Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 540 The plan hidden under the plan

Chapter 540 The plan hidden under the plan
"The location where the canal flows must be close to the coal mine first, followed by the iron mine. It would be great if there are both!"

Li Tai looked at Fan Yuefeng, and said to Fan Yuefeng quite solemnly.

"Do coal mines have to be given priority?" Fan Yuefeng said with some helplessness when he heard Li Tai's words.

"If so, I'm afraid we need to set up a team to conduct a detailed survey of this area!"

"Must! Without coal as an energy source, I believe that the Northeast can be developed, but I don't believe it if it wants to develop prosperously!"

Li Tai said seriously when he heard Fan Yuefeng's words, "So coal resources are very important."

"Does King Wei have any extra plans?" Li Chunfeng couldn't help asking, looking at Li Tai's serious expression.

To be honest, Li Chunfeng knew Li Tai well, and to a certain extent, he watched Li Tai step by step from a prince who started a mansion at a young age. People can compete with the king of Wei.

So Li Chunfeng understands best that King Wei habitually hides the truth when planning.

Often the superficial projects proposed by the king of Wei are often a ten-year plan or a 20-year plan, but in fact this is just a pit for a greater plan in the future.

King Wei's agricultural school seems to be spreading agronomy, but it made King Wei focus on the subdivided power field of exile officials, so that King Wei's own decrees could even bypass the bureaucratic system and enforce them when they were in the local area.

On the surface, Wei Wang’s grass seeding plan only changed the way of life of the aliens, but he was in Youzhou and knew clearly that all the aliens who tried the grass seeding route basically behaved more and more similarly to the Han people.

The king of Wei succeeded in Sinicizing the foreign races around the Tang Dynasty. When the people of this generation die, or even after Xue Yantuo perishes, the nomads will probably disappear around the Tang Dynasty, and new Tang people, who are animal husbandry, will appear in their place.
And the fishing plan was arranged even before the establishment of the Agricultural Academy, which created the current Datang Navy, and it doesn't matter even if the Datang Navy has no opponents after killing Goguryeo.

Because there are already too many people in Youzhou who need to rely on catching sea fish to survive. Even if Datang no longer invests money, the people of Youzhou will continue to invest money spontaneously to build bigger boats and catch more fish.

In particular, the people of Goguryeo are arranged here. It is impossible for Datang to transport food for them every year.

In order to survive, they had to ask the sea for food. If anyone made them unable to eat, there would be chaos here.

Therefore, from the matter of King Wei, it can be seen that the plans that King Wei said publicly were only to lay the foundation for the real purpose of King Wei in the future.

Layer after layer, when the real target is discovered in the future, King Wei himself has become a trend, and people have to follow King Wei.

So Li Chunfeng believes that Li Tai must have other plans, but he is short-sighted and can't see it.

When Li Tai heard Li Chunfeng's words, he glanced at Li Chunfeng in surprise, wondering if his thoughts could be seen so easily now?

But I can't say that I intend to promote the development of society towards the era of industrial revolution, can he understand?

Li Tai couldn't help complaining, but still tried to explain, "Well, because the cities in the northeast are a bit too cold!"

"Is it not suitable for people to live because of the cold? Wei Wang is really a kind man!" Li Chunfeng couldn't help but sigh.

"Strictly speaking, because it's too cold, people stay at home in winter, which is not conducive to their work.

We in Datang need people who work hard. If the external environment is not suitable for work, then we must create an environment suitable for them to work! "

At this moment, Li Tai showed the face of a capitalist.

As far as Li Tai is concerned, he does not know that it is impossible for ordinary people to work 24 hours a day, but if possible, he really hopes that ordinary people can continue to work.

And the Northeast must rest in winter, otherwise what should I do if I get frostbite!
To some extent, although real capitalists exploit labor as much as they want, they also cherish labor very much.

For example, a foreign capitalist who invests and builds a factory in Shanghai has to pay taxes on his wages in the factory, social security is a must, and commercial insurance can even protect his family. Interests.

