Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 67 Li Tai's Proposal

Chapter 67 Li Tai's Proposal

"Qing Que, if you have nothing else to do, go down first!" Li Shimin said to Li Tai after watching this matter come to a decision.

"Aye, Qing Que still has something to report. It was originally planned to be written as a memorial, but since it's here, I will report it to you together!"

Li Tai said to Li Shimin seriously.

"Oh? What else is there?" Li Shimin asked in confusion when he heard Li Tai's words.

In fact, it wasn't just Li Shimin, even the court officials who were assisting in handling the documents in the Tai Chi Hall all raised their ears.

Because Li Tai had already proved that he was a capable minister, they all attached great importance to Li Tai's words.

Li Taidao: "Aye, I came to Chang'an today to hear that Li Shangshu has defeated the Turks and gained a lot!"

"Haha, in this battle, the pharmacist not only defeated the main force of the Turks, but also captured Jieli Khan, beheaded Yicheng, and captured the false emperor. It can be said that he has won a complete victory. Blood is the shame of the Wei River!" Li Shimin heard Li Tai's words. words, but also with high interest.

Obviously, for Li Shimin, Li Jing really gave himself a lot of face this time.

Even after he told Li Yuan the news, Li Yuan was just as happy, and his relationship with him eased a lot.

There is no way, during the Wude period, basically unless Li Shimin came out, he was basically hanged and beaten by the Turks.

If Li Yuan's inner confidant's trouble is that Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng compete for the heir, then the Turkic is Li Yuan's sworn enemy externally.

Li Tai could naturally see Li Shimin's excitement, and Li Tai said, "If there are Turkic captives or Turkic people moving inland, I hope some of them can be given to me. Gaoling is still quite short of people."

"Lack of people?" Dai Zhou, as Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, clearly knew the population of Li Tai's Gaoling.

Seeing Dai Zhou standing up, he said: "Gaoling has compiled nearly [-] refugees, and now the population may exceed [-] households.

Even if it has not reached [-] households, it is somewhat worse than some remote lower states.

How could Gaoling be short of people! "

Hearing Dai Zhou's words, everyone's eyes also fell on Li Tai, and they seemed to have realized that Li Tai was always short of people.

At this moment, Li Tai answered calmly, "Aye, do you still remember that I was asked to manage the hungry and cold people in Chang'an City last year?"

"Of course I still remember this!" Li Shimin replied after hearing Li Tai's words.

And Li Tai said unhurriedly: "The key to my ability to solve this problem is to find a way to provide jobs for the poor people, and at the same time, the people who are on the food and clothing line have cheap boiled water to keep out the cold.

The reason why there is boiling water is because there are workers mining coal in the mine. If there is no coal mine, then there is no need to talk about it. "

"What does this have to do with the lack of people!" Dai Zhou continued to ask after hearing Li Tai's words.

"For one thing, the Wei River froze due to the colder weather this year.

Therefore, part of the workers at the wharf were diverted to mines to dig coal to ensure the supply of coal this year.

However, freezing of the Wei River is not a common occurrence. Next year, the Gaoling Wharf will operate normally, so next year there will be a shortage of coal mining workers, which will affect Chang'an's coal supply! "

"Secondly, this year's great victory over the Turks has shown the majesty of the Tang Dynasty, and next year the grassland tribes should come to see Aye.

At the same time, in China, some people would have sharpened their heads to drill into Chang'an City, so the population of Chang'an City would definitely increase further.

Therefore, the charcoal consumption gap in Chang'an City in winter next year will be further enlarged. "

"Three things, alien races have always been difficult to educate.

I think that if you want to educate the Hu people, you should start with labor and let them bear some of the corvee work of our people.

But we also give money and food to keep them alive. When they learn the language of the Tang Dynasty, understand the culture of the Tang Dynasty, and understand that the identity of the Tang Dynasty is hard-won, we can give them the identity of the people of the Tang Dynasty.

I am very happy that my coal mine can become their first batch of testing grounds to educate aliens! "

"So using Turkic captives or civilians to provide labor is to give them a chance, and it's also a chance for us!"

When the ministers heard Li Tai's words, they did not expect Li Tai to have such determination.

It seems that there is no good reason to dissuade Li Tai.

After all, Confucianism is not the same as it calls for enlightenment every day, and now Li Tai also wants to educate, so we must let Li Tai do it!
As an ambitious minister, he also admired Li Tai's down-to-earth efforts to do this little by little.

