New Lubu War

Chapter 110 Shhhhhhh

Chapter 110 Shhhhhhh

In the sixth year of Zhongping, early winter.

The royal court of the Southern Xiongnu rebelled, and Shanyu Yufulo entangled more than a dozen Hun tribes, numbering as many as [-], and went south to plunder, which was overwhelming.

Successively attacked Bingzhou Taiyuan, Shangdang, Xihe, and in early December, entered the territory of Lizhou Hedong.

Burning, killing and looting along the way, displaced people along the way.

At that time, General Zuo, under the guise of Lu Bu in the north, issued a general order to gather soldiers and horses from the five surviving counties in Bingzhou to suppress the rebellion.

In the middle of the year, the Xiongnu army returned north after looting, and was intercepted by the Bingzhou army between the two counties of Hedong and Xihe.


"Your Majesty, Shan Yu is willing to offer one hundred thousand sheep, ten thousand cows, twenty thousand horses, and ten thousand taels of gold. Please, Your Majesty, get out of the way!"

"This winter, the grassland lacks clothing and food, countless cattle and sheep are frozen to death, and the life of the Huns is difficult!"

"In view of this, Shan Yu had no choice but to go south, and he had absolutely no intention of betraying the great man, let alone going against the king!"

In the camp, Lu Bugao sat on the seat, holding the roasted mutton slices on the table, chewing carefully, and silently listening to the eloquent explanation of the Hun envoy in front of him.

Swallow the mutton in his mouth, put the mutton slices in his hand and continue to chew, wait a moment, and swallow again.


After swallowing the mutton in his mouth, Lu Bu waved his hand without raising his head, and said:
"Drag it down, cut it off!"


The Huns envoy looked at Lu Bu dumbfounded.

But the left and right sergeants walked up unceremoniously, and dragged him out of the tent.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me!"

The Huns envoy panicked and shouted hastily:
"Please let the villain go back. The villain will definitely persuade Shan Yu to give you [-], no, [-], [-] sheep, [-] cows, [-] horses, [-] gold, and a thousand beauties... !"

While struggling, the Huns envoy shouted hysterically.

Although the voice was loud, it gradually became weaker as the distance got farther and farther away. Finally, with an 'ah', there was no more sound.

"[-] sheep, [-] cows, [-] horses, [-] gold, and [-] beauties?"


Waving his hand, signaling the left and right sergeants to clean up the cases in front of him, Lu Bu wiped his mouth and said to himself:
"Brother doesn't care about such things!"


on the open plains.

The horses galloped, and the shouts of fighting resounded through the sky and the earth.

A Hun cavalry of more than ten thousand cavalry met a Han army of two thousand cavalry, and the two sides immediately launched a fierce battle.

Facing the mighty Hun cavalry rushing forward, the two thousand Han troops reined in their horses and did not move. Everyone took out their bows and arrows, and drew their bows and arrows on their horses.


Two thousand arrows pierced the sky and shot at the Huns cavalry who were charging with scimitars in their hands.


There was a scream, and nearly [-] Hun cavalry who rushed to the front failed to stop them, and fell off their horses with arrows.

Although the Huns are fierce, their armor is simple and they have few armors. Most of them wear sheepskin jackets. How can they resist sharp arrows?
There were also Hun cavalry who took out their bows and arrows to fight back, but it is not easy to shoot arrows immediately.

Although the Hu people grew up on horses, their archery skills were generally good, but their accuracy and power were far lower than usual when galloping their horses.

Therefore, although there were thousands of Hun cavalry who shot back and fired back, very few of them were really threatening.

Even if a few reach the Han army, the strength and penetration of the arrows will be greatly reduced, and the tough leather armor on the body can be ignored.

But it doesn't matter, there are few Han soldiers, as long as they rush to the front, the Huns cavalry still have the upper hand in close combat.


The Han army has been well trained and skilled in archery. They shot three rounds in an instant, causing about [-] Hun cavalry to fall off their horses and die.