The same is true for Li Tai, although Li Tai wishes they could work 24 hours a day, but honestly speaking, Li Tai still doesn't want them to lose their lives.

Because Li Tai knows very well that as long as things like industrialization are involved, they really don't treat the common people as human beings.

On this point, Li Tai still has a little conscience, at least he doesn't want to kill anyone.

Hearing Li Tai's words, Li Chunfeng couldn't help sighing, "Wei Wang is kind!"

There is no way, people have completely different concepts of people. For Li Tai, people still see each other as human beings more or less, and they still have the word human rights in their heads more or less.

But for Li Chunfeng, a bureaucrat in the feudal Tang Dynasty, in the eyes of these people, having people in his heart is already a very good official.

Not to mention that in the eyes of the vast majority of officials, King Wei is too kind. Not only did he let the corvee work subsidize food and wages, but now he is thinking about changing the living environment of the corvee.

Normally speaking, it shouldn't be to let the corvee work, there is no death in God's will, and it will be dragged down to death. How can anyone actually think about changing the living environment of the corvee.

This is not a great benevolent person, who is a great benevolent person.

It can only be said that even the most brutal capitalists want you to live and exploit your interests, but for the bureaucrats in the feudal era, they didn't care about your life at all.

Hearing Li Chunfeng's exclamation, Li Tai blushed slightly even with Li Tai's face, thinking in his heart that Li Chunfeng must not be mocking himself.

Don't say that my behavior is in the 21st century, even in the [-]th century, maybe I will be hung on the street lamp, but now Li Chunfeng sees himself as a good person, Li Tai can't help but sigh.

However, Li Tai knew that his real purpose was to push Datang into the industrial revolution.

And I put my hope on the northeast side, because my life span is limited after all!
The development of the steam engine really needs monsters like geniuses to speed up its progress.

Otherwise, from the original steam balloon to Watt's improved steam engine, it has spanned almost sixteen centuries. What a desperate distance!
Therefore, Li Tai doesn't expect to be able to produce the Watt steam engine when he is alive, and even if he does, he wants to promote the steam engine to be accepted by the whole society, and he may not have such a life span for him.

Needless to say, how long has it been since I saw the Shinkansen in Japan in the second generation, and now the bullet train has become a business card of China? Even if Li Tai invented the steam engine and wants to promote it nationwide, I am afraid that he will not have that time. .

So I need a place, and this place needs to have enough food to have enough full-time people.

This place needs to be sparsely populated, so the labor cost will be high enough that they have to use steam engines to replace labor.

This place needs to be rich in resources, at least the initial energy of the steam engine can be solved locally.

This place needs convenient transportation, which can speed up the turnover of materials, especially the update and iteration of technology.

This place needs commercial development, so that the things produced by this place through machines can be dumped to the whole of China.

This place needs to be easy to defend, at least if he is gone, he can use the terrain to resist the counterattack of the old era.

That's right, Li Tai secretly prepared artifacts for them to compete with the central government in the place where the Tang Dynasty was most likely to rebel, and left a seed of industrialization.

There is no way, a place that is too rich will not have a sense of crisis. Even if you leave a rich inheritance, I believe that future generations will just lie on their own inheritance and enjoy the rich materials instead of trying to find ways to make progress.

Because this is human nature, and it is the inevitable inertia of a centralized government.

Because the pursuit of centralization is stability, but all the progress of science and technology actually brings about a kind of damage to the existing social relations. Some people can follow the trend, but more people are directly buried by the trend. .

This is the reason why I do my best to develop Northeast Asia, if my future plans for the Chinese cultural circle fail.

Then I left a Central Plains civilization with its own heritage, and a Northeast Asian civilization with the seeds of industrialization. It doesn’t matter who annexed the two civilizations, but after the war broke out, the new civilization based on these two civilizations, It is bound to absorb the advantages of the two civilizations and complete the industrialization of Chinese civilization.

