiers that Hou Junji had summoned had undergone a comprehensive rectification and possessed the talent of the legion, Li Tai might feel even more uncomfortable that night.

But now, Li Shimin asked Li Dejian to add [-] soldiers, in fact, the purpose was to increase the troops for landing operations.

After all, Pyongyang itself is a strong city. In history, the army led by Zhang Liang repelled the attack of the soldiers in Pyongyang, but it was delayed until its supplies were exhausted, and it still failed to take Pyongyang completely. From this, it can be seen that Goguryeo was in Defensively, there is really a set.

Unlike other countries, Datang said flat push, then flat push.

Of course, another important point is that Li Dejian actually hopes that the soldiers he chooses can swim, at least not seasick.

There is no way, you will get seasick when you are on a boat, and there will be quite a big problem in terms of adaptation alone.

The troops recruited by Li Shimin are basically soldiers from Longxi or Sanhe, and there are too many of them who can't swim, let alone seasickness at sea.

Even if Su Lie's army can cooperate with Li Dejian tacitly, it is because he has been in Youzhou for many years, and the army has more or less cooperated with Li Dejian, and has adapted to this environment.

So Li Dejian thought about it, and it would be a problem to get some normal soldiers by himself, so he might as well come to King Wei and see if King Wei can do anything.

After Li Dejian and Su Lie told Li Tai the details, Li Tai thought for a while and said, "I'll let Tian Changgeng join you with his headquarters, and I'll select a group of people from the corvee to let them Add it in!"

When Li Dejian heard Li Tai's words, he couldn't help but have some doubts on his face, and said, "Is Tian Changgeng okay? Although in terms of the military system, his troops can be integrated into it, but he is not staying in Xihai County. Is it? Can you get used to it?"

"He has an adaptive talent. Although it is definitely difficult to bear the dizziness brought by the boat at the beginning, his adaptive talent can quickly adapt to this state. After all, he is a team with two talents. , can fully support the strength of the frontal battlefield that is most lacking in your landing operations, at least I think you can give it a try!" Li Tai said.

"Wei Wang, won't I stay and protect you?" Tian Changgeng couldn't help but hear Li Tai's words.

"It's not that I don't have personal guards, it's enough to have Lu Anshou and Zu Changming guarding me!" Li Tai said to Tian Changgeng,

"Besides, I am in Tianjin, as long as the navy is undefeated, then I will not be in any danger.

It doesn't make any sense for you, a second-talented army, to follow me, it's better to go to the battlefield to make contributions!
Aye's side can be said to be full of fierce generals, even if you go there, it's meaningless, you might as well join them! "

"Yes!" Li Dejian said to Tian Changgeng quite enthusiastically, "There are many students from agricultural schools in the naval division. I believe General Tian will be able to blend in very well."

Seeing Li Dejian's words, Tian Changgeng also nodded and said, "I obey the king's order!"

Seeing that Tian Changgeng agreed, Li Dejian was a little embarrassed and said:

"Wei Wang, can you be more generous, such as handing over the navy fleet of the Agricultural Institute to me to dispatch!"

"Don't even think about it!" Li Tai said decisively seeing that Li Dejian was looking forward to Shu,

"They need to be responsible for transporting grain and grass. The Bohai Sea is also a sea. This is transporting materials across the ocean. If there is no mature shipping force, the grain and grass may collapse!"

Of course that's what it said, but in fact, if you want to transport food and grass to Li Shimin and others, you can also do it by recruiting retired sailors and seamen to plan fishing.

But Li Tai understood that these trainees were the reserve forces of Li Dejian's fleet, if Li Dejian committed some crime accidentally and the entire army was wiped out, he at least had the possibility of being on top of the army.

It is worth mentioning that the naval battle between Datang and Goguryeo basically ended when the Goguryeo ships were ambushed.

Even if these students continue to follow Li Dejian, at most they will only gain experience in landing battles, which is of no benefit to naval battles.

It would be safer to let them transport supplies later, after all, Li Tai is not optimistic about Li Dejian's strength.

Not to mention someone as famous as Li Jing, his son has almost no reputation, which in itself makes Li Tai suspicious of Li Dejian.

Not to mention that Li Dejian is still playing the navy, which is usually quite high-maintenance, but it is likely to be completely scrapped in a war. Of course, the most important thing is that Li Dejian has no legion talent, so it is better to be careful.

