Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 505 New Shennong

Chapter 505 New Shennong

"May the Emperor of Agriculture bless you!" Several groups of students from the agricultural college looked at the swamp in front of them and prayed instinctively.

People always want to rely on them. If there are gods, they will worship the gods, and if there are no gods, they will worship the ancestors.

As a student of an agricultural school, he naturally and instinctively worshiped Shennong's Emperor Yan.

It's just that with Li Tai's implementation of various policies to the whole country, wherever the Agricultural Society opened, the local Nonghuang Temple was particularly prosperous, and some people even built a temple for Li Tai, saying that it was the new Nonghuang.

For this reason, some students from agricultural colleges feel that this matter is taboo, so they are told not to do it.

But the people were very simple, and said directly: "I think that the King of Wei is the Emperor of Agriculture, why don't we set up a temple to worship!"

The students of the school educated the common people: "Emperor Yan Shennong's family made Leisi, planted five grains, and laid the foundation of agriculture and industry. They are sages."

The common people also replied to the students: "The Moke of the school manufactures farm tools and promotes fine seeds, so that we can have a bumper harvest every year."

The students of the school said to the common people: "Shen Nong is a city in the middle of the day, to the people of the world, gather the world's goods, trade and return, everyone gets what he wants!"

The people also replied to the students: "The king of Wei established a water transportation system, dredged the world's materials, and gathered them in Chang'an and Luoyang. The most important thing is that it is rumored that he has the ability to turn stones into gold, and he can use up the world's wealth. Based on this, we should build a temple of wealth." Bar."

The students of the school felt a little bit at a disadvantage, and said again: "Shen Nong used hemp as cloth, and the people wore clothes, so that the people could get rid of ignorance and move towards civilization."

The people also replied: "The king of Wei first produced down feathers, then invented cotton clothes, and later bought hair from foreign people to make cotton clothes, which can also make our family have clothes. Isn't this inheriting the ambition of Shennong?"

Agricultural students, originally wanted to say that Shennong cut wood into a bow and used it to prestige the world, but thinking about Wei Wang's steel armor, Wang Xuance's defeat of Tubo was deliberately promoted by the court. Many people know that Li Tai made a shield armor.

Then they thought that Shennong had made pottery, so that the people could improve their lives and save things.

But I think that since the king of Wei has built blast furnaces that are enough to be called fathers in recent years, basically the daily necessities have been upgraded to iron products as much as possible. As for improving the living conditions of the people in the Tang Dynasty, isn't this what the king of Wei has always admired? !
As for Shennong's taste of herbs, the king of Wei did not do it, but the current medical system was created by the king of Wei.

Even a genius doctor as powerful as Sun Simiao is just the manpower for King Wei to realize his plan.

To be honest, it may be a little slower to change other doctors, but realistically speaking, it will not affect the birth of this system.

The students of the agricultural school who were forced to the wall finally thought that "Shen Nong made a five-stringed harp to entertain the common people, and the virtues of heaven and earth, and the harmony of outstanding people!" King Wei can only be regarded as a beginner in music, but how good his music is, This is unrealistic!
But the common people rolled their eyes, and said, "The king of Wei just made the qin, and the real player who played the qin was Lu Lesheng. If there was no Wei king, Lu Lesheng could have written "24 Solar Terms Song", "Wheat Planting Song", "Cotton Sowing Song" "Songs like that?!"

Faced with the plausible words of the common people, the students of the Agricultural Society retreated gorgeously. Whoever cares about who cares, I have surrendered to the enemy.

Even the more they discussed with the people, they couldn't help but feel that King Wei must not be the reincarnation of Shennong.

I didn't feel much when I didn't pursue it before, but now the more I think about it, the more I feel that Wei Wang is like Shennong.

And a very important point is that Shennong himself is the leader of China, and is called the existence of Emperor Yan by later generations.

Now that he was reincarnated and reincarnated as the king of Wei, so he became the new god of agriculture, so it is reasonable for the king of Wei to become the new emperor.

This kind of view suddenly spread more widely after the prince's mental illness suddenly wanted to rebel.

After all, normally speaking, King Wei is really the reincarnation of Shennong, how could he be just the second prince, he must be the prince!

But after the prince's rebellion, those who believed that Li Tai was the reincarnation of Shennong naturally had plausible arguments. The king of Wei must be the reincarnation of Shennong. Otherwise, how could the prince fall ill and rebel?

