Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 65 Battle Report

Chapter 65 Battle Report
"This medical camp is more useful than expected!" Li Shiji was also in the barracks, but he also said to Li Jing at this moment:

"Under their care, the proportion of soldiers who survived is as high as eight, and the proportion of soldiers who can return to the battlefield is seven.

With this ratio, the real casualties in each war can be greatly reduced, which is really good news.

It's a pity that on the offensive battlefield, their role was not brought into full play.

If it is in the battle of defending the city, the resilience of the defending fighters may be more than doubled! "

Leading troops to fight normally, even the top military god can't make the army unharmed.

Generally, after a large-scale confrontation, even the winner in a head-on fight will have at least a 5% death rate.

Injuries generally account for 15% to 20%, which leads to more than 20% of soldiers who are forced to leave the army.

One of the main reasons is that the treatment is not timely, leading to non-war attrition.

The main losses in general wars occur on recruits, and this is the most astonishing stage in which the number of soldiers is reduced.

But after passing the threshold of veterans of ten battles, they basically know how to protect themselves on the battlefield, and the probability of dying in battle is relatively small.

This kind of veteran is the favorite target of various legions. After all, this kind of person can form combat power when he comes to the legion.

For famous generals, the most important thing about the medical battalion is to reduce the number of soldiers who are forced to leave the army.

Although some people whose arms and legs were cut off may not be able to stay in the barracks, 7% of the wounded soldiers returned to the barracks.

And these people can basically be regarded as veterans after going through life and death, and the speed of growth is very amazing.

This not only makes it a matter of course to accumulate veterans who have survived ten battles, but even looking forward to the veterans who have survived hundreds of battles is no longer a delusion.

Li Jing raised his eyebrows when he heard Li Shiji's words, and said thoughtfully:

"It is indeed a remarkable invention.

It's just a pity that after the fight, you will return to Chang'an, you won't be able to keep it! "

"Huh?" Li Shiji asked slightly puzzled, "Aren't they the army?"

Li Jin replied: "It's not counted as an army. It's okay to train one or two, but it's not easy to train five hundred.

The military system of my Tang Dynasty is the Fubing system, and ordinary soldiers are not necessarily trained, let alone them!
Moreover, people were cultivated by King Yue's agricultural academy, and the important officials in the court were mature and prudent, and they would not be allowed to enter the barracks. "

"..." Li Shiji was stunned when he heard Li Jing's words, but also sighed helplessly.

It has to be said that both Li Jing and Li Shiji have brains, and they can tell a lot of things.

If it was a minister who invented this, then it’s easy to say anything, but if the king of Yue invented it, it would be fine for the important officials in the court to let the medical battalion accompany the army during the war, but they will never allow the medical battalion to be a permanent force in the army. of.

But looking at the effective results of the medical battalion, Li Jing felt that when the medical battalion appeared, it would become a force that cannot be ignored in the army.

"Leaving aside this, you commanded your army to resist the attack of Jieli Khan and the Turkic Tiger Division. Your army already has the talent of the army!" Li Jing looked at Li Shiji and asked.

"Decathlon." Li Shiji said calmly, "After coming to Bingzhou, I found that the soldiers here are very suitable for this talent.

This ability seems to be engraved in their bones, and after a little practice, this talent has been trained.

But if you want to continue to go down the road of talent, it's a road. If the road is too long, you can only rely on time to slowly endure it.

The emergence of the medical battalion made me feel that I can rely on veterans to accelerate the growth rate of the decathlon, which is somewhat hopeful! "

"Decathlon? Almighty and omnipotent, no explosive power, no shortcomings, no characteristics, but it can still be used in the pawn position.

As an elite unit, it feels a bit short of not having enough explosive power. I don’t know how far it can become a decisive unit. "

Li Jing commented on this unit, "You have placed a lot of money on such a troublesome unit!"

"The lack of strength of the arms will be made up by the generals, and the decathlon itself means that they have no obvious shortcomings, so although I only have one legion, I can mix it up, which is enough to face various situations on the battlefield. "

Li Shiji said confidently, "And this type of arms is not only used to train soldiers, but more like to train generals."

"Training generals?" Hearing Li Shiji's words, Li Jing couldn't help but be a bit puzzled, and said, "Why did you say that!"

