Chapter 66
In addition to planning and preparing to harvest the leek-like students and examinees in January, Li Tai is also concerned about the docks and docks that have been left idle with the arrival of winter.

Because of the extreme cold this year, some parts of the Weishui River were frozen over. The impact of this naturally made the wharf that Du Chuke had been in charge of handling gradually decline.

To be honest, Li Tai had never thought of such a thing as the Weishui freezing, especially the freezing was not just a little bit, but a large area of ​​shoals and river sections covered by ice and snow, at least it would be impossible for ships to pass through. up.

Li Tai thought of ice skating, but there were not enough dogs, so he could only use a small number of sleds to keep the waterway running.

Other cities in Guanzhong no longer traveled to Gaoling by water, but began to travel by land.

The freezing of the river actually has a great impact on the people who rely on the wharf to work and eat.

Because there is no job, for these people who work every day and eat every day, it means that they have no food to eat.

Others don't know the potential of these proletarians, so doesn't Li Tai's know?
But fortunately, although the arrival of winter has brought many problems to me, it is not without some solutions.

For example, coal mining still needs manpower, and some people need to go. For example, construction workers are needed for the expansion of the school. If it is not possible, there is still the road from Gaoling to Chang'an.

Don't think that you can rest in winter. For the working class, there is no concept of winter storage.

But Li Tai was just doing the planning, and Ma Zhou was the one who did the real work. Hearing Li Tai's order, Ma Zhou was really spinning around.

Looking at the dark circles under his eyes, it was obvious that the sudden cold wind made Ma Zhou's workload gradually increase.

But even so, Li Tai still felt a little short of manpower.

Mining coal requires manpower, building roads requires manpower, farming requires manpower, and when the ice and snow melt in the spring of next year, manpower is needed at the pier...

The only good thing is that I have no plans to expand the farm, so there are enough people here.

The number of ducks and other poultry in the entire poultry farm is maintained at about 13.

Li Tai did not increase the scale of the farm, but chose to maintain this scale.

The coming of winter this time, although it will also have an impact on his farm, but the impact is not too great after all.

As for the current scale of only about 13, it's not that Li Tai doesn't want to continue to expand the farm, but that there is not enough feed!

Agricultural development is the basis for the development of animal husbandry. Without the prosperity of agriculture, it is difficult for animal husbandry to scale up.

Because if there is not enough breeding feed to feed them, let alone the plague or not, the sanitation is unhygienic, and it is impossible to increase the scale of breeding alone.

The reason why the ancient grassland people could only live a life of water and grass is because the local grasslands are not enough to eat.

And why modern animal husbandry is so developed, because modern pastures are mainly for cattle and sheep, and feeding cattle and sheep depends on feed!

The problem Li Tai encountered was the same. 13 poultry feed was already the limit of Li Tai's supply, and no amount of food would be able to sustain it.

As for raising some poultry, Li Tai breeds them only to leave seeds for later expansion of production capacity.

Therefore, before there is a large-scale increase in grain production, Li Tai only requires the development of animal husbandry to the current level.

As for higher standards, it's not that Li Tai doesn't want to, but the conditions don't allow it.

Again, when everything develops to a certain level, everyone will find that it is food, energy and basic materials that restrict the development of things in the end.

Just as Li Tai was summarizing something, a servant came to the agricultural school, hurried to find Li Tai and said:
"Having seen the King of Yue, Your Majesty announced that Sun Simiao, the genius doctor, will go to Cai Guogong's mansion to diagnose Cai Guogong!"

"What's wrong with Cai Guogong?" Li Tai said to the servant, somewhat surprised when he heard what the servant said.

"Cai Guogong was seriously ill yesterday, and today he can't even go to court today. The sage sent the imperial doctor to ask for a doctor today, but they couldn't find anything, so he asked the doctor Sun to go and have a look!" Did the servant quickly answer Li Tai? this news.

Li Tai also gave the waiter a red envelope, and immediately arranged a carriage for the waiter to take Sun Simiao over.

"Although I know that Du Ruhui seems to have passed away due to illness in the early days of Zhenguan, is it today's illness?"

Hearing these words, Li Tai felt somewhat heavy in his heart that life was free. Although Du Ruhui didn't seem to like him very much, he still hoped that Du Ruhui would be safe and sound like this Tang Dynasty elite who could become famous. .

Li Tai thought about it here and immediately went to Ma Zhou. Ma Zhou looked at Li Tai with a little helplessness in his eyes with dark circles. What happened now? He has been too busy for a long time and has no time to drink. !

"Cai Guogong suddenly contracted a serious illness, and the old god went to see Cai Guogong on order!" Li Tai said looking at Ma Zhou.

"Duke Cai Guo suddenly fell ill?!" Ma Zhou woke up suddenly when he heard this, and exclaimed,

"The time of Zhenguan is difficult, but fortunately there are two good ministers in the court, "Fang Mou Duan" to assist the saints.