Then, there are more and more people worshiping Nonghuang or Yandi in agricultural colleges, especially when they are assigned to choose jobs every year.

Li Tai knew about this, because after Li Chengqian knelt down, his monarch talent rose for some reason, and even provided him with a lot more free mental power, so Li Tai also sent someone to investigate. .

Then Li Tai found out about the common people and the students from the Agricultural Institute going to worship the God of Agriculture. To be honest, Li Tai didn't stop it.

For the common people, this is a simple gratitude to themselves. As for the colleges of agricultural universities, it is not normal for them to pay homage to Shennong before taking exams or choosing a career.

After all, they are going this way, of course they have to pay homage to the patriarch.

I have done this kind of thing in school before, and I understand the mentality of students in agricultural colleges.

Think about when people will seek immortality and worship Buddha. The main reason is to have a spiritual sustenance when they are confused about the future, even if it is illusory.

If there are a large number of people doing this kind of thing, should the politicians ask themselves whether they are being too harsh on these people, instead of telling them compulsively that it is wrong to pray to gods and Buddhas, and it is bad for your life Totally pointless.

Are these things meaningful and the parties themselves don't know? !
It seems that these agricultural colleges now talk about the protection of the Emperor of Agriculture, but keep silent about the protection of the Emperor of Agriculture. Could it be that they really expect Li Tai to protect them?

It's just to let my confused future have more sustenance and more harvest.

Now these students, after Li Shiji led his soldiers across the Liaoshui River, they were ordered by the agricultural college to go north.

Needless to say, all kinds of survival items in the wild are equipped for this march. What is more important is that each team of students has arranged a soldier to guard their safety. In addition, there are some geomancy masters who don’t know if they are Taoists or not in the team. .

In addition to guarding against the tribes and clans in the Youzhou area, guards are more important to guard against various dangers in the wild.

After all, it is normal for the Northeast to meet a few Siberian tigers lying down on the road. It is impossible for the students to see them with a sliding shovel and fight head-on with the Siberian tigers.

And Li Tai's request is also very simple, that is, to investigate Liaoshui and Nashui, and bring back the local soil.

After all, if you want to develop the Northeast, you must have a general understanding of the land here, and you need to have a rough estimate of the investment here.

Li Tai knew that the Songnen Plain in this era had probably just transformed from semi-frozen soil to swampy land.

It is not easy to develop this kind of land, but swampy land is better than frozen land after all.

At least I can't even build roads on the frozen ground. In the swamp, I can build roads after all!
Li Tai knew very well that if this piece of land could not be developed within this period of time, then the feudal dynasties would not expect to develop this area in the future. It is better to wait until industrialization or the next global warming before developing it.

But in this area, it really doesn’t matter what you want. It is unrealistic for individuals to invest. Only when the country or national capital invests and develops this area for one or two generations can it get enough fruitful results.

Li Tai wanted Li Shimin to develop this area, more or less he needed a reason.

Therefore, letting the students from the agricultural college investigate and complete the entire water system, and then send the soil, and use the agronomy society as a guarantee, should be able to make Li Shimin pay attention to the development of this area.

But if he wants to make Li Shimin feel valued further, then he needs to think of a way more or less.

Of course, all of this is to kill Goguryeo before this plan can be carried out.

Under such circumstances, Li Tai sent these students away one after another and stopped paying attention to them.

After all, the capture of Goguryeo was the most important thing for him, and Li Shiji, who was the vanguard, had finally made a move.

Turning back the time, Li Shiji led his cavalry all the way to Liucheng in Yingzhou. When they were about to set off, all the soldiers were full of pride.

But when they arrived at Liucheng, all the soldiers in this group had already carried an iron pot on their backs, which looked like a tortoise shell.

Anyway, no one knows the combat effectiveness of the army, but the appearance of the army is quite recognizable.

Even so, Li Shiji still asked the soldiers to carry the iron pot on their backs.

Because in Li Shiji's opinion, this thing is really a magic weapon on the march. When you want to eat hot food, you can eat it directly, and even carry it behind your back, maybe it can resist arrows.

When the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty marched, they basically ate cold food. If such things as hot food were not set up and defended, they would basically not be able to eat them.

The very important reason is that the army may bring some pottery with it, but it is almost impossible to bring an iron pot.

After all, Datang's steel export first needs to satisfy equipment weapons, and then needs to satisfy agricultural tools. Things like iron pots can even be regarded as luxury goods, or in other words, such things as iron pots should not have appeared in Datang.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that even if iron pots are made, many of them are cast iron pots.

