Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 541 The Welfare of the Corvée

As time passed, Li Shimin returned to Chang'an with the main force of the Tang Dynasty, followed by a large number of Goguryeo gentry and Goguryeo middle class.

Especially the treasure king of Goguryeo. I don’t know who told him what. Recently, he arranged for a teacher to let him learn the local dance of Goguryeo.

As for whether it was to entertain Li Shimin at future banquets, Li Tai didn't know.

However, in the face of the arrogance of the Tang Dynasty, these Goguryeo gentry officials dared not speak out, or they already had the most resentful object, such as the Goguryeo surrender faction represented by Gao Yanshou who was heavily used.

After all, everyone surrendered. If everyone was forced by Datang and dispatched to Datang, then everyone would only scold Datang, and even connect with each other to plan to overthrow Datang and restore Goguryeo.

Now, the guy who lost Goguryeo's national fortune because of the defeat, was reused by Datang instead. He was loyal to Goguryeo and became a prisoner of Datang. As long as he is a normal person, his heart must be unbalanced.

In fact, there were not many people who were forced to relocate with Datang, only about [-] households.

This includes almost all the upper class in Goguryeo, as well as a large number of rich peasant landlords and local wealthy families. Anyway, if you have land in your hands, you are guilty.

Of course, many local wealthy families are naturally unwilling, so they just push and kill them to avoid future troubles.

Then everything in their family was looted, except the land that could not be taken away was taken away by Li Tai silently.

The local wealthy families who know current affairs register with Li Tai. How much land do you have? After arriving in the four counties of Hexi, you will be given the corresponding land in proportion. How much wealth you have is transformed according to Li Tai. How much is the ticket for you.

After all, they are bereaved dogs and subjugated slaves. They have no human rights. It is quite respectable for Li Tai to do so.

As for their desire to resist, it is unrealistic for the middle class to resist.

With Goguryeo's upper echelon all in one pot, they simply don't have enough prestige leaders to bring them together.

At the same time, Tang Jun's care for the people at the bottom made the people at the bottom not want to follow them against Datang.

It's very simple, if you follow Datang even if you move bricks, you can have food, but if you follow you, you want to snatch the last bit of food in your pockets, which makes it impossible for the common people to follow them to rebel against Datang.

After a winter, who is better to hang out with, for these common people, they must be clear in their hearts.

Some Goguryeo people even took the initiative to report, and then received an extra income.

In Li Tai's view, because the number of households in Goguryeo is more than 50, and it has not yet reached the historical peak of 69 households, it can only be said that Goguryeo has not yet grown to the extreme.

Among the more than 50 households, according to the [-]th rule, about [-] households are considered middle class.

Therefore, Datang also forcibly relocated [-] households, ensuring that no one would escape to the greatest extent.

Now Li Tang can accurately find [-] Goguryeo middle-class households. It is because they have land in their hands, and if they have land, they are middle-class. It is like the truth that whoever has a house that can rent out and can have extra income is middle-class.

The biggest difference between modern society and ancient society is that the people at the bottom of ancient society were eliminated as well.

In the eyes of bureaucratic landlords, their existence does not make much sense for them to occupy resources.

But it is different in the eyes of modern people. For capital, as long as you are alive and able to consume, then your existence is meaningful, because your consumption itself can create profits.

Therefore, from an economic point of view, the government will provide a certain degree of social security for grassroots personnel, because the population itself is an interest.

The middle class in modern society basically depends on whether you need to pay direct taxes.

It’s like when 500 yuan was required to pay taxes, there were almost 1.86 million people in the country who needed to pay taxes. When the amount of taxes increased to 5000 yuan, there were only 0.636 million people, and this number accounted for the total number of people in the country. It is about 4.5%.

Saying that these people are middle-class, some people will definitely complain, but that is the truth.

In fact, when policies are formulated at the national level, the ideal state is naturally to reduce the upper levels and supplement the lower levels.

But this is the same as anyone in the hall suing the official, the difficulty of operation is really not ordinary.

So in reality, it is the most common policy to make up for the bottom by cutting the middle class.