Cai Guogong contracted a serious disease, which is not good news for my Tang Dynasty! "

"I plan to arrange a physical examination for all officials, teachers and students in our Gaoling area to check their physical condition!" Li Tai looked at Ma Zhou and said, "Especially because you spend all day with fine wine and often go to Xiangmanlou, you must something wrong!"

"No need!" Hearing Li Tai's words, Ma Zhou struggled a few times and said,

"I think I'm fine, and Liu Shenwei left with the medical camp.

This matter should wait until Liu Shenwei returns, let him handle it! "

"Indeed, it's better to leave this matter to Liu Shenwei." Li Tai rubbed his chin and said,
"Before the Chinese New Year, you arrange a day for the old god to come and see the people in charge of all the important positions in our Gaoling area.

You are only allowed to devote yourself to work if you let the old god personally check you and confirm that you have nothing to do! "

"Okay..." Ma Zhou's expression was somewhat reluctant, after all, he was somewhat taboo about practicing medicine.

But Ma Zhou also knew that this was Li Tai's kindness, so he agreed to whatever he said was impossible to refuse.

At this time, Ma Zhou was concerned about feeling uncomfortable, and whether he would drag a group of people into the water along the way, and said with a serious face:

"My lord, let Gao Ling inspect it now, but it's just Xiaoren. As the king of Yue, your lord should focus on the overall situation to show your benevolence!"

"What do you mean?" Li Tai looked at Ma Zhou's words, which seemed to make sense.

"Because of Cai Guogong's matter, you can write to His Majesty to ask the Imperial Medical Office to conduct a physical examination for all civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

As the saying goes, it’s not too late to make up for it, the matter of Cai Guogong happened today, but did the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty discover it? "

Ma Zhou said to Li Tai, "Speaking of it in detail, it seems that General Zuo Wuwei often falls ill, so you should take a closer look!"

In Ma Zhou's view, it's okay to mention this kind of thing. After Du Ruhui's incident, Li Shimin should be very happy to inspect the officials of the court. It's not a big deal to check on the way!
As for the officials of the court, seeing Du Ruhui, who was usually fierce and fierce, and worked overtime day and night, suddenly became seriously ill. Don't you want to check to see if there is anything wrong with your body?At least this has good benefits in terms of peace of mind.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Li Tai heard what Ma Zhou said, "Your words are very reasonable!
I think the second-step plan of the medical system can just be rolled out with this incident! "

"Huh?" Hearing what Li Tai said, Ma Zhou couldn't help but question marks all over his face. He always felt that Li Tai seemed to have made up a lot of things in his brain!
Ma Zhou knew a thing or two about Li Tai's plan to become a doctor, but the medical department was in charge of more specific projects, so Ma Zhou didn't go into details.

But the general goal is to improve the status of doctors and shape a benign medical system.

So Ma Zhou didn't understand at all what kind of inspiration Li Tai got from him.

But Li Tai didn't say much. After saying goodbye to Ma Zhou, he went to write the memorial.

This matter was somewhat different from the urgency of going to report to Li Jing's barracks at the beginning, Li Tai didn't need to rush to Chang'an overnight.

And Chang'an is afraid that everyone is concerned with Du Ruhui's illness, if he is too diligent, he may be ginsenged in a handover minister.

For the censor, sometimes participating in the performance is to be idle and idle. The participation in the performance itself is just the censor's sense of existence, and he may not really want to pull anyone down.

After all, the censor also has work indicators, and the censor who doesn't say a word will be dismissed.

After Li Tai finished writing the memorial, he then wrote a manual about officials' medical examinations and attached it to the memorial. The memorial was sent to Chang'an the next day. This matter needs time to ferment.

However, Du Ruhui's illness was obviously serious this time. After Sun Simiao went to Du Ruhui's mansion, he didn't come back for three days.

On the fourth day, there was no news from Sun Simiao, but Li Shimin summoned him to the Tai Chi Hall.

Li Tai didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately asked Lu Anshou to drive his ox cart towards Chang'an City.

Sitting in the bullock cart, Li Tai clearly felt that the atmosphere in Chang'an had changed, and it was full of joy.

Li Tai didn't go directly to the Tai Chi Hall, but went back to Yue Wang Mansion to change his clothes and sort out the information on the way.

Only then did Li Tai know that Li Jing and Li Shiji teamed up to stop Jieli Khan in Baidao.

Not only Jieli Khan was captured in this battle, but even the king of the Puppet Sui Dynasty was captured. Now it is just a quick report. After a while, these captives will be sent over.

"This is a good thing!" Li Tai breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

But after thinking about it for a while, Li Shiji indeed defeated Jieli Khan in this battle in history, but Jieli Khan managed to escape with a dozen of his cronies.