The most important thing is that it is hard to refuse even if it is just an attempt to educate Turkic people or captives into the Chinese system!
"It has always been only poetry, books, rites and music that can educate the people, but the matter of labor reform is unheard of. I don't know which sage brought it up!" Dou Lukuan, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, stood up and said to Li Tai.

Li Tai pointed at himself, and said, "Me! As long as I succeed in enlightenment, I will be a sage in a thousand years!"

Hearing Li Tai's shameless words, everyone was a little stunned, but thinking about it carefully, since Li Tai became the magistrate at the age of nine, if he really succeeded in enlightening Li Tai, it would not be too much to be called a sage after a thousand years, but it was too much. Shameless!

When Dou Lukuan heard Li Tai's words, he didn't react for a moment. He took a deep breath, stopped entangled in this issue, and said:

"Gaoling is too close to Chang'an. These people stay in Gaoling like a sharp sword hanging from their heads. If a foreign race makes trouble, it will shake up the capital!"

"Shangshu Doulu's words are true!" Li Tai nodded and said, "If the pier in Gaoling has not been built, I can't say it.

However, with the construction of Gaoling Wharf, it is completely possible to build coal kilns in the coal-producing areas of Guanzhong, allowing foreigners to work,
Then the primary processed coal mines are sent to Gaoling for secondary processing through the Weishui River, such as making briquettes for Chang'an. "

"Why do you come to Gaoling for secondary processing, then why not just make it locally?" Dou Lukuan said.

"Yes!" Li Tai said naturally, "In this case, Shang Shu agreed to use the Turkic captives for labor reform!"

Dou Lukuan was stunned for a moment, originally thinking that Li Tai would definitely hold on to his interests and argue further with himself.

He talked about the principles of being a villain for profit, a gentleman and righteousness, but he didn't expect Li Tai to agree directly.

Li Tai is so easy to talk, which makes Dou Lukuan at a loss for what to say, because Li Tai doesn't love money!
But for Li Tai, briquettes can basically be learned at a glance, and there is no technological content at all.

What is really scientific and technological is how to make briquettes burn longer, how to be smoke-free, and how not to drop slag. Even if all these problems are solved, there is still a big problem, that is, charcoal poison itself.

Don't think that Li Tai has solved this problem, it really hasn't.

The coal that Li Tai produces is mainly from the egg hatching farms and the boiling water bathrooms. He has strict rules for his internal operations. Tell them directly that you will die if you don’t follow the operation. Come.

And even if it is sold to the common people, it is generally only sold to the common people who have built special kangs or honeycomb furnaces.

With a matching size, it is already a relatively good protective facility.

To put it simply, Li Tai was aiming at standardization and scale from the very beginning, and Li Tai may not even be interested in the interests in Dou Lukuan's eyes.

But if other private coal mines are opened, Li Tai can't guarantee the quality, but he can be sure that the entire industrial chain, from producers to consumers, will definitely die, and many people may die.

Li Tai had no doubts about this.

After all, it is normal for modern black coal mines to die a few people every year, let alone in this era.

This is an unavoidable pain for the coal industry, and they need them to open up markets where the government cannot reach.

And what I can do is to produce standardized and cheap coal, and then use the quality and price regulations to compete.

After all, referees and athletes are themselves, and the coal standard must be formulated according to the coal researched by Li Tai.

It doesn't even need the most normal scale in commercial competition to hurt people, normal business can kill them.

At that time, they will either become their own offline or quit the industry, so why don't they give them technology and opportunities.

"King Yue." Seeing that Dou Lukuan had nothing to say, Dai Zhou stood up and said:
"I have no objection to your calling captives for the country and the people, but please ask the king of Yue to compile it into a book.

Next year's autumn harvest, all males who are not among the exempt households will have to pay taxes, and please ask the king of Yue to prepare for rent transfers to pay taxes. "

"Understood..." Li Tai couldn't help muttering when he heard Dai Zhou's words, but he didn't say much.

After all, for things like paying taxes, other people must find ways to conceal them and evade taxes.

But as a child of the Li family, especially if his goal is to compete for the throne, he must not be able to evade taxes, so as to leave a handle.

And taking a step back, if you don't abide by many laws yourself, how can you make others obey them.

And Li Tai's eyes naturally turned to Li Shimin, if he agreed, then the matter of the captives would basically be decided.

"Here's a part of it for you!" Li Shimin thought for a while and waved to Li Tai, obviously not wanting to drag this issue any further.

"Thank you, Aye." Li Tai saluted Li Shimin, but he didn't leave yet, but continued to look at Li Shimin.