After all, the development in Europe is still early, and the next is the era of Arabia, even if I want to participate, I can't participate.

Even if Datang is awesome, this damn distance also determines the gap between Datang and Europe. It can't be controlled, really can't be controlled.

And what I have to do is only two plans, one is the Chinese cultural circle plan represented by enfeoffment, if the enfeoffment system can be implemented, then naturally it is the best.

After all, as long as Chinese civilization can go out of Asia, then the future must belong to China.

And the method currently implemented in the Northeast is the backup of this plan. If it is impossible to obtain benefits from the world through enfeoffment, then the industrialization of the Northeast is a backup left by itself.

What is expected is that around the time from Song to Ming, China will be able to realize industrialization. After the unification is realized, in order to sell the goods brought by industrialization, the first step will be to promote the great voyage and get the ticket to the next era.

Of course, Li Tai also knew that no matter how far-sighted his calculations were, as time went by, the plan would definitely be distorted.

Even because of some heroes, his plan directly went bankrupt, after all, who knows what will happen in the future!
After all, before the appearance of the great man, no one believed that the same hand, from braids to bald men, could not even protect themselves, but in the hands of the great man, they could actually wrestle with the strongest empire at that time and play brilliantly.

It even made the eagle question the bald man, how did you last so long under this guy's attack.

Therefore, Li Tai is just doing his best. After all, the same card is in the hands of different people, and the upper limit of the play is really different!
Li Tai took a deep breath and looked at Wang Zhenru, but to Wang Zhenru,

"In addition, true Confucianism, you can try to absorb some local aliens and transform them into our Han people.

If there is a chance in the Northeast, I will immigrate here. After all, if I want to develop here, there are not enough people.

But the potential of this land itself requires you to explore as much as possible, at least in terms of human resources, I can't give you much help! "

"Zhenru understands!" Wang Zhenru nodded when he heard Li Tai's words.

To be honest, Wang Zhenru knew Li Tai's temper after working with King Wei for so many years.

Asking the King of Wei for money and supplies, as long as the matter is clearly stated, the King of Wei will easily approve it.

But if you want to ask Wei Wang for someone, it is extremely difficult, especially for the students of the agricultural college, one by one, they want to ask for more than one digit, and the report is sent back.

"I mean, there should be an agricultural school here!" Li Tai said with a serious expression.

"Isn't there an agricultural college in Youzhou?" Li Chunfeng couldn't help but said to Li Tai.

"It's still not enough!" Li Tai shook his head and said, "Especially after the real enfeoffment system is pushed away, like the students from agricultural colleges, it's not just you who are staring at it, I'm afraid those families who have become feudal states will be more concerned. stare at.

Therefore, if the Northeast wants to develop, it needs to have its own talent training system.

At the same time, there is an agricultural school here, which is also convenient for educating foreigners. After all, in the Northeast, it is inevitable to deal with foreigners! "

"The king of Wei really values ​​this place!" Li Chunfeng became more curious about Li Tai's ultimate goal after hearing Li Tai's words.

But Li Chunfeng didn't delve into it, but asked calmly, "Who is King Wei going to send here!"

To be honest, the impression that the Agricultural Academy is the direct line of the King of Wei has become a common knowledge of the government and the public.

What's more important is that the first principals of the agricultural colleges here and there have basically become the backbone of the court.

Therefore, if Li Tai establishes an agricultural school in Youzhou, then the candidate for the principal will definitely be valued by everyone.

After all, if there is a chance, who would not want such a thing as rising to the top!
"Let's talk when I get back to Chang'an. Although I intend to let Yan Qinli come over, I don't know if he is willing or not. Let's talk to him first!" Li Tai said slowly at this time.

"It's him!?" When everyone heard Li Tai's words, they suddenly realized something. After thinking about it for a while, they also felt that this guy seemed to be a suitable candidate.

(End of this chapter)

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