The production technology of this kind of pot comes from pouring molten iron, but the iron is not fine enough, there are many sand holes, and the weight is heavy. The most important thing is that it is quite resistant to burning, and burning holes are common.

Often the pot that burns through a village can often support the profession of a tinker, and even live a good life.

However, after Li Tai made steel in the blast furnace, a large amount of steel needed a place to go, so he built a batch of iron pots.

It was originally for trading with the aliens in the north, and Li Tai didn't mind even if they melted down the boiler and went to make iron.

After all, if they don't master the technology, they will soon find out that it is obviously a steel base, but it may be ordinary iron when it is burned.

But this thing is brought into the army. To be honest, the use of this thing is not very extensive.

Because the army has a group of soldiers, it is enough to bring a certain number of large iron pots, but it is enough to keep a few on hand. It is useful, but it is also limited.

But for those cavalry or scouts who often eat and sleep in the wild, under the condition of ensuring their own safety, the iron pot can allow them to drink a sip of hot soup, which can better ensure the morale and physical strength of the soldiers.

In addition, this thing is made of iron, because Li Tai used it personally, and specially reduced the width, which is about the same as a human's back. What about arrows!
Therefore, after Li Shiji discovered this thing, he decisively changed his soldiers' outfits and just carried them on their backs.

But at this moment, Li Shiji, who came to Liucheng, was always carefully looking at the battlefield in front of him. Li Shiji looked at Li Daozong and said,

"In the first battle, if we want to win beautifully, we need to show off our Datang army's demeanor!"

"What do you want to do?" Li Daozong glanced at Li Shiji, always felt that the first time he saw him, he felt very similar to that guy Li Jing. Although his face was calm, he was actually full of bad water.

Li Shiji said: "The entire Goguryeo Great Wall defense line, the first city on the front line, is the most important Gaimu City.

This city is regarded as the core of Goguryeo's front line, no matter how it needs to be pulled out, the Datang army will be considered to have a gap! "

"How do you want to take this city!" Li Daozong watched Li Shiji start planning, but he didn't mind at all and chose to listen to Li Shiji's words.

After all, Li Daozong knew himself, and if he went to the battlefield, he would know how to kill, but if he really wanted to make a battle plan, Li Daozong would rely more on his intuition!

"Because of the king of Wei, in fact, the vanguard of our army is rarely affected by food, so we can send troops to bypass the Han River from the upper reaches, and then..." Li Shiji said, he couldn't help but pause here,
"Then raid Gaimu City?!" Li Daozong said excitedly.

"We haven't fought against them, so they don't know anything about our strength." Li Shiji said,
"So we need you, General Li, to demonstrate our strength all the way, so that the attention of Gaimu City will be attracted to you.

I will take advantage of the situation to disrupt their rear arrangements and disrupt their military orders.

Then when needed, join hands with you, attack back and forth, and break through the city together! "

"I'm upright, why are you surprised?" Li Daozong asked Li Shiji curiously.

Li Shiji pointed out, "Our understanding of Goguryeo is actually not much, so in the early stage of the confrontation, we need to collect as much information as possible. I want to go to the back of Goguryeo to explore the reaction of Goguryeo's entire system!"

"I know!" Li Daozong nodded and said, "I will learn from the sage, and drag some branches and leaves behind the sluggish horse, so that it looks as if our elites are still here.

As long as the Goguryeo people dare not run too close to observe, I believe they will be confused to some extent.

But when the war starts, the exact number of people I have will definitely be revealed. At that time, I'm afraid you have to be careful! "

"Please rest assured, Prince Li, I won't be caught by Goguryeo so easily!" Li Shiji said confidently.

Li Daozong nodded, but didn't say anything more, he just carried out Li Shiji's order.

To be honest, this was also during the Zhenguan period, so the generals more or less had the habit of going to the front line in person to formulate battle plans based on their own observations.

Otherwise, just because I wanted to find out the reaction and information of the entire system of Goguryeo, I would put myself in danger, which is really not in line with the habits of a commander in chief of an army.

But thinking about how Li Shimin himself conducts investigations, it is normal for General Zhenguan to have such bad habits.

The two made a plan, and soon Li Daozong stayed behind and continued to lead the army to bluff, but Li Shiji personally led his troops to the north, crossed the Han River, and ran directly to the rear of Goguryeo.

(End of this chapter)

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