Li Dejian naturally didn't know what Li Tai was thinking, but no matter what he said, Li Tai finally helped him solve the problem.

So Li Dejian thanked Li Tai, and then took Tian Changgeng to choose some corvees who knew water skills.

Of course, these are big things, but in reality, as the logistics of the entire army, things are still very trivial.

Therefore, 500 people were directly transferred from the Department of Mathematics of the Agricultural University to specialize in counting, relying on the large number of people to handle things in an orderly manner.

Tang Junbing pointed directly at Goguryeo. At this time, the Goguryeo people were not unaware, but the internal conflicts in Goguryeo were also chaotic.

In particular, Datang's gesture of a nationwide crusade put a lot of pressure on Goguryeo. After all, not being afraid of Datang psychologically is not the same as not being afraid of Datang in reality.

At least if they are not afraid of Datang at all, then there is no need for Goguryeo to build that city.

"Father, Datang's army has gathered in Youzhou, and the number of border spies has increased a lot. It seems that Datang is coming for real this time!"

Boy Yuan's face was serious, and his complexion was even paler, but boy Yuan looked at Yuan Gai Suwen, and his heart became more at ease after all.

No matter how you say it, at least as long as your father is still alive, then you won't panic.

Hearing what Boy Yuan said, Yuan Gai Suwen looked sternly, "How about the decree that you issued to give priority to the army? How is it being implemented? All food is forcibly recruited and given priority to the army?"

"It has been announced, but the royal family represented by the Gao family and other noble families are quite resistant to this matter!"

Boy Yuan couldn't help but sweat beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. He didn't complete the task this time.

But it is normal to have difficulty in carrying out this task.

After all, if you want to dispatch all resources to the army, it is strange that the local gentry who originally controlled these resources did not object.

And Yuan Gai Suwen said, "It's okay, Gao's power is mainly in the first generation of the Great Wall Defense Line, and the power in Pyongyang is not strong.

The Treasure King Gao Zang does not really hold power in our hands. The people who are really in charge of the Gao family are Gao Yanshou and Gao Huizhen.

Our policies are beneficial to them, as long as they still have Goguryeo in mind, they will definitely not oppose me at this time! "

"That's right. Now that the Tang Dynasty is invading, Goguryeo is in danger of being overthrown at any time. This Gao family should also know that Goguryeo is his Gao family's country. If they don't care about this country, no one cares about it!" Boy Yuan praised road.

Yuan Gai Suwen glanced at his son, nodded and said, "How many troops did the Great Tang dispatch to crusade against our country this time.

Let the Gao family try it, if they win, food is their shortcoming, we have food in our hands and the owner of the country, we can still handle them.

If we lose, we can also know what happened to Datang.Therefore, it is enough to assist Gao as much as possible to strengthen the defense line. "

"Aye, your plan is really brilliant!" Boy Yuan could not help but praise Yuan Gai Suwen.

Yuan Gai Su Wen glanced at his son, instead of the joy in Yuan Boy's eyes, he couldn't help frowning.

Because Yuangai Suwen had to admit that in fact, he hoped to integrate the power of the entire Goguryeo country.

It's not like dividing Goguryeo into two parts now, one part is the royal Gao family, and the other part is the person in power.

This made Yuan Gai Suwen never let go of his worries about the Great Wall. After all, if the entire Great Wall defense line was breached, Goguryeo would inevitably have to retreat to the south of Dahang City. As for Dahang City itself, it was completely hopeless.

It has to be said that the timing of Datang's move was really cruel. First, he used tactics to cause his entire Goguryeo to lack food, and then he attacked Goguryeo when he had not fully grasped the power of Goguryeo.

Although this made him and Gao's forcibly bonded together, Yuan Gai Suwen understands that this kind of forced bonding still has internal friction, and it may break out at any time.

At least as long as Li Tang defeats the Gao family, the Gao family is likely to surrender, and if the Gao family surrenders, then these Goguryeo gentry are likely to surrender.

As for himself, because he was the main target of Li Tang's crusade, there was no room for him to surrender, so Yuan Gai Suwen couldn't help but clenched his fist when he wanted to go here.

Yuan Gai Suwen knew that the defense system of the Great Wall to the north of Dahang City was all built by Gao Jianwu of the previous generation, and all of them were used by members of the Gao clan, so he could not command a single person in the past.