It will be directly taxed, at least at the national level, you are already a mature middle class with adjusted value.

Don't complain now, as the collision with Yingjiang will become more intense, it will make national or local financial difficulties, and the two groups of the middle class and the rich may have real estate taxes, inheritance taxes and capital interests. Weird taxes like income tax.

Of course, if Ying Jiang can serve wine and rely on the equipment of Bao Ying Jiang, then these policies will definitely be postponed.

But as long as we continue to survive, in order to change the economic structure and solve local debt or income problems, these policies will come out sooner or later.

No matter in any political system, the middle class is actually a particularly miserable class.

The meaning of existence is that you have worked hard from the bottom to the middle class, just for the smooth operation of the society as a whole, you need to be a sacrifice.

Back to the moment, let’s make an analogy between the two. Forcibly relocating 50 households out of more than 14 households, and [-] billion people paying taxes out of [-] billion, the actual ratio is also close.

The middle and upper classes of Goguryeo were basically wiped out, leaving a relatively clean environment.

Of course, this kind of thing can only be plundered by the victorious country against the defeated country. If you do this in your own country, let alone, your army may rebel, so this is the most troublesome thing in the world It is internal reform.

Because no one knows where their ass is sitting after this knife cut, or even what degree of turmoil it will cause.

After all, touching things like interests is more unforgettable than touching the soul.

When Li Shimin returned to Chang'an, it was Li Tai's hands and feet. Needless to say, let the various production enterprises in Youzhou start to produce 20 sets of farm tools first, and then there are various supporting livestock industries. Let them send the poor horses and mules to prepare tools for the spring plowing in Goguryeo.

Although, when Li Tai asked Fan Yuefeng to choose a location, he specifically chose some areas with less than enough arable land to supply a population of 5000 people, but as long as there is land, the people here will still take the initiative to develop these places.

And Li Tai also encouraged this matter, not allowing them to develop all these lands, so why would they give up!
Therefore, Li Tai will try his best to help them complete the agricultural reclamation, and even take the initiative to build the framework of the agricultural school, and take the children of these Goguryeo people to the Northeast Agricultural School to train them.

However, when Li Tai proposed to establish an agricultural college at the location of Beisha City, the surrendered Koguryo represented by Gao Yanshou was very supportive.

Needless to say, they took the initiative to send their school-age children here and showed their support with actions.

To be honest, Li Tai really wanted to complain about this scene.

Because in Li Tai's view, this group of guys came here to give protons to show their loyalty, not to really learn.

After all, the goal of this school is to train technical bureaucrats, not professional bureaucrats who really use the rules, so in fact it is a bit wasteful for these people to arrange their sons here.

But I really can't refuse, because if I refuse, I am afraid that I will think that I have some opinion on them in the hearts of these generals.

Li Tai couldn't help but feel a bit of a sigh, he couldn't accept it!

"King Wei." Wang Zhenru ran over and said, "The new chief of the Mohe tribe wants to arrange his son Qiqi Zhongxiang to the Northeast Academy. I dare not make decisions about this matter, so I come here and report it. I hope you will make a decision. decision."

"The Mohe clan?!" Li Tai couldn't help but fell silent when he heard Wang Zhenru's words, and he also understood Wang Zhenru's difficulty.

After defeating the Goguryeo army led by Gao Yanshou that day, the Tang army chose to treat and release the captured Goguryeo soldiers kindly in order to deter other foreigners from getting involved in the internal affairs between the Tang Dynasty and Goguryeo.

But all the soldiers of the Mohe tribe were beheaded and killed, and even cast into Jingguan to deter other alien tribes.

After all, the small country personally sent troops to interfere with the unification of the big country. It would be very polite not to kill the Mohe clan and replace the Tang Dynasty with such a thing.

And after such a servant army of the Mohe tribe was killed, it would be almost a devastating blow to any small nation.

Originally they lived well in the Northeast with their backs on Goguryeo, but now that Goguryeo was directly annihilated by the Tang Dynasty, and the land of Liaodong was conquered by the Tang Dynasty, the surrounding alien races stared at them, and they always had the urge to pounce on them. .