But riding a Mercedes-Benz on flat ground is extremely fast.

With a distance of a hundred steps, the breathing space is reduced to less than fifty steps.

If the Han army still shoots arrows in place, they may still be able to shoot three rounds, causing nearly [-] Hun cavalry damage.

However, if you rein in your horse and stand still, you will definitely lose your charge momentum, and you will have no power to fight back in front of the rushing Huns cavalry.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the Han army will definitely put away their bows and arrows and charge with guns.

However, this time, the situation is quite different.

After the three rounds of arrow rain, the two thousand Han cavalry quickly turned their horses and galloped to the rear.

Seeing this, the chief general of the Xiongnu army was overjoyed, and quickly waved his scimitar and shouted:

"The Han army has fled, catch up!"


"Come on!"



All the cavalry of the Huns swarmed forward as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

However, what they didn't expect was that Han Qi, who was running away in front, suddenly continued to draw his bow and arrow on his horseback, and shot back backwards.


Another round of arrow rain covered.



This time, because the Xiongnu cavalry were unprepared in advance, the number of arrows hit increased greatly, reaching five or six hundred.

"how is this possible?"

Seeing this scene, the general of the Huns was shocked.

"This kind of archery can only be achieved by a few grassland warriors and sharp archers. How can everyone in the Han army do it?"

With a bumpy horseback, archery is not easy.

Even for the Huns who grew up on horseback, it was very difficult to shoot arrows while galloping.

Usually only a small number of sharpshooters in the tribe can do it.

Not to mention reflexive shooting while running.

Ten times more difficult than frontal archery.

There are at most one or two such sharp archers in a tribe of ten thousand people!

People and horses are not tied together. With the violent bumps, it is not easy to ride steadily on the horse without falling off.

If you want to fight all kinds of battles on the horse, you are not a battle-tested veteran, it is simply impossible for you to do it!
As for normal archery on galloping horseback, the front, back, side, strength and accuracy are not lower than usual, that is simply a myth.

Anyone with this ability is known as a grassland warrior, a sharp archer, and a Jebe among the major tribes!

One in a million!

Therefore, despite the fact that the barbarians on the prairie are called cavaliers, in fact, when they really fight, they also rely on charging and fighting, mainly in close combat.

This situation has lasted for thousands of years.

It was not until more than a thousand years later that a tribe rose up on the grassland and improved the saddle and stirrup, and the cavalry tactics were completely changed.

At this moment, this Han cavalry is equipped with saddles and stirrups that should have appeared more than a thousand years later.

As for archery, under the instruction of Lu Bu and Cao Xing, he practiced hard for five years.

For five years, no farm work, no grazing, hard training in the military camp every day, no shortage of food, enough mutton, and careful guidance from a good teacher, even a trash can become a genius!

You must know that the vast majority of Hu people usually eat only cheese products, and only a few big nobles can eat mutton every day.

As for the Wuyuan soldiers and horses, they not only practiced hard for five years in riding, archery, and array tactics, but also ate meat every day.

Lu Bu received tribute from the surrounding Hu people, and he was sitting on the prosperous Hu Han merchant market, so the money flowed in and he was very rich.

Most of the money was invested in Wuyuan soldiers and horses!

With all these, one can imagine how elite the Wuyuan soldiers and horses are today!

After chasing for less than ten miles, there were less than [-] Huns cavalry who originally had [-] cavalry!
"Retract troops, withdraw troops!"

Seeing that something was wrong, the chief general of the Huns cavalry shouted loudly and ordered to retreat.

However, when the Xiongnu cavalry obeyed the order and turned back to retreat, the two thousand Han cavalry immediately turned their horses around and followed them.


The rain of arrows covered the sky, and the dark clouds generally slanted down.

An hour later.

On this plain, corpses are everywhere, and tens of thousands of ownerless war horses are scattered everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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