"Why? Isn't this satisfactory? What else can you do!" Li Shimin couldn't help saying when he heard Li Tai's words.

"No, Aye!" Li Tai shook his head, but nodded again, and said after thinking for a while, "I have an immature idea, and I hope that Aye and other ministers can help me refer to it. This matter needs your help. agree."

"Oh?" Li Shimin said with a smile when he heard Li Tai's words, "You're so polite, what is it?!"

"With the expansion of the road from Gaoling to Chang'an completed, I want to build the road from Fengxian to Gaoling, which will take about two years to complete.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I would like to conduct a relatively complete survey of Zheng Baiqu's entire system.

After my tenure in Gaoling expires, I want to start to renovate Zhengbaiqu, so now the urban development of Gaoling will be carried out in the direction of renovating Zhengbaiqu.

If Aye agrees, then I will start this matter after I go back. " Li Tai said.

"King Yue, are you going to renovate Zheng Baiqu?!" Even Fang Xuanling couldn't help but make a sound.

Although the renovation of Zheng Baiqu was not on the agenda for Fang Xuanling, it could be seen that as long as Chang'an was established as the capital, it would be a matter of course to renovate the entire irrigation area on the basis of Zheng Baiqu.

"Yes!" Li Tai nodded and said, "With the destruction of the Turks, our Tang Dynasty will definitely enter a relatively long period of stability.

At least before new ethnic minorities appear in the north to harm the frontier, isn't it a matter of course that we should try our best to develop ourselves! "

"The king of Yue felt that after Jieli Khan, the Turks would dare to invade our border again!" Dou Lukuan said seriously.

"Isn't this a matter of course?" Li Tai said, "Jieli deserves to die, but it is impossible to completely stabilize the border only by defeating Xieli. When new alien races grow up, we still have to continue to suppress alien races."

"It is true that killing and stopping killing is not the best thing, it should be educated!" Dou Lukuan nodded with a very reasonable look.

Li Tai was stunned, looked at Dou Lukuan, hesitated for a moment, and said: "If enlightenment is useful, then there will be no random things."

When Dou Lukuan heard Li Tai's words, he was almost out of breath. Obviously, Li Tai had never been on the side of Confucianism.

"King Yue, it looks like you have a good idea, why don't you talk about it!" Fang Xuanling said backwards.

The more Fang Xuanling communicated with Li Tai, the more he could imitate Li Tai's way of thinking.

But the way of thinking belongs to the way of thinking, and knowledge does not belong to the way of thinking, so Fang Xuanling doesn't know what Li Tai is going to do.

But Li Tai did something and explained it to Fang Xuanling, so Fang Xuanling could get started quickly.

And Fang Xuanling's ability to secure the top spot as Li Shimin's mastermind is very important.

Because as long as one's background and foundation are solid enough, in fact, many people wander around in front of Fang Xuanling, then at least in terms of thinking, it will be more transparent and there will be no difference.

For Fang Xuanling, he is willing, basically he is a guy who can make friends with anyone, er...except for Xiao Yu.

Li Tai heard Fang Xuanling's words and said:

"I propose that after defeating the Turks, the Turkic people should be relocated to the customs, and they would first work in coal mines for three years or serve in other hard labor for three years.

Among them, those who perform well, such as those who can speak Chinese and understand Han etiquette, will be given the opportunity to edit and naturalize them, and let them personally manage their original clansmen.
Then give him a certain quota of editors every year, I believe he will also be very happy to help people of his ethnic group get out of the sea of ​​suffering.

As for how to choose and whom to choose, we don't care, this is their own internal matter.

But for those who have been edited into the register, we naturally have to give them the treatment that ordinary people should have.

Those who were edited and included in the register by foreigners were given the surnames of those they needed to serve. For example, those who entered the coal field were given the surname Tan, those who built roads were given the surname Xinlu, those who built bridges were given the surname Qiao, and so on.

As long as the carbon field, the road and the bridge are there, then their spiritual sustenance is there.

They do not have a common ancestor with us, so we must at least help them create a sustenance. As long as this sustenance does not fall, I think they will all be willing to integrate into my Tang Dynasty.

And after waiting for more than ten or twenty years, after they are successfully Sinicized, it doesn't matter what sustenance is. "

Li Tai knew very well that there were two kinds of people in the seventh century Tang Dynasty, one was the people of the Tang Dynasty, and the other was those who wanted to be dogs of the Tang Dynasty but could not.

(End of this chapter)

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