"We need to build canals, and we need a lot of labor. Let the Mohe tribe contribute [-] labor each year, then let this beggar Zhongxiang go to school!" Li Tai thought for a while, and said,

"We need to set a benchmark here and reassure the surrounding aliens.

At the same time, a white glove is also needed, since it is inconvenient for us Datang to come forward in the future, we just leave it to the Mohe tribe to do it. "

"I understand!" Wang Zhenru respectfully saluted Li Tai when he heard Li Tai's words, but didn't say much.

At least Wang Zhenru has no objection to Li Tai's choice to let the Tang Dynasty show a kingly posture, and then let the Mohe tribe do black work.

After all, as Wang Zhenru, who directly drives 20 corvée to work, and indirectly drives more than one million people, he has seen a lot of things, and he clearly understands the meaning of the black gloves of the Mohe tribe.

After all, Wang Zhenru also cooperated a lot with Wei Xu to force the people to relocate in order to allow the people to relocate.

Don't look at this guy's face as a gentleman, but for engineering, his wrists must be tough when they should be tough.

Now this matter is just handed over to the Mohe people, and other ethnic minorities just turn to the Mohe people for their grudges.

Our Datang Guanghui Weizheng, even if we want labor, we still pay for it. As for how these laborers come, it is not related to Datang.

After all, buying and selling slaves is not illegal in Datang, let alone buying and selling laborers!
"That's right!" Li Tai looked at Wang Zhenru and said, "Go and count the number of unmarried girls and widows who have reached childbearing age here in Goguryeo.

Then consciously spread that if the corvees are willing to stay here in Goguryeo to start a family, the government will give them land and wives and concubines. Of course, if they don’t want to stay, they won’t force it. "

"What does King Wei mean?" Wang Zhenru was a little surprised when he heard Li Tai's words.

And Li Tai said calmly, "The proportion of the population of foreign races here is too high, so it is only necessary for the Han people to stay here to improve their blood. Moreover, the development of this place in the future is a long-term project. After all, it is good to have more Han people here."

Although Li Tai keeps saying that Huaxia focuses on the inheritance of civilization and doesn't care about blood, but if possible, Li Tai still hopes that the proportion of Han blood can be more, and the blood of foreign races can be less.

After all, it is better for one's own side to take the initiative to integrate the blood of other nationalities than to invade the Han nationality and then Sinicize it.

"Zhenru understands!" Wang Zhenru nodded when he heard Li Tai's words, "Zhenru will go and count!"

To be honest, in ancient times, this kind of blind marriage, which was forcibly designated by the superior, was much easier to solve the problem of middle and lower-class men being unable to get married, and it was even regarded as a kind of welfare. There was no such thing as human rights or human rights, democracy or democracy. .

Because unless women are upper-class noble women, they can still have so-called dignity, but for lower-level women, their own existence is a kind of finance.

Even the pawn system in the remote areas of the Tang Dynasty still exists. It seems that if the landlord cannot give birth to a son, some poor families will rent their wives to the landlord. The money and the goods are cleared. If no son is born, then the lease will be for a certain number of years, and then return to the original home.

This operation is very common for low-level people.

Things like chastity are actually less valued in the era of lower productivity. As for the real influence of Cheng Zhu Neo Confucianism, it is also officials and rich peasants who have a certain ability to read. existing.

As for why poor and lowly couples can have wives, it is because human traffickers were against the law in ancient times, but buying and selling wives and concubines was acquiesced.

Therefore, Li Tai hopes to allow more Han people to stay by granting land and marrying wives.

But to be honest, Li Tai couldn't guarantee how many people would stay in the end.

In modern terms, the country has proposed the One Belt One Road strategy, and even if you settle in Yumen and other northwest regions, you can send a house and wife. After you have seen the prosperity of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, are you willing to stay in these places for the house and wife? More remote places with development potential in the future.

There must be some people who are willing and some people who are not. People themselves are unpredictable.

But for Li Tai, even if one more person stays, it will help the Sinicization of this place in the future.

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