Otherwise, what I should do now is to concentrate my troops to defend the Great Wall defense line, but because of the conflict between myself and the Gao family, it is impossible for me to send troops directly, because the Gao family itself will not allow my soldiers to station there.

Therefore, although Yuan Gai Suwen didn't really want to borrow a knife to kill someone when he confronted Li Shimin, there was no way out of the situation.

The Gao family's power is deeply rooted, and they will never allow themselves to enter the Great Wall defense line. Similarly, if the Great Wall defense line is completely breached by Datang, then the Tang army can reach Dahang City directly, and there is no need for him to rescue him.

Yuan Gai Suwen couldn't help but took a deep breath, and had to say that facing Datang, he still needed to consider how to adjust the employment problem within Goguryeo, while thinking about how to deal with Li Tang, Yuan Gai Suwen's hair has also turned gray these days .

What makes Yuan Gai Suwen even more worried is that because the Goguryeo water army is completely damaged, he needs to always pay attention to whether there will be a water army suddenly coming to kill him on the sea.

Because of the lack of food, it is impossible for Yuan Gaisuwen to deploy heavy troops on the river bank for defense, so it is necessary to leave enough defenders in Pyongyang to deal with possible dangers.

"You let those guys who claim to be noble families hand in five hundred shi of grain per clan, and order the whole city to expel all those who don't have any children in the army from Pyongyang City!" Yuan Gai Suwen said in a deep voice .

"This... my lord, if this is the case, at least half of the people in Pyongyang will be expelled!" Boy Yuan couldn't help saying.

"Now is the time when the country is in peril. If there are men in the family, they should serve the country with their own lives. If they don't have this idea, they will be unstable if they stay in the city. It's better to expel them!" Yuan Gai Suwen said seriously ,

"Just tell them, it's Li Tang who is to blame, who let them buy a lot of corn and make us Goguryeo people unable to survive.

And who let Li Tang come to attack, we made me Goguryeo will perish.

At this moment, we should take the country first, sacrifice our family, and make the country whole! "

"No!" Boy Yuan took a deep breath when he heard Yuan Gai Suwen's words, and replied.

Yuan Gai Suwen looked at Boy Yuan's unwilling face, sighed, and said slowly, "Boy.

I know this is an attack on my own people, but you have not seen the hardships when I, Goguryeo, resisted the Sui Dynasty.

These current policies are inconceivable to you who have been in peace for so long, but if our small country wants to deal with the Tang Dynasty, it must be prepared to be destroyed.

Otherwise, a big country like Datang would not care about our small country crying. "

Boy Yuan struggled a bit on his face, and said in a deep voice, "Why does Da Sui want to beat us, and Da Tang wants to beat us too!"

"In their words, the land under our feet originally belonged to them. If they want to inherit the inheritance of the great man, they must recover the land that originally belonged to them!" Yuan Gai Suwen couldn't help saying,

"However, this piece of land has been the territory of our Goguryeo people since the Han Dynasty.

Now the Tang people say that this piece of land belongs to them, so take a knife and a sword and see the truth.

At the beginning, our Goguryeo was able to resist the Great Sui Dynasty, and now our Goguryeo can also resist the Great Tang Dynasty! "

"Father, we can definitely do it!" At this time, Yuan boy also said in line.

"Urgent report, urgent report!" But a messenger from outside hurried over to the door and knelt down.

"What's the matter?!" Yuan Gai Suwen said in a deep voice.

"Li Shiji, the vanguard of the Tang army, led the Tang army to cross the Liaoshui River and break through Gaimu City. The more than [-] stones of grain stored in the city were all obtained by the Tang army!"

Yuan Gai Suwen took a deep breath, suppressed the blood that he almost spat out, and said in a deep voice:

"Send an order to let Gao Yanshou and Gao Huizhen know about this matter, and order them to go to support Anqing City."

When Yuan Gai Suwen said this, he glanced at the boy Yuan and said:
"Go ask Gao Zang for a will, let him understand that his Gao family is about to disappear!"

"No!" Boy Yuan said quickly.

Yuan Gai Suwen glanced at the gradually setting sun, and couldn't help praying secretly in his heart: "May Emperor Yan bless Goguryeo!"

 Goguryeo really believed in Emperor Yan, which is a proof of the branch civilization of Han civilization.

  In addition, this chapter is over, and I don't seem to owe anything this month, er, er, no debts!
(End of this chapter)

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