Li Shiji said: "The decathlon talent is really mediocre, but at the same time it has a broad development direction.

If the basics of generals are lacking, fighters with this talent can be patient enough to supplement the basics of military training.

If you can really train the decathlon to the extreme, then you can basically cultivate the ability to modify the legion's talent according to your needs. "

"Interesting!" Li Jing said after hearing Li Shiji's words, "It's very similar to a type of army I saw in the south!"

"What kind of arms?" Li Shiji asked a little curiously.

"Yangzhou soldiers!" Li Jing thought for a while and said,
"When I was the chief governor of Yangzhou Metropolitan Government, there were often fights in the local area due to infighting over water or other resources.

If these people are selected and do not carry out appropriate targeted training, it is easy to develop synergistic talents.

At the beginning, Fu Gong Er's subordinates were mainly based on these soldiers.

This type of unit should be very strong when paired with an army formation. It is a unit that assists generals to quickly grasp the army formation. "

"Yangzhou soldiers?" Li Shiji was thoughtful, but unfortunately he was too far away from Yangzhou.

To be honest, Li Jing and Li Shiji felt a little bit of sympathy when they met. Whether it was their extraordinary military talents or their political attitudes, they were actually quite alike.

In terms of military affairs, although the entire Tang Dynasty can be regarded as a famous general, apart from Li Shimin, the only one who can really compare with Li Jing is Li Shiji.

Although Li Shiji's background is different from Li Jing's, so his foundation is much worse than Li Jing's.

But Li Jing felt that Li Shiji should be able to make up for the foundation that Li Shiji lacked by insisting on studying the decathlon's legion talent.

In ten or twenty years, Li Shiji will definitely become the most dazzling general in the Tang Dynasty.

The two continued to discuss for a while, and then went to deal with their own affairs.

Li Jing and the others counted the losses and gains, especially the role of the medical camp, and reported to Li Shimin.

Although Li Jing also knew that his writing about the role of the medical camp would definitely bring him some controversy, but the role of the medical camp was too high. As a commander, it was naturally impossible to turn a blind eye to it.

Moreover, in Li Jing's view, since the King of Yue can set up the medical camp alone, as long as the imperial court is willing to put a part of it into it, it is always possible to equip each legion with a medical camp of 500 people. .

But relatively speaking, the most important thing is to send someone to send Jieli Khan and the pseudo-Sui emperor to Li Shimin first.

The battle was fought like this, and the battle report was written casually. With Jieli Khan and the pseudo-Sui Emperor as spoils of war, Li Jing knew very well that his credit could not be erased no matter what.

This application for military exploits braved the severe cold all the way to Chang'an.

However, Chang'an was not peaceful at this time, and the annual imperial examination was about to begin.

Therefore, Li Tai's focus was to find a way to select some talents from those poor students who were not selected to enter the agricultural school.

In any case, compared to the first year, the future of the entire agricultural school is bleak. Now the agricultural school led by Li Tai is helping him manage Gaoling in an orderly manner, which can be said to be prosperous.

Ma Zhou, the section chief of the agricultural college, was elected by many prime ministers; Du Chuke also got an official position because of his management of Gaoling Wharf; Li Chunfeng followed Dou Jing to be promoted vigorously; Liu Shenwei took the medical battalion north to join the army, and might have military merits;

Even Yan Qinli, the most ordinary-looking head of the liberal arts department, is still sorting out and writing the documents in the library.

When the documents are sorted out, it is obviously another great achievement. Even if the court does not give face, this family will give face!
Under such circumstances, the originally unattractive agricultural college suddenly became a hot pot!

For the students who failed the rankings, even if they failed the scientific examination this time, it seems that going to an agricultural school is also a possible way to go.

It's just that after a year of operation, the agricultural college actually has no shortage of temporary workers.

But the end of the year is approaching, and for the development of the project next year, the agricultural colleges also have a need to expand enrollment in various subjects.

Li Tai planned to recruit [-] teachers, and [-] of them were going to set up a law department, which was meaningless, just to arm these students ideologically.

After all, they can only use it if they know the law, otherwise they will just be unilaterally hanged and beaten by others.