When he arrived on the grassland, he recruited another [-] soldiers and horses, and bluffed to ask Datang for peace.

And Li Jing decisively took advantage of his backstab while he was suing for peace with Datang, and only then did he capture Jieli Khan.

Now that this plot is saved to end the war in advance, it should be my own butterfly that affected the war.

As soon as he thought of this, Li Tai felt a bit of pride. He clenched his fists. It's not enough, it needs to be stronger!

Li Tai was ready and came to the Tai Chi Hall. At this moment, Li Shimin was naturally radiant. Being able to defeat the Eastern Turks and capture Jieli Khan was the best New Year's gift for Li Shimin.

As for the other ministers, they were also extremely happy, after all, things like war are too uncontrollable.

But now, from sending troops to ending the war, Li Jing was able to end the war before the Chinese New Year, which is really a surprise.

Originally, they thought that they would have to grit their teeth and supply the army with food and grass for a year or two, but now, they felt that the end of the war did not affect the second year's spring plowing, and it was really worth fighting.

"The blue bird is here!" Seeing Li Tai's arrival, Li Shimin was also full of joy, and said: "I have read your memorial about the medical examination, and I feel it is very necessary, so I will let you explain your thoughts in detail .”

"No!" Li Tai replied respectfully to Li Shimin, "Qing Que knew that Cai Guogong had a sudden and serious illness when he saw Sun's miracle doctor was announced, so that he could only cause trouble to recuperate, but whether this incident was a coincidence or inevitable, so This recommendation was made."

Zhang Xuansu stood up when he heard Li Tai's words, and said, "The king of Yue believes that the matter of Cai Guogong is not a coincidence!"

Hearing these words, the atmosphere in the whole hall suddenly changed, and everyone looked at Li Tai.

Li Tai replied calmly: "Yes and no! When the Sui Dynasty collapsed and the world was in chaos, Aye fought in the north and south, and rectified the mountains and rivers. People of your generation have endured hardships and injuries, and the physical loss is unimaginable.

Cai Guogong's sudden illness came, presumably because of hidden injuries in his body, and he became sick from overwork.

Therefore, I wrote a letter and proposed that the imperial medical department conduct physical examinations for the court officials every year.

Once in summer and once in winter to ensure that the ministers of the imperial court have no hidden diseases in their bodies.

At the same time, setting up medicine for prefectures and counties, even local officials, can also enjoy the care from the court.

After all, only when the important officials of the court are in good health can the court run in an orderly manner, and the business will not be delayed. "

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but looked at each other. They didn't expect such an arrangement.

But if you think about it strictly, there is nothing wrong with this incident, Wei Zheng stood up and said,

"The king of Yue advised that it is a good thing to have relations with the country and private affairs. Saint, please also issue an order to the Imperial Medical Office to let the Imperial Medical Office handle this matter well before the Chinese New Year!"

"Accurate! Draft the decree!" Li Shimin saw that Wei Zheng had stood up and supported it, so there was nothing to say about it, of course it was passed.

Wei Zheng looked at Li Tai the same way, but felt that Li Tai seemed to be able to take advantage of any loopholes.

In any case, the person in charge of this matter should be determined first. If Li Tailai takes the lead, Wei Zheng feels that Li Tai will gain a lot of prestige again. After all, this matter still cares about the courtiers, it is Daren!
Li Tai has such a reputation at his current age. To be honest, the influence on the prince is already quite serious.

But Li Tai did practical things in a down-to-earth manner. Although this kind of person can find faults, these faults are nothing to Li Shimin who is proud of Li Tai and cares about his children.

Even Wei Zheng had to admit that with Li Tai's establishment of Gaoling flourishing, even though Li Tai was only ten years old after the Chinese New Year this year, Li Tai was already considered a capable minister recognized by the Tang court.

Li Tai didn't know what Wei Zheng was thinking, and he didn't care if he knew.

Because what Wei Zheng likes is to give medical examinations to the ministers of the DPRK and China to earn prestige, but Li Tai likes to set up medicine for the prefectures and counties.

This can be regarded as the foreshadowing of his own medical plan. After all, the reconstruction of the entire medical system really requires the power of the entire imperial court to arrange it a little bit.

 The Tang Dynasty really established medicine in the states in September of the third year of Zhenguan. It can be regarded as a systematic training of doctors. Unfortunately, no person in charge of the imperial medical department has been found. He has perfected the inheritance system of traditional Chinese medicine. In fact, he is really an official medical strongman similar to Mr. Zhong Nanshan. The courses he arranges can train a qualified Chinese medicine doctor in seven years.

  This made the Imperial Medical Administration the oldest and largest medical school in the world, perfecting the cultivation of ancient Chinese medicine talents, but this person is not even qualified to be named in the history books.

  Forget it, since he can't find this person, the credit goes to the protagonist.

(End of this chapter)

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