And the recruited teachers, the first year is the internship period, the salary can only get eight levels of normal teachers, and the salary of one of the regular teachers is about [-] shi grains and monthly salary twice a year.

In the Tang Dynasty, the salary of nine-rank officials consisted of Lumi and monthly salary that could be taken every year, which were the two most critical dead wages.

Later, they were called together for a long time, and they were called salary together.

Among them, Lumi is obtained according to the year, and the monthly salary is naturally obtained according to the month.

Using Li Chunfeng’s example as an official general at the time, he was a general official at the bottom of the official class in the Tang Dynasty, so he basically had 52 stones of Lumi every year, but his monthly salary was generally only 1.5 guan.

Of course, the monthly salary is not only directly paid, but sometimes fish, fruits and vegetables, soap, pens, ink, paper and inkstones are distributed, but the overall value is around the price of the monthly salary, and there will not be much change.

But for Li Tai, it is better to choose to send a little more money and find a way to let them spend it in Gaoling.

In addition to the monthly salary and Lumi, the remaining income is called "job field".

This is not linked to casual officials, but to "official officials". For officials with real positions, the imperial court will grant you land. You hire farmers to farm this land, but there is a limit on the rent per mu.

If you use a modern example as an example, it is a bit like when you are working with a job, the state grants you a house to rent out, and the rent of the house is part of your salary. You can exempt the tenants from renting, but the maximum amount cannot exceed a certain amount.

Another part is the strength class, which can be regarded as a supporting project for the corvee.

In addition to the need to hand in food, some people also have to work for the government as corvee.

And what the imperial court assigned to officials to guard their homes, guard their homes, stand guard and watch guards, and the guards who surrounded the officials when they entered and exited, were sometimes these temporary civilians who came to serve.

Still according to Li Chunfeng's example of Jiang Shilang, usually the imperial court will assign two of them to assist Li Chunfeng in handling chores in life, so that Li Chunfeng can concentrate on serving Datang.

But some of the servicemen are richer, or they don’t want to work under Li Chunfeng, or Li Chunfeng is used to being alone, so he takes the initiative to ask his superiors to get rid of these service men, and ask the court to give him a sum of money to finish the job.

This is the strength class.

Here is still adhering to the idea of ​​"zuyong modulation", the imperial court agrees, and the imperial court has stipulated the cost of force lessons.

Generally, it will not be too high, that is, about two hundred cash per month, and it will only give you two or three pennies a year.

Therefore, as a teacher here at Li Tai, it is a bit worse than officials from the ninth rank, but it is also very good to be able to compare with the officials from the ninth rank. .

Therefore, despite these conditions, these students who failed the ranking are still very excited, especially for those students from poor families who have no chance to succeed, it is really important to have a place to stay in Chang'an with food and housing.

And more importantly, because the Agricultural Academy was organized by the King of Yue, it definitely encouraged the teachers in the academy to take the scientific examination in the coming year.

For example, Section Chief Lu Cai heard that he was going to sign up for the exam again this year, and King Yue didn't stop him.

For students from poor families, the Great Tang Examination is unambiguous, so unless there are noble people who can help build momentum, otherwise it is really difficult to pass the test and enter the Great Tang Dynasty Hall. There are very few real poor students Those who can leap a carp over a dragon's gate.

Now there is another road opened up by Li Tai. Although it is a bit rough, it seems to be possible to walk.

So these poor students naturally have some thoughts and want to go around and see.

It's just that Li Tai knew that these failed students chose him back then, but now he chooses these failed students by himself.

I also conducted two exams for these students who failed the rankings. The first one was a math test, using the anonymous system and the transcription system.

Well, Li Tai just likes mathematics, and many of his plans need mathematics to support him, so from now on, Li Tai has grasped mathematics as the foundation, and those with better cultures can only say that he has no relationship with him.

All in all, [-] teachers were selected from them, and then the second time was to organize teachers of various subjects to conduct interviews.

After these two rounds of selection, more or less teachers can be recruited for each subject, and the rest is to ask one by one if they are willing to deploy according to their math scores, until all 400 teachers of their own are recruited.

This matter is naturally left to Lu Cai. He handles these messy things, but he can handle them in an orderly manner.

(End of this chapter)

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